Sunday, July 31, 2016

How to install #WordPress locally on #Windows 10 without 3rd #Party apps

How to install WordPress locally on Windows 10 without 3rd party apps If you're planning to install WordPress locally on your Windows 10 computer, you're in the right place. This article is a step-by-step guide to configure your computer to act as its own web server for hosting WordPress. The only visible difference ... read more5 Last Things to Try Before Downgrading from Windows 10 Here you will find how to prevent Windows 10 from automatically updating your drivers, which is essential if you've rolled back from the recent version and don't want it to be reinstalled without your ... the support of third-party developers. read more

Windows 10 personal data collection ruled 'excessive' Microsoft's Windows ... without their consent." The agency alleges Microsoft is violating France's data privacy law by: Prompted by media reports and letters from several French political parties, France's data privacy agency began looking into Windows 10 ... read moreWindows 10: Here's what Microsoft should have done instead Perhaps we wouldn't have to use third-party utilities to sync our ... easily survive the addition of a keyboard without the need for an entire special OS mode. Like many of the other new features in Windows 10, it seems like a "throw it against the ... read moreMicrosoft blocks third-party search engines on Windows 10 Microsoft announced today that it made the decision to enforce the use of Microsoft Edge and Bing with Cortana on its Windows ... 10 operating system. Some might even argue that this is the main reason for Microsoft's decision to block third-party search ... read moreEarly look at Windows 10 on the new Retina MacBook says it runs better than OS X One of the first people to try Windows 10 on the new Retina MacBook says that it actually ... there's no Bluetooth support and some Windows apps (like Steam) look blurry because they don't support the full resolution of the Retina display. read moreWhy I'll Never Try Changing the Windows 10 Login Background Again Multiple developers out there have made third-party apps to change ... the newest version of Windows 10 just fine, but I had no luck even on my second try. Whether this is because I upgraded to Windows 10 and didn't do a clean install or if it's ... read moreWindows 10 and beleaguered Microsoft's desperation "Microsoft continues to go overboard to push Windows 10 updates," Gene Steinberg writes for The Tech ... Microsoft evidently pushed downloads on their PC, in the background, without their approval. On some occasions, the update was even installed ... read moreHow to upgrade your PC to Windows 10 There won't be any subscription costs to pay, though all Windows 10 users need a free Microsoft account – sign up for one on Microsoft's site if you don't have one. If you want to take the upgrade to Windows 10 ... install over Windows 7 or 8.1 ... read moreWhich mobile operating system is best? Android vs iOS vs Windows 10 Mobile It works fantastically, and with Google opening up the APIs to developers, it also incorporates third party apps ... sluggish, without really giving you a good reason to use it ahead of your iPhone. Microsoft hasn't yet expanded its Windows 10 OS into ... read more

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Source: How to install #WordPress locally on #Windows 10 without 3rd #Party apps

What Makes a Blogging Platform Right for Your Business?

There are lots of factors that determine the success of business blogging. One of those factors takes place even before building a blog for your business.

Choosing the platform where to host your blog is important as it serves as the foundation where your blog rests.

Therefore, it is crucial that you get selecting a blogging platform right the first time. If you feel that you have chosen wrong, you will need to undergo a painstaking process of transferring all your content from your old blogging platform to a new one.

This goes by also saying that there is no single perfect platform for everyone; rather, there is only a blogging platform that works best for you.

In this post, we will discuss the follow criteria to determine the best blogging platform that suits your business.

Related Article: Small Business Blogging: 5 Reasons It Works & Tips for Execution


Not all businesses have the funds to get someone to build the blog for them nor the skills and patience to set up a self-hosted blog for his or her companies. They prefer a quick and easy DIY platform where they can build a blog on the go without the fancy features known from another platform.

This is the reason why website builders exist. Not only can businesses build a beautiful website for their products and services to attract their audience and convert them into customers, but they can also create a content-rich blog that their target market would want to read. The key to the success of website builders is their drag and drop feature that allows website and blog owners to include elements on a site page easily without any design skills or experience.

Weebly site example

One of the best and most popular website is Weebly. Perfect for small business and E-commerce sites, the platform takes away the guesswork from site building by allowing you to drag easily and drop website elements and bring your ideas to life. Here is a great review and tutorial about Weebly for your pleasure.


One of the many quirks that people do not like about website builders is the limited nature of the platform. Given that it is built for beginners due to this drag and drop feature, the platform provides little to no room for customization. As a result, there is a tendency for users of website builders to have to the same look and feel on their business blogs.

To truly stand out, you would want a platform that will afford you a customized appearance for your blog to help it stand out from its competition. A platform like a self-hosted WordPress blog ought to do the trick.

Wordpress site example

There is an excellent reason why almost half of the sites online use WordPress to run their blog, which is also the reason why I believe that this is arguably the best platform to use for your blog. Aside from customization, WordPress lets you supercharge your blog with thousands of plugins to choose from to help you achieve your business goals. Whether it is building your email list, selling your products and services, or engaging with your readers, WordPress has the plugin that you need.

To help you create a website using WordPress, this resource site will give you the details on how to make a beautiful looking blog in a couple of minutes.

Related Article: 5 Costly Blunders That Could Compromise Your Blog in 2016

Responsive and Mobile-Friendly

With the rise of mobile use to search the web, there is now need to build websites that are optimized for mobile viewing. Your blogging platform should have the ability to resize the page automatically depending on the screen resolution of the user browsing your blog, whether it is a desktop or a mobile device. With a responsive design for your business blog, you can ensure that your site loads fast on any device and prevent visitors from leaving your site due to slow loading speed.

Joomla site screenshot

Therefore, building a blog using Joomla is an excellent way to leverage the ability to provide a mobile-friendly design to deliver your blog content. Arguably one of the most professional platforms in the market, there is a lot to love about Joomla other than its mobile-readiness, which is clearly stated in this resource post.

Third-Party Integration

As a business blogger, you will want all the help you can get. This means getting different service providers to integrate with your choice of platform. Similar to WordPress plugins, Drupal's modules allow you to get the most out of your blog and bring it to the next level with added features. If you want to boost your social media activity, CRM, SEO, and security feature, Drupal has something for everyone. Check out other benefits of choosing Drupal as your blogging platform in this post.


Let's face it - most of the blogging platforms out there are focused on providing the full-scale experience of designing, developing, and boost their blogs that it is easy to forget what a blog is all about, which is sharing ideas with readers through your content. If you simply want to focus on harnessing the power of the written word, then you may want to forego the platform mentioned above and go straight to a no-frills platform like Ghost.

Townsquare site example - screenshot

Ghost brings back the "blogging" in blogging platform. It lets you build your blog around your content, which is the focus of the platform. You can customize the look and feel as you see fit, although you may need help from a developer to achieve the appearance you want. Nonetheless, this should not scare you if your primary focus is to blog and let your words do the talking.

In case you need more convincing to try out Ghost, here is a post to help get you to try out this platform.

Related Article: Stay In the Know: How to Keep Up with Digital Marketing Trends


Given that you have been presented with not only different criteria to consider when choosing a blogging platform as well as the actual platforms themselves, but it is also time for your to test-run them yourself and see which one you are most comfortable using. The criteria should help you determine your priorities as a blogger using their platforms. From there, you can decide the perfect blogging platform for you.

Source: What Makes a Blogging Platform Right for Your Business?

JavaScript, #WordPress and the REST API: Sorting Fact from Fiction

JavaScript, WordPress and the REST API: Sorting Fact from Fiction Are you thinking about using the REST API for your WordPress site? Maybe you've been reading all about it, are intrigued but are put off by some of the disadvantages of working with JavaScript that you may have heard about. When it comes to getting to ... read moreSitePoint Podcast #124: The iPhone Snooty Voice They've done this sort of thing before, they had the mod page speed Apache ... But it's a cool service, it sounds cool, but it doesn't really explain to me if I'm running say WordPress, how is it going to take my WordPress and rewrite the WordPress ... read more Code Developed by the People and for the People, Released Back to the People Moreover, all content will be available through a JSON API, for even simpler reusability ... and use technologies that are years behind the rest of the web. could have gone in the same direction, but for the influence of its young chief ... read moreWhat is HTML5? This is nothing more than making sure that the bibliography of a document isn't physically stuck at the end of a long web page, but is in fact separate and easily maintained, but still able to be integrated into the rest of the page. Now, before moving ... read moreFive top tips for building responsive WordPress sites WordPress is quickly becoming a household name and the gold standard of content management systems. While relying on WordPress is becoming the norm for delivering content, users are increasingly using mobile devices to consume that content. In fact in 2015 ... read moreAll about promises (for Windows Store apps written in JavaScript) When writing Windows Store apps in JavaScript, you encounter these constructs called promises as soon as you do anything that involves an asynchronous API. It also doesn't ... Broken promises are just a fact of life, one that we have to accept in both ... read moreIraqi Dinar Investment: Fact or Fiction? So are those claims, used to promote dinar as a good investment, fact or fiction? WHNT News 19 took action to find out. Here's what our investigation found: Claim #1: There will be a "revaluation" or "RV" of Iraqi dinar, raising its value against the ... read moreExposed: An inside look at the Magnitude Exploit Kit LAS VEGAS (Black Hat USA) - Researchers at Trustwave have provided CSO with an inside look at the Magnitude Exploit Kit's infrastructure ... Visitors were redirected to Magnitude via a compromised JavaScript file, and targeted by exploits for various ... read moreWhat is "Islamic"? A Muslim Response to ISIS and The Atlantic Perhaps Wood should leave such arguments to people in the know. One would expect the fact that not a single Muslim scholar of repute, from across the theological schools of Islam and spanning the entirety of the Muslim world, has ever issued a fatwa ... read more12 predictions, 5 years: The future of programming Gamers love to brag about their graphics cards, and the rest of the world ... when you can add a plug-in to WordPress? If you're really picky, you could work with Joomla or Drupal. The point isn't which platform, just the fact that there are fewer reasons ... read more

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Source: JavaScript, #WordPress and the REST API: Sorting Fact from Fiction

Saturday, July 30, 2016

How to maintain a professional blog while working a full-time job

Jack of all trades, master of none. Growing up, this was our greatest fear – nobody wanted to be Jack. So we decided to play it safe and stick to the one thing we knew we were good at, and in the process of 'one-mind success', we subconsciously closed off other potential options. We may be round the clock workers, pooling in extra hours to ensure we get that fat paycheck at the end of the month. But, are we truly happy with just that to show for ourselves?

As humans, we intrinsically crave for more than what we're getting because we realise out true inbuilt potential. But managing two or more concrete jobs is no piece of cake, so we retreat with our tails between our legs and perch ourselves in front of our computers – efficiently computing the task assigned to us.


But today, we can pen down our passions while on the day job – by blogging. Be it through WordPress or Blogger, blogging gives you the perfect platform to carry out a Plan B and make it a part of your professional day to day life. All it takes is a couple of hundred words and some great penmanship!

But maintaining a full-time job as well as a professional blog isn't easy. More often than not, people start to lag on the latter and miss out on what can truly be one of the smartest investments they can make.

To help you sort out this dilemma, we present you with a few tips to maintain your blog while still working a full-time job.

Sort out your niche

It's very natural to treat your blog like a public journal and type out any and every wayward thought that crosses your head. But that's confusing and a hassle to follow and that's where you lose out on half your followers and waste eons of precious time. Before you launch your blog, it would be wise to peter down to one chosen niche on which you can continue to work on for the next couple of blog posts and one that is sure to get you a good readership and following.

Determine your target audience

The second most important thing to do is to figure out the target audience that suits your niche. You don't want to be putting up deep philosophical mumbo jumbo out to the world and have that one lone follower who also happens to be your best friend. Put out a couple of experimental content first, see the response you get and also which demographic gives you the best response. Start creating content based on these statistics and shell out your work for a wider reach!

Check your analytics

Sharing posts on Facebook and Twitter and getting a base number of likes and shares does not reflect your reach to a wider set of audience. WordPress gives you the option to check the percentage and number of views to your posts, individually. Based on this, you can tell which ones fare better than the other. According to these statistics, you will be able to judge what kind of content plays to your advantage.

Keep posting

Even if you think it isn't your best quality work and the words are still a bit jumbled, keep posting, because the minute you lag, your viewership will drop, as will your desire to keep shelling out more content. It's very easy to fall into a lethargic web and give up blogging as a 'hobby', but enough content has been put out in the corners of the internet about how you can monetise your blog and set up a flourishing business out of it. So don't stop writing. It's your very legacy.


This is the final, and possibly most crucial, part of the entire process that distinguishes your blog from between being professional or simply being a past-time. Chalk out a plan at the beginning of every week, figure out how many posts you want to put out on a daily basis and how you can promote them instantly. Use social media to its maximum potential. Once you have your requisite following, approach investors and marketers, and form a symbiotic relationship with them. Tell them that you will grant them ad space in return for their investment and ordeal on a successful business relationship, one that does not encroach onto your daytime business in any right or form.

These are the five easy steps to help maintain an active blog primarily for a professional purpose, while keeping up with your daily full-time job. Some days may be harder than others, considering the unpredictability of work hours and shifts. But more importantly, this is a steady and fairly simple mantra to follow and excel at. So start writing, folks!

Source: How to maintain a professional blog while working a full-time job

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  • Great for ThemeForest authors to include in their WordPress themes for sale – requires Extended license
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    Responsive Multi-Purpose Parallax WordPress Theme – BigStream

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    Source: Fresh File Editor – WordPress Plugin

    How To Make A #Website With #WordPress And Start A #Blog Online In Just Under 15 Minutes

    How To Make A Website With Wordpress And Start A Blog Online In Just Under 15 Minutes The one thing that typically stops people who want to become bloggers from taking the plunge is that they simply don't know how to go about doing it. There are a lot of decisions for a blogger to make right off the bat - sometimes within the first ten ... read more16 Impossibly Awesome WordPress Plugins That Will Supercharge Your Website I'll start ... you're just starting your online journey with a WordPress website definitely consider playing around with a few plugins to see what they're capable of. These plugins are meant to improve the performance of your website and create a better ... read more

    How to Start a Blog and Earn Extra Money Making money from a blog isn't easy, but it's a lot more likely if you take the proper steps from the start ... including Bluehost, make it easy to install WordPress with just one click. Simply, click on the website builder and follow the prompts ... read moreHow To Create A Membership-Only Website using WordPress One of our readers – Beeba – asked a question via our MakeUseOf Answers regarding this topic: "How can I sell files online and protect the download link?" Beeba was afraid that people who bought his digital product will just share the download link ... read more10 Online Marketing Tools You Need When Starting a Business For example, you can share blog posts on Trello, before you publish them. This gives others on your team the opportunity to review the post, share their thoughts and make ... start. It only takes a couple of minutes to add the Analytics code to your ... read moreHow to Set Up a Hosted WordPress Site But free content management and sleek templates aren't the only features WordPress offers — you can actually download software from and set up your own custom website within minutes ... you start the installation process, make sure you ... read moreHow to start blogging with Microsoft Word WordPress is also very easy to use with Microsoft Word. If you haven't already set up a WordPress blog, you can do it in just a few minutes ... d like to upload it but not make it public yet, click on the arrow under Publish and choose Publish as ... read moreHow to Make a WordPress Site in 21 Days It includes all the steps to make your first WordPress blog, plus screenshots and resources for learning web design. Need more help with your WordPress website or blog ... domain hosting and custom builds. In just 28 days, you'll learn about WordPress ... read moreA Beginner's Guide to Starting a Blog: 50 Essential Tips and Tricks But before you become Chiara Ferragni-level successful, you need to start at the beginning. Like any startup, new bloggers need to create a website ... to your blog, you've just scored yourself a new reader. If you created your blog on WordPress ... read moreMy conversation with Matt Mullenweg about domain names There's WordPress the software, which is licensed under the ... it just means a website. It's actually sort of, the word keeps expanding, and morphing to encompass more and more, which is kind of funny. A lot of times, I say, make a WordPress. read more

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    Source: How To Make A #Website With #WordPress And Start A #Blog Online In Just Under 15 Minutes

    Friday, July 29, 2016

    New Jersey Town #Website Hacked 8 Times in 20 Days

    New Jersey Town Website Hacked 8 Times in 20 Days Between July 7 and July 26, the date of the last reported hack, the website of the Harrison city council,, has been hacked eight different times. There are no clues about the identity of the hacker(s), and at this time, it is not known ... read moreThe Top 10 Golf Courses In New Jersey - Where Does Baltusrol Rank? While following stars like Jason Day, Rory McIlroy ... golfer are on full display at Baltusrol. New Jersey is chock full of terrific golf courses — many of them private clubs — from the densely-populated towns in North Jersey to the sandy and piney ... read more

    Jersey City to commemorate 100th anniversary of explosions at Black Tom Island Saturday, on the 100th anniversary of the attack, Luk and a number of historians will gather at the site ... New Jersey City University. The shockwave broke water mains in Times Square, flooding four city blocks, according to newspaper stories from that day. read moreHillary Clinton's Convention: Day 1 If a United States presidential election been hacked "by the Russians" (as analysts kept putting it, stoking the spygames angle), "this is truly frightening," Mr. Mook said. Just days ago ... from neighboring New Jersey. Mr. Schmidheiser, who ... read morePaddlers don't have to look far to find stellar kayak excursions in the Mid-Atlantic There's a primitive, free launch site by the Jefferson Bridge off Kent Avenue. It is on Guy Street, an unmarked dirt road. New Jersey has ... use fees ($20) are charged from Memorial Day through Labor Day. There is no fee at other times of the year. read moreNew Jersey's forgotten terror attack Today, on the 100th anniversary of the attack, Luk and a number of historians will gather at the site ... New Jersey City University. The shockwave broke water mains in Times Square, flooding four city blocks, according to newspaper stories from that day. read moreBest concerts of the month in Singapore, August 2016: Live music gigs you must catch You can register for free invites now at this website. Eight years might not seem long in one's lifetime, but for the Good Times crew, it's been more ... and this lad from New Jersey's even got a Platinum track of his own titled "One Call Away". read moreLatest coverage of the Democratic National Convention, Day 1 11:20 p.m. Bernie Sanders says ... falling for" Trump's divisive rhetoric. 8:05 p.m. Cory Booker is calling for the Democratic party to unite around Hillary Clinton — and the Democratic senator from New Jersey says Clinton would be a champion for the ... read moreThe Latest: 41 get medical help on convention's 1st day PHILADELPHIA – The Latest on protests on the first day of the Democratic National Convention (all times local): 8:15 p.m. Philadelphia ... a bridge from New Jersey into Philadelphia in the sweltering heat have arrived in the City of Brotherly Love ... read more47 people arrested at Guns N' Roses concerts in New Jersey (all times local): 5:20 p.m. The mother of one of two teens killed at a Florida nightcl... NEW ... CITY, Mo. (AP) — It has been two years since a white police officer fatally shot black teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, touching off days ... read more

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    Source: New Jersey Town #Website Hacked 8 Times in 20 Days

    What Makes a Blogging Platform Right for Your Business?

    There are lots of factors that determine the success of business blogging. One of those factors takes place even before building a blog for your business.

    Choosing the platform where to host your blog is important as it serves as the foundation where your blog rests.

    Therefore, it is crucial that you get selecting a blogging platform right the first time. If you feel that you have chosen wrong, you will need to undergo a painstaking process of transferring all your content from your old blogging platform to a new one.

    This goes by also saying that there is no single perfect platform for everyone; rather, there is only a blogging platform that works best for you.

    In this post, we will discuss the follow criteria to determine the best blogging platform that suits your business.

    Related Article: Small Business Blogging: 5 Reasons It Works & Tips for Execution


    Not all businesses have the funds to get someone to build the blog for them nor the skills and patience to set up a self-hosted blog for his or her companies. They prefer a quick and easy DIY platform where they can build a blog on the go without the fancy features known from another platform.

    This is the reason why website builders exist. Not only can businesses build a beautiful website for their products and services to attract their audience and convert them into customers, but they can also create a content-rich blog that their target market would want to read. The key to the success of website builders is their drag and drop feature that allows website and blog owners to include elements on a site page easily without any design skills or experience.

    Weebly site example

    One of the best and most popular website is Weebly. Perfect for small business and E-commerce sites, the platform takes away the guesswork from site building by allowing you to drag easily and drop website elements and bring your ideas to life. Here is a great review and tutorial about Weebly for your pleasure.


    One of the many quirks that people do not like about website builders is the limited nature of the platform. Given that it is built for beginners due to this drag and drop feature, the platform provides little to no room for customization. As a result, there is a tendency for users of website builders to have to the same look and feel on their business blogs.

    To truly stand out, you would want a platform that will afford you a customized appearance for your blog to help it stand out from its competition. A platform like a self-hosted WordPress blog ought to do the trick.

    Wordpress site example

    There is an excellent reason why almost half of the sites online use WordPress to run their blog, which is also the reason why I believe that this is arguably the best platform to use for your blog. Aside from customization, WordPress lets you supercharge your blog with thousands of plugins to choose from to help you achieve your business goals. Whether it is building your email list, selling your products and services, or engaging with your readers, WordPress has the plugin that you need.

    To help you create a website using WordPress, this resource site will give you the details on how to make a beautiful looking blog in a couple of minutes.

    Related Article: 5 Costly Blunders That Could Compromise Your Blog in 2016

    Responsive and Mobile-Friendly

    With the rise of mobile use to search the web, there is now need to build websites that are optimized for mobile viewing. Your blogging platform should have the ability to resize the page automatically depending on the screen resolution of the user browsing your blog, whether it is a desktop or a mobile device. With a responsive design for your business blog, you can ensure that your site loads fast on any device and prevent visitors from leaving your site due to slow loading speed.

    Joomla site screenshot

    Therefore, building a blog using Joomla is an excellent way to leverage the ability to provide a mobile-friendly design to deliver your blog content. Arguably one of the most professional platforms in the market, there is a lot to love about Joomla other than its mobile-readiness, which is clearly stated in this resource post.

    Third-Party Integration

    As a business blogger, you will want all the help you can get. This means getting different service providers to integrate with your choice of platform. Similar to WordPress plugins, Drupal's modules allow you to get the most out of your blog and bring it to the next level with added features. If you want to boost your social media activity, CRM, SEO, and security feature, Drupal has something for everyone. Check out other benefits of choosing Drupal as your blogging platform in this post.


    Let's face it - most of the blogging platforms out there are focused on providing the full-scale experience of designing, developing, and boost their blogs that it is easy to forget what a blog is all about, which is sharing ideas with readers through your content. If you simply want to focus on harnessing the power of the written word, then you may want to forego the platform mentioned above and go straight to a no-frills platform like Ghost.

    Townsquare site example - screenshot

    Ghost brings back the "blogging" in blogging platform. It lets you build your blog around your content, which is the focus of the platform. You can customize the look and feel as you see fit, although you may need help from a developer to achieve the appearance you want. Nonetheless, this should not scare you if your primary focus is to blog and let your words do the talking.

    In case you need more convincing to try out Ghost, here is a post to help get you to try out this platform.

    Related Article: Stay In the Know: How to Keep Up with Digital Marketing Trends


    Given that you have been presented with not only different criteria to consider when choosing a blogging platform as well as the actual platforms themselves, but it is also time for your to test-run them yourself and see which one you are most comfortable using. The criteria should help you determine your priorities as a blogger using their platforms. From there, you can decide the perfect blogging platform for you.

    Source: What Makes a Blogging Platform Right for Your Business?

    How To Make A #Website With #WordPress And Start A #Blog Online In Just Under 15 Minutes

    How To Make A Website With Wordpress And Start A Blog Online In Just Under 15 Minutes The one thing that typically stops people who want to become bloggers from taking the plunge is that they simply don't know how to go about doing it. There are a lot of decisions for a blogger to make right off the bat - sometimes within the first ten ... read more16 Impossibly Awesome WordPress Plugins That Will Supercharge Your Website I'll start ... you're just starting your online journey with a WordPress website definitely consider playing around with a few plugins to see what they're capable of. These plugins are meant to improve the performance of your website and create a better ... read more

    How to Start a Blog and Earn Extra Money Making money from a blog isn't easy, but it's a lot more likely if you take the proper steps from the start ... including Bluehost, make it easy to install WordPress with just one click. Simply, click on the website builder and follow the prompts ... read more10 Online Marketing Tools You Need When Starting a Business For example, you can share blog posts on Trello, before you publish them. This gives others on your team the opportunity to review the post, share their thoughts and make ... start. It only takes a couple of minutes to add the Analytics code to your ... read moreHow To Create A Membership-Only Website using WordPress One of our readers – Beeba – asked a question via our MakeUseOf Answers regarding this topic: "How can I sell files online and protect the download link?" Beeba was afraid that people who bought his digital product will just share the download link ... read moreYummy Season! Templates for BBQ and Grill Restaurants + BBQ Recipes When charcoal turns grayish white (start checking coals after 15 minutes), the grill will be at ... for example. Quickly create new sections and content elements on your website pages, manage widgets and adjust settings with it. Have you ever noticed ... read moreHow to start blogging with Microsoft Word WordPress is also very easy to use with Microsoft Word. If you haven't already set up a WordPress blog, you can do it in just a few minutes ... d like to upload it but not make it public yet, click on the arrow under Publish and choose Publish as ... read moreHow to Make a WordPress Site in 21 Days It includes all the steps to make your first WordPress blog, plus screenshots and resources for learning web design. Need more help with your WordPress website or blog ... domain hosting and custom builds. In just 28 days, you'll learn about WordPress ... read moreHow to Set Up a Hosted WordPress Site But free content management and sleek templates aren't the only features WordPress offers — you can actually download software from and set up your own custom website within minutes ... you start the installation process, make sure you ... read moreMy conversation with Matt Mullenweg about domain names There's WordPress the software, which is licensed under the ... it just means a website. It's actually sort of, the word keeps expanding, and morphing to encompass more and more, which is kind of funny. A lot of times, I say, make a WordPress. read more

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    We will send the script to your PayPal email within few hours,Please add to your email contact.
    Source: How To Make A #Website With #WordPress And Start A #Blog Online In Just Under 15 Minutes

    Thursday, July 28, 2016

    How To Keep Your WordPress Site Safe From Hackers [Infographic]

    WordPress is the most popular content management system for blogging on the web by a long margin. Unfortunately, this has made it a target for nefarious hackers looking to access private data and/or insert malware. This infographic from cmstowp breaks down everything you need to know about WordPress security — including tips to keep your site protected.

    cmstowp is a CMS migration service provider and builder of custom web applications. Its infographic on WordPress security contains a solid overview on the topic, along with effective management tips and warning signs to look out for.

    [Via cmstowp]

    Since WordPress is one of the most popular platforms for blogging, it makes it's a preferred target for hackers who are continuously in search of finding novel ways and means to exploit the potential weaknesses in websites.

    Effective management of your WordPress site is a more than a necessity and maintaining its health and privacy at all times is a must.

    Persistent monitoring and keeping an eye on the security not just helps to safeguard the website from unwanted attacks but also regulates right functioning.

    The below infographic depicts some of the symptoms that you can watch out for while managing your WordPress site.

    Once you identify the influencing factors behind the mediocre performance of your site, you can define measures to fix them.

    Keeping a strict vigilance, over the period, would ensure taking preventive steps beforehand.

    Have you subscribed to Lifehacker Australia's email newsletter? You can also follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.
    Source: How To Keep Your WordPress Site Safe From Hackers [Infographic]

    The common problem with Drupal, Joomla, and Xoops

    The common problem with Drupal, Joomla, and Xoops This is one of those pieces that is hard for me to write. Why? Being a long-time fan of open source, I love that there are so many tools available, many of which have taken enterprise-level businesses by storm. The internet is filled to the brim with sites ... read moreThe 7 Most Common SEO Mistakes However, all of them require some level of configuration, including WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Magento, ATG, and more. Here is an example of the Yoast SEO plugin for WordPress: Custom titles and descriptions per page are a common configuration requirement ... read more

    Sloppy patching, insecure plug-ins made Panama Papers leak possible For content management systems such as WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla, you have to update the core ... Discover how to secure your systems with InfoWorld's Security newsletter. ] The Panama Papers leak, exposing how politicians and the wealthy hide money ... read moreThe Weekly Top 10: SharePoint and Other CMS Platforms This week's round up of interesting posts from external sites has resources for Sharepoint developers and for those working with Drupal, Joomla and WordPress ... Let's review the common mistakes Blackfire helped us to discover with these three cases ... read moreWorkarounds for Common Open Source Bugs which sees "a few thousand unique per day," his more recent dilemma posted in the Drupal forum is how to best optimize their database (to free up server space) due to a recent traffic increase. Optimizing Servers. With Joomla, the most common problem ... read moreThe 3-step plan to make your website harder to hack But Wordpress sites account for 24 percent of all Web sites, and Joomla and Drupal account for another 5 percent ... Passwords are an easy problem for users to solve, but keeping up with a steady stream of vulnerabilities and patches requires diligence ... read moreBitRock's BitNami enables OS X to run popular open source CMS's OS X has a massive following of web developers who constantly used Linux based web server stacks to run their CMS stacks - it's actually a pretty common trend at the ... CMS's that run inside BitNami - Drupal, Wordpress, Joomla, and a generic MAMP stack ... read moreReport: Scripting languages most vulnerable, mobile apps need better crypto According to an analysis of over 200,000 applications, PHP is the programming language with the most vulnerabilities, mobile apps suffer from cryptography problems ... management systems like WordPress, Joomla and Drupal. These three platforms account ... read morePlesk Takes the Headache out of WebOps The array of responsibilities that come with building an application are extensive, and it is increasingly common to hear them being referred ... including WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla, with just one click. I tested this out by installing WordPress ... read moreYour low-down dirty guide to the CMS landscape Probably the most common way that hackers compromise servers is via WordPress ... If WordPress is the granddaddy, then Drupal is the grandmommy. But the grandmommy that is just a little bit hipster and goes partying with the kids but tends to overstay ... read more

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    Source: The common problem with Drupal, Joomla, and Xoops

    Easy: How to Switch Your WordPress to HTTPS

    Switching WordPress to HTTPS, meaning an SSL certificate, is often determined as being difficult on the internet. However, as always when it comes to things said on the web, be careful. The truth is that it is rather easy, and everyone that has at least some experience with WordPress, and can install the CMS can do it. In this article, I'll guide you through each necessary step, one by one.

    Safe: Switching WordPress to HTTPS Made Simple

    In this article, we'll assume that the SSL certificate has already been assigned to your domain by the web host. For over 90 percent, this should be the case. Only your own dedicated server will have you do this work. This shouldn't be a problem, however, as it's pretty easy.

    The only more complicated thing is the creation and allocation of a free Let's Encrypt certificate. However, I'll assume that a proper, paid https is used. At my host, this only costs 23.90 EUR a year and is immediately assigned to the domain.

    Step 1: Login Into the WordPress Admin Area

    After logging in, go to the menu item "Settings => General" and change the two entered addresses to the HTTPS version. You only need to add the lower case "s."

    switching the WordPress Admin Area to HTTPS

    If that doesn't work for you, there's another way to shift the WordPress addresses. Log into your web hosting package or server via (S)FTP, and add the following code to the wp-config.php

    Copy and paste the following code below the table prefix, save, and reupload the file. Now, you have gained access to your website via HTTPS.

    Schritt 2: Overwriting All URLs in the Database

    The dynamic URLs, like the ones of the scripts and files, are already accessible via HTTPS. Now, it's about shifting the static URLs of the images in the articles to SSL as well. For that, you could use a plugin, but it's more comfortable and safer to use the Database Search and Replace Script by interconnect/it.

    However, before using the script, please create a complete database backup in phpMyAdmin. You never know…

    Script Download and Call-Up

    Download the script folder, unzip it, rename it to "replace", and load the entire folder (not just the files!) into your WordPress installation's root index. Now, call up the script by entering your domain followed by the word replace into your browser's address bar.

    After that, you should be able to see the script.


    The access information of your database is already entered, you only need to enter your old URL in the upper left input field, and the HTTPS version on the right. Other settings are not required. A click on "live run" then changes the URLs in the database.


    The script will realize the required entries in a rather short amount of time. An error message may pop up, as the script attempts to increase the execution time and the PHP memory limit. Just ignore these notifications.

    The Success Notifications. All Tables Have Been Altered Successfully.

    The Success Notifications. All Tables Have Been Altered Successfully.

    As soon as this step is done, scroll down in the script until the "Delete" button becomes visible, and click it. The folder with the script will then be deleted from the server, as it poses a large security risk.

    Step 3: Changes to the htaccess File and the wp-config.php


    In this final step, the .htaccess file is extended by an important aspect. The following code will cause a constant 301 redirection of the HTTP to the HTTPS version of your website. The website will only be accessible via HTTPS, and on top of that, the code will notify Google that there is no HTTP version of your website anymore.


    This code snippet has to be placed in the wp-config.php of your WordPress, below the table prefix.

    Then, login is only possible via the HTTPS version.

    The Final Result

    You should now see a green version on the landing page and all articles.

    https auf Startseite und einzelnem Artikel in grün.

    However, it is possible that there are still files coming from HTTP. Then, the lock will either display in gray, or the resources will be blocked by the server. The menu item console in the developer tools of your browser will inform and show you the resources that are not encrypted.


    Most of the time, you have integrated these files yourself, maybe in the theme's header or footer. This can be helped with an integration of the file with //, without a prefixed HTTP or HTTPS. Now, the HTTPS version will always be loaded, if possible.


    Following this guide step by step, nothing should happen, and the process should be finished successfully in less than an hour. How did it go? Have you already shifted your website to HTTPS?


    Source: Easy: How to Switch Your WordPress to HTTPS

    Plugged In: Image Plugins

    Plugged In: Image Plugins Welcome to Plugged In, where we take a look at some of the most popular WordPress plugins in various categories. For more information on WordPress plugins, download our ultimate guide. Adding beautiful images can completely change the look of a post and ... read moreSync Your Lightroom Collections With Your iPad, Automatically [How-To] The plugin allows you to mirror a hierarchy of Lightroom collections to a directory on your disk, and it also allows you much finer-grained control over when an image is republished ... your iDevice (make sure it's plugged in first!), read more

    How to make navigation safer using satellite images Most of us carry around electronic devices loaded with maps and satellite images that we use almost without thinking ... We met one cruiser who admitted he was so afraid that he plugged in Curly's waypoints and let his autopilot do all the steering. read moreGet Started Making Virtual Reality Games in Unity 5 for Free We'll be using the SteamVR plugin, which will render to ... with no jerkiness or double-images. If it doesn't work properly, check that your camera can see you, and is correctly plugged in. Also verify that your video card is sufficiently powerful ... read moreReview: Dell's XPS 13 is a nearly perfect ultraportable Speaking of image editing, the display is really accurate to my eyes ... Aside from constant alerts when you plug in headphones – oh I didn't realize I didn't realize I jut plugin in my headphones Dell, thanks for letting me know – it also ... read moreRosewill Ultra-Slim HDMI RedMere Cable Review The only downside to this new type of cable is that is it directional, so you have to make sure the cable is plugged in correctly between devices ... Rosewill provided the image above that shows the PCB along with the RedMere RM1695 mini booster module. read moreSony Xperia Z2 review: worth every penny There are also some smart automatic options: the Z2 can set a morning alarm when it's plugged in at night ... the camera is able to render very crisp images, and shooting with the hardware shutter key is just as easy beneath the surface as above. read moreCritical Security Updates for Adobe Reader, Java Most consumers can get by without Java installed, or least not plugged into the browser ... on extra bloat that Firefox can already do: PDF viewing plugins have their own code for drawing images and text." read moreAirDroid: Remotely manage your Android from a Web browser These settings may improve AirDroid's connectivity but may also drain your device's battery, so you might want to keep your device plugged in or docked ... to install the QuickTime plugin for your Web browser. But, images and music don't need extra ... read moreBest portable scanner on the market It can save images at up to 600 dpi, which isn't huge ... or find a bank statement from someone else's computer. The P-215 has plugins to scan directly to Evernote or Google Docs, but you should be able to send scans to a Dropbox folder on your ... read more

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    Source: Plugged In: Image Plugins

    Wednesday, July 27, 2016

    Digging Deeper into WordPress Hooks and Filters

    WordPress comes loaded with a series of hooks and filters that let you hook into specific parts of when WordPress operates. For example, you can attach a custom function so that it executes when the WordPress save_post action is called, giving you access to the post being saved.

    Plugins and themes are an area where hooks are in abundance. Any decent plugin or theme will come with a range of these hooks that they either use internally to operate or expose externally for developers. When a plugin or theme isn't exposed enough you might have issue customizing how it operates.

    wordpress hooks banner

    Generally speaking, the plugins and themes you will run into will be based around Object Orientated Design methods, where one or more classes define how the functionality works. Inside these classes they might define hooks that you want to remove entirely or replace with your own custom functions.

    Today were going to dig into WordPress hooks and how you can handle them both in a traditional sense and also when dealing with classes or objects.

    Removing Standard Hooks

    When hooks and filters are not inside a class they are fairly straight-forward to remove. To remove these hooks you need to use the remove_action function. The basics of this are that you need to supply the following:

  • $tag – The name of the hook to which the function is attached to.
  • $function_to_remove – The name of the function that should be removed.
  • $priority – The priority of the function when it was attached to the hook.
  • When actions hooks are created with do_action it will trigger all functions that have been added to it with add_action as soon as WordPress reaches it.

    Example 1: Standard WooCommerce Hook

    Let's look at a visual example. Consider the WooCommerce plugin. When you're on a single page (using the single-product template) you will by default see the breadcrumb bar.

    Basic WordPress hook WooCommerce

    This is outputted via the do_action( 'woocommerce_before_main_content' ); hook. It's purpose is to output the starting content wrapper and the breadcrumbs for the product.

    WooCommerce hook photo

    Since we know the name of the action and the function name attached to that hook, we can remove the function entirely as follows.

    //remove breadcrumbs from single product remove_action('woocommerce_before_main_content', 'woocommerce_breadcrumb', 20);

    Now the breadcrumbs will disappear. As long as you know the name of the hook, the name of the function you want to remove and the priority you can remove and replace functions as you see fit. The priority of the hook is important as it has to match the priority used when the function was originally hooked.

    basic hook WooCommerce removed

    Removing Hooks Added Inside Classes

    When you have actions and filters defined inside classes it can be a little bit tricky. Even though you might know the name of the hook and the name of the function, you won't be able to use remove_action as we did before.

    The issue is that if a plugin or theme defines these actions inside of class, those hooks are now attached inside the class. To remove them you will need to pass in the class variable to the remove_action function as follows:

    //remove a hooked function from within a call function('hook_name', array($myclass, 'my_function_remove'), 10); So Where Exactly Is the Class Object?

    This often is the trickiest part. To remove your function you need the class object. To find this you will need to hunt through either the documentation for the plugin or theme (if there is anyway) or alternatively (and less excitingly) searching through their source code to find the variable name.

    If the class is a Singleton class, meaning that there should be only one of them at a single time, then you should be able to get the class from using one of the classes inbuilt functions to return the instance of the class such as:

    $myClassObject = MyClass::getInstance()

    If the class doesn't have a method like that you can try and get the object by calling it globally such as:

    global $myClassObject

    Since each developer develops differently you might have to search to find the variable you need. Hopefully, if the class has been structured correctly, you should be able to get the object.

    If you're trying to remove visual elements outputted you should be able to trace back where it all comes from, for example:

  • If you're trying to remove some text, inspect the element and see if it has any classes or ID's.
  • If you have something to search on you can open up your theme or plugin and search for where those classes or ID's are uses, they most likely will be wrapped in some function.
  • If you've found a function that causing the output, try and see if it's hooked with add_action anywhere.
  • If you're successful you should have the name of the hook and the name of the function you want to remove. All you need is the object itself and you're good to go!

    Example 1: Hook Inside WooCommerce Class

    Let's look at a practical example so you can see how you'd apply this technique.

    Inside of WooCommerce the WC_Emails class is used to generate the output for emails that are sent out (such as the new, processing and completed orders). Inside of WC_Emails the constructor attaches all of the various functions onto hooks to build the output as seen below.

    advanced class hook screenshot

    When displaying an email WordPress will hit the woocommerce_email_customer_details hook and will trigger all functions attached to it. When this happens it will trigger the customer_details function defined in the WC_Emails class, outputting the customer details.

    advanced class hook details

    If we didn't want to display these details we would have to remove the customer_details function from the class.

    Luckily, at the bottom of the constructor is the woocommerce_emails action that's being called with do_action. We can hook onto there so we can remove our customer details. This hook is passed the object itself via $this so it's perfect for our needs.

    //Remove email details from the `WC_Emails` class function remove_customer_email_details($instance) { //remove `customer_details` hooked function remove_action('woocommerce_email_customer_details', array( $instance, 'customer_details'), 10); } add_action('woocommerce_email', 'remove_customer_email_details');

    We call remove_action and pass in both the $instance and the customer_details function and when we view our emails the customer details have vanished, removed entirely.

    advanced class hook details removed

    In this scenario, WooCommerce left a perfect location for us to hook onto so we could remove these functions. It's up to the plugin or theme developer to place these handy hooks in locations where other developers may need them. That being the case you might struggle removing some functions if the developers haven't thought about it.

    Example 2: Hook Inside a Custom Class

    With WooCommerce they have a dedicated team of great developers plus a series of volunteers or contributors continually working to improve their plugin. They've gone through years of development so they know the importance of proving the right hooks so developers can customize things.

    In this example, we're going to look at just a simple situation. The idea behind this example is that you can't be guaranteed you will have hooks to rely on and if the developer is even thinking about people extending their work. In this scenario, we're working between a parent and child theme. Inside the parent theme we have our main class and in our child theme we have our additional function.

    NOTE: It's useful to point out that remove_filter is the same as remove_action. At the end of the day, they are all a way to removed hooked function and WordPress is happy for you to use them interchangeably.

    //A simple test class, loaded directly in your website //Loaded from the parent theme class testClass{ //magic constructor public function __construct(){ add_filter('the_title', array($this, 'wrapTitle'), 10, 1); add_filter('add_extra_word', array($this, 'output_word'), 10, 1); } //wrap the title for each post public function wrapTitle($title){ $html = ''; $html .= '<div class="titleWrap">'; $html .= $title; //append a word to the end of the title $html = apply_filters('add_extra_word', $title); $html .= '</div>'; return $html; } //append the word 'Hello World' to the end of the title public function output_word($title){ $html = ''; $html = $title . ' <strong>Hello World</strong>'; return $html; } } $testclass = new testClass();

    This class adds a function called wrapTitle onto the the_title hook right in the _construct method. This means that as soon as the class is loaded it will hook that function onto the title and be called every time we're displaying a post. Inside of the wrapTitle function it wraps the current title around a div and then calls the add_extra_word filter.

    Back in the constructor we hooked another function called output_word onto the add_extra_word filter. This functions purpose is to add the bolded Hello World text to the end of the title.

    hook example two before

    As you can see this isn't very attractive. We want to remove this added word from the end of the title. This is the perfect opportunity to remove the function added in the class. Here's how we do it:

    //removes the extra word appended to the title (added by the class) //Added to your child theme function remove_extra_word(){ global $testclass; remove_filter('add_extra_word', array($testclass, 'output_word'), 10); } add_action('init', 'remove_extra_word');

    We first hook our function to be loaded on init. The reason we do this instead of just executing the remove_filter right in the PHP file is because we want it to trigger only once WordPress has started loading. If we declared this function before the class was even loaded it would do nothing (as the class needs to exist first).

    We grab a copy of the class by using global $testclass. We do this because this class didn't have any way of giving us our object directly.

    Inside the function we now use the remove_filter function and remove the output_word function attached to the add_extra_word action defined in our class.

    When this is all done and dusted the Hello World text will be removed and your titles will be back to normal.

    hook example two after

    We managed to do all that just by adding our own custom function and removing our hooked actions.

    Where This Technique Won't Work

    If there is no way for you to find the object of the class at all (either passed in as a variable in a hook or via some other method) then this technique will fail. A core part of Object Orientated Design principals says that there should always be a reference to the object so that it can be accessed, or failing that an easy way to load the object.

    If this happens you can try the following steps (each more drastic and less recommended as we go down):

  • Contact the theme or plugin developer and ask for additional hooks.
  • Most developers are pretty keen to help people out so it's a good place to start. When they update their plugin or theme you should be able to seamlessly update (if it's been set up correctly).
  • Change your plugin or your theme.
  • If it's not working for you, see if there is anything else out there that might provide better functionality and be more developer friendly.
  • Manually edit your plugin or theme directly.
  • If you must stick with your plugin or theme and you desperately need to change the way it works, then you can always edit the files directly. Generally speaking this is an awful suggestion as any changes you make will be lost if you ever update your theme or plugin. However, sometimes you just need to get a problem solved.
  • Wrapping It All Up

    Hopefully after all this you should have a strong grasp on how to use WordPress's hook system to remove and adjust functionality inside your themes and plugins. If you're patient enough and can track down the hook, function and the class object you can remove and replace functionality as you see fit.

    You might want to examine some of your currently installed plugins to see how developer friendly they are. Do they supply a wide range of hooks and filters? Are any of their values or settings explicitly hard coded in their theme or plugin? This information is important if you want to be able to extend and customize your website as you see fit.

    For some further reading on the WordPress hook system check out Demystifying the WordPress Hook System by Agbonghama Collins.

    Source: Digging Deeper into WordPress Hooks and Filters

    How To Make A #Website With #WordPress And Start A #Blog Online In Just Under 15 Minutes

    How To Make A Website With Wordpress And Start A Blog Online In Just Under 15 Minutes The one thing that typically stops people who want to become bloggers from taking the plunge is that they simply don't know how to go about doing it. There are a lot of decisions for a blogger to make right off the bat - sometimes within the first ten ... read more16 Impossibly Awesome WordPress Plugins That Will Supercharge Your Website I'll start ... you're just starting your online journey with a WordPress website definitely consider playing around with a few plugins to see what they're capable of. These plugins are meant to improve the performance of your website and create a better ... read more

    How to Start a Blog and Earn Extra Money Making money from a blog isn't easy, but it's a lot more likely if you take the proper steps from the start ... including Bluehost, make it easy to install WordPress with just one click. Simply, click on the website builder and follow the prompts ... read more10 Online Marketing Tools You Need When Starting a Business For example, you can share blog posts on Trello, before you publish them. This gives others on your team the opportunity to review the post, share their thoughts and make ... start. It only takes a couple of minutes to add the Analytics code to your ... read moreHow to Set Up a Hosted WordPress Site But free content management and sleek templates aren't the only features WordPress offers — you can actually download software from and set up your own custom website within minutes ... you start the installation process, make sure you ... read moreA Beginner's Guide to Starting a Blog: 50 Essential Tips and Tricks But before you become Chiara Ferragni-level successful, you need to start at the beginning. Like any startup, new bloggers need to create a website ... to your blog, you've just scored yourself a new reader. If you created your blog on WordPress ... read moreMy conversation with Matt Mullenweg about domain names There's WordPress the software, which is licensed under the ... it just means a website. It's actually sort of, the word keeps expanding, and morphing to encompass more and more, which is kind of funny. A lot of times, I say, make a WordPress. read moreSpeed Up Your WordPress Site If you're serious about the performance of your website, make ... of traffic. Just be sure to do your own research and testing before you lock in a shared hosting platform. You might want to start with Tech Void's recent comparison of WordPress hosting ... read moreYummy Season! Templates for BBQ and Grill Restaurants + BBQ Recipes When charcoal turns grayish white (start checking coals after 15 minutes), the grill will be at ... for example. Quickly create new sections and content elements on your website pages, manage widgets and adjust settings with it. Have you ever noticed ... read more12 Ways to Make Money with Photoshop You can also create your own blog or website ... and even online advertisements. The above are just some ideas on how you can use Photoshop to earn money. Let us know of other ways you, or someone you know, have used Photoshop to start a business and ... read more

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    Source: How To Make A #Website With #WordPress And Start A #Blog Online In Just Under 15 Minutes