Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Best Way to Keep Track of Comments On Your Blog Posts

October 13, 2015 by shamim_mahi

I find the most effective way of keeping track of comments on your blog posts is to look on the WordPress Dashboard.

This is located at http://my.stg.ign.com/blogs/YourUserName/wp-admin/

There you will find all sorts of useful stuff like the QuickPress box for quick blogging action!

And if you look below you will see the Recent Comments box.

Click for bigger picture

This works great if your getting less than 3 comments/hour.

But there are other times where there are just to many comments comming in for that tiny box to be useful.

When that happens you should click through to the edit page for your blog post.  To do that just click on the title of your blog post.

Once there you can scroll down to find a much larger comment box that will display all the latest comments on that blog post!

Click for bigger picture

BONUS!  You can also post reply comments from the same edit page by mousing over a comment and clicking reply.  (note: your reply will show up as a new comment  on your blog post and not directly under the comment you are replying to )

Anyway I hope this helps! :D

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Source: Best Way to Keep Track of Comments On Your Blog Posts

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