Sunday, November 8, 2015

Encrypted email provider ProtonMail caves in to extortion, hands over $6000 #

Encrypted email provider ProtonMail caves in to extortion, hands over $6000 | AutoTraffic Encrypted email provider ProtonMail caves in to extortion, hands over $6000 Swiss-based encrypted email provider ProtonMail - developed at the CERN research facility in 2013 to withstand surveillance by the world's increasingly inquisitive intelligence agencies - has revealed that it handed over 15 bitcoins (about $6000/£4000 ... read moreRefined Ransomware Streamlines Extortion Unfortunately for victims, the strength of the encryption key used in the attack means it's not feasible to attempt to decrypt the files without having the remote private RSA key in hand ... email service ProtonMail on Nov. 3 paid $6,000 worth of bitcoins ... read more

I'm about to pay $8665 a year for crappy high deductible insurance in NYS Despite my grave reservations and deep concern about the implementation of Obamacare, I would urge anyone who can lend a hand, to go to the web site of Enroll America and do whatever you can, to help get young people happily enrolled. Without their ... read moreObamacare's Mandate Of Death And Destruction Cars on the Obamacare Express jumped the track and began piling up as soon as the website went live on Oct. 1, and the expected Obamacare train wreck continues to create its carnage. Of course, the carnage is just beginning. Obamacare is a ... read moreRepossessing Virtue: Living Differently, Beyond Economic Crisis "Walking to the Sky" — a 100-foot sculpture by Jonathan Borofsky that was originally installed at Rockefeller Center in 2004 before being moved to the Nasher Sculpture Center in Dallas a year later. read moreAssessing a "Public Option" for Health Care Potter discussed the industry's history of denying care to members and its extensive efforts to prevent the federal government from creating a "public option" for health insurance ... t [have an] unfair advantage [over] the private insurance companies. read more

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Source: Encrypted email provider ProtonMail caves in to extortion, hands over $6000 #

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