Tuesday, November 10, 2015

One Out Of Four Websites On The Web Now Run On WordPress

Big day for — unarguably and now statistically too — world's most used CMS platform for websites, WordPress. In latest set of numbers released by W3Techs, WordPress is now powering 25% of the entire web, making it the most used platform in its domain.

And no, it isn't a 25% share in the number of websites using one or the other CMSes, this share represents the share from the entire web. In terms of websites relying on CMS platforms, WordPress commands a massive 58.7% of the share.

The report mentions,

WordPress is used by 58.7% of all the websites whose content management system we know. This is 25.0% of all websites.

In general though, these numbers aren't really fixed, considering that a lot of websites make regular switches between platforms in search for something better than their current ones. However, keeping these trends in mind, it has been a slow but steady growth for WordPress.

We should be comfortably past 25% by the end of the year,

Automattic (WordPress parent) founder Matt Mullenweg said.

The big opportunity is still the 57% of websites that don't use any identifiable CMS yet, and that's where I think there is still a ton of growth for us (and I'm also rooting for all the other open source CMSes).

However, WordPress' share over the past few years has actually slipped. Nevertheless, commanding more than half of the entire userbase is anyways a peak position — a place WordPress has held for quite some time now.

But then, WordPress has had its own share of issues — largely due to its massive user base and its open-source nature. Plugins developed for the platform are many a times susceptible to large scale hacks or cyber security threats. Though Automattic continues to release critical security patches for the software, the CMS still has had to bear the brunt of hacks and security loopholes in the recent past.

W3Techs uses a very specific methodology to provide the above numbers.

Websites, and not individual web pages, are examined — if a technology is on any of a website's pages, it is considered to be used by the website. Also, to limit domain spammers, W3Techs only examines the top 10 Million websites as per Alexa rankings to detect the tech.


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Source: One Out Of Four Websites On The Web Now Run On WordPress

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