Saturday, November 14, 2015

Pros and Cons of WordPress and Blogger

Published: November 14, 2015

By Melissa Thompson  

Both WordPress and Blogger are great platforms for content publishing.

Both have an increasing number of features that have been added and enhanced over the years. Some of those features are on the inside, in the administration area, and some features are on the outside, that readers and search engines see.

But, which one to choose is the question for many people, especially those who are new to blogging and have not used any of them.

Let's discuss the pros and cons of both these platforms, so that you can more easily make your choice.

Blogger Pros
  • Blogger is free to use and you don't need to pay any fee.
  • Blogger is free of ads.
  • It is extremely easy to use Blogger. It will take only 10-15 to publish your blog.
  • Not only using, but managing Blogger is also easy. There is not much difference between managing your social network account or Blogger account.
  • Blogs in Blogger are backed up automatically. So, there is no need to do backups.
  • Security in Blogger is not a big problem, as it is provided by Google.
  • Custom codes or scripts can be added to some extent in Blogger.
  • Blog templates can be customized to enhance its appearance.
  • There is no limit on the quantity of the content that you can publish.
  • Cons
  • The default themes of Blogger are not very appealing; so you need to buy the themes.
  • Due to non-availability of the add-ons or paid upgrades, you are not able to upgrade the blog, according to
  • There is no FTP access.
  • WordPress Pros
  • There is no fee for using Wordpress. It is an open source CMS.
  • All its features are user friendly, which makes it more flexible and easy to use.
  • Security is provided by WordPress itself, and that's why you don't need to take care of it.
  • Using WordPress is fun! The more you use it, the more you love it.
  • With the help of paid upgrades you can easily upgrade the features of your blog.
  • With the help of plugins, you can customize your website to the extent you want.
  • You can monetize your posts with the help of AdWords but it can be done only if you have a custom domain.
  • Cons
  • You need to buy the "No Ads Upgrade," otherwise the ads will be displayed to the non-logged visitors.
  • No FTP access.
  • You need to pay a fee for Domain Mapping, which is free in Blogger.
  • WordPress gives you the limited space of 3GB which is easily filled.
  • Both platforms have their own features, pros and cons. Which features you want to access depend on what you need or want.

    In case you just want to have a personal blog with no upgrades or customization options, then you can go for Blogger. If you want your blog to get displayed at the professional level so that it can add to the SEO of your business, then nothing could be better than WordPress as it will provide you with a many more customization features.

    Melissa Thompson is a freelance producer for USA Today, and a contributor at Technorati. She lives in Utah with her 2 kids and husband. Melissa Thompson can be reached via LinkedIn or Twitter @melthompson88. Please follow and friend her on either site. Read more stories by Melissa Thompson.

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    Melissa Thompson helps you understand the pros and cons of the WordPress and Blogger blogging platforms, so you can decide which one to choose.

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    Source: Pros and Cons of WordPress and Blogger

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