Thursday, January 28, 2016

Maintaining Blog Traffic on Days You Don't Post


Maintaining Blog Traffic On Days You Don't Post

We all know that the highest traffic to your blog is when you publish a post. Makes sense. Now unless you are a full-time blogger (I'm envious of you) not all of us can post five days a week. So what do you do on the days that you don't blog? How do you maintain your traffic?

I typically post three times a week -- Mondays, Wednesday, and Friday -- and on the days that I don't post I maintain my traffic in a variety of ways.

Read other blogs!

The best way to do this is by following other blogs on Bloglovin'. It will aggregate all their RSS feeds into one easy to find way. Or in less techy talk, it will post excerpts of all the new posts as they come out. It's a great way to follow along with other bloggers. Of course, don't forget to comment on blogs. Often times, many bloggers who receive comments will go to your blog and comment on one of your posts, like Kathy from More Coffee, Less Talky.

Take some time to clean up your blog or social media accounts

For example, I've been revamping all my Pinterest boards to make them more cohesive, eliminate any redundancies, and delete old pins. On my to-do list is go through my old blog posts and add new images. All of mine were sized on blogger and look tiny on my lovely new Wordpress site.

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Promote, promote, promote!

Get on your social media and promote your blog posts. I typically start with Facebook and promote myself through a a few of my favorite Facebook groups, Blog Passion Project and Show Your Blog Love. These two are my favorite and I use them the most. If you have any others that you love, share them in the comments!

Use Stumbleupon. If you aren't stumbling your blog pages, you're missing out! Jaelan from Making Mrs. M has a great explanation of what it is and why you need to be using it. Even though my bounce rates are a bit higher now that I use it, my pageviews are definitely blossoming because of StumbleUpon. In addition to stumbling your own pages, you need to be stumbling others. Follow other Stumblers and like their pages. My stumble account is here, and if you follow me, I'll add you to the list of bloggers that I frequently stumble.

Organically interact on your other social media platforms. What I mean by this is instead of just sharing posts with blurbs, write something different. Pose a question to your readers, tell a joke, share a picture (not blog related), etc. For example:


Instead of just sharing my sponsors posts or promoting my own posts, I posted a picture of these awesome cheese cart that was at a restaurant I stopped into. That way your followers won't just see your blog promotions but will feel like they can really connect with you (not just your blog) via social media.

Lastly, Take a breather!

Your blog will be okay for a day and come back to your blog feeling refreshed and ready to go!

How frequently do you post? On days you don't post do you have any tactics to promote your blog?

Maintaining Blog Traffic on Days You Don't Post

Source: Maintaining Blog Traffic on Days You Don't Post

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