Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Why Blogging Will Rule Mass Communications In 2016

Internet is no longer the "next big" thing, it is "the big thing" now. These days, everything happens on the internet, and it's not a hidden fact that if you can shine on the internet, you can make your mark on the world.

It has been slowly building and it's about to erupt. Blogging has been slowly brewing from myriads of independent places on the internet and it's about to get a whole lot bigger.

Internet is many things, internet is television, internet is radio, and internet is newspaper. Talking about what internet is not, it's definitely not a static place where you have limited control of information like radios, television or newspapers. That's the reason why the internet is ruling right now.

A blog (a truncation of the expression weblog) is a platform for discussions and information published in the world wide web. A blog consists of many posts, which are typically displayed in reverse chronological order.

The best thing about blogs is their simplicity. Everyone can create a blog. With the rise of content management systems like WordPress and Squarespace, everything has gone to graphical user interface, and you do not have to be techie geek to start and run a blog.

Blog is becoming a medium for expression to many of people. You don't have to have a god outward personality or sociable to run a successful blog. In other words, blogs are gifts for geeks. If you are a technology geek, you can run a technology blog, if you are a health geek, you can make your mark on health niche. The opportunities are endless with blogging.

Passion, Demand and Knowledge… Why Blogging will rule communication in 2016.. pic.twitter.com/ijszEO4r8Z

— कुर्वंशी (@bassfloyd) February 23, 2016

The major drawback of blogging can be the lack of technical knowledge, the sites may look appalling in the beginning, but as bloggers learn through it, the opportunities of customization are endless. WordPress offers a wide range of free and paid themes which can be used to customize the site according to the preferences of bloggers. There are even themes (like what wordpress theme) that enable you to create similar atmosphere to the websites you like.

Blogging is not limited to mainstream information or discussions, while they are the basics, their fancier derivatives are ruling the show. Listicle articles have gained popularity, and quizzes are attracting more audiences than they ever used to. Podcasts are the new form of radio now, and people are earning a lot of money just saying what they feel about different topics.

Following the meteoric rise, blogging is starting to get professional. Datamentors reported that more companies will utilize data as a service to access big data, meaning there is a lot of potential for a well written blog posts.

5 Ways To Improve Engagement On Your Blog: https://t.co/Z2kLaviWVA #Blogging #BlogEngagement pic.twitter.com/yYsvm5ShWg

— Kerry Butters (@kesbutters) February 23, 2016

In his recent essay in The New York Review of Books, Micheal Massing said he believes blogs have broken the structure of old media. "Decentralization and democratization" are the law of the land, offering "a podium to Americans of all ages and backgrounds to contribute", he says.

Glenn Reynolds, one of the most familiar names in American political blogs admitted in a June interview that blogs have become "more big-media-ish." All this has led Matthew Hindman, author of The Myth of Digital Democracy, to declare that "The era when political comment on the Web is dominated by solo bloggers writing for free is gone."

Matthew is precise when he makes that statement. With the popularity blogs are receiving, money is flooding in, and blogs are starting to get mainstream recognition.

Web critic Nicholas Carr told The Atlantic, blogging has evolved to become "a lot more like a traditional mass medium."

With the exponential rise of internet, it is expected that the traditional mediums of communications will go into hibernation. When the desire to tell is met by willingness to hear, the blogs thrive and communication blossoms. Blogs are a perfect marriage of audience and posters and blogging is expected to run havoc in communication media any time soon.

[Photo by Pixabay]

Source: Why Blogging Will Rule Mass Communications In 2016

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