Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Livefyre Commenting is Back!

Livefyre logoA couple of weeks ago, I took down the WordPress "Jetpack" commenting system and replaced it with Livefyre, the comment system that we'd had previously here a year ago. I'd gotten rid of Livefyre previously because when a user posted a comment via Livefyre, their system would not copy it into our local WordPress comments database. It was a major bug that was a deal-killer for me, which was too bad because otherwise Livefyre is great. The comments look good and it's easy to log i n via various methods and participate.

Thankfully a couple weeks ago, Livefyre's support department reached out to me to let me know they'd fixed the database issue, so I decided to make the switch back. Unfortunately, the comment import automation process at Livefyre failed as Free Keene has nearly 60,000 comments amassed over nearly a decade, so it took more time and resources than expected to complete the import. During this time, a few thousand comments were gone from the site and they are now back!

Enjoy the trolling!

Source: Livefyre Commenting is Back!

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