Friday, May 27, 2016

Most CMS-run #Websites have obsolete #Software and are vulnerable to attack

Most CMS-run websites have obsolete software and are vulnerable to attack If you've been putting off software updates on websites that you've developed, been bamboozled into managing, or somehow become inexplicably responsible for, you're not alone. All of the major content management systems (CMS) website brands are out ... read more5 cyber security mistakes that might make you vulnerable to hackers SALT LAKE CITY — Very few of us fall for the old ... don't have the time to do it when the notification pops up, set a reminder to install the new software later. The longer your device runs without up-to-speed security software, the more vulnerable ... read more

5 cyber security mistakes that might be making you vulnerable to hackers The longer your device runs without up-to-speed security software, the more vulnerable you become to cyber security breaches. 5. Clicking on links in emails Most of us receive ... Digital Media, which has a network of websites that includes ... read moreMany Apache websites running old, vulnerable software Very few Apache web servers are running the current, fully-patched version of the software, according to research by Netcraft. Some very popular sites are running very old, vulnerable and unsupported versions. Netcraft is known most for their continuous ... read moreThe trolls who take sneak photos of you through your TV and turn it into porn: How images can be lifted from screens and end up on revenge porn sites Olly Whiting was most certainly ... after he installed software to control their webcams under the guise of repairing their computers. 'Smart' TVs that connect to the internet may also be vulnerable in the same way. 'We have dealt with one couple ... read moreMore than 11 million HTTPS websites imperiled by new decryption attack More than 81,000 of the top 1 million most popular Web properties are among the vulnerable HTTPS-protected sites. The attack works ... The researchers have dubbed the latest vulnerability DROWN, short for Decrypting RSA with Obsolete and Weakened eNcryption. read moreHow Shutterfly and Other Social Sites Leave Your Kids Vulnerable to Hackers (Facebook, Twitter, and Google all use SSL, as do banks and many sites that conduct credit card transactions.) Emails from representatives for Shutterfly, obtained by Mother Jones, show that the photo-sharing company has been aware of the problem for at ... read moreOld SAP Business Software Vulnerable To Hacks, DHS Warns Law360, Washington (May 12, 2016, 5:32 PM ET) -- A U.S. Department of Homeland Security team has alerted the ... affects Java platforms of the software giant SAP, according to the team. In a statement, SAP said that the "vulnerable component," Invoker ... read moreMicrosoft: Internet Explorer, Windows vulnerable to FREAK attack Earlier this week, we covered the new FREAK attack (Factoring RSA Export Keys) that exploits decades-old security flaws to cripple security settings on modern browsers. At the time, it was believed Windows wasn't affected. Microsoft has now released a st ... read moreiPhones may be vulnerable to hacker attack, Apple issues fix Most ... website and then steal data such as credit card numbers the phone user was sending. It could also be used to install malicious software that would stay on the phone, secretly feeding information to the hackers long after the original attack ... read more

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Source: Most CMS-run #Websites have obsolete #Software and are vulnerable to attack

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