Thursday, June 30, 2016

Business Practices Foundation of NAPBS Accredited Background Screening Firms


Written By ESR News Blog Editor Thomas Ahearn

The general business practices of a background screening firm are the foundation that helps the company perform accurate and professional background checks. A background screening firm accredited by the National Association of Professional Background Screeners (NAPBS) has business practices that assure proper character of owners and employees, worker training, and quality assurance. This blog is the last in a six part series about the NAPBS Background Screening Agency Accreditation Program (BSAAP).

'General Business Practices' is the sixth of six sections of the BSAAP created for Consumer Reporting Agencies (CRAs) – the technical term for background screening companies – along with 'Consumer Protection ,' 'Legal Compliance,' 'Client Education,' 'Researcher and Data Product Standards,' and 'Verification Service Standards.' The BSAAP contains 58 clauses that CRAs must follow to be NAPBS Accredited. The 'General Business Practices' section contains the 12 clauses below as listed on the NAPBS website:

  • 6.1 Character – Owners, officers, principals and employees charged with the enforcement of company policy must consent to undergo a criminal records check and be found free of convictions for any crimes involving dishonesty, fraud or moral turpitude.
  • 6.2 Insurance – CRA shall maintain errors and omissions insurance. If CRA does not maintain errors and omission insurance, CRA must self-insure in a manner compliant with its state's insurance requirements.
  • 6.3 Client Authentication – CRA shall have a procedure to identify and authenticate all clients prior to disclosing consumer reports or other consumer information. The procedure shall require the CRA to maintain written records regarding the qualification of each client who receives consumer reports or other consumer information.
  • 6.4 Vendor Authentication – CRA shall have a procedure to identify and authenticate all vendors prior to disclosing consumer information. The procedure shall require the CRA to maintain written records regarding the qualification of each vendor who receives consumer information.
  • 6.5 Consumer Authentication – CRA shall develop and implement requirements for what information consumers shall provide as proof of identity prior to providing file disclosure to the consumer. The CRA shall maintain procedures to document the information used to identify each consumer to whom file disclosure is provided.
  • 6.6 Document Management – CRA shall have a written record retention and destruction policy pursuant to the federal FCRA.
  • 6.7 Employee Certification – CRA shall require all workers to certify they will adhere to the confidentiality, security and legal compliance practices of the CRA.
  • 6.8 Worker Training – CRA shall provide training to all workers on confidentiality, security and legal compliance practices of the CRA.
  • 6.9 Visitor Security – CRA shall utilize a visitor security program to ensure visitors do not have access to consumer information.
  • 6.10 Employee Criminal History – CRA shall conduct a criminal records check on all employees with access to consumer information when such searches can be conducted without violating state or federal law. These searches shall be conducted at least once every two years for the duration of their employment. Criminal offenses shall be evaluated to determine initial or continued employment based upon their access to consumer information and state and federal laws.
  • 6.11 Quality Assurance – CRA shall have procedures in place to reasonably ensure the accuracy and quality of all work product.
  • 6.12 Responsible Party – CRA shall have on staff one person designated to oversee and administer the certification process and future compliance by the CRA, including enforcement of the standard by all concerned. This person shall be vested with the responsibilities and authority attendant to this task, and shall be the CRA contact for the auditor and certification related matters for NAPBS®.
  • Governed by a strict professional standard of specified requirements and measurements, the BSAAP is becoming a widely recognized seal of achievement that brings national recognition to background screening organizations.  This recognition will stand as the industry "seal," representing a background screening organization's commitment to excellence, accountability, high professional standards, and continued institutional improvement. To learn more about the BSAPP, visit

    Founded in 2003 as a not-for-profit trade association, the NAPBS® represents the interests of more than 700 member companies around the world that offer tenant, employment, and background screening.  NAPBS provides relevant programs and training aimed at empowering members to better serve clients and maintain standards of excellence in the background screening industry, and presents a unified voice in the development of national, state, and local regulations. To learn more about the NAPBS, visit

    To read other blogs in this series, visit

    ESR Achieves Re-Accreditation with NAPBS

    The National Association of Professional Background Screeners (NAPBS®) Background Screening Credentialing Council (BSCC) has announced that Employment Screening Resources® (ESR) successfully demonstrated continued compliance with the Background Screening Agency Accreditation Program (BSAAP) and is recognized as BSCC-Accredited. To learn more about Accreditation, read the ESR News Blog "Employment Screening Resources Achieves Background Screening Credentialing Council Re-Accreditation."

    Founded in 1997, Employment Screening Resources® (ESR) is a global background check firm headquartered in the San Francisco, California area. ESR is a strategic choice that consistently delivers fast, accurate, affordable, and compliant information through innovative and highly integrated solutions. ESR is accredited by the NAPBS® and is audited yearly for SSAE 16 SOC 2® Type 2 compliance, a distinction held by a small percentage of background screening firms. To learn more about ESR, visit

    NOTE: Employment Screening Resources® (ESR) does not provide or offer legal services or legal advice of any kind or nature. Any information on this website is for educational purposes only.

    © 2016 Employment Screening Resources® (ESR) – Making copies or using of any part of the ESR News Blog or ESR website for any purpose other than your own personal use is prohibited unless written authorization is first obtained from ESR.

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    Source: Business Practices Foundation of NAPBS Accredited Background Screening Firms

    New #WordPress Plugin for

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    WordPress Theme Automation With Gulp

    As website code becomes more complicated and repetitive steps that just beg for optimization become ever more commonplace, there should be a better and more efficient development process out there.

    In this tutorial, I'll introduce Gulp, and how to integrate it with WordPress theming to automate and enhance the theme development process by putting together an automated workflow.

    Why You Need to Automate Your Development Workflow

    Workflow optimization can be incredibly beneficial and rewarding for your development process. Here are some of the reasons to give it a go:

  • It removes all those repetitive and boring tasks, replacing them with custom tools.
  • It saves a lot of time for doing other important core development work.
  • It helps optimizes your website for performance by minifying and optimizing all assets.
  • What You'll Need
  • WordPress installed on your development machine.
  • Node.js and npm installed.
  • Command line basic knowledge.
  • Introduction to Gulp

    Gulp is a JavaScript task runner that will help automate time-consuming tasks like CSS compressing, Sass compiling, image optimization and browser reloading.

    Gulp gives you the tools to do various actions automatically after certain trigger events. For example, consider the following scenarios:

  • Every time you save a Sass file, Gulp will compile Sass and output a minified CSS file.
  • When you add a new image to a folder, Gulp will optimize this image and move it to a new dedicated folder.
  • When you save a PHP or a Sass file, Gulp will automatically reload the browser.
  • Gulp Setup

    First, you need to install Gulp globally in your system. Later, I will show you how to install it as a package inside your theme.

    Assuming Node.js is installed, open the command line tool, then install Gulp using npm via:

    npm install gulp -g

    Now, run gulp -v (Gulp's version command) to test that Gulp is installed correctly. You should get output similar to:

    ➜ ~ gulp -v [09:33:59] CLI version 3.9.1 Theme Setup

    In this tutorial, I will use Underscores as the base theme. To download it, navigate to, generate a new theme and give it a name like "gulp-wordpress", download it to the WordPress themes directory, then activate it from the dashboard.

    From the command line, navigate to the gulp-wordpress directory where you have added the theme, for example in my case:

    cd ~/www/wordpress/wp-content/themes/gulp-wordpress

    Next, run the npm init command and follow a few simple steps to create a package.json file which will include some information about the theme and the packages that will be installed later.

    After finishing up the steps, you will have a starting file that looks similar to this:

    { "name": "gulp-wordpress", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "WordPress Theme Development Automation with Gulp", "author": "Name" }

    Next, install Gulp as a development dependency:

    npm install gulp --save-dev

    A node_modules directory is now created containing Gulp package source files, and your package.json file has been updated to include Gulp as a development dependency.

    { "name": "gulp-wordpress", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "WordPress Theme Development Automation with Gulp", "author": "Author Name", "devDependencies": { "gulp": "^3.9.1" } }

    Some Gulp tasks like gulp-autoprefixer require ES6-style Promises support so that you can install the es6-promise polyfill, and then require it at the top of the gulpfile.js as we will do next.

    npm install es6-promise --save-dev

    The last step to configure Gulp is to create an empty gulpfile.js configuration file, which will be used to define Gulp tasks such as JavaScript and Sass.

    The gulpfile.js starter file will look like this:

    require('es6-promise').polyfill(); var gulp = require('gulp'); // default task gulp.task('default');

    What we have done above is:

  • Required the es6-promise polyfill on top of the file, then we have imported in gulp.
  • Created a default task.
  • To make sure that Gulp is running and everything is done perfectly, run gulp in the command line to execute the default task created in the gulpfile.js file. The output should be similar to:

    [09:48:23] Using gulpfile ~/www/wordpress/wp-content/themes/gulp-wordpress/gulpfile.js [16:33:13] Starting 'default'... [16:33:13] Finished 'default' after 58 μs Speeding up Development with Gulp Tasks

    At this point, the theme is ready for new tasks, and it's time to go through some common tasks that you can use to speed up your theme development.

    Working with CSS (Sass)

    If you are using Sass to write CSS, two main things needed to be automated, the first one is to compile Sass to CSS, the second is to use autoprefixer to add vendor prefixes to your CSS. Also note that I'm using Sass as an example, if you prefer another option like Less for example, you can find a Gulp plugin for it too.

    First, install gulp-sass and gulp-autoprefixer.

    npm install gulp-sass gulp-autoprefixer --save-dev

    The next step is to create a Sass directory with a basic structure.

    ├── sass │ └── style.scss

    The style.scss file is the main starting point, you are free to create your Sass architecture and import other components, modules, functions inside it based on your preference.

    The first few lines will be the stylesheet header required by WordPress.

    /* Theme Name: Gulp WordPress Theme URI: Author: Author Name Author URI: Description: Description Version: 1.0.0 License: License URI: Text Domain: gulp-wordpress */ body { color: #333; background-color: #fff; }

    The next step is to create a sass task that will do the following things:

  • Compile and autoprefix Sass.
  • Build a style.css file, which is the final CSS file used by WordPress.
  • require('es6-promise').polyfill(); var gulp = require('gulp'); var sass = require('gulp-sass'); var autoprefixer = require('gulp-autoprefixer'); gulp.task('sass', function() { return gulp.src('./sass/**/*.scss') .pipe(sass()) .pipe(autoprefixer()) .pipe(gulp.dest('./')) }); gulp.task('default', ['sass']);

    Now, run the gulp sass task directly from the command line, this will compile the style.scss file, and build a new style.css file in the theme root.

    Another way to run sass, is to pass the task name as a second parameter to the default task as I did above, so by running gulp, the sass task will be executed.

    A good WordPress practice is to include the CSS table of contents in the final CSS file at the top just after the stylesheet header, and then add a CSS comment before any code or import related to the section.

    Note that the comment is a standard CSS style comment like (/*----- 1.0 Normalize -----*/), and not a Sass comment like (//----- 1.0 Normalize -----). This is important because this comment needs to be to exist in the final CSS file, but with a Sass style comment it will be hidden by the Sass compiler. Also, note that this is used in the stylesheet header and the table of contents.

    The following is an example of the style.scss file containing the table of content, and some imports to external sass files.

    /* Stylesheet Header ... */ /*-------------------- >>> TABLE OF CONTENTS: ---------------------- 1.0 Normalize 2.0 Typography 3.0 Icons 4.0 Components --------------------*/ /*----- 1.0 Normalize -----*/ @import 'normalize'; /*----- 2.0 Typography -----*/ @import 'typography';

    To automate generating the rtl.css file automatically, the gulp-rtlcss plugin can be used to auto convert LTR (left to right) CSS to RTL (right to left), so you can write Sass in one file then Gulp will generate two CSS files, the first is style.css file, and the second is a rtl.css file.

    The idea behind gulp-rtlcss is to convert all the CSS properties like floats, text-align, text direction, and other properties from left to right.

    The second plugin is gulp-rename which will rename the file to rtl.css automatically.

    npm install gulp-rtlcss gulp-rename --save-dev

    The next step is to include the newly installed plugins at the top of gulpfile.js file, and modify the sass task to use rtlcss() after the style.css is generated to do the conversion.

    In this step, the plugin will convert all the CSS properties like floats and text direction from left to right, then rename the file to rtl.css, and then output the file to the theme root:

    var rtlcss = require('gulp-rtlcss'); var rename = require('gulp-rename'); gulp.task('sass', function() { return gulp.src('./sass/*.scss') .pipe(sass()) .pipe(autoprefixer()) .pipe(gulp.dest('./')) // Output LTR stylesheets (style.css) .pipe(rtlcss()) // Convert to RTL .pipe(rename({ basename: 'rtl' })) // Rename to rtl.css .pipe(gulp.dest('./')); // Output RTL stylesheets (rtl.css) });

    Run gulp sass, and you will have style.css and rtl.css files generated.

    To read more about Sass structure, and how to use it with Gulp, have a read of the following:

    Watching Files

    Instead of running gulp sass whenever you change a Sass file, a new task is required to do this automatically for you.

    The watch task will be used to view any changes made to a file, so once that file has changed, it will run another action. For example, when you save a Sass file, then the sass task should run automatically.

    Inside our gulpfile.js file, add a new watch task to watch for any changes in the /sass directory, then run the sass task. The next step is to update the default task with the watch task.

    gulp.task('watch', function() {'./sass/**/*.scss', ['sass']); }); gulp.task('default', ['sass', 'watch']);

    Now you can run gulp in the command line to execute sass task first then the watch task will continue working after that.

    Error Handling

    Sometimes while you are writing code, you might write an undefined Sass variable while in the middle of work. While you are watching files, Gulp will break because the particular task can't compile that variable, this is annoying because you have to start Gulp again to continue working.

    You can fix this by using gulp-plumber plugin, which will prevent Gulp breaking caused by errors.

    To improve error handling, install the gulp-util utility functions package to customize the error message, add beep sound once the error occurred, plus adding colors to the error message which is useful identifying the error.

    npm install gulp-plumber gulp-util --save-dev var plumber = require('gulp-plumber'); var gutil = require('gulp-util'); var onError = function (err) { console.log('An error occurred:', gutil.colors.magenta(err.message)); gutil.beep(); this.emit('end'); }; gulp.task('sass', function() { return gulp.src('./sass/*.scss') .pipe(plumber({ errorHandler: onError })) // // });

    What has been done above:

  • Added an onError function to log the error message, and create a beep sound.
  • Updated the sass task to use the plumber function, then passed the onError function to the errorHandler object property.
  • By doing this you can know exactly what's happening with errors and in which file. Most importantly, it will also prevent Gulp from stopping!

    An example of an undefined Sass variable $color.

    Undefined Sass Variable Error Handling


    For working with JavaScript, there are different tools that can speed up and improve your accompanying JavaScript development workflow, for example:

  • Concatenating many JavaScript files into a single file.
  • Checking code errors with JSHint.
  • Minifying code to get a much smaller file size.
  • You can install these plugins as following:

    To concatenate files:

    npm install gulp-concat --save-dev

    To validate JavaScript:

    npm install gulp-jshint --save-dev

    To minify code:

    npm install gulp-uglify --save-dev

    Next, inside the gulpfile.js file, we require the newly installed plugins and add a new js task.

    var concat = require('gulp-concat'); var jshint = require('gulp-jshint'); var uglify = require('gulp-uglify'); gulp.task('js', function() { return gulp.src(['./js/*.js']) .pipe(jshint()) .pipe(jshint.reporter('default')) .pipe(concat('app.js')) .pipe(rename({suffix: '.min'})) .pipe(uglify()) .pipe(gulp.dest('./js')) });

    This task takes any file that ends with .js inside the ./js directory, checks for code errors with jshint, then concatenates them into app.js, and as we need a minified output, it is time to rename the file to app.min.js. We then minify the code, and in the last step, output the file to the ./js directory.

    At this point, you'll want to create a .jshintrc configuration file in the theme root, which is a simple JSON file that specifies which JSHint options to turn on or off, for example:

    { "undef": true, "unused": true, "browser": true }
  • undef: Warns when you use a variable that was not declared.
  • unused: Warns when defining a variable and never using it.
  • browser: Defines globals exposed by modern browsers, like navigator and document.
  • JSHint comes with a whole series of options that you can use based on your preference.

    Now, run gulp js from the command line (or terminal). A new app.min.js file will be generated which will be used later in the theme.

    By default, the _underscore theme includes customizer.js, navigation.js, and skip-link-focus-fix.js files under the /js directory.

    If you only need to include specific files, you can add them inside the gulp.src array as:

    gulp.task('js', function() { return gulp.src([ './js/navigation.js', './js/skip-link-focus-fix.js' ]) });

    The code above will do all the operations on those two files. If you need to add another new file you can append it to the array.

    You can also update the watch task to watch changes to any JavaScipt file, and also update the default task to run the js actions automatically when running gulp, just as we did with Sass.

    gulp.task('watch', function() {'./sass/**/*.scss', ['sass']);'./js/*.js', ['js']); }); gulp.task('default', ['sass', 'js', 'watch']);

    Inside the functions.php theme file, enqueue the generated app.min.js file as:

    wp_enqueue_script( 'gulp-wordpress-javascript', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/app.min.js', array(), '20151215', true );

    You can remove other enqueued JavaScript files as they already concatenated and minified into a single file. In the current state of HTTP, including one file rather than many will speed up and improve website performance.

    The enqueue scripts function inside functions.php file will end up to looking similar to:

    /** * Enqueue scripts and styles. */ function gulp_wordpress_scripts() { wp_enqueue_style( 'gulp-wordpress-style', get_stylesheet_uri() ); wp_enqueue_script( 'gulp-wordpress-javascript', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/app.min.js', array(), '20151215', true ); } add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'gulp_wordpress_scripts' ); Images

    Let's now try to optimize images with Gulp, by doing this we will ensure that all the used pictures in the theme are automatically optimized for speed. To make this automation easier, you can set up a Gulp task to watch the images directory, and once you drag an image there, gulp will optimize it and move it to another folder for optimized and ready to use images.

    Create two folders:

  • /images/src: Source folder contains the original images.
  • /images/dest: Destination folder contains the optimized images.
  • Install gulp-imagemin to minify PNG, JPEG, GIF, and SVG images.

    npm install gulp-imagemin --save-dev

    Create a new task (images), that will watch images located in the source folder (/images/src), optimize them, and move them to the optimized folder (/images/dest).

    var imagemin = require('gulp-imagemin'); gulp.task('images', function() { return gulp.src('./images/src/*') .pipe(plumber({errorHandler: onError})) .pipe(imagemin({optimizationLevel: 7, progressive: true})) .pipe(gulp.dest('./images/dist')); });

    You can also watch the /images/src folder, so that every time you drag a new image there, the images task will run. Also, update the default task to run the images action.

    gulp.task('watch', function() { //'images/src/*', ['images']); }); gulp.task('default', ['sass', 'js', 'images', 'watch']); Browser Refresh with BrowserSync

    What if you want to refresh the browser after any code changes whether the code is PHP, Sass, or JavaScript? What if you are testing with more than one browser or mobile device? You will have to hit the refresh button on every single screen. BrowserSync will help in doing this effectively and automatically!

    First, you'll need to install BrowserSync as a development dependency.

    npm install browser-sync --save-dev

    Next, require BrowserSync inside your gulpfile.js file, and update the watch task to include BrowserSync:

    var browserSync = require('browser-sync').create(); var reload = browserSync.reload; gulp.task('watch', function() { browserSync.init({ files: ['./**/*.php'], proxy: 'http://localhost:8888/wordpress/', });'./sass/**/*.scss', ['sass', reload]);'./js/*.js', ['js', reload]);'images/src/*', ['images', reload]); });

    Notice that you will need to update the proxy option to the local development URL. For example, if your local URL is localhost:8888/wordpress, update the proxy value above with that.

    As BrowserSync can watch your files as you work, for example, I configured the task to watch any changes to PHP files.

    I also updated the sass, js, and images watch tasks to reload the page if any changes happened to the files, or the content of the images folder has changed.

    Now, you can run gulp, a new tab will be opened automatically in the browser to the localhost URL, and your console will look something like this:

    [BS] Access URLs: -------------------------------------------- Local: http://localhost:3000/wordpress/ External: -------------------------------------------- UI: http://localhost:3001 UI External: --------------------------------------------

    You can use the External URL in any device connected to the same network, so in every change browserSync will reload all the browsers.

    The UI External URL is used for the Browsersync control panel, which allows you to change sync options, manage devices.


    As you've seen, working with automation tools is incredibly valuable and can improve the speed of the development process. There are lots of Gulp plugins out there you can try and use based on your requirements, so there is anything that could be automated to save time, do so!

    I've created a GitHub repo for this article's WordPress theme and you can check out the code here. Let me know if you use any Gulp plugins in your development process that makes your life easier.

    Source: WordPress Theme Automation With Gulp

    Top 10 #WordPress Themes for #Entrepreneurs

    Top 10 WordPress Themes for Entrepreneurs WordPress has changed the way we build websites. What started as a simple blogging tool in 2003 has turned into a leading CMS powering 26.4 percent of all websites in the world. This can be partly attributed to the five-minute install WordPress is so ... read more10 Of The Best Free WordPress Themes For Your Website As more website owners convert their website to the WordPress ... this theme is the large slider on the homepage that also supports background videos. This is definitely a great theme for your business or portfolio website. We cannot have a top 10 best ... read more

    Top 10 Themes at Health Datapalooza 2016 It was the seventh annual get-together of number crunchers, developers, academics, policy makers, health advocates and entrepreneurs ... on innovation in health data over three days. Ten themes emerged over the course of this year's meeting. read moreBest 10 Responsive WordPress Themes for Small Business – All Free Here are ten of the best free responsive WordPress themes that have responsive design built right in. Designed especially for small business, the elegant Simplify template is a responsive theme with more than 100 custom theme options and features. read more10 Things You Need To Know Before Starting A Blog If you want a cool web address, more design flexibility, larger storage or more monetization opportunities, a self-hosted WordPress blog is still the best bet. You can start ... It is possible to customize themes and plugins without having a look at ... read more10 apps that every entrepreneur should use Entrepreneurs play a vital role in market economies ... Trello makes sure you're organized and on top of it all, it is easy to use and extremely flexible. With Trello, you can even create boards to organize anything you're working on which you can use ... read moreTop 10 E-commerce Themes for WordPress There is bunch of WordPress templates for e-commerce websites out there. I listed 10 of them I found on envato market place ... need to worry about mobile version of your website, since the theme is completely responsive. For proud owners of MacBooks ... read moreTop 10 Ways to Tweak Your WordPress Theme Check out the Codex to learn more about Child themes. If you're looking to tweak colors, fonts, layout, backgrounds, spacing, and other visual elements, your best bet is to start by editing the CSS. Most of the time, your theme's CSS styles ... read moreThe Weekly Top 10: SharePoint and Other CMS Platforms Is the situation that dire? Is the WordPress core code really so atrocious that you should steer clear altogether and use something else for your project? Elegant Themes - Top 12 WordPress Books To Add To Your Collection Since WordPress is an online thing ... read more

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    Source: Top 10 #WordPress Themes for #Entrepreneurs

    Wednesday, June 29, 2016

    Service Standards Ensured by NAPBS Accredited Background Screening Firms


    Written By ESR News Blog Editor Thomas Ahearn

    Verifications of past education and past employment of job applicants are a necessary part of background checks. A background screening firm accredited by the National Association of Professional Background Screeners (NAPBS) has policies and procedures in place to ensure maximum possible accuracy when obtaining, recording, and reporting verification information for their clients. This blog is the fifth in a six part series about the NAPBS Background Screening Agency Accreditation Program (BSAAP).

    'Verification Service Standards' is the fifth of six sections of the BSAAP created for Consumer Reporting Agencies (CRAs) – the technical term for background screening companies – along with 'Consumer Protection,' 'Legal Compliance,' 'Client Education,' 'Researcher and Data Product Standards,' and 'General Business Practices.' The BSAAP contains 58 clauses that CRAs must follow to be NAPBS Accredited. The 'Verification Service Standards' section contains the 11 clauses below as listed on the NAPBS website:

  • 5.1 Verification Accuracy – CRA shall maintain reasonable procedures to assure maximum possible accuracy when obtaining, recording and reporting verification information.
  • 5.2 Current Employment – CRA shall have procedures in place to contact consumer's current employer directly only when authorized by client and/or consumer.
  • 5.3 Diploma Mills – When attempting educational verifications from known or suspected diploma mills, CRA shall have reasonable procedures in place to advise client of such.
  • 5.4 Procedural Disclosures – CRA shall provide full disclosure to clients about general business practices regarding number of attempts to verify information, what constitutes an "attempt," locate fees, fees charged by the employer or service provider and standard question formats prior to providing such services.
  • 5.5 Verification Databases – If CRA compiles and stores employment or education verification information for sale, CRA shall have procedures in place to ensure that data is accurate at the time information is provided to end user and have procedures in place for handling consumer disputes.
  • 5.6 Use of Stored Data – If CRA provides investigative consumer reports from stored data, CRA shall have procedures in place to ensure the CRA does not provide previously reported adverse information unless it has been re-verified within the past three months, or for a shorter time if required by state or local law.
  • 5.7 Documentation of Verification Attempts – CRA shall have procedures in place to document all verification attempts made and the result of each attempt, in completing all verification services.
  • 5.8 Outsourced Verification Services – CRA shall require a signed agreement from all providers of outsourced verification services. The agreement shall clearly outline the scope of services to be provided, verification methodology, documentation of verification efforts, disclosure of findings, time frame for communication and completion of requests, confidentiality requirements, reinvestigation requirements and other obligations as furnishers of information under the federal FCRA.
  • 5.9 Conflicting Data – Should CRA receive information from the verification source subsequent to the delivery of the consumer report, and as a direct result of the initial inquiry, that conflicts with originally reported information, and that new information is received within 120 days of the initial report, (or as may be required by law), CRA shall have procedures in place to notify client of such information.
  • 5.10 Professional Conduct – CRA shall train all employees engaged in verification work on procedures for completing verifications in a professional manner.
  • 5.11 Authorized Recipient – If CRA is requesting verification by phone, fax, email or mail, CRA shall have procedures in place to confirm that verification request is directed to an authorized recipient.
  • Governed by a strict professional standard of specified requirements and measurements, the BSAAP is becoming a widely recognized seal of achievement that brings national recognition to background screening organizations.  This recognition will stand as the industry "seal," representing a background screening organization's commitment to excellence, accountability, high professional standards, and continued institutional improvement. To learn more about the BSAPP, visit

    Founded in 2003 as a not-for-profit trade association, the NAPBS® represents the interests of more than 700 member companies around the world that offer tenant, employment, and background screening.  NAPBS provides relevant programs and training aimed at empowering members to better serve clients and maintain standards of excellence in the background screening industry, and presents a unified voice in the development of national, state, and local regulations. To learn more about the NAPBS, visit

    To read other blogs in this series, visit

    ESR Achieves Re-Accreditation with NAPBS

    The National Association of Professional Background Screeners (NAPBS®) Background Screening Credentialing Council (BSCC) has announced that Employment Screening Resources® (ESR) successfully demonstrated continued compliance with the Background Screening Agency Accreditation Program (BSAAP) and is recognized as BSCC-Accredited. To learn more about Accreditation, read the ESR News Blog "Employment Screening Resources Achieves Background Screening Credentialing Council Re-Accreditation."

    Founded in 1997, Employment Screening Resources® (ESR) is a global background check firm headquartered in the San Francisco, California area. ESR is a strategic choice that consistently delivers fast, accurate, affordable, and compliant information through innovative and highly integrated solutions. ESR is accredited by the NAPBS® and is audited yearly for SSAE 16 SOC 2® Type 2 compliance, a distinction held by a small percentage of background screening firms. To learn more about ESR, visit

    NOTE: Employment Screening Resources® (ESR) does not provide or offer legal services or legal advice of any kind or nature. Any information on this website is for educational purposes only.

    © 2016 Employment Screening Resources® (ESR) – Making copies or using of any part of the ESR News Blog or ESR website for any purpose other than your own personal use is prohibited unless written authorization is first obtained from ESR.

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    Source: Service Standards Ensured by NAPBS Accredited Background Screening Firms

    WordPress plug-in for Apple News updated

    The developers behind the WordPress plug-in for Apple News have issued an update, bring the plug-in up to version 1.1.5.

    AppleNews-icon-150Here are the details:

  • Updated logic for creating a unique ID for anchored components to avoid occasional conflicts due to lack of entropy.
  • Fixed issue with lack of container for components when cover isn't the first component causing text to scroll awkwardly over the image with the parallax effect.
  • Added the ability to set the body background color.
  • Fixed issue with empty but valid JSON components causing an "Undefined index" error in Apple News validation.
  • Fixed issue with an invalid API response or unreachable endpoint causing the post edit screen to break when trying to load the Apple News meta box.
  • The plug-in has bee a God send for small publishers using WordPress, as it automates much of the production, while doing a very good job of keeping the layouts true to the original. But as Apple News has a few rules that must be followed, such as with rejecting small photos, it is usually best for the publishing to know what will work in Apple News and so make sure their web layouts conform.

    There remain a few quirks. For instance, one can embed a Tweet on the web and have it work in Apple News, but don't do two tweets in a row. Also, code can't follow code. So, when TNM might use a line to break up sections, if there is an embedded video, picture or tweet next to that line there will be a problem.

    These are minor annoyances that can be adjusted for.

    My biggest recommendation for publishers using the plug-in is to set it to manual so that you have to manually push the stories to Apple News rather than have then go automatically. This allows you to see when there are problems at the time of publisher, rather than later when you review your Apple News content.

    Source: WordPress plug-in for Apple News updated

    New #WordPress Plugin for

    New WordPress Plugin for Back in January, Maha wrote about her use of, a collaborative web annotation tool that works within your web browser. As Maha explains, this tool gives readers who are all assigned the same readings a choice: they can "do these readings in ... read moreLingotek - Inside WordPress Plugin for Creating Multilingual Websites Surpasses 100k Downloads 9,000+ Active Installs Using Lingotek Cloud-Based Translation Network Technology LEHI, UT--(Marketwired - June 28, 2016) - Lingotek | The Translation Network today announced that the Lingotek - Inside WordPress plugin ... launching in new markets, clients ... read more

    Must Have WordPress Plugins for Musicians to create a website that makes people want to stay longer, buy your music, go to your gigs, and leave glowing reviews, these WordPress plugins could be your new best friend. The bread and butter of any musician is live performance. It is often one of the ... read more10 Must-Have WordPress Plugins For Your Business Website It also has a lot of developer support so there are many plugins available, most of which are free. I'm going to share the 10 most essential WordPress plugins for your business website in this ... Once you create a new sidebar, it will show up in the ... read moreWordPress Plugins for eCommerce A popular and long-standing plugin that was one of the first eCommerce options offered by WordPress, WP e-Commerce comes with a ... cross-page promotion, a New Products widget, single-page checkout, integration with popular e-commerce payment and third ... read more10 Must Have WordPress Plugins for 2014 With so many websites utilizing the WordPress content ... use contact form option. This plugin generates an XML sitemap for the website and helps the pages and posts get indexed by the major search engines. Every time a new post is made the plugin notifies ... read moreAutomattic Buys WooCommerce, The Popular Plugin For Turning WordPress Into A Store If you're looking to turn your WordPress site into an online shop, one option reigns supreme: WooCommerce. With roughly 7.5 million downloads, it's easily the most popular e-commerce WordPress plugin ... just like adding a new blog post. read more5 Free WordPress Plugins For Affiliate Marketers What if you could get your basic WordPress set up done and then make a copy of it each time you wanted to create a new affiliate site? This is really easy to do with the free Duplicator plug-in. This handy plugin also allows you to easily move sites from ... read moreNew To Using WordPress? 3 Must Have Plugins To Power Your SEO Personally, I love working with WordPress. It is the most popular CMS (content management system) for good reason. Building a simple website is incredibly easy and adding new functionality is only a plugin or development project away. Although this is ... read moreFacebook posts Save and Share extensions for Chrome, revamps Like button on mobile Our hypothesis ... of Social Plugin buttons to make it even easier to share, save and engage with content on the service. The refreshed buttons are now mobile-friendly and have a cleaner appearance. Developers can now choose between the new button sizes ... read more

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    Source: New #WordPress Plugin for

    Tuesday, June 28, 2016

    Product Standards Set High for NAPBS Accredited Background Screening Firms


    Written By ESR News Blog Editor Thomas Ahearn

    Criminal record information gathered by public record researchers at the county court level is an important part of background checks. A background screening firm accredited by the National Association of Professional Background Screeners (NAPBS) seeks high standards from these researchers and ensures those standards will be met through a set of policies that deal with data products used for background checks. This blog is the fourth in a six part series about the NAPBS Background Screening Agency Accreditation Program (BSAAP).

    'Researcher and Data Product Standards' is the fourth of six sections of the BSAAP created for Consumer Reporting Agencies (CRAs) – the technical term for background screening companies – along with 'Consumer Protection,' Legal Compliance,' 'Client Education,' 'Verification Service Standards,' and 'General Business Practices.' The BSAAP contains 58 clauses that CRAs must follow to be NAPBS Accredited. The 'Researcher and Data Product Standards' section contains the eight clauses below as listed on the NAPBS website:

  • 4.1 Public Record Researcher Agreement – CRA shall require a signed agreement from all non-employee public record researchers. The agreement shall clearly outline the scope of services agreed to by CRA and researcher, including jurisdictions covered, search methodology, depth of search, disclosure of findings, methodology and time frame for communication and completion of requests, methodology for confirming identity of subject of record(s), confidentiality requirements, and reinvestigation requirements.
  • 4.2 Vetting Requirement – CRA shall have procedures in place to vet or qualify new public record researchers.
  • 4.3 Public Record Researcher Certification – CRA shall require public record researcher to certify in writing that they will conduct research in compliance with all applicable local, state and federal laws, as well as in the manner prescribed by the jurisdiction which maintains the official record of the court; never obtain information through illegal or unethical means; and utilize document disposal and/or destruction methods pursuant to the federal FCRA.
  • 4.4 Errors and Omissions Coverage – CRA shall obtain proof of public record researcher's Errors and Omissions Insurance. If public record researcher is unable to provide proof of insurance, CRA shall maintain coverage for uninsured and/or underinsured public record researcher.
  • 4.5 Information Security – CRA shall provide a secure means by which public record researcher will receive orders and return search results.
  • 4.6 Auditing Procedures – CRA shall maintain auditing procedures for quality assurance in regard to their active public record researchers.
  • 4.7 Identification Confirmation – CRA shall follow reasonable procedures to assure maximum possible accuracy when determining the identity of a consumer who is the subject of a record prior to reporting the information. CRA shall have procedures in place to notify client of any adverse information that is reported based on a name match only.
  • 4.8 Jurisdictional Knowledge – The CRA shall designate a qualified individual(s) or position(s) within the organization responsible for understanding court terminology, as well as the various jurisdictional court differences if CRA reports court records.
  • Governed by a strict professional standard of specified requirements and measurements, the BSAAP is becoming a widely recognized seal of achievement that brings national recognition to background screening organizations.  This recognition will stand as the industry "seal," representing a background screening organization's commitment to excellence, accountability, high professional standards, and continued institutional improvement. To learn more about the BSAPP, visit

    Founded in 2003 as a not-for-profit trade association, the NAPBS® represents the interests of more than 700 member companies around the world that offer tenant, employment, and background screening.  NAPBS provides relevant programs and training aimed at empowering members to better serve clients and maintain standards of excellence in the background screening industry, and presents a unified voice in the development of national, state, and local regulations. To learn more about the NAPBS, visit

    To read other blogs in this series, visit

    ESR Achieves Re-Accreditation with NAPBS

    The National Association of Professional Background Screeners (NAPBS®) Background Screening Credentialing Council (BSCC) has announced that Employment Screening Resources® (ESR) successfully demonstrated continued compliance with the Background Screening Agency Accreditation Program (BSAAP) and is recognized as BSCC-Accredited. To learn more about Accreditation, read the ESR News Blog "Employment Screening Resources Achieves Background Screening Credentialing Council Re-Accreditation."

    Founded in 1997, Employment Screening Resources® (ESR) is a global background check firm headquartered in the San Francisco, California area. ESR is a strategic choice that consistently delivers fast, accurate, affordable, and compliant information through innovative and highly integrated solutions. ESR is accredited by the NAPBS® and is audited yearly for SSAE 16 SOC 2® Type 2 compliance, a distinction held by a small percentage of background screening firms. To learn more about ESR, visit

    NOTE: Employment Screening Resources® (ESR) does not provide or offer legal services or legal advice of any kind or nature. Any information on this website is for educational purposes only.

    © 2016 Employment Screening Resources® (ESR) – Making copies or using of any part of the ESR News Blog or ESR website for any purpose other than your own personal use is prohibited unless written authorization is first obtained from ESR.

    Share ThisShare on FacebookTweet about this on TwitterShare on LinkedInShare on Google+Digg thisShare on StumbleUponEmail this to someone
    Source: Product Standards Set High for NAPBS Accredited Background Screening Firms

    AccuWeb Hosting

    The Web hosting well is a deep one, with many services vying for your dollar. There are plenty of excellent choices, and AccuWeb Hosting is among them with robust shared, virtual-private-server, dedicated, and WordPress hosting plans that offer plenty of flexibility. Though AccuWeb Hosting doesn't claim top rank in any one hosting sub-category and does suffer from a few minor complaints, it's still an excellent all-around service. In the end, DreamHost and HostGator remain our top picks overall.

    Shared Web HostingAccuWeb Hosting is a Web host with incredibly varied shared plans. The company's lower-end, Linux-based solid-state servers start at $3.36 per month for unlimited domains, 10GB of storage, 150 email accounts, and 60GB of data transfers, while the top-tier servers start at $13.56 per month for 50GB of storage, 1,000 email accounts, and 200GB of monthly data transfers.

    AccuWeb Hosting also offers Linux Cloud Hosting (starting at $5.06 per month), Windows Cloud Hosting (starting at $6.35 per month), and Windows Classic Hosting (starting at $4.21 per month). This adds up to lots of options for hosting your business or personal site. Also, you shouldn't underestimate the importance of Windows-based servers; they're vital if you want to run .ASP scripts, and some other hosts don't offer them.

    These are quality shared hosting plans, but HostGator, the category's Editors' Choice, tops them all. The Web host's shared packages all boast unlimited storage, bandwidth, and email addresses—and unlimited domains if you sign up for either the Baby ($7.96 per month) or Business ($11.96 per month) plans. Likewise, DreamHost's shared packages have unlimited storage, domains, email, and monthly data transfers.

    VPS Web HostingAccuWeb Hosting has seven wallet-friendly Linux- and Windows-based VPS plans for webmasters to consider, ranging from Linux Classic (from $7.99 per month) to Windows VPS Reseller (starting at $115 per month). If you need more juice, AccuWeb has a VPS package that tops out at 30GB of RAM, 1,000GB of storage, and 6,000GB of monthly data transfers, with its $315-per-month SkyScraper VPS Reseller plan. Note: You can create 250 email accounts with a Windows VPS plan; you can create unlimited email accounts with a Linux VPS plan.

    The number of AccuWeb Hosting packages isn't very different from Hostwinds' offerings. Still, Hostwinds retains its position as the Editors' Choice for VPS hosting. It offers five options ranging from Budget (starting at $7.50 per month) to SSD Windows (starting at $13.50 per month). The company includes unlimited monthly data transfers and unlimited email with every VPS plan, and has a high-end $209.50 per month plan that boasts an impressive 35GB of RAM and 170GB of storage.

    Dedicated Web HostingAccuWeb Hosting has three tiers of dedicated hosting: SSD (starting at $105 per month); Low Cost (starting at $110); and High RAM (starting at $455 per month). As with the VPS plan, AccuWeb's Windows-based dedicated hosting plan lets you create up to 250 email accounts; with a Linux-based dedicated plan, you can create unlimited email accounts.

    If you want a dedicated server that handles the rigors of high-intensity Internet traffic, you'll be happy to know that you can spec out a high-end server with an incredible 20TB of monthly data transfers, 256GB of RAM, and four 600GB solid-state drives—if you're willing to pay more than $1,000 per month. Still, that's a more wallet-friendly option than what Media Temple offers; its dedicated hosting starts at $2,000 for unlimited domains, 10TB of monthly data transfers, 128GB of RAM, and 1TB of solid-state storage.

    Overall, AccuWeb Hosting's dedicated hosting plans are varied and quite flexible. The servers have high-end specs that you won't get from HostGator, which maxes out with a $280 per month server that boasts 25TB of monthly data transfers, 16GB of RAM, and a 1,000GB hard drive. Arvixe, the Editors' Choice for dedicated hosting, surpasses both of them with a top-tier, $357 per month option that includes 32GB of RAM, 1TB of storage, and unlimited monthly data transfers.

    Managed WordPressWebmasters who are serious about their WordPress installations will be happy to know that AccuWeb Hosting offers managed WordPress hosting that gives your site the white-glove treatment. This includes a preinstalled content management system, 24/7 support, automatic updates, and multilayer DDoS protection.

    The WordPress Personal Web Hosting plan ($3.99 per month) offers unlimited domains, 10GB of storage, 60GB of monthly data transfers, and free WordPress migration and domain name registration. The WordPress Business Web Hosting plan (5.99 per month) ups the numbers to 30GB of storage, and 100GB of monthly data transfers, and includes search engine optimization and page caching plug-ins. The top-tier WordPress Enterprise Web Hosting plan ($10.99 per month) builds upon the other tiers with 50GB of storage, 200GB of monthly data transfers, and a free Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificate. All the plans include one-click installation, Google Apps integration, and free daily backups.

    These packages nearly rival the ones offered by 1&1, the Editors' Choice for managed WordPress hosting. The top dog boasts WP Basic ($6.99 per month), WP Plus ($9.99 per month), and WP Unlimited ($14.99 per month) plans that include unlimited monthly data transfers, unlimited email, automatic malware detection and removal, automatic WordPress updates, and a curated list of recommended WordPress plug-ins and themes.

    Site Creation and E-Commerce Tools Creating an AccuWeb Hosting account is quite simple. After signing up for a plan, I received welcome emails and a note that it could take up to 48 hours for AccuWeb Hosting to set up my account. Fortunately, I didn't have to wait two days; the URL was up and running roughly two hours later.

    I appreciated AccuWeb Hosting's custom cPanel back-end interface, as it's far easier to read and navigate than the traditional cPanel. I used it to access the Softaculous software library and to install WordPress as the content management system. I'm quite familiar with WordPress, so it was a breeze to create posts and pages and apply an attractive theme. In fact, even if you aren't familiar with WordPress, it should be simple to use. There is also software for non-WordPress website building, including Joomla and the PrestaShop ecommerce option.

    I later used Magento to create an online store. It let me quickly create an attractive shop in just a few minutes by dragging and dropping website elements. I like that Magento has the fliexibility to house multiple storefronts and integrate eBay accounts.

    Security OptionsAccuWeb Hosting gives you plenty of options for safeguarding your website from those who would do harm. You can add a 128-bit SSL certificate ($49 per year), SpamExperts spam blocker (starting at $5.85 per quarter), and ID protection (for $8 per year). If you're serious about your site's security, you should look into all of these options.

    Excellent UptimeWebsite uptime is one of the most important aspects of a hosting service. While your site is down, clients or customers will be unable to find you or access your products or services—and they might not come back.

    For this testing, I used a website-monitoring tool to track my AccuWeb Hosting-hosted test site's uptime. Every 15 minutes, the tool pinged my website and sent me an email if it was unable to contact the site for longer than one minute. I looked at the data for the most recent two weeks for each site's review. In my latest tests, AccuWeb Hosting proved incredibly stable. Of all the Web hosting services I've reviewed, only Arvixe matched its reliability over the most recent testing perioud . As long as it keeps on this course, you can count on it to deliver a rock-solid Web hosting experience.

    Impressive Customer Service AccuWeb Hosting offers both Web chat and 24/7 telephone customer support. When you ask a question via Web chat, AccuWeb Hosting serves up links to a knowledge database. When I asked about the difference between regular hosting and cloud-based hosting, AccuWeb Hosting linked to me satisfactory answers. Still, I tested the customer service by asking a representative the same question—and he linked me to the same knowledge base article!

    I also gave telephone support (available 24/7) a call with the same question. The rep also gave me a satisfactory answer. I was incredibly pleased by AccuWeb Hosting's help squad. It was easily one of the best customer service teams I've encountered in the Web hosting space.

    Money-Back GuaranteeAccuWeb Hosting has a decent 30-day money-back guarantee, but DreamHost bests it with an impressive 97-day money-back guarantee.

    A Good Web HostAccuWeb Hosting is a well-rounded service that you can count on for building a rock-solid website. It may fall just short of the Editors' Choice award-winning packages offered by DreamHost and HostGator, but it's worth checking out if you need quality shared, VPS, dedicated, or managed WordPress hosting.

    Source: AccuWeb Hosting

    #WordPress Security Update Patches Two Dozen Flaws

    WordPress Security Update Patches Two Dozen Flaws WordPress last week updated to version 4.5.3, a security release for all versions of the content management system. The update patches more than two dozen vulnerabilities, including 17 bugs introduced in the last three releases, all published this year. read moreWordPress Update Patches Pair of Vulnerabilities Automatic updates ... the two flaws and fix 17 bugs are now rolling out to users of the open-source WordPress CMS. A new update to the WordPress open-source blogging and content management system (CMS) has been released that patches a pair of security ... read more

    WordPress 4.2.3 Security Update Released, Patches Critical Vulnerability All versions of WordPress from 4.2.2 and earlier are affected by the flaw, but you need not worry about it if you have Automatic Security Updates enabled. However, if not, you are strongly recommended to update your WordPress CMS to version 4.2.3 as soon ... read moreWordPress 4.5.3 Fixes Bug That Allowed Password Change via Stolen Cookies The team announced a new version of the WordPress CMS today, one that includes fixes for eight security bugs and 17 maintenance issues. The most critical security flaw the ... it up to auto-update or can trigger manual updates from their ... read moreKill Flash now. Or patch these 36 vulnerabilities. Your choice Adobe has released an update for Flash that addresses three dozen CVE-listed ... a designation reserved for flaws that are, according to Adobe, "being targeted, or which have a higher risk of being targeted." Adobe credited security researchers at Cisco ... read moreWordPress gets a patch for critical XSS flaw IDG News Service | Jul 23, 2015 8:29 AM PT Developers of the popular WordPress blogging platform have released a critical security update to fix a vulnerability that can be exploited to take over websites. WordPress 4.2.3 ... as a flaw that can be ... read moreWordPress rolls out patch for exploited security flaw ... WordPress has rolled out a fix for a critical security issue that has reportedly been actively exploited by attackers. WordPress' Samuel Sidler urged all WordPress users to upgrade to version 4.2.2, which he said is a "critical security release for ... read moreWordPress 3.5.2 update fixes security issues If you update your blog once a week, you may not notice that an update is available directly but only after a couple of days. WordPress 3.5.2 is a maintenance and security ... Updates should go through without issues on most blogs. I have updated half a ... read moreWordPress 4.2.3 is out, update your website now If it is, you should update it now. The latest version, version 4.2.3, was released on 23 July 2015 and includes a fix for a cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability that your website could do without. The flaw allows WordPress users who have Contributor ... read moreAdobe Flings Flash Fix for Fresh APT Target Security experts are once again warning enterprises to immediately update - or delete - all instances of the Adobe Flash Player they may have installed on any system, in the wake of reports that a zero-day flaw in ... at least two dozen high-profile ... read more

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    Source: #WordPress Security Update Patches Two Dozen Flaws

    Monday, June 27, 2016

    Client Education Offered by NAPBS Accredited Background Screening Firms


    Written By ESR News Blog Editor Thomas Ahearn

    Employers must learn what their legal responsibilities are when using background checks for employment purposes. A background screening firm accredited by the National Association of Professional Background Screeners (NAPBS) will inform their clients of these legal responsibilities and requirements imposed by the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and state screening laws. This blog is the third in a six part series about the NAPBS Background Screening Agency Accreditation Program (BSAAP).

    'Client Education' is the third of six sections of the BSAAP created for Consumer Reporting Agencies (CRAs) – the technical term for background screening companies – along with 'Consumer Protection,' 'Legal Compliance,' 'Researcher and Data Product Standards,' 'Verification Service Standards,' and 'General Business Practices.' The BSAAP contains 58 clauses that CRAs must follow to be NAPBS Accredited. The 'Client Education' section contains the seven clauses below as listed on the NAPBS website:

  • 3.1 Client Legal Responsibilities – CRA shall have procedures in place to inform client that they have legal responsibilities when using consumer reports for employment purposes. CRA shall recommend that client consult their legal counsel regarding their specific legal responsibilities.
  • 3.2 Client Required Documents – CRA shall provide sample documents or inform client of specific documents which are needed to meet legal requirements regarding employer's procurement and use of consumer reports.
  • 3.3 Truth in Advertising – CRA shall communicate to clients the nature of the original source, limitations, variables affecting the information available and scope of information provided by each consumer reporting product offered by the CRA.
  • 3.4 Adverse Action – CRA shall inform client that there are legal requirements imposed by the federal FCRA and, in some instances, state consumer reporting laws, regarding taking adverse action against a consumer based on a consumer report. CRA shall recommend to client that they consult with counsel to develop a legally compliant adverse action policy.
  • 3.5 Legal Counsel – CRA shall communicate to client that they are not acting as legal counsel and cannot provide legal advice. CRA shall communicate to client the importance of working with counsel to develop an employment screening program specific to their needs. CRA shall also communicate to client the necessity to work with counsel to ensure that client's policies and procedures related to the use of CRA-provided information is in compliance with applicable state and federal laws.
  • 3.6 Understanding Consumer Reports – CRA shall provide guidance to client on how to order, retrieve, read and understand the information provided in consumer reports provided by the CRA.
  • 3.7 Information Protection – CRA shall provide information to client regarding (1) the sensitive nature of consumer reports, (2) the need to protect such information and (3) the consumer report retention and destruction practices as outlined in the federal FCRA and the DPPA.
  • Governed by a strict professional standard of specified requirements and measurements, the BSAAP is becoming a widely recognized seal of achievement that brings national recognition to background screening organizations.  This recognition will stand as the industry "seal," representing a background screening organization's commitment to excellence, accountability, high professional standards, and continued institutional improvement. To learn more about the BSAPP, visit

    Founded in 2003 as a not-for-profit trade association, the NAPBS® represents the interests of more than 700 member companies around the world that offer tenant, employment, and background screening.  NAPBS provides relevant programs and training aimed at empowering members to better serve clients and maintain standards of excellence in the background screening industry, and presents a unified voice in the development of national, state, and local regulations. To learn more about the NAPBS, visit

    To read other blogs in this series, visit

    ESR Achieves Re-Accreditation with NAPBS

    The National Association of Professional Background Screeners (NAPBS®) Background Screening Credentialing Council (BSCC) has announced that Employment Screening Resources® (ESR) successfully demonstrated continued compliance with the Background Screening Agency Accreditation Program (BSAAP) and is recognized as BSCC-Accredited. To learn more about Accreditation, read the ESR News Blog "Employment Screening Resources Achieves Background Screening Credentialing Council Re-Accreditation."

    Founded in 1997, Employment Screening Resources® (ESR) is a global background check firm headquartered in the San Francisco, California area. ESR is a strategic choice that consistently delivers fast, accurate, affordable, and compliant information through innovative and highly integrated solutions. ESR is accredited by the NAPBS® and is audited yearly for SSAE 16 SOC 2® Type 2 compliance, a distinction held by a small percentage of background screening firms. To learn more about ESR, visit

    NOTE: Employment Screening Resources® (ESR) does not provide or offer legal services or legal advice of any kind or nature. Any information on this website is for educational purposes only.

    © 2016 Employment Screening Resources® (ESR) – Making copies or using of any part of the ESR News Blog or ESR website for any purpose other than your own personal use is prohibited unless written authorization is first obtained from ESR.

    Share ThisShare on FacebookTweet about this on TwitterShare on LinkedInShare on Google+Digg thisShare on StumbleUponEmail this to someone
    Source: Client Education Offered by NAPBS Accredited Background Screening Firms

    9 Technical #Skills To Learn As An Aspiring Startup Founder

    9 Technical Skills To Learn As An Aspiring Startup Founder Want to be an effective startup founder? Then you must be able to communicate and work well with your team. This is easier when you understand what they do. Below are nine technical skills will help you be a better communicator, and, as a result, a better ... read moreSirdab Lab: A startup hub for entrepreneurs I've spoken to aspiring entrepreneurs ... We deliver workshops to teach technical skills such as using Photoshop, Android development, and User Experience (UX) design. Our 3-week Startup Bootcamp helps founders turn their ideas into viable businesses ... read more

    Why business co-founders ought to learn code Taking the time to learn the basics ... A few days ago, an aspiring entrepreneur e-mailed me with a simple question: "Do you need to be an expert in coding to build a successful startup, or can you employ experts to do the technical work for you?" read moreA Crypto-Anarchist Will Help You Build a DIY AR-15 "You're a dupe if you believe in reality; there's only the world as it is" The tedious hustle of running a small startup ... Wilson waited to learn whether he would be prosecuted. Much of the "support network" of technical contributors ... read moreAcadGild Launches US-Based Software Programming Courses AcadGild's co-founder and CEO. "The format for delivering content through video is the single biggest reason for poor engagement by students which results in high dropout rates at other online providers of coding skills. The best way to learn software ... read more9 Awesome Black Women Tech Founders to Watch Below are nine awesome early-stage tech startup founders ... strategic vision, technical skills, and experience investors look for in every founder--with additional problem-solving and network-building skills developed through learning how to navigate ... read more9 Startup Lessons From The Founder Of Codecademy On Wednesday, Zach Sims, founder of education startup Codecademy, spoke at Y Combinator's Startup School to a crowd of aspiring entrepreneurs ... and the lessons we can learn from them: Take advantage of the internet, because it levels the playing ... read more6 things aspiring founders can learn from Jose Mourinho Entrepreneurs looking to challenge the big guys and upend the status quo can certainly learn from the Manchester ... several hats if they wish to succeed. A founder may have excellent coding and technical skills, but that's only a fraction of what ... read moreFor a night, Maghreb joined forces to solve their social problems Despite technical difficulties ... was a success because it laid the groundwork for a community of aspiring and actual entrepreneurs in Maghreb, raised awareness, and facilitated skills sharing between the three countries. Passionate about ... read moreEverything you need to know about the South African startup ecosystem [2015/2016 Update] Are you an aspiring startup owner looking for assistance? Well, you have come to the right place. Ventureburn presents an updated guide ... portfolio to get good return for its investors and founders. South African growth equity fund manager Knife Capital ... read more

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    Source: 9 Technical #Skills To Learn As An Aspiring Startup Founder

    Blog Could be a Multi $100 Million Business”

    .NYC Domain Names ".Blog Could be a Multi $100 Million Business" Comments By Elliot Silver ⋅ June 27, 2016

    Chris Sheridan shared a great Q&A video interview with WordPress founder Matt Mullenweg at WordCamp Europe 2016. At around the 20 minute mark of the video, Matt discusses the .Blog new gTLD domain extension that was acquired by WordPress earlier this year.

    The discussion focused around the revenue sources for Auttomatic, the parent company of WordPress. Previously, there were three revenue "buckets" for the company, but the .Blog extension is poised to become the fourth bucket. In fact, Matt has big plans for .Blog domain names, and he predicted selling .Blog domain names "could be a multi $100 million business."

    VentureBeat reported that the .Blog extension was acquired for $19 million, although Matt is a bit coy in this interview due to what I presume are legal reasons.

    .Blog is definitely an extension that I will be watching, especially when it comes to the marketing of these domain names. WordPress has a massive audience and .Blog is an extension that should see considerable traction.

    Have a look at the video interview below:

    About The Author: Elliot Silver is an Internet entrepreneur and publisher of Elliot is also the founder and President of Top Notch Domains, LLC, a company that has sold seven figures worth of domain names in the last five years. Please read the Terms of Use page for additional information about the publisher, website comment policy, disclosures, and conflicts of interest.

    Reach out to Elliot: Twitter | Google + | Facebook | Email

    Source: Blog Could be a Multi $100 Million Business"