Sunday, June 19, 2016

Make this the week you... Start a blog! Tricia Cusden, the founder of beauty blog Look Fabulous Forever, has some advice

  • Tricia Cusden, 68, says blog about something that interests you
  • But it also has to be a sustainable topic that you can keep up long term
  • A successful blog is one that's regularly updated - stick to a schedule
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    Tricia Cusden, 68, is founder of beauty blog Look Fabulous Forever. Here is her advice.


    You can blog about absolutely anything that interests you - fashion, beauty, food, travel, technology, a house renovation project, anything at all. But do think about whether your topic is sustainable and whether you have enough interest in the topic to keep it up long term.

    Before you start, put some thought into what you want your blog to look like - will it be mostly pictures, words or videos? It could even just be lists of handy hints and tips.

    You can blog about absolutely anything that interests you - fashion, beauty, food, travel, technology, a house renovation project, anything at all


    There are a number of websites to help you set up a blog and is one of the easiest.

    You just need an email address to get a free account. The site provides a template for the look, so all you have to do is choose a blog name, which will also be the website address.

    Then you can start blogging - a support section on the site guides you through it one step at a time.


    A successful blog is one that's regularly updated. That might mean daily or weekly, but try to set up a schedule you can stick to. You want your readers to be able to rely on you and know if they pop by at, for example, 10am on a Friday, they're going to be able to read something new.


    Use websites like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to build up a following for your blog. Create a network by following other bloggers.


    As your audience grows, you will find readers comment on your posts - you should always take the time to reply to build your following. 

    Source: Make this the week you... Start a blog! Tricia Cusden, the founder of beauty blog Look Fabulous Forever, has some advice

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