Tuesday, July 5, 2016

WordPress creator Matt Mullenweg talks domain names – DNW Podcast #91

Mullenweg discusses domain names and .blog.

Matt MullenwegMatt Mullenweg created WordPress and is the CEO of Automattic, the company behind WordPress.com and many related products. On today's show, Matt will discuss the upcoming launch of the .blog top level domain and how you can get in the door early. I also asked Matt if the importance of domain names is waning in light of apps and other platforms. You'll like what he has to say.

Also: .Co auction, Donuts' offer and IANA transition.

Site mentioned in this episode: Nic.blog, Ma.tt

Subscribe via iTunes to listen to the Domain Name Wire podcast on your iPhone or iPad, view on Google Play Music, or click play below or download to begin listening. (Listen to previous podcasts here.)

Source: WordPress creator Matt Mullenweg talks domain names – DNW Podcast #91

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