Tuesday, September 20, 2016

#Facebook Algorithms Take Down #WordPress #Lawyer's Post About Idiocy Of Algorithmic Takedowns

Facebook Algorithms Take Down WordPress Lawyer's Post About Idiocy Of Algorithmic Takedowns We've had a lot of talk lately about the idiocy of automated content blocking, whether done by Facebook or by big movie studios like Warner Bros. issuing automated DMCA takedowns on its own site. Paul Sieminski*, the General Counsel for Automattic, was ... read moreA request: +1 Us for Google's Sake | Watts Up With That? All you have to do is press the "+1" button at the bottom of any article you like (its down there with all the other 'share' buttons like twitter and facebook, etc.). Thanks for helping! read more

When Your Lived Reality becomes an Algorithm of the Popular Yesterday, as people panicked about Twitter's plan to present tweets to users using algorithmic ... post making that announcement also addressed algorithms, admitting that they can't really work, linking to this report from December (which discussed ... read moreOT49: Open Secret and odd-numbered open threads be just the words "this is the open thread" so that it doesn't take up as much room in feeds and the front page. A more interesting possibility: have the open thread be a hidden post like this. There would be a tab on ... read moreHow and why Bitcoin will plummet in price My post from yesterday was perhaps not specific enough, so let me outline one possible scenario in which the value of Bitcoin (and other cryptocurrencies) would fall apart. For purposes of argument, let's say that a year from now Bitcoin is priced at $500. read moreWhat is "Evidence" This is a follow up to my Stupid Things Atheists Say post. Evolve is being obstinate in his idiocy. He does not seem to understand ... out in terms adopted to the meanest understanding: What is "evidence"? The dictionary defines the word as follows ... read moreA Crank among Cranks: Debating John Gabriel So, remember back in December, I wrote a post about a Cantor crank who had a Knol page supposedly refuting Cantor's diagonalization? This week, I foolishly let myself get drawn into an extended conversation with him in comments. Since it's a comment ... read moreThe Knights Who Say SOPA I guess it's just easier to be The Knights Who Say SOPA. Maybe if somebody brings them ... But in the spirit of this post, suffice to say, they have a buttload of lawyers to keep coming up with the same talking point over and over. read moreThe Snowden leaks; a meta-narrative any such attacks will be interpreted as a rationale to double-down on the very surveillance-friendly policies that make them possible. It's a self-reinforcing failure mode, and the more it fails the worse it will get. Sort of like the war on drugs ... read more

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Source: #Facebook Algorithms Take Down #WordPress #Lawyer's Post About Idiocy Of Algorithmic Takedowns

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