Struggling with conversions, wondering why your blog is not converting?? No matter how many strategies or tools you use, you could be wasting time, money, and effort without clear objectives. Others assume that all conversion problems are related to the lack of traffic but there's a lot more to it than meets the eye.
To demystify your conversion problem, below are some of the root factors that could be inhibiting the profitability of your blog:
First and foremost, remember that every prospect arrives at a blog with a problem in mind. A textbook-like article is useful to help them learn and understand the terms around it. However, ultimately, they need a solution that will help them solve their problem once and for all.
That is why you need to make sure you also guide your audience on how to turn the information you provide into a clear course of action. For example, instead of just talking about tools and strategies, you also need to provide readers with tangible steps on how to use them.
Making your content actionable instantly makes it more valuable. It will also help establish your credibility and authority in the industry.
What you should do:There are a few content elements you need to make your blog posts actionable. A clear call-to-action (CTA) is essential since it applies urgency that fuels the drive. This should not be a problem thanks to the various CTA tools available for bloggers.
If you are using WordPress, you can take advantage of excerpts to highlight the key takeaways of long-form content and guide the thought processing of readers. Also, make sure you give clear examples to help them further understand what you want them to do. Lastly, don't forget to cite useful resource links for credibility and SEO.
#2. You Lack a PersonalityBlogs need a distinct character that nurtures familiarity and trust from the audience. Remember that there could be hundreds of thousands of blogs competing in the same niche as yours. That means you are probably not the only one serving the same information regardless of how valuable it is.
With a personality, you can help your blog stand out and develop good expectations from the community. Consider it one of the unique value propositions of your blog that justify why your market should choose you.
What you should do:Take note that a blog's personality is reflected in different elements: the writing voice, color scheme, and typography. However, what's most important is to be authentic and helpful. Don't worry too much about sounding too professional or casual. There is no specific degree of language that can significantly affect your blog's personality, except for the one that brings out your real writing voice.
When it comes to colors and typography, the only rule is to be friendly and align it with your voice. Keep in mind that consistency is key to promoting your brand's personality. If you are working with multiple authors, you either edit each piece to add personality or establish a clear editorial statement.
#3. You do not Build a Mailing ListEmails may be the oldest form of online communication, but they are still a fundamental aspect of modern digital marketing. In the direction that technology is going today, emails will likely be a part of the future as well. After all, most modern desktop and mobile apps rely on emails to keep in touch with their users.
Remember that emails allow you to achieve an almost personal communication with your audience. Emails offer you a channel to promote new content, events, or products to a larger audience. They are very powerful for nurturing your leads as well—allowing you to close more sales in case you are selling products from affiliates or your company.
What you should do:Email marketing starts with a lead capture strategy that can be quite complicated, but it boils down to good audience targeting, content marketing, landing page optimization, and form design. If you are already running a blog for some time, you should already know your target audience and the content they prefer.
When it comes to landing pages and forms, the best route is to use landing page and PHP form builders with built-in analytics and optimization tools. These features will enable you to optimize the frontend of your lead capture strategy. You can also use forms to create surveys that will help you tailor your content to a specific audience.
#4. You Have No Social Media StrategySocial media networks have a host of benefits for blogs. For instance, big networks like Facebook and Twitter helps you reach a broad audience while Instagram takes advantage of high user engagement for more click-throughs. That is why social media should be embedded in your content strategy to help you hit different objectives.
There are many substantiated ways social media impacts blogs and online businesses. For most blogs, social media opens up permanent channels for traffic and establishes their credibility as an information provider.
What you should do:Social media marketing takes a lot more than just having an account and occasionally sharing content. You must ensure that you have the best social media profile possible by defining your target audience, nailing an excellent page description, and including a visible link back to your blog.
You must also manage your social media accounts actively, participate in comments, answer direct inquiries, and use promotion campaigns that build trust and stir social buzz. For example, you can host a social media contest to maximize engagement, earn User-Generated Content, and attract more followers to your main blog.
#5. You Ignore SEOBeing on top of Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) is not just about getting more organic traffic—it is about status. Of course, being in the top three results on Google should give you a ton of traffic, but it also solidifies your business's authority and authenticity. This makes it easier for you to win your audience's trust, build up their confidence, and convert them into subscribers or paying customers.
What you should do:Search Engine Optimization (SEO) does take much time, and it may not be one of the priorities of new blogs without many funds. However, at the very least, you should never ignore the basic on-page SEOfactors such as keyword optimization, meta descriptions, and your blog's internal link structure.
All these jargon may sound confusing for beginners. That is why you need a tool like Yoast SEO to point your on-page SEO in the right direction. It works by automatically checking the SEO-friendliness of your content and helping you identify how to improve it. Of course, it will not immediately propel your site to the top of search results, but it is a good way to prepare for off-page SEO such as link-building.
Image: Keyboard close-up. Blog concept
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Source: Here are the Top 5 Reasons Why Your Blog is Not Converting (And How to Fix Them)
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