Wednesday, October 26, 2016

15 Ways To Harden The Security Of Your #WordPress Site

15 Ways To Harden The Security Of Your WordPress Site "Security is not about perfectly secure systems. Such a thing might well be impractical, or impossible to find and/or maintain. What security is though is risk reduction, not risk elimination. It's about employing all the appropriate controls available ... read moreDeter WordPress Hackers With 5 Security Essentials from Liquid Web Oct. 13, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- Hacking attacks cost the average American firm $15.4 million ... common ways to prevent attacks. WordPress admins can enable these additional security measures through plugins. Secure your code by putting your site to the ... read more

15 Plugins to Help You Sell Ad Space on Your Website In this way, you can set very discreet ad targets through your ad network, and serve those ads with geolocation targeting via your website ... security hole or just not working with your configuration, go ahead and drop it. Calling itself the "modern ... read moreThe Ultimate WordPress Security Guide – Step by Step (2016) WordPress security is a topic of huge importance for every website ... the Hardening feature in the free Sucuri plugin that we mentioned above. [Back to Top ↑] Disable PHP File Execution in Certain WordPress Directories Another way to harden your ... read moreParallels Plesk 12: Harden Up and Supercharge Your WordPress Site Parallels Plesk is ... hardened your WordPress site. Too often I see security plugins being promoted as the silver bullet when it comes to security, however, following the basic best practices covered in 'Security Check' will offer way more protection ... read moreHardening WordPress Security: 25 Essential Plugins + Tips In today's post, I'll like to share with you some useful plugins as well as some tips to harden your WordPress security ... done in several ways: Keeping backup copies of your entire WordPress blog is as important as keeping the site safe from hackers. read moreAll You Need to Know About WordPress Security Keys and Salts In the previous article, you learned about ways to prevent hackers from brute forcing the login page. WordPress security keys and salts offer yet another solution to improve and harden your site security. WordPress keys and salts were first introduced in ... read more15 Advanced Security Tips To Make Your WordPress Site Bulletproof In this article, I have tried to put forward 15 highly effective and essential security ... your WordPress site hacked. So, you should scan your workstation regularly with well-reputed antivirus programs. Many times hackers take the other way of using ... read moreCloudways Web Hosting This particular WordPress flavor is of the managed variety, so your installation receives the white-glove treatment by auto-updating the CMS, performing automatic daily backups, and providing real-time site monitoring and WordPress-specific security. read more15 Ways to Protect Your Ecommerce Site From Hacking and Fraud So how do you protect your ecommerce site from being hacked and sensitive customer data from being stolen? asked dozens of ecommerce and security experts to find out. Following are their top 15 tips for ... "One of the best ways to keep your ... read more

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Source: 15 Ways To Harden The Security Of Your #WordPress Site

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