Sunday, October 23, 2016

Using Name#Spaces and Autoloading in #WordPress Plugins, Part 1

Using Namespaces and Autoloading in WordPress Plugins, Part 1 | Latest News Using Namespaces and Autoloading in WordPress Plugins, Part 1 Namespaces and autoloading are not topics that are usually discussed when it comes to working with WordPress plugins. Some of this has to do with the community that's around it, some of this has to do with the versions of PHP that WordPress supports, and ... read moreWordPress Plugin Design: Namespaces and Autoloading WordPress ... use in small projects? For a long time, I wasn't necessarily sold on it for smaller plugins. Sure, you can use the same argument as with namespaces in that it helps guide future decision-making. But I don't consider autoloading part ... read more

How To Use Autoloading And A Plugin Container In WordPress Plugins Building and maintaining 1 ... WordPress plugins, using the lessons learned from the greater PHP community, the world outside WordPress. We will walk through the steps of creating a plugin and investigate the use of autoloading and a plugin container. read moreHow to Use PHP Namespaces, Part 1: The Basics Namespaces are one of ... to add third-party components or plugins; what if two or more code sets implement a 'Database' class? Until now, the only solution has been long class/function names. For example, WordPress prefixes every name with 'WP_'. read moreUsing PSR-4 Autoloading in WordPress Plugins Autoloading is important because it allows us to write our code using ... WordPress plugin called "Turnover", with a basic folder structure that looks like:
Source: Using Name#Spaces and Autoloading in #WordPress Plugins, Part 1

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