Saturday, December 31, 2016

Letters being cutoff

Hello there, it appears that isn't hosted here on WordPressdotcom, but rather at 1&1.

Standalone WP and WordPressdotcom are different entities; more information about the differences can be found here:

Help for self-hosted sites using the standalone WP software can be found over at and at If you don't have a username on the ORG forums, you can register one on that page.

If you need help with the theme you are using, you can post in the support forum linked here: or contact the theme author directly.

Best wishes.

Source: Letters being cutoff

Why I'm Slowly Leaving #WordPress To #Blog At Medium

Why I'm Slowly Leaving Wordpress To Blog At Medium It's kind of like a mash-up of Twitter and Wordpress, where you can import stories, write stories, and follow other writers you enjoyed reading. The best part is, it's taking off. VentureBeat reported a month ago that Medium grew by 140% this year ... read moreVideo SEO Tips to Get the Most from your WordPress Videos in 2017 Lindsay Kolowich In the not-so distant past, we outlined a couple of WordPress SEO tips in a number of posts including ... You can capture viewers at key moments in your videos. I'm talking about interactive elements such as in-video forms, links ... read more10 Tips to Improve Your Storytelling Skills I envision myself painting a picture before sitting down to my WordPress backoffice, not writing a blog post ... Shhh….don't tell wifey. I'm in an affair. A love affair. With writing. Why else would I be writing this post at 12:11 AM on Christmas ... read moreStats Feedback (insert your blog's name before in the ... It sounds like you have specific feedback that can be helpful but I'm not sure what exactly to put in the feature request. read moreWhat Inspires Us to Blog? So I started the blog to share ideas about what I'm doing, things I learn ... much work and "hair wadding" is probably the next big fashion trend anyhow, so why not start early? But I've learned over time that I can trick myself into being less ... read moreA Christmas Card From Skunk Hollow: Bad hand injury brings a gift of healing The Bean shrank very slowly and finally fell off — OK, with just a little help — at the end of July, leaving a raw-looking crater beneath ... the overall program has now paid off and part of the reason I'm writing this today is to pass the surgeon ... read moreThe 11 Best Ways to Learn WordPress Before and After Launching Your Blog Created for beginners, it has 68,283 viewers, at the time that I'm ... WordPress website, this tutorial is as good an answer as you'll find. And here's why: It gives you all of the answers that you need, without having to search Google. You can leave ... read moreEdible Gifts: Earl Grey Marshmallows, Seeded Toffee Bark, Maple Granola I'm heading to California today ... and remaining ¼ cup tea. Heat over medium-high until the thermometer reaches 240F. Immediately turn off heat and head over to the stand mixer. With mixture on low, slowly stream in hot mixture down the side ... read moreThis Could Happen To You – Why We Switched To Managed Hosting WordPress backend problems can take a big chunk out of revenue, leave you open to hackers, and wreak havoc with your SEO standing. I'm in business to support ... when visitor numbers soared. Why We Decided to Trust WP Engine for Managed Hosting The ... read moreHow To & Why Add Your Twitter Handle To Your Social Share Buttons I'm ... leave a great comment and decide to share the post with your tribe. You click the Twitter share button and it works perfectly except just one small detail; what's the blog or author's Twitter handle? This seems like a crime and I'll tell ... read more

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Source: Why I'm Slowly Leaving #WordPress To #Blog At Medium

Friday, December 30, 2016

US Govt Data Shows Russia Used Outdated Ukrainian PHP Malware

The United States government earlier this year officially accused Russia of interfering with the US elections. Earlier this year on October 7th, the Department of Homeland Security and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence released a joint statement that began:

"The U.S. Intelligence Community (USIC) is confident that the Russian Government directed the recent compromises of e-mails from US persons and institutions, including from US political organizations. The recent disclosures of alleged hacked e-mails on sites like and WikiLeaks and by the Guccifer 2.0 online persona are consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts."

Yesterday the Obama administration announced that they would expel 35 Russian diplomats and close two Russian facilities in the United States, among other measures, as punishment for interfering with the US 2016 election.

In addition, yesterday the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) released a Joint Analysis Report, or JAR, compiled by the DHS and FBI, which they say attributes the election security compromises to Russian intelligence operatives that they have codenamed 'GRIZZLY STEPPE'.

The report that DHS and DNI released includes in it's first paragraph: "This document provides technical details regarding the tools and infrastructure used by the Russian civilian and military intelligence Services (RIS) to compromise and exploit networks and endpoints associated with the U.S. election, as well as a range of U.S. Government, political, and private sector entities. The report contains specific indicators of compromise, including IP addresses and a PHP malware sample."

At Wordfence our focus is WordPress security. Our security analysts spend a lot of time analyzing PHP malware, because WordPress is powered by PHP.

As an interesting side-project, we performed analysis on the PHP malware sample and the IP addresses that the US government has provided as "…technical details regarding the tools and infrastructure used by Russian civilian and military intelligence services (RIS)". [Source]

We used the PHP malware indicator of compromise (IOC) that DHS provided to analyze the attack data that we aggregate to try to find the full malware sample. We discovered that attackers use it to try to infect WordPress websites. We found it in the attacks that we block. Here it is.

PAS 3.1.0

The above is the header and here is the footer. The middle contains an encrypted block of text.

PAS 3.1.0 footer

This is PHP malware that is uploaded to a server. An attacker then accesses the file in a browser and enters a password. The password also acts as a decryption key and decrypts the encrypted block of text which then executes. Once an attacker enters their password, it is stored in a cookie and they don't need to enter the password again to access the malicious application.

We managed to capture a request from an attacker that contained their password. It was 'avto' without quotes. We used the password to decrypt the block of encrypted text.

This is what the decrypted PHP looks like. It is a big chunk of PHP code that is a web shell.

PAS 3.1.0 decrypted

We installed the web shell on a sandboxed environment. This is what it looks like:

PAS Web Shell

This is the kind of web shell that we see all the time in our day-to-day forensic operations. It includes the following basic features:

  • File browser/explorer
  • File search function
  • A database client to download the contents of a hacked site database
  • Network tools including a port scanner and the ability to bind a service to a port
  • A tool to brute force attack passwords on FTP and POP3 services.
  • A command line client to run arbitrary operating system commands
  • A utility to view server configuration info
  • By viewing the source code, we could find the name of the malware and the version. It is P.A.S. 3.1.0.

    We googled it and found a website that makes this malware. You can find the site at this address:

    PAS Website

    You can enter a password that you will use to access your malware once it's installed and then hit 'download' and a ZIP file downloads.

    The ZIP contains a text file and the malware. The text file looks like this:

    PAS malware text file

    The website claims the malware is made in Ukraine and the date at the bottom has the Ukraine country code UA.

    This malware is version 3.1.7 which is newer than the malware that the DHS indicator of compromise identifies. It is almost identical including it's indentation:

    PAS 3.1.7 malware header

    And the footer:

    PAS 3.1.7 malware footer

    But PAS has evolved even further since 3.1.7. It is now version 4.1.1 which you can get from the same website:

    PAS 4 Download

    The 4.1.1b info.txt file:

    PAS 4 info.txt

    And the code has changed in 4.1.1 quite substantially. This is the header:

    PAS4 header

    The PAS malware is user friendly. It has an About page:

    PAS About malware

    They also have a helpful FAQ:

    PAS malware FAQ

    How does PAS infect WordPress websites?

    This is a typical infection attempt for PAS 3.1.0 which is the DHS sample:

    PAS 3.1.0 malware infection attempt

    The above request is an attempt to install a plugin in the WordPress CMS through the normal file upload method. What surprised us is that this request had a full set of cookies that indicates that the user or bot doing this was signed in and this probably was an actual web browser.

    It also includes the WordPress nonce which is a security feature, also indicating this is a user. Only about 25% of the attacks that we see include the WordPress nonce, which suggests that many of these attempts fail.

    The vast majority of attacks we see that try to infect with PAS 3.1.0 use this kind of request. Here are a few theories:

  • WordPress website owners have malware installed on their workstations and that malware attempts to install PAS 3.1.0 on their WordPress websites.
  • This is CSRF, or cross site request forgery attack, that installs the malware. This is unlikely because the nonce is present in many requests. A nonce is a security feature that prevents CSRF attacks.
  • Users are voluntarily installing this on their own websites after downloading it from a malicious website thinking it is safe. Unlikely because the file that is uploaded is plain text PHP and it is clearly suspicious if you examine the file contents.
  • Attackers are compromising websites through some other means and then using the compromised credentials to manually sign in and install PAS 3.1.0 with a standard browser. These sign-ins could be partially or fully automated.
  • Malware Conclusions

    DHS and DNI have released a joint statement that says:

    "This document provides technical details regarding the tools and infrastructure used by the Russian civilian and military intelligence Services (RIS) to compromise and exploit networks and endpoints associated with the U.S. election, as well as a range of U.S. Government, political, and private sector entities. The report contains specific indicators of compromise, including IP addresses and a PHP malware sample."

    The PHP malware sample they have provided appears to be P.A.S. version 3.1.0 which is commonly available and the website that claims to have authored it says they are Ukrainian. It is also several versions behind the most current version of P.A.S which is 4.1.1b. One might reasonably expect Russian intelligence operatives to develop their own tools or at least use current malicious tools from outside sources.

    Analysis of the IP addresses provided by DHS and DNI

    DHS provided us with 876 IP addresses as part of the package of indicators of compromise. Lets look at where they are located. The chart below shows the distribution of IP addresses by country.

    Distribution of IP addresses

    As you can see they are globally distributed with most of them in the USA.

    Lets look at who the top ISP's are who own the IP addresses:

    Hosting companies that own malicious IPs

    There are several hosting companies in the mix including OVH SAS, Digital Ocean, Linode and Hetzner. These are hosting companies that provide low cost hosting to WordPress customers and customers who use other PHP applications. A common pattern that we see in the industry is that accounts at these hosts are compromised and those hacked sites are used to launch attacks around the web.

    Out of the 876 IP addresses that DHS provided, 134 or about 15% are Tor exit nodes, based on a reverse DNS lookup that we did on each IP address. These are anonymous gateways that are used by anyone using the Tor anonymous browsing service.

    Tor exit nodes

    We examined our attack data to see which IP addresses in the DHS data are attacking our customer websites. We found a total of 385 active IP addresses during the last 60 days. These IP addresses have launched a total of 21,095,492 complex attacks during that 60 day period that were blocked by the Wordfence firewall. We consider a complex attack to be an attack that tries to exploit a vulnerability to gain access to a target.

    We also logged a total of 14,463,133 brute force attacks from these IP addresses during the same period.  A brute force attack is a login guessing attack.

    The chart below shows the distribution of the number of attacks per IP address. It only takes into account complex attacks. As you can see, a small number of the IP addresses that DHS provided as IOC's are responsible for most of the attacks on WordPress websites that we monitor.

    Attack distribution from IPs

    The following shows the list of the top 50 IP addresses in the DHS report sorted by the number of complex attacks we saw from each IP during the past 60 days.


    As you can see, many of the top attacking IP addresses are Tor exit nodes. There is also a relatively small number of IP addresses launching most of the attacks on websites we monitor.

    Conclusion regarding IP address data

    What we're seeing in this IP data is a wide range of countries and hosting providers. 15% of the IP addresses are Tor exit nodes. These exit nodes are used by anyone who wants to be anonymous online, including malicious actors.

    Overall Conclusion

    The IP addresses that DHS provided may have been used for an attack by a state actor like Russia. But they don't appear to provide any association with Russia. They are probably used by a wide range of other malicious actors, especially the 15% of IP addresses that are Tor exit nodes.

    The malware sample is old, widely used and appears to be Ukrainian. It has no apparent relationship with Russian intelligence and it would be an indicator of compromise for any website.

    You can find a public repository containing the data used in this report on github.

    As always I welcome your comments. Please note that I will delete any political comments. Our goal in this report is to merely analyze the data DHS provided and share our findings.

    Mark Maunder – Wordfence Founder/CEO

    Special thanks to Rob McMahon and Dan Moen who provided valuable assistance with this research. 

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    Source: US Govt Data Shows Russia Used Outdated Ukrainian PHP Malware

    Top 5 Most Popular #Articles On Torque In 2016

    The top 10 most-clicked KSL articles in 2016 Election coverage dominated the 2016 storylines, and primary election results accounted for three of the top 10 web stories KSL readers clicked ... Utahns together — as evidenced by KSL's most-clicked article of 2016. Transcript of the remarks of ... read moreThe most popular hotels on Instagram in 2016 Instagram recently unveiled this year's list of places that most users have checked in from or shared photos of on Instagram in 2016. LONE STAR STATE HOTELS: Peek at 5 luxury hotels set ... good number of spots on this top-10 list. read more5 Most Popular Offices of 2016 we're highlighting the most popular articles on Check out our roundup of the top office stories we've published in 2016, and view our most popular hotels. 5. Oppenheim Architecture & Design Adapts Historic Swiss Farmhouse For Muttenz ... read moreTop 10 Articles on CGSociety in 2016 6. Top 10 Tips for Becoming a Better Artist CGWorkshops instructor Rob Chang inspired our community to step up their game with these very helpful hints. An article like this is timeless. Art by Rob Chang 5. Unity Adam Demo - The Full Film Sigh... read moreTop 10 most popular global trade articles from 2016 As 2016 comes to a close, we've taken a look back at what you were most interested in over the past year. Particularly popular articles featured the basics ... the Federal Business Opportunities (FBO) website. 5. 5 ways importing and exporting will ... read moreTop 5 Articles of 2016 These were our most popular articles this year, from the top Brazilian beverage brands to new strategies for brands on Facebook. We're still trying to understand why this was our most popular post of the year. Could it be Genius brand Skol's heavy ... read moreDBmaestro's Top 5 Most Popular Blogs of 2016 As 2016 comes to a close and we get ready to welcome in 2017, let's take a look back at our five most popular blogs from this year. These habits go well beyond routine behavior patterns in that they reflect a conscientious and systematic approach to the ... read moreCrosswalk's Top 10 Most-Read Family Articles of 2016 What YOU Said: "Good article ... 5 Things You're Not Doing for Your Wife (and Should Be) Key Quote: "If you aren't praying for your wife, then who is? As the husband, we can't leave praying for our wives up to anyone else, because it most ... read moreGizChina's Top 10 Stories Of 2016 Just looking over at the top phone news of 2016 I can already see a pattern, let's see if you can. 10. 7 accessories for the Xiao Yi Action Camera I really surprised to see that this is our 10th most popular article ... s first 5-inch phone with 3 ... read moreTop 10 Stories of 2016: #5 — Community shows willingness to help good causes these stories did at least bring about the most discussion in Van Wert through the means that we could observe. Today, we will look at stories 6 and 5 as well as one that just missed the top 10. VAN WERT — One thing 2016 certainly highlighted is the ... read more

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    Source: Top 5 Most Popular #Articles On Torque In 2016

    Thursday, December 29, 2016

    Using Forge To Provision And Manage WordPress Sites

    I used to claim I didn't know anything about servers. And, while I'm not an expert, I have learned quite a bit in by time as a web developer. I use Ubuntu every day, both as my desktop computer's OS and as the OS for the virtual machine I host my WordPress sites.

    Though I've learned a lot, I couldn't set up my own server — or really a Virtual Private Server (VPS) without help. However, I've become familiar Laravel Forge, a server provisioning and deployment tool created by the Laravel project that is easy to learn. While it is designed primarily for Laravel projects, which is what I first used it for, it works great for any PHP app, including WordPress.

    In this article, I want to walk you through why and how I recently built and deployed the new using Composer and the WP Starter project — and set up its server on AWS using Forge.

    Why Forge?

    Forge provides two main features – automatic provisioning of a VPS on Amazon, Digital Ocean, or similar and automated deployment. There are many other products that offer one or both of these services. For example, Easy Engine provides automated provisioning of VPSs on Digital Ocean for WordPress and DeployHQ provides similar automated deployment. I've used both before and they are excellent.

    I recently started Forge for managing a few Laravel apps I have built, which is what it was intended for. Also, the $10 a month you pay for it, helps support an open source project.

    For the relaunch of the Caldera Forms site, I wanted to manage all of my dependencies — plugins, theme and WordPress with Composer, both locally and on the live site. So I figured, since it's a tool for provisioning and deploying PHP applications, it should work fine for WordPress. And it did.

    Why WP Starter?

    I actually had my local site built first using WP Starter by We Code More a group of WordPress developers. WP Starter is primarily authored by Giuseppe Mazzapica. I have used a few different boilerplates for managing WordPress with a composer, including my own.

    I like WP Starter because it uses .env variables for its configuration, and has a pretty simple setup. In addition, it handles loading the Composer autoloader, moving the content directory out of the main WordPress directory, creating a proper index.php and wp-config files to work with this setup. It is also really well documented.

    WP Starter also has some cool tricks I've never seen before, which I will walk through in the next section.The biggest reasons I went with WP Starter is that it is purely a PHP system — I don't have to write any Ansible or Puppet scripts. I am uncomfortable with any script I don't know how to modify, which is why I try and stick to automating all of my tasks with something written in PHP or JavaScript. Also, using the .env for configuration made it very easy to set up with Forge.

    What Is An Env Variable?

    WordPress makes use of a lot of constants to define its configuration. For example, in wp-config, we define the database configuration using constants. As a result we store sensitive information in wp-config making it so the full stack of a site doesn't have to be open source. In addition, wp-config becomes environment specific.

    Both of these concerns violate the principle of the Twelve factor app. I was first introduced to this philosophy when Scott Walkinshaw published the Twelve Factor WordPress App, that addressed building better WordPress stacks using the Twelve Factor methodology and formed the basis of the Roots Bedrock and later Trellis projects.

    In that series of posts, I was introduced to environment variables. They are variables — set on the server — that are available to the application. By using references to a server's environment variable, the application's configuration is no longer tied to the environment and when used in wp-config, that file no longer stores sensitive information.

    We can use the phpdotenv to easily access environment variables in PHP. This package is used in WP Starter, Bedrock, Trellis, and Laravel. Using a simple .env file, and this package, variables can be loaded into the $_ENV super global.

    Setting Up Locally

    First, let's walk through building the local site using Composer and WP Starter. I used VVV to provision a new site, you can use whatever local environment you like, it really doesn't matter.

    Once the local site is provisioned, you will need a composer.json file. Here is a good starter:

    { "name": "your-name/yoursite-name", "description": "Example project for WordPress + Composer + WP Starter", "type": "project", "repositories": [ { "type": "composer", "url": "" }, { "type": "vcs", "url": "" }, ], "require": { "wecodemore/wpstarter": "~2.0", "wpackagist-plugin/wp-super-cache": "*", "wpackagist-plugin/caldera-forms": "*", "gmazzap/wpstarter-example-files": "*" }, "require-dev": { "wpackagist-plugin/query-monitor": "2.7.*" }, "config": { "vendor-dir": "public/content/vendor", "optimize-autoloader": true }, "scripts": { "post-install-cmd": "WCM\\WPStarter\\Setup::run", "post-update-cmd": "WCM\\WPStarter\\Setup::run", "wpstarter": "WCM\\WPStarter\\Setup::run" }, "extra": { "wordpress-install-dir": "public/wp", "wordpress-content-dir": "public/content", "wpstarter": { "dropins": { "object-cache.php": "public/content/vendor/gmazzap/wpstarter-example-files/object-cache.php" }, "prevent-overwrite": [ ".gitignore", "public/wp-config.php", "public/index.php" ], "env-example": "public/content/vendor/gmazzap/wpstarter-example-files/.env.example", "gitignore": { "wp": true, "wp-content": true, "vendor": true, "common": true, "custom": [ "*.log", ".htaccess", "sitemap.xml", "sitemap.xml.gz" ] } }, "installer-paths": { "public/content/plugins/{$name}": [ "type:wordpress-plugin" ], "public/content/mu-plugins/{$name}": [ "type:wordpress-muplugin" ], "public/content/themes/{$name}": [ "type:wordpress-theme" ] } } }









































































        "name": "your-name/yoursite-name",

        "description": "Example project for WordPress + Composer + WP Starter",

        "type": "project",

        "repositories": [


                "type": "composer",

                "url": ""



                "type": "vcs",

                "url": ""



        "require": {

            "wecodemore/wpstarter": "~2.0",

            "wpackagist-plugin/wp-super-cache": "*",

            "wpackagist-plugin/caldera-forms": "*",

            "gmazzap/wpstarter-example-files": "*"


        "require-dev": {

            "wpackagist-plugin/query-monitor": "2.7.*"


        "config": {

            "vendor-dir": "public/content/vendor",

            "optimize-autoloader": true


        "scripts": {

            "post-install-cmd": "WCM\\WPStarter\\Setup::run",

            "post-update-cmd": "WCM\\WPStarter\\Setup::run",

            "wpstarter": "WCM\\WPStarter\\Setup::run"


        "extra": {

            "wordpress-install-dir": "public/wp",

            "wordpress-content-dir": "public/content",

            "wpstarter": {

                "dropins": {

                    "object-cache.php": "public/content/vendor/gmazzap/wpstarter-example-files/object-cache.php"


                "prevent-overwrite": [





                "env-example": "public/content/vendor/gmazzap/wpstarter-example-files/.env.example",

                "gitignore": {

                    "wp": true,

                    "wp-content": true,

                    "vendor": true,

                    "common": true,

                    "custom": [








            "installer-paths": {

                "public/content/plugins/{$name}": [



                "public/content/mu-plugins/{$name}": [



                "public/content/themes/{$name}": [






    Let's walk through this because some of it is not very common. This looks pretty normal at first, though one thing you may note is that a gist file is being used as a repository. I didn't know that you could do that until I used WP Starter, but you can. Files from that Gist are used later on for loading the object cache drop-in, creating an example .env file and more.

    I prefilled the require and require-dev sections with a few plugins coming from as examples. Note that Query Monitor is included as a dev requirement, that way it will be installed on the local site, but not live.

    In the config section, the path for the vendor directory is moved into the WordPress content directory. This is useful for organizing things the WordPress way. Below that, the install scripts that WP Starter provides are specified. Again, I love that all of this is done using PHP scripts. I didn't need to modify these scripts, but if I need to I feel confident doing so because they are in PHP.

    Below that is the extra section, which has lots of interesting stuff. In addition to setting up install paths, something I covered in an earlier article for Torque, all configurations options for wpstarter are setup. You can read the docs for more information, but one thing I found really cool is how it can be used to configure dropins. The example composer.json I have shown specifies which object cache drop in to use.

    You should add the other plugins, and probably a theme to the composer.json before going further.

    Once you have your composer.json set up, switch in your terminal to the project directory and run "composer install." After that, you will have a complete WordPress site, with all of the files — including your plugins and themes, as well as WordPress set up and ready to go. That is except the .env file.

    You will see a .env.example file in the project. Change the name of that to .env. This file has all of the configuration options you need for your WordPress site and is very well documented. You can see the full content of it here.

    Open up your .env file and look at the section near the top "MANDATORY DATABASE SETTINGS". You will need to set your database name, username and password there. That is all you have to do to make your site work.

    This file names all environment variables the same as their corresponding constants. So for example if you want to set the WP_SITEURL constant, find the line #WP_SITEURL=, remove the # and then put the value after the = sign. That's it.

    Now if all has gone well you should have a WordPress site working locally. You can commit everything to the site's Git repo and even host that repo publically. Your sensitive information is not stored in the repo. In addition, none of the dependencies are either. Updating a plugin or WordPress is a one line change.

    If you have another developer working on the project. They can clone the repo, setup the .env file with their own local database and be ready to work.

    Setting Up The Server

    Once the local site is working, it needs a compatible deployment system. For this, I used Laravel Forge because the servers they provision have everything I needed: PHP7, MySQL, Memcached, and Composer. The provisioning system is super easy once you connect your Amazon or Digital Ocean account. Also, they make adding SSL certificates, your own, or Let's Encrypt, super simple.

    To get started, create a Forge account and sign in. From the account page, under the servers page, you can provide Digital Ocean, Linode or AWS credentials and verify the connection.

    Then go to the server's page, select the type of server, in my case I used Amazon, set the server name, and size, as well as PHP version. As of when I wrote this, all three versions of PHP — 5.6, 7.0 and 7.1 beta were available. Then click Add Server. This takes a while, go get more coffee.


    While Forge recently added a WordPress option, I still recommend their Laravel/ PHP option. The WordPress option is designed for simple WordPress sites, not WordPress applications or anything using proper dependency management.

    Once the server is configured, navigate to that server's configuration page, and go to the MySQL tab and use it to add a new database table and a user to that table. Make sure to keep the password for that SQL user handy.

    Once created, go back to the sites tab and create a new site:


    Once the new site is created, its management screen will ask you to attach a Git repo. In my experience this is seamless with Bitbucket. It takes a few extra steps to connect with Github, but it works if you follow the instructions.

    Once the repo is connected, go to the Environment tab, and click the "Edit .env" button. This will open a popup you can use to modify the .env file for your application. It comes preset for Laravel, which isn't too useful. Luckily you can use the .env.example file from WPStarter as your basis. Just make sure to use the MySQL details you set up for this server. Save that when you're done.

    Now the last step is to modify the deploy script. Again, the default is created with Laravel in mind. For example, the deploy script that is there by default calls an artisan command. Artisan is like WPCLI, but for Laravel.

    Here is what I used for my deploy script:

    cd /home/forge/default if [ -b "public/index.php" ] then rm public/index.php fi git pull origin master composer update --no-interaction --no-dev --prefer-dist

    cd /home/forge/default

    if [ -b "public/index.php" ]


      rm public/index.php


    git pull origin master

    composer update --no-interaction --no-dev --prefer-dist

    Notice that this is a standard bash script. You can customize it anyway you want. Since WPStarter generates a new index.php file, I had my deploy script delete the existing one first. This solved an issue that was causing my second deploy to fail. After that, I just pull changes on the Git repo and run Composer.

    In the future I plan to install WPCLI — Forge provides an easy way to add your SSH keys to the server. Then I can use WPCLI as part of my deploy process.

    With the deploy script in place. You could be ready to hit deploy and go. But you should probably click on the SSH tab to setup SSH. Adding a SSH certificate using LetsEncrypt just takes a few clicks and a few minutes. Redirects from HTTP to HTTPS are handled automatically. You can also add your own certificate if you want.


    Once everything is set, go ahead and hit deploy. One thing you will notice is that Forge only alerts you to failed deploys. There is no indication that it went right. I connected Forge to my Slack channel to send me all notifications.

    That's about it, but Forge can do a lot more. You can configure CRON jobs, automated deploys and even build a network of load balanced servers. I encourage you to dig into what it can do. I know I am.

    Getting Comfortable With Servers

    For the most part my sites are on a managed WordPress host because it makes my life easier. But there are trade-offs, especially in terms of tooling. Using Forge, which I was already using since I needed an easy way to make my Laravel apps live, makes it simple for me — someone who doesn't really get servers — to provision a VPS and setup sensible deployments.

    I hope this article has taught you a bit about how to use this cool tool, as well as a little more about Composer and why using environment variables is awesome.

    Josh Pollock

    Josh is a WordPress plugin developer and educator. He is the owner and a developer for CalderaWP, makers of Caldera Forms, a different kind of and Ingotthe native WordPress A/B testing solution.

    Source: Using Forge To Provision And Manage WordPress Sites

    Laveo: Colorful #Magazine #WordPress Theme

    Laveo: Colorful Magazine WordPress Theme A flat WordPress theme for magazines and digital media. Its style is flat, making use of some cool material design elements. It can be focused on any topic, but it works nicely as a collection of news about various topics. The theme is GPL licensed and you ... read moreBest Free WordPress Themes WordPress ... Laveo is a multipurpose theme designed for content-heavy sites, such as professional blogs and magazine sites. It uses several different block styles to display your content in a hierarchy, and you can even pick from a number of different ... read more25 Powerful Blogging and Magazine WordPress Themes customizable accent color, background and header images are some of the things you would never want to miss! Built for magazine blogs, Warta becomes one of the best premium WordPress themes right now. With over four styles in posts, 396 icons, a great ... read more15 Best 'Hidden Gem' WordPress Themes for 2017 Are you looking for a new theme for your WordPress blog ... Pro is another stunning magazine theme that's an excellent choice for a magazine, news site, or blog. You've got loads of options with Point Pro including color customization options and ... read more45 Best WordPress Technology Themes One of the easiest and most effective ways to create a fully functional and optimal website is to propel your business is to start using WordPress to power ... and retina readiness. The theme also provides multiple color options, fantastic sliders, custom ... read more14 Best WordPress Magazine Themes of 2016 Paperback offers multiple color choices, homepage layouts, and slick content discovery features. Modern Mag is a beautiful and modern looking magazine theme for WordPress. It comes with color variations and custom templates to easily build your own custom ... read moreNew Reader Look It's made for people who consume content and who are interested in a magazine-like view they can use to explore more of ... has a color scheme based on the image and it makes me super happy to see how the colors are picked! it's the same theme pellymade ... read moreBest WordPress Magazine Themes: for Blog and News Websites ... you can use as-is or as a starting point for your own splash of color. Get your magazine website, news driven site, or professional blog setup quickly with this robust WordPress theme. And get to publishing beautiful, engaging content. Creating a ... read moreFree WordPress Themes: August 2016 Plus, we also got the latest version of WordPress, WordPress 4.6, with many new features and additions. This article goes over some of the best free WordPress themes from the month of August 2016. Maggie Lite is a free magazine theme for WordPress sites. read more10 Best Free WordPress Themes Of 2013 In this article, we will go over the 10 best free WordPress themes ... It also gives you the ability to color-code categories as well as use more than 600 webfonts from Google. zeeDynamic is a responsive magazine-style theme that places heavy emphasis ... read more

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    Source: Laveo: Colorful #Magazine #WordPress Theme

    Wednesday, December 28, 2016

    Critical flaw in PHPMailer library puts millions of websites at risk

    A critical remote code execution vulnerability in PHPMailer, one of the most widely used PHP email sending libraries, could put millions of websites at risk of hacking.

    The flaw was found by a security researcher named Dawid Golunski and an initial fix was included in PHPMailer 5.2.18, which was released Saturday. However, it turns out that the patch was incomplete and can be bypassed.

    The PHPMailer library is used directly or indirectly by many content management systems (CMSs) including WordPress, Joomla and Drupal. Where the library is not included in their core code, it is likely available as a separate module or can be bundled with third-party add-ons.

    Because of this, the flaw's impact can vary from website to website. For example, the Joomla security team determined that the Joomla JMail class, which relies on PHPMailer, has additional validations in place that make exploiting the vulnerability impractical.

    The flaw is caused by insufficient validation of the sender email address input and can allow an attacker to inject shell commands that would be executed on the web server in the context of the sendmail program.

    However, successful exploitation requires the presence of a web form on the website that uses PHPMailer to send emails and allows inputting a custom sender email address -- the address that appears in the From email header. It's not clear how common such configurations are, because usually web forms have the sender email predefined and only allow users to input their own email address as a recipient.

    "All places in the core Joomla API which send mail use the sender address set in the global configuration and does not allow for user input to be set elsewhere," the Joomla security team said in an advisory. "However, extensions which bundle a separate version of PHPMailer or do not use the Joomla API to send email may be vulnerable to this issue."

    The WordPress developers reached a similar conclusion, noting on their own bug tracker that the internal wp_mail() function used by the WordPress core code is not affected because it does not use the vulnerable PHPMailer feature. Third-party plug-ins that use wp_mail() correctly should theoretically not be affected either, but the impact to specific plug-ins is still under investigation.

    "The upcoming 4.7.1 release will contain mitigation for these issues," WordPress lead developer Dion Hulse said. "We're committed to only shipping secure libraries with WordPress -- regardless of whether we use the feature or not."

    The Drupal security team also put out a security advisory for this issue and marked it as critical, even though the Drupal core code is not affected by the flaw.

    "Given the extreme criticality of this issue and the timing of its release we are issuing a Public Service Announcement to alert potentially affected Drupal site maintainers," the team said.

    Because the initial fix can be bypassed and public exploit code is available, the vulnerability has zero-day status -- it is publicly known and unpatched. Furthermore, because the impact varies from website to website, depending on how PHPMailer is used, there's not easy way for webmasters to mitigate the problem without a thorough evaluation.

    If they use PHPMailer directly in their website's code, they should upgrade the library to the latest patched version as soon as it's released. They should also determine if any of their site's contact, feedback, registration, email reset and other forms send out emails with the help of a vulnerable version of PHPMailer and if a potential attacker can input the sender email address.

    If they use a content management system they should check its support website to determine if it's affected in its default configuration. Then they should asses the impact for any any third-party plug-ins or modules that they have installed and which might use PHPMailer on their own.

    To comment on this article and other PCWorld content, visit our Facebook page or our Twitter feed.
    Source: Critical flaw in PHPMailer library puts millions of websites at risk

    A Guide to Building #WordPress on Docker for #Windows, #Linux and OS X

    A Guide to Building WordPress on Docker for Windows, Linux and OS X Get a completely free health check of your WordPress site, no email or signup required. Free Scan "Containerization" is a relatively new buzzword in big-company enterprise software circles. Just put a batch of environments in the cloud, or on a server ... read moreThe Ultimate Guide to Building a Wordpress Plugin If you'd like some more ideas for building ... For developing on a Windows machine, try installing Wordpress using XAMPP, a nifty program that bundles Apache and MySQL together in an easy install. (Note: XAMPP is cross-platform, so Linux and Mac users ... read moreThe Best Shared Web Hosting Services of 2017 Then there's the OS question. Do you need Windows servers? Linux servers ... An alternate form of shared Web hosting is managed WordPress hosting. This option is for people who want to build their sites on the back of the popular WordPress content ... read moreVagrant vs Docker: Which is better for WordPress development? While Docker also runs on a virtual machine it works in a fundanmentally different way. In this post we're going to look at the difference between Vagrant and Docker and show you how to set up a WordPress development site in each. The downside to this ... read moreA Tale of Two Containers From the Docker website, "a container is a stripped-to-basics version of a Linux operating ... now includes the Windows Server operating system as well. Small, fast and flexible is the main idea behind a container-based approach to building applications. read moreBuilding bootable SD-card with Debian Linux Image for A13-OLinuXino Big thanks to Dimitar Gamishev who handheld guided me yesterday through the whole build ... Windows world, don't be afraid, you can download and install Ubuntu to your computer on top of Windows so you will have dual OS computer and can use Windows or ... read moreDiscovering the versatility of user mode Linux User Mode Linux or 'Linux in Linux' allows you to run Linux within itself. This gives users a powerful means of doing all sorts of things like debugging kernels, studying processes, etc. This article is a guide to building ... Linux OS, it is also ... read moreDocker snaps up Apache Aurora devs for Swarm team Dig into the the red-hot open source framework in InfoWorld's beginner's guide to Docker. Pick it up today ... Mesos is a toolkit that programmers interact with to build other systems." Docker wants to bring the Conductant team's expertise on board ... read moreThe Ultimate Guide to Setting Up a WordPress VPS – Part 1 If you've read our article about WordPress performance optimisation and our ... or are already paying a lot of money for a managed VPS/dedicated server, this guide will be your key to building a very cost-effective (~$30/month) and highly tuned server ... read moreA Beginner's Guide to the Best Web Design Software The Best Web Design Software ... for Windows Vista and above, as well as Mac OS X. ☞ PageBreeze is a WYSIWYG-format HTML editor, and it is one of the best available software for beginners in web design. It provides excellent tools to build simple ... read more

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    Source: A Guide to Building #WordPress on Docker for #Windows, #Linux and OS X

    Tuesday, December 27, 2016

    Karta: Free Photography Trip WordPress Theme

    Register Recover Password

    Join ByPeople!, just write your email. An email message will be sent to you with the activation link.

    If you lost your password write your email. An email message will be sent to you with the recovery link.

    Source: Karta: Free Photography Trip WordPress Theme

    How to Set Up #WordPress Cookie Notifications

    How to Set Up WordPress Cookie Notifications WP Clipboard is the largest aggregator of WordPress resources, tools, tips and tutorials. Our database contains over 4,900 items by 276 authors, across 58 categories that will appeal to both developers and beginners. WP Clipboard is updated daily with new ... read moreHow to Do an SEO Audit of Your WordPress Website By failing to do so, your WordPress ... up the program, type in your website address in the top bar and click Start. If you have a Screaming Frog license, you can first make changes like set up your preferred user agent, configure how to handle cookies ... read moreHow To Get Better Blogger Workflow with Online Tools A good example is that I set up a task ... that you're using WordPress to do it. WP Dashboard Notes is available as a free WordPress plugin, appearing right there on your WordPress dashboard. This means you aren't giving up access to your data to ... read moreLemonChili – A Restaurant WordPress Theme If you're a professional designer and you are putting together a site for a restaurant, this is something that you should take a look at, as well. The simplicity of use and the special features make this theme so easy to get set up and running. read moreBest of Best WordPress Tutorials of 2016 on WPBeginner How to setup Facebook Instant Articles for WordPress – In this step by step tutorial, we explained pros and cons of Facebook Instant Articles as well as how to easily set it up on your WordPRess ... How to add web push notification to your WordPress ... read moreHow to Build a Website Without Any Technical Skills Using SITE123 The interface gives you readymade layouts that look very nice and are totally up to date in terms of design and art. There you will not find weird looking templates like those WordPress ones ... you already have everything set, awesome! read more15 site speed tips to make wordpress lightning fast _ wp engine blog database yugioh Here at WP Engine, we're all about efficient and fast website speed and have therefore composed a list of the most essential inner speed triggers to help you make WordPress lightning ... so you don't have to set it up manually. Compared to its ... read moreAnybody else having problems getting notifications to load? The blog I need help with is ... will anable the notifications to load. Also, the quick start box has disappeared from my dashboard. I don't know what that is. But no dice. I already had it set to keep cookies. BTW, the quick start ... read moreHow to Add Web Browser Push Notifications to Your Blog To do this, you can copy and paste the code, or install a plugin if you have a WordPress blog ... click Scheduled Notifications in your PushCrew dashboard. Optional: Set Up a Welcome Push Notification for New Subscribers You might also want to set ... read moreHow to Set Up Email Notifications in WordPress There are many examples in WordPress: When users register with a website they get an email, and when someone leaves a comment on a post the admin might receive an email notification ... work has been published. Set up transactional emails to keep users ... read more

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    Source: How to Set Up #WordPress Cookie Notifications

    Monday, December 26, 2016

    30 Best Handwriting Fonts for Web Designers

    Handwriting fonts can be applied to any web design project to spice things up. This witty, lighthearted choice of typography gives off a natural vibe that's missing in the plain script and sans fonts. With straight lines, curves, swirls, etc. handwritten fonts can make your text look more elegant, unique and personal.

    Various handwritten fonts exist on the web, and filtering out the best ones is a challenge most web designers struggle with. To save you from the hassle of trudging through endless options, we've put together a list of 30 best handwriting fonts for web designers, and tried to gather choices for every need.

    The handwriting fonts below were selected based on their legibility, features, flexibility and, when available, their reviews. They are ranked in no particular order, but represent the best available options. Given these points, all names in the list will facilitate your web design

    Source: 30 Best Handwriting Fonts for Web Designers

    #WordPress eCommerce #Web Week: Reflections and Insights from Cody Landefeld

    WordPress eCommerce Web Week: Reflections and Insights from Cody Landefeld During Web Week, we are turning to eCommerce and interviewing six experts. Today we chat with Cody Landefeld from Mode Effect. Tell our readers a little bit about yourself. I'm Cody Landefeld and I co-founded Mode Effect with my wife Raquel. We help to ... read moreFinely Tuned Consultant: Cody Landefeld This week's Finely Tuned Consultant is Cody Landefeld. Cody is a WordPress Developer ... where we solve business challenges through design and web development. We specialize in Custom WordPress Themes, Genesis Child Themes, and WordPress Plugin ... read moreSix Web Metrics / Key Performance Indicators To Die For This post is a bit heavy on ecommerce, my apologies for that, purely a function of time pressures, had to write this week. With that out of ... using a example from our Google Insights for Search post, Lenovo's web analytics tool could be showing a nice ... read moreNeil Young's Pono music store goes offline for several weeks as it switches from audio provider Omnifone to 7digital (Marc Schneider/Billboard) Sources: Yahoo informs others that Verizon has won the bidding process; a deal of about $5B expected to be announced by Monday — Verizon and Yahoo are set to announce that they are striking an acquisition deal, according to sources close to the situation ... read moreHow Saving On Design Could Cost You More In The Long Term Download this bite sized cheat sheet to get to know how saving on design could cost you more in the long term. When a designer gives ... which starts adding up very fast. Web designers shouldn't be designing an application, site or even a landing page ... read more10 Myths That Scare SEOs But Shouldn't - Whiteboard Friday In this week's Whiteboard Friday, we'll be tackling some SEO myths ... and it just so happens that you have an e-commerce product page where the title is the name of the product and then the product description contains the title twice, and that's just ... read moreCase Western Reserve University Undergraduate Admission It's by no means a bad thing, as 85% of the things I need to do are fun, but it can still be a little overwhelming. This week, for example? Three philanthropy events. Yes, three. DG is holding a pancake breakfast benefiting Service for Sight, Alpha Phi is ... read morePoliticsPA - Harper Poll: PA Voters Back Medicaid Expansion New numbers from GOP pollster Harper Polling show that Pa. voters favor the expansion of Medicaid for low income individuals, as prescribed by the Affordable Care Act, 49% to 39% Gov. Tom Corbett has said he would not expand the program, citing its growing ... read moreHow 16 Companies are Dominating the World's Google Search Results The Reddit outing, which was shared on a new account, claimed that Hearst were using their powerful brands to "game Google" and rank a new website of theirs very quickly ... discovering them on the way. Next week I'll be going live with a report ... read more Physiology of Taste - or Meditations on Transcendental Gastronomy (Everyman s Library) PDF.rar s Dharma - religious Renaissance and Political Development in Taiwan PDF ... read more

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    Source: #WordPress eCommerce #Web Week: Reflections and Insights from Cody Landefeld

    Sunday, December 25, 2016

    Wordpress appearance-editor not showing


    It's not possible to edit theme files on a site. That setting is only available for self-hosted WordPress sites.

    If you have the premium or business level account you do have the ability toe did the theme's CSS, but not the theme template files.

    You can read about the CSS editing capabilities at

    Hope this helps!

    Source: Wordpress appearance-editor not showing

    Charitize: Free #Charity-focused #WordPress Theme

    Charitize: Free Charity-focused WordPress Theme A WordPress theme focused on charity, social causes, and non-profit organizations. The theme is really fluid, has areas for a big slider, team, support, volunteering, donations and more. The theme uses parallax in some areas. read moreFree Charity WordPress Themes for Nonprofit/NGO/Fundraising oganization Beside this, this Free charity WordPress theme also supports WPML and can be compatible with other translation plugins as well. Especially, not only does it support blogs and corporate theme it also comes with WooCommerce support. It means now you can ... read moreFree WordPress Themes: August 2016 Many premium and free ... Lite is a WordPress theme for restaurants, bars, and other similar businesses. It is responsive and also has a custom full-width page template. Reach is a responsive WordPress theme for non-profits, fundraisers, and charities. read more25+ Best Charity and NGO WordPress Themes we have Best collection of responsive wordpress themes for charity.These all themes below are fantastically perfect for any kind of Charity related website. I listed here free & premium both type of Charity themes. Because I thought this will be helpful ... read more20 Beautiful WordPress Themes For 2014 Even though in 2013 two new amazing blogging platforms have emerged, and I am talking here about Medium and Ghost, WordPress remains the biggest player in the blogging world in 2014, and WordPress themes ... for your charity. Use this free theme to do ... read moreWhy Charities Should Use WordPress as an Online Marketing Platform Here are a few things to look for in a top-notch WordPress hosting company: You'll find an abundance of great themes ... source and free! A massive user base is what has allowed the platform to become the powerhouse it is today. If your charity requires ... read morePosting Images With WordPress - The Easy Way WordPress is a great content organizing platform ... many web site masters seem to be reluctant to purchase premium plugins and themes. This is often a mistake. While there are many great free examples available, there are limitations. read more90 Best Free WordPress Themes for 2015 For non-profits who are based on WordPress, Danko is a free and responsive WordPress theme for your good cause. This theme is specifically built for charity organizations to present their work efficiently and also accept donations from the homepage itself. read moreDanko – Free Charity WordPress Theme People who run nonprofit organizations understand how difficult it can be to make ends meet – especially in a tough times where fewer people are donating. When every cent goes to spreading your green message, it can be difficult to find and spare another ... read moreGrab this WordPress starter kit and name-your-own-price WordPress Theme Bundle In addition to these courses, you'll also get 10 beautiful professional WordPress themes to use in your own personal or commercial projects, royalty-free. These themes are ... 10 percent of your purchase will go to the charity of your choice: choose ... read more

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    Source: Charitize: Free #Charity-focused #WordPress Theme

    Saturday, December 24, 2016

    Wordpress included Domain


    I am trying to set up a wordpress blog - however, every time I change my domain in account settings to the name of my blog, this domain then becomes unavailable when I want to set up a blog.E.g. I set my domain in account settings to '' and then wanted to add a blog/site to this domain. When I tried to create a blog for the domain, the domain name '' was already taken and I have to choose another one.

    This has happened multiple times so I cannot have a wordpress domain and blog of the same name. Now all the names I wanted are blocked.

    What can I do about this?Hope it makes sense.


    Source: Wordpress included Domain

    66 Best #WordPress Themes For #Education

    66 Best WordPress Themes For Education Here is the list of best WordPress themes for education that we have picked for schools, colleges, universities, and all types of education institutes. Education may look like a business but it is much more than that. It is the most important aspect of the ... read moreEducation WordPress Theme | Education WP Based on our experience of building LMS with our previous theme eLearning WP – Education WP is the next generation and one of the best education WordPress themes around, containing all the strength of eLearning WP but with a better UI/UX. This ... read moreBest Premium WordPress Education Themes for Online Education Continuing the collection series, in this article, we would introduce a hand-picked list of the best premium WordPress education themes from the most popular WP market place – Themeforest in a very specific way. This is also a trendy topic in these days. read moreHow to Cope with WordPress Coding Overwhelm New themes ... effort in improving your WordPress coding skills, the best thing to do is start off slow and turn to trusted resources. The following tips will guide you through the logical course of your WordPress coding education. This cannot be said ... read more17 Best WordPress Resume Themes for Your Online CV WordPress is an ideal platform to build your professional online presence. In this article, we have hand-picked some of the best ... theme. It features a minimalist, responsive and elegant design for any kind of professionals to show their resume ... read moreHow to Find a WordPress Theme that Works There are thousands of WordPress ... your best content online, you have to carefully consider the ideal fit, what works for you. Design, navigation and great content are the three big factors to online success, so when you choose a theme, 66.66% of your ... read more25 back to school themes for WordPress With back to school season right around the corner, chances are that educators are thinking about the best ways to present their ... Chalk continues to be one of the more popular education themes available on the WordPress website. The theme features ... read moreFive Steps to a Successful Portfolio Website For WordPress and other platforms, there are several theme repositories which may be of some help ... is all about saving you time so you can focus on doing what you love best. Ge it here. HDR Learning Center – Check out new ways to use High Dynamic ... read more14+ Best Education Wordpress Themes For 2016 Wordpress offers a variety of themes, but when building an education website, some themes work better than others. Here are our top education Wordpress themes for 2016. When developing ... to decide which theme is best for the website you are creating. read moreBest Education WordPress Themes This is a collection of the best education WordPress themes designed for university, college, school, online learning and other education and academic websites. WordPress is the ideal platform to build an education website because its free, open source and ... read more

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    Source: 66 Best #WordPress Themes For #Education