Saturday, December 31, 2016

Why I'm Slowly Leaving #WordPress To #Blog At Medium

Why I'm Slowly Leaving Wordpress To Blog At Medium It's kind of like a mash-up of Twitter and Wordpress, where you can import stories, write stories, and follow other writers you enjoyed reading. The best part is, it's taking off. VentureBeat reported a month ago that Medium grew by 140% this year ... read moreVideo SEO Tips to Get the Most from your WordPress Videos in 2017 Lindsay Kolowich In the not-so distant past, we outlined a couple of WordPress SEO tips in a number of posts including ... You can capture viewers at key moments in your videos. I'm talking about interactive elements such as in-video forms, links ... read more10 Tips to Improve Your Storytelling Skills I envision myself painting a picture before sitting down to my WordPress backoffice, not writing a blog post ... Shhh….don't tell wifey. I'm in an affair. A love affair. With writing. Why else would I be writing this post at 12:11 AM on Christmas ... read moreStats Feedback (insert your blog's name before in the ... It sounds like you have specific feedback that can be helpful but I'm not sure what exactly to put in the feature request. read moreWhat Inspires Us to Blog? So I started the blog to share ideas about what I'm doing, things I learn ... much work and "hair wadding" is probably the next big fashion trend anyhow, so why not start early? But I've learned over time that I can trick myself into being less ... read moreA Christmas Card From Skunk Hollow: Bad hand injury brings a gift of healing The Bean shrank very slowly and finally fell off — OK, with just a little help — at the end of July, leaving a raw-looking crater beneath ... the overall program has now paid off and part of the reason I'm writing this today is to pass the surgeon ... read moreThe 11 Best Ways to Learn WordPress Before and After Launching Your Blog Created for beginners, it has 68,283 viewers, at the time that I'm ... WordPress website, this tutorial is as good an answer as you'll find. And here's why: It gives you all of the answers that you need, without having to search Google. You can leave ... read moreEdible Gifts: Earl Grey Marshmallows, Seeded Toffee Bark, Maple Granola I'm heading to California today ... and remaining ¼ cup tea. Heat over medium-high until the thermometer reaches 240F. Immediately turn off heat and head over to the stand mixer. With mixture on low, slowly stream in hot mixture down the side ... read moreThis Could Happen To You – Why We Switched To Managed Hosting WordPress backend problems can take a big chunk out of revenue, leave you open to hackers, and wreak havoc with your SEO standing. I'm in business to support ... when visitor numbers soared. Why We Decided to Trust WP Engine for Managed Hosting The ... read moreHow To & Why Add Your Twitter Handle To Your Social Share Buttons I'm ... leave a great comment and decide to share the post with your tribe. You click the Twitter share button and it works perfectly except just one small detail; what's the blog or author's Twitter handle? This seems like a crime and I'll tell ... read more

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Source: Why I'm Slowly Leaving #WordPress To #Blog At Medium

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