According to data from WordPress, there are over 70 Million blog posts generated every month. That number is increasing every month as more and more bloggers join the web. If anything, the competition is getting more and more fierce.
To be a successful blogger, you must produce great content at consistent basis. But coming up with new blogging topics can be challenging, so we've come up with 10 ways and tools that you can use to generate blog post for the next year.
1. Use Google Auto SuggestOpen Google in "incognito mode" and enter the keyword or topic you are interested in writing about. As you type, Google will start suggesting topics that people are already searching for.
For example, if you are a beauty blogger and want to write on "makeup tips" Start typing makeup and as you can see below, Google auto suggested 4 topics that would make a great blog post.
*The reason we suggest "incognito mode" so that Google's suggestions are not affected by your search history.
2. Get inspiration from a competitor's best performing postsYou should never literally steal their ideas because that's not cool (or legal), but check which of their posts are performing well and use them for inspiration.
One of my go to tools is BuzzSumo. It has a free feature that allows you to search for few topics, which is good enough to get your inspirational juices flowing.
For Example, I searched for "2017 fashion trends" and it showed me which posts were most popular and got most shares.
Search on Amazon for books related to your topic. Find top 5 books that are most popular on the topic and have at least 25 reviews. Read the reviews from readers who have given it around 3 stars and don't worry about 1 or 5 star reviewers. The reason being 1 and 5 star reviewers might be too biased.
But a 3-star reviewer would be the ones who liked the book but felt that something was missing. Their response would be great to find out what they thought was missing in the book so you can use that to generate ideas for the next blog post.
4. See ROGUELINE's Blog Topic GeneratorWhen I started blogging, I would often get writers block and even though these tools were great, there still was something missing. This topic generator tool helps bloggers generate topics on the fly. They have searched the web using the above-mentioned tools to find the most popular headlines and topics and put them together for you.
All you need to do is Enter your Subject and it will show you a blog topic. You want more, hit refresh and you will see another topic and so on.
For example, here I entered subject "Video Blogging" and hit Enter.
The tool shows 1 blog topic and you can keep hitting Refresh and it will give you next topic and so on.
And so on… the list is endless.
5. Ask your audienceBy the end of the day, you are writing for your audience so ask them what they need. Work with your customer development and/or sales team to figure out what are customer's concerns and write about them.
For example, I talked with my audience to find out what they needed. Many of them told me that they wanted to work in the fashion industry but didn't know what would be the best way to find jobs, other than applying on a company website or LinkedIn etc. So, I wrote a post: 4 Steps to Land Dream Job at Fashion Company and our audience loved it.
6. Check out Q/A sitesQ/A sites, such as Quora are great resources for blog topics. It is estimated that there are over 11 million questions answered on the site and I can guarantee that someone has asked a question related to your vertical.
Use their search panel and see which are most popular questions and use them for inspiration for your next blog post.
7. Help a reporterHelp a reporter Out is a great tool to find ideas for next post. They send 3 emails per day on questions/posts that reporters need help with. You can pick a category and you will start getting list of questions that other reporters are trying to find answers to or write about.
Use that list as inspiration to create blog posts for yourself. It can serve as a great tool to see what other reporters are researching on or writing about to take inspiration from it.
8. Set up Google AlertsSet up Google Alerts on your topic and every day you will get a list of the best posts on that topic from around the world. You can select if you want to receive News, Blogs, Video, etc and it will be delivered to your inbox.
Use the topics to get your creative juices flowing and generate blog topics for yourself.
9. Do what people are scared to doBe the adventurer for your audience and they will love you for it. People love reading about things they are fascinated with but are scared to try it. You can be the resource for them, who has tried what they fear and then write about your experience, good or bad. You could try and write about a marketing tool, makeup kit, ski adventure etc.
10. Do a Twitter SearchThis is one of the hidden tools within Twitter that goes very underutilized. Visit and it will show you multiple options. You can search about best tweets on:
I find it extremely helpful to see which tweets/topics got most shares and engagement and how can I modify that topic to generate a blog post for my audience. You can also write down the hashtags associated with that tweet and use it to tweet your blog when it's ready.
Source: 10 Ways to Generate Blog Post Ideas for a Year
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