Thursday, February 2, 2017

SmartMonitor PRO Review – Ultimate Site Monitor For WordPress

We bloggers are frequently unaware of the site behaviour with our visitors. Although, it is hard to keep an eye on everything every single moment of the day.

In my case, we are a team of three. However, what about the individual bloggers who hardly check their WHOIS Records, Server status and DNS Entries. It might be a new set of configurations for you, but these functions keep your website up and working.

We usually underestimate checking the server uptime and status repeatedly, but those are an essential things which should be monitored time to time. If your site is not running well, you maybe lose your visitors forever!

Recently I faced the same problem and observed that due to some technical variations my server is not behaving well. After that, I figured out and fixed the problem. Doing so, I came upon to a comprehensive and smart plugin which can take care of your WordPress site's DNS Entries, WordPress Core Files, Malware infection, Downtimes, and Content. The name of that smart plugin is SmartMonitor PRO.

In this post, I am going to review the SmartMonitor Plugin and its smart features.

Site Monitoring with SmartMonitor PRO SmartMonitor PRO Review

image credits: wpsmartmonitor

Smart Monitor PRO is a plugin which safeguards your WordPress site using different modules, each made for a different purpose.

To make sure your website is Online, SmartMonitor keep checking your site's status from various location and maintains your WordPress site security. If anything goes wrong with your server uptime, you'll instantly receive an email in your inbox.

It is a precaution plugin for WordPress users. If you are running a serious website or blog, you should use SmartMonitor to track the movement of each and every byte of your site.

Let's see the working and modules of SmartMonitor PRO WordPress Plugin.

Uptime/Downtime Reporting

SmartMonitor PRO Review

There are hundreds of factors which could lead to the site downtime. The factors may be a hack or a harmful malware, server failure or DNS change. The only way to stay on the top of such happening is to monitor your site's uptime and downtime regularly.

SmartMonitor PRO is the best plugin to keep an eye on your site's downtimes. It notifies you the moment something goes wrong with your site via email, SMS or mobile push notification. Hence you can instantly talk to your web hosting service provider for the fix.

Whether it be a hack or server failure, or any other change of your server's routine, SmartMonitor keeps you updated with the notifications.

WHOIS Records Monitoring

WHOIS is a query and response protocol that is used for querying databases that store the registered users of the Internet, such as a domain name or an IP address block. All the information about your domain name such as Name of the domain owner, contact details, email & server location is stored in the WHOIS database.

Unfortunately, if your site got hacked and the SmartMonitor found that someone changed your WHOIS information, it directly sends you a notification about it. Thus within the span of time, you can contact your domain registrar and claim your domain back.

In this way, SmartMonitor keeps your domain information up to date and secured.

NS Records Monitoring

Name Servers plays a significant role in linking your domain and web hosting. If it got hacked, the hacker gets the access to redirect your website to a different site, or he can also spoof your site pages, and emails or he can create a whole new website using your domain.

Well, this is terrible. You cannot just give up on the trust you created among your audience. Thus, if you are using SmartMonitor, you will get notified whenever the change occurs in your Name Servers.

Google SafeSearch Reporting

Google will block displaying your web page if it is infected with Malware. Due to the use of unauthorised themes and plugins, there is a chance of malware attack on your WordPress site. It is a long term loss, as it will cost you losing an enormous amount of visitors. After all, who will return to your site after reading this message!

In that case, SmartMonitor becomes handy. If it finds any malware or infected files, SmartMonitor malware module will clean it up within minutes and thus saves you from losing your audience.

Note: Avoid using of unauthorised themes and plugins as it can harm your site.

Core WordPress Files Protection

Core WordPress files such as wplogin.php, wpconfig.php, .htaccess and other dot files are on the hacker's hitlist because those files contain important information such as username and password for your database.

If the hacker modified your core WordPress files and injected it with any malicious codes, you may lose all your hard work. You cannot afford to do that.

SmartMonitor takes care of your valuable WordPress files such as wplogin.php, wpconfig.php, .htaccess and other dot files. If the hacker tries to touch even one core file and change as much as one byte, you'll quickly get a notification from SmartMonitor.

Site Content Monitoring

SmartMonitor notifies you about the each and every change in your WordPress files, server configuration, DNS & NS entries and malware detection. Besides this, if by mistake you just push the wrong button and change your site's backend or frontend structure, you will get reported immediately.

SmartMonitor keeps the record of each and every change in your WordPress website.

How to use SmartMonitor PRO?

Unlike other plugins, SmartMonitor isn't hard to configure.

For installing the SmartMonitor PRO, follow up these steps.

  • Go to the SmartMonitor PRO website.
  • Select your package, if you want to try the plugin purchase a single plan which is worth $4.89/month.
  • Enter the details, complete the payment and check your email.
  • Download the plugin and install it by uploading it to your WordPress site.
  • After activating the plugin enter the License key provided in the email. That's it. No more configuration.
  • SmartMonitor will keep sending you the notifications about the changes via Email.

    You can check the details within your WordPress dashboard by navigating to the Dashboard >> Tools >> SmartMonitor PRO.

    Should we buy SmartMonitor PRO?

    Well, I don't take $$ for writing a positive review of the product. I have tested this plugin myself, and it worked like a pro. To test this plugin I changed my Nameserver configuration for a moment, and according to the plugin developers, I got the email withing 3 seconds. Below is the proof.

    Such a great collection of benefits is hardly achievable by any other WordPress plugin. Being prepared for the situation is what makes a webmaster smart, and one of the steps in being prepared is getting notified. That's what SmartMonitor does. If you are looking forward to my answer, then I will say, Just Go For it.

    Download SmartMonitor PRO Plugin

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    If you liked this one, don't forget to share it with your friends on social media. If you are already using it, let me know your experiences. Thank you for reading.

    Source: SmartMonitor PRO Review – Ultimate Site Monitor For WordPress

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