Friday, February 10, 2017

Tech News: Update WordPress NOW!


I'll be launching the new and improved Buttons plugin later this morning and making a few small tweaks. Please note – improved by Major Major Major Major, in his first help-behind-the-scenes.  Please give him a well-earned pat on the back.

But the real focus of this post is to encourage you who have WordPress sites to update them ASAP. There is a critical security bug in 4.7.1 that's been fixed, and tens of thousands of WordPress sites are being hacked because folks haven't updated them to 4.7.2. So, if you have a WordPress site, no matter how tiny and under-read, please take 5 minutes to update it to this more secure version.

I have a big tech post half written for next week covering a bunch of privacy and security ideas, and a more personal one that I hope to publish soon.

And as a reader-turned-client has encouraged me, know that I am available for hire to help on your site, to sort out tech issues in general, and to help secure your privacy and digital stuff.  Just use the Contact a Frontpager form and I'll get back to you asap. No issue is too small, and I am happy to refuse things that are too big or out of my skillset.

Besides all that, have a great weekend, and keep all Americans, our residents, and guests in your thoughts and prayers. There are a lot of scared people among us, something not felt since the Red Scare.  That drove my mom to live overseas as she couldn't stand the cultural environment back then. She has confided in me the temptations to move overseas again, but I've convinced her that this is home, and we resist.

Open thread

Source: Tech News: Update WordPress NOW!

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