Tuesday, February 14, 2017

#WordPress Used as Command and Control Server in 2016 Election Hack

WordPress Used as Command and Control Server in 2016 Election Hack On Friday evening the Department of Homeland Security released a report [PDF link] containing updated and broader analysis of Russian civilian and military intelligence organization's attempts to interfere with the 2016 US election. This Wordfence ... read moreHacking a WordPress Botnet The owner might use those zombie WordPress sites ... that is connected to this command and control server. We chose not to shut down the botnet for two reasons: Firstly the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act does not allow us to hack the hackers. read moreA Look At The Modern WordPress Server Stack They use it because it's powerful and offers the most flexibility. Varnish has its own configuration language, called VCL. It lets you control ... their own server. EasyEngine 59 is a command-line tool designed to help you set up a WordPress website ... read more

The Year in Mac Security 2016 The year in malware was kicked off early in 2016 by the discovery of InstallCore, a fake Flash Player update that, once installed, used scare tactics to ... and awaited instructions from a command-and-control server. At the time of testing, these servers ... read moreWorld's biggest Linux distro infected with malware Hackers got in and modified a PHP script that was part of a WordPress installation used by the Mint project ... Tsunami connects to an IRC server (a command-and-control technique rarely seen in modern bots, because so many networks block IRC traffic ... read moreMore Evidence Links Russia to DNC Attack The actor reportedly targeted the DNC in a separate attack in April 2016 using a piece of ... including the email server used by presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Guccifer 2.0 has set up a WordPress website and a Twitter account, which he has been ... read moreThe Two Intelligence Agency Theory of Handing Trump the Election There has been a lot written about Russian intelligence agencies allegedly hacking the DNC server and — by leaking it — attempting to influence the election ... and the intruders used an elaborate command-and-control infrastructure. read moreBehind the Malware – Botnet Analysis The original hack required ... to be sent with every command. We simulated being one of these bots to monitor the activity of the server. This led us to a small IRC network with dozens of zombies leaking hundreds of unique WordPress databases credentials. read moreThe Mirai Botnet: A Milestone in the Threat Landscape "While Flashpoint has confirmed that Mirai botnets were used in the October 21, 2016, attack against Dyn ... setting up a debug instance of the Mirai bot, a command and control server and a target machine. "This simple "exploit" is an example ... read moreVRRP on Linux Using Keepalived – The Basics Any doubts that Keepalived isn't battle hardened or scalable are easily dismissed with a quick browse of the High Scalability website for examples of its use; Viddler Architecture – 7 Million Embeds A Day And 1500 Req/Sec Peak WordPress.Com Serves ... read more

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Source: #WordPress Used as Command and Control Server in 2016 Election Hack

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