Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Get your WordPress site upgraded to the latest version to fix six serious bugs

Why it matters to you

WordPress self-hosted sites are vulnerable to attack and if you're a WordPress administrator then you will want to get your site updated immediately.

We all have to deal with security patches and updates that try to keep our systems safe from the ever-increasing levels of cybercrime. If you're a webmaster, then you have at least one more system than most other people that you need to keep up to date, specifically software that runs your website.

Most recently, one of the most popular web publishing systems around, WordPress, suffered some serious vulnerabilities and its developers published a new version to address them. Consider this a public service announcement — if you're running WordPress, then you want to upgrade to version 4.7.3 immediately, WeLiveSecurity reports.

More: WordPress fixes huge security vulnerability, all users instructed to update

The six vulnerabilities that researchers identified are as follows:

  • Cross-site scripting (XSS) via media file metadata.
  • Control characters can trick redirect URL validation.
  • Unintended files can be deleted by administrators using the plugin deletion functionality.
  • Cross-site scripting (XSS) via video URL in YouTube embeds.
  • Cross-site scripting (XSS) via taxonomy term names.
  • Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) in Press This leading to excessive use of server resources.
  • Fortunately, the researchers first privately let the WordPress team know of the vulnerabilities early, allowing the development and rollout of a fix before the vulnerabilities were publicly disclosed. That fix is available now for all self-hosted WordPress sites and if your site is set to automatically update, then you might already have received it.

    If your site isn't set to automatically update, then you'll want to back it up first. If you have a staging site, then you will want to test there first to make sure nothing breaks when the update is applied. Then, just go to the WordPress admin panel, select Dashboard > Updates, and follow the instructions. While you're at it, you can check to see if any of your WordPress plugins need updating and get them current as well. Plugin vulnerabilities can be just as damaging as those in the core WordPress system.

    If you're running a site on WordPress.com, which is administered by Automattic, then your site will already have been updated and these vulnerabilities, at least, will have been patched. If not, then your job of webmaster just got another important task that you will likely want to check off sooner rather than later.

    Source: Get your WordPress site upgraded to the latest version to fix six serious bugs

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