Sunday, October 29, 2017

Category image woo commerce wordpress (flatsome Theme)

First time poster here, built a few sites using wordpress.I am calling out for a bit of help for my own personal shop, I normally sit on the forums for a few hours trying to learn from reading but seem to be drawing a blank here.

I am trying to use a transparent header on my category page, and i would like the full image height to show. I can do this no problem if i toggle the transparent header off.

However when i put it back on it pushes my original header down the page and puts it's own background in place See here

I have figured out i can use the catagory image to create the background for the transparent header to achieve the effect i likeHowever i can't seem to get it to show a the full height of the image at 400px, please can someone help !!!!

Source: Category image woo commerce wordpress (flatsome Theme)

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