Sunday, November 5, 2017

Press This Removed from #WordPress 4.9 in Favor of a Plugin

Press This Removed from WordPress 4.9 in Favor of a Plugin Press This, a tool that allowed users to quickly clip and publish content from web pages, is set to be removed from WordPress' upcoming 4.9 release. The feature is being retired and will live out its remaining days as a canonical plugin. WordPress ... read moreSpeed up WordPress Website in 8 Easy Steps A ton of plugins is available for WordPress, which allow different types of caching. A popular choice is Breeze, a free cache plugin for WordPress ... As a general rule, the first thing you need to do is remove or at least disable unnecessary plugins. read more7 Tips To Reduce WordPress Database Size Curious about how to reduce the size of your WordPress database? What follows are seven steps to reduce WordPress database size ... each plugin, even when deactivated, adds more code for WordPress to load. So do your database, and your site, a favor ... read more

This Is the Most Complex Video of a Real Cell Ever Made The best part of high school biology was the movies. Some of them basically amounted to weird close-up fetish porn, sure. Other high school biology videos were actually educational, including the only one that ever taught me anything about the human cell ... read moreWordPress 4.8 arrives with link boundaries and widget improvements, drops WMV and WMA support Other developer additions and changes include: The team did not mention WordPress 4.9 or 5.0, but presumably the next version is already being worked on and will be released in a few months. read moreCalifornia Republican leader survives party infighting over climate change — for now About 44.8 percent of voters are registered as Democrats, 24.5 percent aren't affiliated with any party and 4.9 percent are third ... On Friday night, the California Republican Party's board of directors voted 13-7 in favor of a resolution from Dhillon ... read moreIntroducing Apple's New "Kids" App Store The updated mobile App Store app also saw a number of other changes, including the removal of "Genius" from the bottom menu in favor of apps "Near Me ... Other apps use special actions, like a press and hold gesture, or require parents to have ... read moreGet a Crash Course in Writing from 20 Journalists I only remember one practical writing lesson from my three years as an English major: Whenever you can, put the best bits at the end of the sentence. Put the next-best bits at the beginning, and put the rest in the middle. This trick works in every kind of ... read moreThe Complete Guide To Featured Thumbnails And Image Sizes In WordPress Okay – so maybe that's a lesser known version of an old saying or something I just made up, but the point is: WordPress is very powerful when ... unhook this function so it doesn't loop infinitely remove_action('save_post', 'wpds_check_thumbnail ... read moreFake news isn't all Facebook's fault. Sprawling digital media made it worse. It's unclear if Facebook's new policies would remove the verified badges from online publications ... Digital-only publications with Congressional press credentials make up 37 percent of the Washington press gallery — a 32 percent jump from ... read more

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Source: Press This Removed from #WordPress 4.9 in Favor of a Plugin

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