Note: Additional information on the following holidays is available at:
This page summarises significant dates and symbols used by various cults and destructive groups. For most survivors, the worst symbols and dates are among those on this page.Please remember that abusive groups steal, pervert and mock the holidays of legitimate religions. This does not mean that all people who observe these holidays are abusive. It is not their fault that abusive groups choose to defile their sacred days.Each group is different and may celebrate different sets of holidays, placing emphasis on different days. Dates with significance to individual groups, such as leaders' birthdays, may also be celebrated. Full and new moons are significant in some cults, particularly if they fall on any of the main holidays or on the survivor's birthday. Those groups that utilize numerology mark dates whose numbers add up to "power numbers" or dates with repeating numbers, such as October 10, 2010 and November 11, 2011.Christian, Eastern Orthodox, Jewish, Hindu, Islamic, and Thelemic holidays are listed separately, after the Satanic ritual calendar. Days that might be significant in Australia, Germany, Mexico, New Zealand, South Africa, The Netherlands, and the United Kingdom follow. A section on symbols is at the very end. Other ritual calendars on the Internet (there is much duplication) are at:
Abbreviations N – Nazi, neo-NaziS – SatanicNote:Satanic groups: see Christian holidays listed below.Neo-Nazi groups: see Jewish holidays listed below.Holidays of other major religions are below and holidays of counties where Satanism is practiced follow the religious holidays.
Germany Ritual calendars are available at: contain much information on holidays, astrology, and symbols.

2016 calendar dates SRA SATANIC RITUAL DATES 2016
Source: Satanic Ritual Dates: 2017 Calendar #SRA
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