Monday, November 16, 2015

Wordpress sucks?

TLDR;I'm a fanboi, post why you think wordpress sucks so we can stay up all night because there's someone wrong on the internet!

I've been reading a bit lately about how badly wordpress sucks. I like it very much and think it's pretty awesome so I'm really curious as to why it sucks.

I've made a couple of reasons that I think it may suck and some counterpoints to them.I'd be interested in feedback and further reasons as to why it sucks ....

Why does it suck?

1. Does it suck because it doesn't have the plugin you want?That's not really a reason to say it sucks, is it?

2. Does it suck because you need to pay for the plugin?That's also not a reason why it would suck. It takes time to write and support a plugin. It's not a case of 'fire and forget', you need to check it against new releases, help other users with configuring, running and troubleshooting, etc.

3. Does it suck because it has a really steep learning curve and poor documentation?If you think this has a steep learning curve then maybe you shouldn't be doing development. If you think it has bad documentation then I'd guess you haven't checked out

4. Does it suck because it is slow?Is it slow because you've installed 'over 9000' plugins?Is it slow because you're using it as a static site (in other words you're using wordpress but you aren't updating any content so you may as well have written a static site but wordpress was easier.. so you were lazy and blaming the speed on it ..?)?

5. Does it suck because it can't do something that xyz can do?Wordpress has a billion plugins, I'm pretty sure what you're looking for has been done..If you don't think the plugin you want to use is secure, then download it and check out the source. If you're still not happy then copy the hard pieces out the plugin and use them to write your own.

6. Does it suck because it has badly developed plugins that were easily hacked?How often do you u pdate your wordpress installation and plugins?Have you ever looked into the code after you've downloaded a plugin and audited it yourself? Even a quick look?Do you use a vulnerability checked to scan plugins you've downloaded?

If you're bitching about 1, 2, 5 or 6 then you're not actually bitching about wordpress, you're moaning about a specifically written plugin.

Wordpress core is pretty solid and has a hell of a lot of functionality that would take quite a long time to write from scratch.

Next time you're thinking 'Wordpress sucks', please come post why, I'm really interested to hear..

Source: Wordpress sucks?

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