Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Lawless’ by TM Frazier leads book that came out in 2015

While the end of the year might be a good thing for some people, it might be rough for the book readers of the world. There was too long of a list of books that came out this year and not enough days in the year to keep up. When looking back at the books that came out, it's hard to pick just one favorite above the others as it's like trying to pick your favorite kid.

So, don't worry. I did it for you.

There might not be any mysteries that came out this year, mainly because some of the mysteries have been done so many times before it gets repetitive. The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins probably had the highest sales amongst the older generation. They were able to get consumed with that world and the mystery. It was very much like Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn was a few years ago. We don't have any of those books on this list.

The list below probably relates to the people probably around the age of thirty and younger. There is a mix of books in there that some may not like and some may not agree with. Opinions are important, especially with book reading. The point is that we all are able to read the books and let them into our lives. The books that mean the most to us are the ones that we can relate to in some way, and that's why I chose these books for the top books of 2015. Below is the list of the top ten books that came out this year.

10. Evil Never Dies by T.R. Ragan

Out: 8/4

Goodreads page: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/24840347-evil-never-dies?from_search=true&search_version=service

Review: https://nerdysoul.wordpress.com/2015/08/18/review-evil-never-dies-by-tr-ragan-suspenseful-finale-as-lizzy-comes-to-terms-with-her-loss/

In the latest book of the series, Lizzie struggles with the loss of Jared and trying to be the role model. She submits to the darkness in her and finds that it might not be what she thought it would be, but it might be too late for her to turn back. The story touches on the struggle that we all must deal at some point in our lives when we lose loved ones and whether or not we would submit to the darkness within, or be able to rise above it.

9. Fall With Me by Jennifer Armentrout

Out: 3/31

Goodreads page: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/20980781-fall-with-me?from_search=true&search_version=service

Review: https://nerdysoul.wordpress.com/2015/04/04/book-review-fall-with-me-by-jennifer-armentrout-story-of-not-letting-past-ghosts-control-the-future/

I admit, initially when reading this book, I didn't think it was one of her better books, but after reading it a second time I wonder why I thought that way. I have loved every other book that Armentrout has written and I think that I had such high expectations for this book. When reading in between the lines, I see how beautiful the relationship between Reese and Roxy is and how pride is an ugly thing that can keep love from happening.

8. Paper Hearts by Claire Contreras

Out: 9/9

Goodreads page: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25284952-paper-hearts?from_search=true&search_version=service

Review: https://nerdysoul.wordpress.com/2015/09/11/release-day-blitz-paper-hearts-by-claire-contreras/

Like the first book of the series, this story has a beautiful couple that you just want to hate because they are so cute. They were torn apart because of circumstances and once again pride shows its ugly head and keeps them apart. It's not until they get older and wiser that they see that love is more important than one's pride. I love every character that Contreras creates because they are real and can relate to anyone that reads the books. Hard feat to do for an author.

7. Scorched by Jennifer Armentrout

Out: 6/16

Goodreads page: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18045624-scorched?from_search=true&search_version=service

Review: https://nerdysoul.wordpress.com/2015/09/20/review-scorched-by-jennifer-armentrout-a-heartbreaking-story-of-overcoming-one-of-lifes-hardest-things/

It's these kinds of books that make me love Armentrout's writing. While she may create characters that are similar and have their own bubbly lingo, she will throw in a deeply flawed character that we get to transform into that beautiful swan. This story touches on something that hit close to me and I couldn't help but understand the story that much more. Alcohol is a problem for millions of people out there (whether it effects them directly or indirectly) and it hurts deeper sometimes than physical pain.

6. The Shadowhunter Academy series by Cassandra Clare

Out: around the 20th of every month

Goodreads page: https://www.goodreads.com/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&query=shadowhunter+academy

In the surprise series released by Cassandra Clare, we get to watch one of our favorite characters, Simon, as he tries to insert his life into the Shadowhunters. While he has some of his memories back, he doesn't have the core ones. Like the ones that connect him with Clary and Isabelle. At times, he can be annoying with it (especially the first few novellas) but he finally comes to his senses towards the end. The best part of the series, though, is that we get to see the background stories for all these characters that we heard about and how they effected the Shadowhunter world. Especially for Valentine and how he came to power. A must read for anyone who is a fan of the series.

5. Nowhere but Here by Katie McGarry

Out: 5/26

Goodreads page: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/23492282-nowhere-but-here?from_search=true&search_version=service

Review: https://nerdysoul.wordpress.com/2015/06/09/book-review-nowhere-but-here-by-katie-mcgarry-story-of-living-life-to-the-fullest-and-to-face-your-fears/

She is not like many of the other authors on this list where she had multiple books that come out each year, but when she does release a book, it's one that you get right away and then obsess over it. This book is the first book of the series and it's a spin-off of sorts from her last series. She talks about the importance of living your own life and not letting your past dictate it for you. Like many of her other books, she is able to bring characters to life that we can relate to in some way and hope that things turn out well for them in the end.

4. Confess by Colleen Hoover

Out: 3/10

Goodreads page: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/22609310-confess?from_search=true&search_version=service

Review: https://nerdysoul.wordpress.com/2015/04/06/review-confess-by-colleen-hoover-story-of-loss-love-and-how-amazing-fate-can-be/

When reading this book, I was not expecting to like it as much I did. I read the blurb and I was like 'eh this sounds interesting enough to read'. But after reading it, I was obsessed. Especially after finding out that the confessions in the book are all real. Some of them are dark and sinister while others are funny and light. It's those dark ones that make you see how ugly the world can be and how it's something that should be recognized. I liked how Hoover was able to work that kind of theme into her story, without it being the center point for it.

3. King/Tyrant by T.M. Frazier

Out: 6/15 and 8/16

Goodreads page: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/27918024-king-tyrant?from_search=true&search_version=service

Review: King - https://nerdysoul.wordpress.com/2015/06/16/release-day-blitz-for-king-by-tm-frazier/

Tyrant - https://nerdysoul.wordpress.com/2015/08/18/tyrant-by-tm-frazier-release-day-blitz-and-review/

If you want to a read series and literally curse out the author from start to finish, then start reading this series. It dominates your life and doesn't let go. If you join the Facebook group you will see that you are not the only one who suffers from King-itis. Frazier creates characters that we love but there are so many twists and turns that you never know what to expect. It's the perfect book to read when you want to get worked up and get all crazed over.

2. Stark International series by J. Kenner

Out: 4/7, 6/23, 9/1

Goodreads page: https://www.goodreads.com/series/118761-stark-international-trilogy

Review: Say my Name - https://nerdysoul.wordpress.com/2015/04/07/book-review-say-my-name-by-j-kenner-story-of-a-broken-woman-learning-to-trust-again/

On my Knees - https://nerdysoul.wordpress.com/2015/06/23/book-review-on-my-knees-by-j-kenner-a-little-repetitive-but-sets-up-what-should-be-an-explosive-finale/

Under my Skin- https://nerdysoul.wordpress.com/2015/09/01/review-under-my-skin-by-j-kenner-jackson-and-sylvia-deal-with-the-ghosts-of-their-pasts/

It's not very often where the sequel is better than the originally, but in this case, it is. Damien's series is good in its own way, but I found that I liked the relationship between Sylvia and Jackson a whole lot more. They had more layers and I felt that we got to see more of a transformation for the characters throughout the series. Kenner had enough twists and turns that kept you coming back for more and demanding to know what happens next.

1. Lawless by T.M. Frazier

Out: 12/8

Goodreads page: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25756072-lawless?from_search=true&search_version=service

Review: https://nerdysoul.wordpress.com/2015/12/10/lawless-by-t-m-frazier-book-tour/

There are really no words to describe how amazing this book is. While the King part of the series has its own dark secrets, this story never had gotten me so angry before. I never actively spent time in a discussion group talking about a book because it was THAT good. It made me want to hunt down Frazier and demand answers. It's hard to make a book that creates such a reaction from the fans and the torture is waiting for the next installment to come out. COME ON FE-BEAR-Y!

What book did you like the most this year?

Source: Lawless' by TM Frazier leads book that came out in 2015

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