Monday, February 22, 2016

VaultPress drops its price for WordPress security and backup

Must-have security service now costs less.

vaultpressI was one of the first customers to sue Automattic's VaultPress service, and it has saved my behind on multiple occasions.

VaultPress is a WordPress backup and security system created by WordPress.

The backup tool is nice, but plenty of other companies offer some type of backup. It's the security that makes this system a no-brainer.

VaultPress scans your site for any potential security holes or hacking and alerts you when it finds something. It's nice to get an alert from VaultPress before your users start complaining about a hack. Or worse, when Google sends you a notice that your site is hacked and pulls you out of the Google index.

The company has lowered the price of its premium plan, making it much better. Before, you had the choice of paying $15 a month for backup or $40 for backup + security. The extra cost was worth it, but $25 extra a month is a lot to pay when you only have security issues every once in a while.

The new plans range from $5 for basic daily backups to $29 for real-time backup and security.

If you have a WordPress blog of any consequence, you really should use VaultPress. And I'm not getting a dime to tell you this.

Note: the original version of this article stated "first customers to sue" instead of "use". It's amazing what difference to transposed letters make.

Source: VaultPress drops its price for WordPress security and backup

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