Thursday, April 20, 2017

WordPress: Yell Into the Echoing Void

Darth Vader

First of all, I do how one beef with a WordPress change.  Where in the world is the Underline toggle?  I see Italics and Bold.  No sign of underlining, which is a fairly common practice.  I have to use Ctrl-U every time, which seems to go against the idea of making things easier and more user-friendly.

On to the real topic, which is . . . How is everyone doing out in Blog Land?

I ask because my traffic has been pretty bad.  Likes seem to flow in pretty easily, but not much in the way of comments.  I was thinking it was just me since I haven't been reliable in my book releases, I'm running out of interesting topics, and I'm still having bouts with depression.  Yet, I do see people wondering the same thing, so maybe it's an across the board issue.  Wordpress might be losing some of its luster from when I started a few years ago.

Can't say I'm surprised or that I think it's permanent.  I think there's only one person from my first few months of blogging that I still interact with and/or see activity from.  Many have disappeared, taken a short break that led to disappearing, openly quit, became nothing more than reblogs, or just left my circle.  Not that I have much of a circle to begin with.  I've been seeing a lot of groups turn up, which is cool.  Remembering my own time in one of those, I can only imagine the dedication going into those.  Time and energy aren't in abundance with me right now.  The little I have tends to be shifted toward my own projects because I really want to finish Legends of Windemere this year.  Not that I'm bored with the series, but it's written and I feel I should get the whole thing out there before my life takes more unexpected downturns.

Back on topic, I do wonder if more bloggers and authors are receding into their own corners because traffic is lower.  There's a rise in newsletters and I've seen some authors do those only with no blog activity.  Maybe something on Facebook, but they go silent or show up with less consistency than before.  So, is the blogging platform becoming a dinosaur like Myspace and launching books through open windows?  That last one might be more of a potential felony than a dinosaur thing.  Guess I'm just trying to figure out what's going on or if it's just me.

So, how has your blog been doing?  Any changes that you've made that improved performance?

Source: WordPress: Yell Into the Echoing Void

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