Friday, April 29, 2016

Blog in Malayalam exhorts state Muslims to join jihad

Kozhikode/Thiruvananthapuram: A suspected Islamic State-inspired blogger has issued death threat to the administrators of Freethinkers, a Facebook community engaged in discussions on religions and social issues. A post in the blog has the profile of 14 persons, including a Muslim teacher from Malappuram.

The highly provocative posts exhort Indian Muslims to follow the path of jihad as it is the only way to uphold the dignity of Indian Muslims. The content of the Malayalam blog,, is not in tune with the stance of any known Muslim fundamentalist outfits in India including SIMI, the most radical outfit, among them.

It is dangerously close to the publicity material of the Islamic State. Without naming the IS, the blogger asks all Indian Muslims to migrate from the land of nonbelievers to the land of Islam. "Till now they (Indian Muslims) had an excuse that there was no Darul-Islam (home of Islam) or the Caliphate in the world. But such alibis are not acc eptable after the re-establishment of the Caliphate. It is the religious duty of all Muslims to migrate after the Darul Islam is established," the blogger says. It may be recalled that IS has invited Muslims all over the world to come and stay in the Caliphate it established.

The post says ideas like communism, democracy , secularism and nationalism are against Islam and claims that Prophet Muhammad has said that one day Muslim warriors will overpower India. It deplores while the world over has woken up to jihad, Indian Muslims are shying away from their duty .

The blogger particularly targets the Muslim teacher in Malappuram, who has been vociferous in criticizing Islamic fundamentalism. "If he continues to walk freely even after insulting the Prophet, it means that Allah has forsaken the community . Anyone who insults the messenger of Allah should be killed," the post says. TOI has contacted senior officials of intelligence, however, they are yet to take a serious look at the issue. State police chief T P Senkumar said the cops have to find out the content creators of the blog. HiTech cell assistant commissioner Vinayakumaran Nair said the police are waiting for a reply from the WordPress authorities. Nodal officer of Cyberdome, the hi-tech centre for cyber security , Manoj Abraham said such issues do not come under the preview of Cyberdome. Members of Freethinkers group, when contacted, refused to comment. Sources said that they have informed the police about the blog, but have no plans to register a formal complaint. Rationalist C Ravichandran said that the killings of rationalists in Bangladesh should be an eye-opener to the authorities in the state.
Source: Blog in Malayalam exhorts state Muslims to join jihad

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