Friday, July 8, 2016

Campaign of Infected #WordPress and Joomla Sites Leads to CryptXXX Ransomware

Campaign of Infected WordPress and Joomla Sites Leads to CryptXXX Ransomware Crooks are using out-of-date CMSs, mainly WordPress and Joomla sites, to hijack Web traffic and redirect users to rogue websites hosting the Neutrino exploit kit that's infecting victims with the CryptXXX ransomware. According to Web security firm Sucuri ... read moreRealstatistics campaign targets WordPress, Joomla! sites Securi researchers spotted a malware campaign dubbed Realstatistics infecting thousands of websites built on Joomla! and WordPress content management ... to unload the CryptXXX ransomware. Researchers have seen an influx of new compromised sites every ... read more

Thousands of WordPress and Joomla sites 'infected with ransomware' As many as 10,000 WordPress and Joomla websites have been infected with ransomware, according to cyber security researchers. Sucuri said the campaign, dubbed Realstatistics ... exploit their browsers and installs CryptXXX ransomware if successful. read moreCryptXXX, Cryptobit Ransomware Spreading Through Campaign Researchers have spotted several types of ransomware ... CryptXXX and a fairly new strain, Cryptobit, being pushed through the same shady series of domains. The campaign, called Realstatistics, has tainted thousands of sites built on both Joomla! and ... read moreJoomla targeted in WordPress campaign that delivers TeslaCrypt Denis Sinegubko, a researcher at Sucuri, told Threatpost the number of infected Joomla ... WordPress campaign." The sites are compromised by malicious code attached to the end of JavaScript files and the exploit kits generally deliver the TeslaCrypt ... read more'Fort Disco' Botnet Behind Attack Campaign Against Thousands Of Sites Researchers at Arbor Networks have uncovered a crafty attack campaign that has compromised thousands of sites powered by Joomla, WordPress, and Datalife Engine ... the malware used in the attack. Once on an infected system, the malware receives commands ... read moreGoogle Launches Education Campaign For Hacked Website Owners Vulnerabilities in WordPress and its third-party components are targeted most because of its popularity, but Joomla ... steps with sites that are hacked to distribute malware. The company provides verified site owners with a sample of the infected URLs ... read moreArbor's Fort Disco botnet has a hit list of more than 400,000 domains a campaign has systematically targeted websites running either WordPress or Joomla, the top two blogging and CMS development platforms on the Web. A smaller number of attacks have focused on the Russian platform Datalife Engine. In each attack, infected ... read moreAttackers Target Weak Web App Passwords In the wake of Arbor Network's recent discovery of a new botnet that's brute-forcing passwords on WordPress ... system Joomla, according to a recent blog post by Arbor Networks. The infected machines attempted to log in to thousands of these sites using ... read resets passwords after malware-flinging HACK FLAP The infected machine have been withdrawn ... so it comes as a relief that nothing that might lead to the distribution of backdoor code has resulted as a consequence of the hack. SSL access to websites has been temporarily suspended pending the ... read more

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Source: Campaign of Infected #WordPress and Joomla Sites Leads to CryptXXX Ransomware

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