Monday, August 8, 2016

A Primer on Options and The #WordPress Object Cache

A Primer on Options and The WordPress Object Cache When working on a site, blog, or project on WordPress, it's not at all uncommon to hear users (developers, designers, bloggers, and so on) talk about caching. Caching can be a tricky subject to tackle, though. I think that most people have an ... read moreThe Complete Guide to the WordPress Transients API WordPress has supported the Transients API since version 2.8 but still many WordPress developers are unaware of its existence and uses. In a nutshell, WordPress Transients API ... is that Options API implements a caching layer (i.e. WordPress Object ... read more

A Complete Guide To Using W3 Total Cache It offers object and query caching ... 1. Open your WordPress dashboard. 2. Find the "Plugins" section of the navigation and select the "Add New" menu option. 3. Search for "W3 Total Cache". 4. Click on "Install Now". 5. Find your way to "Installed ... read moreHow To: Speed Up the WordPress Admin Panel on a VPS I had to do quite a bit of digging to find the Object Cache plugin ... If you have more than one WordPress installation and you have access to the command line, this may be a good option for speeding up the admin panel. read moreA Rusty Metal Farm primer on getting ready for the storm Not everyone has the luxury of an indoor wood cache and for those who keep their stash outside ... I also go around picking up anything that can go from object to projectile if laying beneath the snow and sucked into the tractor's snowblower. read moreBest Practices: EWS Managed API coding for Exchange Note that this article is not meant as a primer on EWS development but rather to ... The best practice is to do AutoDiscover and cache the EWS URL then set it on the service object the next time you need to set the EWS URL on the service object until ... read moreJavaScript Application Architecture On The Road To 2015 Well if you're working with decoupled, modular components there are a few options ... cache content, modify what is served and treat the network like an enhancement. You can learn more about Service Worker through Matt Gaunt's excellent Service Worker ... read moreVirtualization in the trenches with VMware, Part 2: Storage, networking, and blades But first, a quick primer on storage ... and price is no object, then Fibre Channel is the way to go, especially when you consider that you can purchase storage arrays with 256GB (yes, gigabytes) or more of cache. iSCSI is a relatively new technology ... read moreThe secret to a successful identity provider deployment: federate your identity data with a hub This vendor-written tech primer has been edited by ... speeding logins and access Step 5: Cache resulting views for speed and scalability A hub would also offer a choice of persistent caching options based on your deployment requirements and environment ... read moreThe 25 Best WordPress Plug-Ins for 2016 JetPack is an official plug-in that gives your self-hosted WordPress blog a truckload of extra features. The plug-in serves up visitor stats, social media sharing options ... Cache. This plug-in works by caching browser, page, and object ... read more

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Source: A Primer on Options and The #WordPress Object Cache

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