Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Did Your Customers Get Tattoos of Your logo? These Did.

Did Your Customers Get Tattoos of Your logo? These Did. Would you get inked for your favorite brand? You'd be surprised how many people actually answer "yes." For many people, having a brand's logo tattooed on them is an embodiment of the impact that company has made on their lives. For others, these ... read moreThere's No Excuse for Making Any of These 9 Fatal Startup Mistakes Also, your mom hasn't done anything wrong to have to school you five times a day when things get tough. Don't do that. 4. Fear of customers ... sure you get all these right as early as possible. Branding and graphic design. A $5 logo looks like ... read more

What to know before you get a tattoo You should not get ... tattoo your face or hands because there is still a stigma around these tattoos in the professional workplace. Tattoo Asylum won't tattoo your hands or face unless you're already heavily tatted. Also, tattoos on your hands and feet do ... read more10 Time Tested Ways to Boost Download Numbers for Your App Though download numbers most of the time do not correspond ... Why not try these tested and tried methods? Here we introduce 10 time-tested ways to boost download numbers for your app. First of all, you need to get your basics right. If you have not ... read moreWhy most beautiful websites do not convert Do you think people will not hesitate to transfer money via your website? Do your website makes it clear that you care for your customers? Can visitors get in touch with you easily? These are some ... service and not about 'logo design' or 'graphic ... read more10 Essentials of a High Converting Landing Page These hyper-focused web pages are designed for just one purpose: to convert visitors. Whether that conversion goal is to get people ... benefit of your offer, and show prospects what they need to do to claim it. If you don't include your logo somewhere ... read more67 ways to use the Optimal Workshop Suite of user research tools. I've compiled this list over last few days (my brain hurts) by talking to a few customers ... and get going with Chalkmark. Write up a string of things that people might want to do when they find themselves on this page and use these as your tasks. read moreIs Your Company Name All That Important? Why These Entrepreneurs Changed The Name Of Theirs Spend time to do it right the first time , and when your first choice fails – and that may just be the case: rethink (re-think your choice) rename (Chose and implement) remind (Remind your customers who you are, and of your name change). Irfan used a ... read more3 Times You Confused Branding with Marketing You often use these two as one saying things like, "my logo is my brand." In fact your logo is not your ... is now and where it is going. Customers will be able to identify with you and support anything you do because branding simply says, "this ... read more5 Overlooked Features of Your LinkedIn Marketing Strategy Maximizing your LinkedIn ... it can do for them personally and professionally (not to mention what it can do for the company). Explain why participation can improve the visibility of the company, thus increasing exposure to potential customers and leads. read more

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Source: Did Your Customers Get Tattoos of Your logo? These Did.

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