Saturday, September 24, 2016

WordPress Instagram Plugin Posting (Social Networking)

WordPress Instagram Plugin Posting helps to exclude the manual work while posting from WordPress to Instagram. The plugin posts video and images automatically from WordPress to Instagram according to settings. It supports WooCommerce Product, WordPress Page, WordPress Post.

  • Multiple Accounts – the ability to use any number of accounts.
  • Proxies support – use a proxy for Instagram accounts.
  • Images support – posting images from WordPress to Instagram.
  • Video support – posting video from WordPress to Instagram. Video should be less than one minute.
  • Different post types – WooCommerce Product, WordPress Page, WordPress Post.
  • Categories posting – just select categories and post to Instagram.
  • Schedule posting – set the time interval for posting.
  • Change Log

    Semtemper 15, 2016 – Version 1.0.1

    * Code improvements

    Semtemper 10, 2016 – Version 1.0.0

    * Initial release

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    Main ideas of this plugin is – save customer's time, simplify checkout process and prevent ...

    Source: WordPress Instagram Plugin Posting (Social Networking)

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