Monday, September 26, 2016

WordPress Plugin: Theme Switcha

[ Theme Switcha ]

Announcing my latest WordPress plugin, Theme Switcha! There are many theme-switch plugins but none of them provide the simplicity, performance, and reliability that I require for my own sites. So I wrote my own plugin using the WP API and kept the code as focused and solid as possible. Only essential theme-switching features have been added, along with a simple yet informative UI. Theme Switcha gives you a consistent, quality theme-switching experience that you can optionally share with your visitors.

[ Theme Switcha UI ]Theme Switcha – All your themes ready for switching

Plugin Features

Theme Switcha is Packed full of features:

  • Enables you to develop new themes while visitors use the default theme
  • Control who can switch themes (admins, users with passkey, or everyone)
  • Administrators can switch themes directly via the WP Admin Area
  • Enable visitors to switch and preview themes on the front-end
  • Each visitor can choose their own theme
  • Send preview links to clients via the passkey
  • Choose your own custom passkey code for preview links
  • Set the duration (cookie timeout) for switched themes
  • Enable/disable theme preview in the Admin Area
  • Enable/disable all theme switching without deactivating the plugin
  • Provides several shortcodes to enable visitors to switch themes
  • Shortcodes display themes as a list, select menu, or thumbnails
  • Changed options are saved when working on switched themes
  • Simple, stylish UI featuring screenshots of each theme
  • Works with any theme, parent themes and child themes
  • Check out a screenshot of the Theme Switcha settings page »

    Theme Switcha makes it easy for the site admin to preview and develop new themes without changing the default theme. So visitors will continue to use your site normally without ever knowing that you are testing new themes behind the scenes. And if you want to enable your visitors to switch themes, you can do that as well by adding a shortcode to any WP Post or Page. Then each visitor will be able to select and preview any of your WordPress themes.

    Useful for things!

    Theme Switcha is useful for things like:

  • Maintenance mode – display a temporary theme to visitors while you update your primary theme
  • Theme test drive – preview and test new themes without disrupting anything on the frontend
  • Theme development – perfect for developing new themes to fit your existing site content
  • Client presentations – send clients special "theme preview" links to show off new templates
  • The beauty of Theme Switcha is that it's all 100% transparent: visitors will never know that you are hard at work testing and building new themes behind the scenes.

    Learn more and download Theme Switcha »

    Source: WordPress Plugin: Theme Switcha

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