Sunday, January 1, 2017

How to do Image Optimization for better SEO?

Image optimization is an important part of On-Page SEO. And if you are not doing the Image optimization then I think that it the biggest mistake you are doing as an online marketer.

I have some questions like:

Are you using images for your content?

Are you using enough images for your post?

Does adding a single image to your page or post enhances the SEO?

And many other questions must be in your mind or I had in my mind as a beginner. When I was a beginner in the field of SEO even I use to have these type of questions for sure. But now I am clear and have understood that even a single image in the blog post can enhance the SEO of our post or page.

So today in this post I will be telling you how you can do better SEO with image optimization and rank of the Google SERPs.

Why are Images important?

A good image can say a thousand words without even actually reading the content with which the image is attached. There are many people including me who judge a post by the image or images in it. Becuase an attractive image can get the intention of the people easily. So, I recommend you to use an image which reflects the image for the post.

I always use an image related to my post, because if you are using an image which is different than your post then it may result up in nothing. And probably you will end up with no or fewer post readers.

How to do Image optimization For SEO?Image Relevance

Well, Every beginner has this question in mind that how to do image optimization properly and get the best results.

Actually, I don't know which CMS you are using for your blog or website, either it's WordPress, Shopify or any other CMS or you might be using a plain HTML and CSS coded site.

So the the basic Code for image is <img src="#" style="width:#;height:#;">.

But if you want to do better SEO then you must add the alt attribute to it, like (alt= "Keyword"). The actual code will be <img src="#" alt="#" style="width:#;height:#;">.

But if you are using any other CMS for your website or blog then you will be getting an option for doing that. Like In WordPress you can see the below Screenshot to check.

Image optimization

Here the WordPress gives the option to set the alt text for the image.

Why use WordPress CMS for your website or blog?

And likewise, you getting options for the Alt text in other CMS like Shopify, Magento, Joomla, Drupal, Pligg and some other related CMS.

Source: How to do Image Optimization for better SEO?

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