Thursday, January 12, 2017

Tools that Helps You Understand your WordPress Visitors Behaviour

Anyone that visits your website expects to receive something valuable in exchange. What value they will receive differ from web site to web site, all visitors to a website never want there to be a disruption to their experience.

Regardless of who is checking out your site, prospects, subscribers who have yet to purchase anything, or actual paying customers, it doesn't matter. Every point of contact you have with them counts.

How do you really know how well you are doing to satisfy your website visitors or how they feel about you? You spent a lot of money and time to keep your site fresh and it become one of your valuable assets in your business. Very few will ever complain, most visitors if they do not like your content or what you offer will leave and not comeback. Web site visitors will not go out of there way to let you know your site loaded too slowly or that there was a security warning in their browser?

What you need to do is to understand your website visitors behaviour, I will show you some tools that is useful in "spying" on your website visitors. There are tools that can help you understand website visitors behavior.

There are a number of ways you can go about snooping on your visitors. Analytics tools like Google's are just the beginning. Consider the following:

Analytics Tools

Google Analytics

google analytics

google analytics

Google Analytics offers real-time insights on:

  • Who your audience is, including geographic location, demographics, device and browser use, and so on.
  • How they found your website, including social media, organic search, paid search, and more.
  • Where they went once they got on your website and how long they stuck around for.
  • What sort of goals they accomplished on your website, including filling out a form, reading a specific number of pages, making a purchase, etc.
  • There is a lot of information to glean from Google Analytics, so rely on their reporting system to simplify this. By setting up reports that track bounce rates, drops in activity, and any other alarming triggers, you can stay attuned to traffic trends happening on your site in real time.
  • For WordPress you can install the following plugin




    A website has a pathway from the moment a visitor enters the site until they reach the final point of conversion. One of the things a basic analytics tool can't really tell you is what's happening throughout that pathway.

  • What are your customers doing along the way?
  • What prompts them to leave?
  • And so on.
  • Kissmetrics is a premium service, it is great tool to give you a direct insights into on-site behaviors and what you need to do to fix any hiccups that the website have.


    Heat Map Tracking Tools

    Analytics are the first step in figuring out whether you've got a problem on your site or not. Heat maps are the next step to figure out what your visitors are clicking on.




    Who cares about what happened yesterday when you cannot change it? Most online contents are short-lived and only real-time analytics allow you to act right on time. Heatmap heat mapping tool is a good one to start with. Not only can you test it out for free, you can also get a plugin for WordPress site – Heatmap plugin for WordPress



    SeeVolution provides you with behavioral analytics and monitoring tool that allows users to monitor activity and click paths in real-time. Rather than navigating away from a website to analyze visitor trends, once logged in to SeeVolution, users see a movable, live traffic feed that lays transparently over the page users are tracking.

    SeeVolution then uses the data collected to monitor whether or not a site is functioning properly and alerts site owners via email and SMS if any pages or trends hit undesirable tolerance levels. For WordPress you can get the Seevolution WP Plugin




    CrazyEgg will help you find out where your website visitors abandon by seeing how users click and scroll through your website.

    CrazyEgg WP plugin enables heatmap tracking on your WordPress site, with a limited amount of configuration

    Hotspots Analytics Plugin

    hotspots analytics

    hotspots analytics

    Hotspots Analytics plugin will show you the spots on your site where people click or tap the most. There is also a reports feature to show you click/tap trends over time, which comes in handy if you make alterations to your website and want to see how those changes affected your visitors' behavior.

    Live Chat by Formilla Plugin



    Live Chat by Formilla Plugin will allow your visitors to chat with you live if they have any questions or need support. Being proactive and offer chat so your customers can contact you when they are on your site.

    All-in-One Tracking Tools

    There are some more all-in-one online tools that include heat map tracking, website recordings, conversion funnel analysis, and more.




    Clicktale improves customer experience and increase conversion rates with a tools set that adds heatmaps, conversion funnels, session playback and form analytics. If you're short on time and want to know right away what was clicked, how frequently, and even by whom, heatmaps are the way to go.




    Hotjar is an easy way to truly understand your web and mobile site visitors. Find your hottest opportunities for growth today. Hotjar is another all-in-one visitor tracking tool that gives you all the bells and whistles you need to better understand their behavior.




    If you're looking for a tool that captures everything mentioned above – and more – check out LuckyOrange. You can find out exactly how many people are on your site right now and how they found you. Quickly compare historical statistics and see what keywords, locations, referrers, tweets, languages, etc. are driving traffic and behaviors on your site, all filterable by behavior tags.

    Behavioral Tools

    Then you have behavioral tools – heard about A/B testing it's a must for any website spy.

    Nelio AB Testing



    A/B testing is a great tool to help you figure out what makes your website visitors tick. Nelio A/B Testing is the best conversion platform for WordPress. You can test everything on your site,  it's a safer way to test out an alternative approach to your site's content, design, or conversion funnel – the Nelio A/B Testing is the most powerful and versatile conversion optimization service for WordPress. It helps you define, manage, and keep track of A/B-testing experiments, combined with powerful and beautiful Heatmaps.


    What is't that you want from your website?

  • Want your bounce rate to drop and the average time on site to increase?
  • Want to see more conversions with each visit?
  • Want to give your visitors a better experience than they'd ever get from your competitor's website?
  • You can not wait, you need to know what your visitors are doing on your website, spy on them improve the site, a website can not be static you need to evolve it continuously.

    Source: Tools that Helps You Understand your WordPress Visitors Behaviour

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