Monday, March 27, 2017

I cannot make contact with for some reason, I am a premium holder

I am reading below, 'we love positive discussions.' This means the staff reads these comments. If so, I would hope one of them would email me or make contact in some way.

Blogspot became impossible to use, and I left there years ago. I hope this isn't happening here, too. I have been very nice all these years and paid good money and had services but now, in this crisis, when I have difficulties, I get silence from the staff.

I am wondering now, if they deliberately broke off contact and are not talking to me because I couldn't get them to understand that all my premium services are not working now.

If so, they still have an obligation to perform the services for which I paid. I don't know if they will at this point. The clock is ticking. Taking money for services not rendered is not legal.

Source: I cannot make contact with for some reason, I am a premium holder

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