Tuesday, March 21, 2017

reset wordpress.com - starting over

You are confusing wordpress.com hosted sites and wordpress.org software installs.

There is no FTP access to wordpress.com blogs and no blogger installed plugin capability. Those exist only on wordpress.ORG software installs and no upgrade alters that reality. WordPress.COM hosted sites have some built in plugins.

No FTP access http://en.support.wordpress.com/ftp-access/No blogger installed plugins http://en.support.wordpress.com/plugins/

re: clearing site contentYou must be logged in under the username account that registered the site first. Then to empty the site and keep the URL you have two options:(1) Doing this quickly and easily yourself http://en.support.wordpress.com/empty-site/(2) Waiting in a queue and having Staff do it for you.

If you have a lot of content Staff can empty the whole blog for you. That will remove all data including posts, pages, tags, categories, comments, and uploaded files and once deleted, the data cannot be recovered.

If you need your theme to be reset Staff can do that for you too.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Deleting blogs and/or blog content does not remove indexed content from the SERPs (search engine page results). Google and Bing only clear their caches of deleted indexed content that produces a 404 (page not found) every 3 - 6 months. To completely remove an entire page from Google search results after it produces a 404 (page not found):https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/6332384?hl=en&ref_topic=1724262&vid=0-635749429504660340-12158368555624983465&rd=1

If you are sure you want Staff to proceed, and you are prepared to wait then type modlook into the tags in the sidebar of this thread for Staff attention, and post here again to:(1) confirm the URL of the blog(s) you want them to empty;(2) confirm that you know content deletion is irreversible.

Also note that if your have changed themes several times you can request that Staff reset the theme for you as they can use a tool that will get rid of any theme leftover bits for the switches you made.

Source: reset wordpress.com - starting over

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