Friday, March 17, 2017

WordPress Help – email notifications

I am reaching out to see if anyone has come across this problem … and has a solution.

I wasn't logged into WordPress for 10 days, and when I returned this happens:

I am receiving email notifications from sites I follow. However, when I click the link to the site, on some sites WordPress doesn't recognize me, and I can't hit like or leave a comment directly.

For some sites I have been asked to confirm my identity and password, and this has worked for continued direct access. (Example – David Kanigan's)

However, for other sites it doesn't even ask who I am, and doesn't let me do anything. A dialogue box comes up and and then quickly disappears. (Example Kate Crimmin's and Paul Handover's)

Any insights on this?

Thank you!


Source: WordPress Help – email notifications

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