Friday, June 23, 2017

Sharp Gallery for WordPress (Galleries)


Sharp Gallery is a beautiful, powerful and customizable grid based image gallery. What is characteristic is that the content is displayed and functions within this grid. The thumbs are bigger and contribute to the design. The big images are opened in place, within the grid, connected to the thumbs themselves. Coupled with other design elements and effects, this creates a beautiful look and a great functionality.

Here are some of the important features of this gallery:

  • Has over 50 settings

    It has available over 50 different settings that you can use to configure the gallery in different ways. These range from thumbs width to stage position, animation settings and keyboard navigation.

  • Comes with 12 templates

    It comes with a number of 12 templates that showcase different ways of configuring the gallery and provide a starting point in customizing it.

    These are available to see on the preview page.

  • Fully responsive

    It is fully responsive, all of the content resizes based on the available space and it displays well on different screen sizes and devices.

  • Cross browser support

    It is supported on all popular browsers, both on computers and mobille devices as well on popular older browsers.

  • Lightweight

    Although it has many options, the gallery remains very lightweight. The minified JS plugin file is under 16Kb. This makes it load very fast on all devices.

  • Smooth and fast animations

    It uses Velocity for the animations which makes them smooth and fast accross all devices and browsers.

  • Easy to work with and implement

    A gallery was made to be like a post so that it is easy to understand and work with. When you create a gallery, it is similar to creating a new post or page. Once you have a gallery created, you can add it anywhere in your theme by simply posting the shortcode.

  • Support provided

    I am available for support in case you have any questions, problems or need any help implementing the gallery.

    The guide gives instructions on how to contact me and I will do my best to respond as soon as possible.

  • Free updates

    All future updates and developments to the gallery will be completely free once you have bought the project one time.

    After an update is made, the changes are documented below, in the Updates section.

  • This is the WordPress plugin version of the gallery. A jQuery plugin version is also available here.


    Future updates and developments will be listed here and the files will be free for anyone who has purchased the gallery at any time.

    1.0 (22 June 2017):

    Source: Sharp Gallery for WordPress (Galleries)

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