Thursday, August 31, 2017

How Wapuu Created A Cultural Center for WordPress

The first time I went to a WordCamp I knew absolutely no one there and that made me a bit nervous, to say the least. I didn't really know what to expect. I'd been to a few really big tradeshows and some educational conferences, and expected some hybrid of that, which isn't too far off, but what I didn't expect was the community.

I've been to a lot of WordCamps since that first one and while the basic format has stayed the same, one change I've loved is how Wapuu, the mascot for WordPress has become a part of pretty much every WordCamp. Every WordCamp has its own unique Wapuu that reflects that city. That allows people,  like me to collect the different Wapuu pins and stickers. Most people at a WordCamp are first-time WordCamp attendees, and I consistently hear from them that they're excited about Wapuu.

Recently I heard someone say, "I'm not sure what a Wapuu is, but I want more."  And I love that. Mascots, after all, are an easy way to build an identity around a common item, culture or community. Wapuu acts to improve community onboarding.

Most first-timers at a WordCamps and Meetups are there for a specific reason. They want to solve a problem with their site or learn something about WordPress. That's fine, but if, like me, they find themselves a part of the community, then they are more likely to come back, get better at WordPress, do better work, and give back to the community. If a cute sticker or pin is what it takes, that's awesome.

To get a better sense of what's exciting about Wapuu and what so special about it I spoke with James Tryon and Vincent Re of Easily Amused who made the excellent Wapuu archive and store Wapuu Field Guide & Trading Post. They also designed many Wapuus for recent WordCamps as well as the Women Who WP Wapuu that was shown on a t-shirt in a picture of Automattic employee Julia Amosova in a Wall Street Journal article about remote work.

Spreading Wapuu

Wapuu originated when Matt Mullenweg went to Japan and was asked why WordPress didn't have a mascot. He challenged the local community to make a GPL-licensed design. The original Wapuu hugging a blue WordPress logo design was born and the files were uploaded to Github for all to share.

Original Wapuu concepts.

The first few variations on Wapuu I saw were actually for companies. As soon as I saw those, I knew I wanted one for the company I was working for at the time, Pods. Wapuu is infectious and the GPL makes playing with the design permissible and encouraged.

Re points out that Wapuu "puts a friendly little face to something that could scare people away who don't like crowds. The WordPress community and general Wapuu fans are working together, creating more and more versions, of a whole new species."

Tryon added that especially with kids camps it helps to engage users. Ultimately, "building loyalty [so that] they are not going to want to use other CMS."

Wapuu In All Forms

I asked Re and Tryon what made them first realize that Wapuu was something special and worth investing in. Tryon admitted that when he first saw Wapuu he didn't like it. This was back when "Wapuu sightings were very few and far between. So rare no one knew what Wapuus was." By the third time he saw it Tryon got interested and even dressed as Wapuu cosplaying as Pikachu as a fun way to answer the question about their similarity.

Re told me that he got excited by Wapuu when he saw how diverse the designs were.

"I love diversity in everything. I also liked how Wapuu seemed like just another thing, in the WordPress community, that brings people together in some shape or form," he said.

A Home For Wapuu

Wapuu has always had an online presence. From the source fields on Github, and the Japanese WordPress organization's archive to Michelle Schulp's Wapuu archive. Schulp's archive of her Wapuu designs, which include the Torque Wapuu, was the first place I saw fun spins on the original concept.

The Wapuu Trading Post & Field Guide is a searchable collection of Wapuus. Currently, they have several hundred in the archive but are still looking for more. The goal of the site is to support the WordPress community and to have an interactive archive for all things wapuu. We want to know the backstory behind each one, show off all associated swag, and create a place to trade swag or acquire swag. And one of the coolest features of is the ability to track events. You can track all events you attended, spoke at, and sponsored.

It's a fun site. But I think it's more than that. Wapuu is so important for bringing this community together. The little guy helps gives us an identity, and shared identity is essential to strengthening a community. I really do think that when #wpdrama happens, a cute mascot reminds us how much we need each other.

Our community is generally laid back and fun, so it's nice to have a visual representation of that. Wapuu Trading Post & Field Guide is a sponsorship driven

Community Onboarding

I wanted to end with a story about the power of Wapuu. At some WordCamp last year, I can't remember which one, Marc from ServerPress told me to put his DesktopServer Wapuu on my computer. I showed him I already had one. He told me to put one on the other side. Marc is someone I go to for business advice and try and always listen to, I jokingly said that was why I was listening to him.

Over the next few months, I got really into bottom Wapuus. By WordCamp US I had a nice collection of Wapuus on the bottom of my computer. I showed it to Torque's editor Marie, and she took a picture of me with all of the bottom Wapuus and tweeted it. Matt Mullenweg, co-founder of WordPress retweeted it during WordCamp US, which was a really cool moment.

.@Josh412 and his epic collection of Wapuu stickers #WCUS

— Marie Dodson (@Mdodson12) December 2, 2016

Wapuus are fun and a cool thing to collect. For someone as socially awkward as I am, they are an easy conversation starter. I try and have extra Wapuu pins in my bag to trade. You never know where a silly conversation about a Wapuu will lead I guess, and that's exactly the point.

Josh Pollock

Josh is a WordPress developer and educator. He is Founder/ Lead Developer/ Space Astronaut Grade 3 for Caldera Labs, makers of awesome WordPress tools including Caldera Forms — a drag and drop, responsive WordPress form builder. He teaches WordPress development at Caldera Learn.

Source: How Wapuu Created A Cultural Center for WordPress

Wednesday, August 30, 2017 Now Allows Plugin Authors to Specify a Minimum PHP Version Requirement

Although WordPress core currently maintains backwards compatibility with PHP 5.2.4+, plugin and theme authors are not required to do so. When developers include features that require more recent versions of PHP, it can break sites or cause otherwise unexpected behavior. As part of a larger effort to encourage users to upgrade their PHP versions, now allows plugin authors to specify a minimum PHP version requirement in the readme.txt file with a new Requires PHP header. It is displayed to users in the sidebar of the plugin's description:

This addition to the readme.txt file has been well-received by developers who are already updating their plugins in the directory with minimum PHP version requirements. It also complements WordPress' Core PHP team's recent efforts to educate users about the benefits of upgrading PHP, as the minimum supported version was released 10 years ago and hasn't received security patches for nearly seven years.

"As a plugin developer (who maintains my plugins in my spare time), it is becoming increasingly difficult to build new functionality that works in older versions of PHP," Paul Gilzow commented on the announcement. "There are some things that simply cannot be done in the older versions, and in those cases, I have to build out functionality to check PHP versions and disable those features. That takes time and energy away from building out other new features."

WordPress Core Committer Sergey Biryukov said the next step is exploring the possibility of displaying a notice to users when they cannot install a theme or plugin due to their installations not meeting the required criteria. Ideally, these notices would include host-specific instructions to assist users in getting their sites upgraded to a newer PHP version. This particular move could make a significant impact on the wider WordPress community, if popular plugins start triggering notices requiring newer versions of PHP.

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Source: Now Allows Plugin Authors to Specify a Minimum PHP Version Requirement

#WordPress on Ubuntu 16.04 With Caddy

WordPress on Ubuntu 16.04 With Caddy WordPress is a famous content management system based on PHP and MySQL, distributed under the terms of the GNU GPLv2 (or later). In most cases it is installed by using Apache or NGINX as web servers, or, as we explained in this tutorial, it can run on an ... read moreA Comparison of Shared and Cloud Hosting, and How to Choose Many providers, however, offer "images" with an already preset configuration for, say, hosting a WordPress site, or a gaming spot, a database cluster, or a processing hub. So you'll just fire up, for example, an "Ubuntu Server 16.04 with WordPress ... read moreInstall WordPress with Memcached and Nginx on Ubuntu In this tutorial, we are going to provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to install WordPress with Memcached and Nginx on an Ubuntu 16.04 VPS. WordPress is one of the best open-source content management systems written in PHP. Download the ... read more

Install WordPress 4.6 on Ubuntu 16.04 with Nginx, MariaDB and PHP7 you have to come to the right place because this tutorial is going to show you how to install WordPress 4.6 on a Ubuntu 16.04 VPS. This tutorial assumes that you have already set up a LEMP stack on Ubuntu 16.04. If not so, click the link below to check out ... read moreHow to Install WordPress 4.7 On Ubuntu 16.10/16.04 Using LAMP Stack For those who cannot afford the hustles of developing websites from scratch, there are now several content management systems (CMSs) such as WordPress that you can take advantage of to setup blogs as well as complete websites with a few clicks. WordPress ... read moreInstall WordPress on NGINX with FastCGI Cache in Ubuntu If you are running a WordPress blog or website on NGINX Webserver ... We are going to use following things… Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (12.04 LTS) NGINX Custom (Thanks to rtCamp to Maintain a Stable PPA) MariaDB (5-10% Better than MySQL) PHP-FPM (Lightweight ... read moreInstall, Configure Brotli On Apache, WordPress, W3TC Here is an all in one guide to install, configure Brotli on Apache, WordPress, W3TC running on Ubuntu 16.04 on dedicated server, cloud server instance. In order to follow this guide, you need SSH access and HTTPS/SSL/TLS to be active on your server/website. read moreHow to install Docker on Ubuntu 16.04 I'll demonstrate this process on a fresh installation of Ubuntu 16.04. The entire installation process is handled ... MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: wordpress MYSQL_DATABASE: wordpress MYSQL_USER: wordpress MYSQL_PASSWORD: wordpress wordpress: depends_on: - db ... read moreHow to Install WordPress with Caddy on Ubuntu 16.04 WordPress is a popular content management system (CMS). It can be used to set up blogs and websites quickly and easily, and almost all of its administration is possible through a web interface. In most cases, WordPress is installed using a LAMP or LEMP ... read moreInstall WordPress with Varnish and Nginx on Ubuntu In this tutorial, we will show you how to increase the loading speed of your WordPress site by setting up Varnish in front of Nginx on an Ubuntu 16.04 server. We assume that you already have LEMP stack (Nginx, MySQL, and PHP) and WordPress installed on ... read more

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Source: #WordPress on Ubuntu 16.04 With Caddy

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

What Is WordPress Multisite and How Can It Help You? (Part 2)

Editor's Note: The following is Part 2 in a three-part series titled, "What Is WordPress Multisite and How Can It Help You?"

If you have not read it already, go read Part 1 in this series, as it introduces the new terms WordPress uses for its Multisite environment. It also provides a high-level view of what WordPress Multisite is. In this part of the series, we will go over the why WordPress Multisite matters.

WordPress Multisite takes the hassle out of maintaining several individual WordPress installations, each hosting only a single site. It comes in handy in organizations with several brands, departments, or business units that need to share functionality, or data, in a convenient manner. It helps IT teams spend less time maintaining multiple hosting environments, patching security issues, and ensuring sites are kept updated. In my example (see Part 1), WordPress Multisite allows me to create a platform as a service (aka, PaaS) hosting environment for family and friends.

Let's delve a bit deeper into some of the powerful features of WordPress Multisite.

Because WordPress Multisite is running from a single installation of WordPress, it brings all the sites together into one centrally managed location. This has several benefits, including:

  • Shared core/plugin files
  • Shared updates
  • Super admin management
  • Let's look at each of these in more detail.

    Shared Core/Plugin Files

    Maintaining multiple individual WordPress installations can be a pain, as you are required to ensure the WordPress core files, plugin files, and theme files are available for each installation. WordPress Multisite simplifies this to a single copy of all the files. Let's use the following illustration as an example.

  • Acme Corp has four departments that each need a website: HR, Engineering, Products, Support.
  • Acme Corp has a standardized style guide and required functionality for each site.
  • With a typical WordPress single site setup, Acme Corp would normally be responsible for four completely separate sites, including all the developmental operations that go into it, such as hosting plans, DNS management, and remembering which plugins need to be installed for consistency.

    WordPress Multisite flips that situation on its head. In the Multisite paradigm, Acme Corp will now save time and money with one installation, one DNS entry, one hosting plan. Plus, all themes and plugins are available to every site out of the box.

    One Place to Update All the Things

    That brings us to updates and security patches. Getting updates processed and completed in a simple and efficient manner is important. In the Acme Corp example above, it would take four times the effort to get all the sites updated. As the number of sites you run expands, so do the efforts of maintaining these sites.

    WordPress Multisite simplifies this down to the same amount of effort it takes for a single site. With just a couple of clicks, updates are applied to all sites on the network. There is no need to remember account information for multiple sites, or run the risk of forgetting an important security patch on one of the sites, and thus compromising potentially sensitive data.

    Site Administration Made Easy

    Providing proper access levels is paramount in any organization. Users should only have the level of access that they need to do their job and nothing more. The person in charge of administrating the site will need administrative access over all things. In WordPress Multisite, the administrator role remains, but it is limited to the site on which the user has been assigned the administrator role. For users who need access to all of the sites, a new role called super admin is introduced. Super admins have the ability to manage network level actions as well as get into the dashboard on any site. This allows super admins to not only control the network, but to also help site administrators when they have questions or need assistance running their site.

    By now, you should understand what WordPress Multisite is and why it it is such a valuable tool. In the next and final part of this series, we will cover when using WordPress Multisite is a good idea, and if it could be the right fit for your organization.

    Photo by Carl Heyerdahl on Unsplash

    Also published on Medium.

    Source: What Is WordPress Multisite and How Can It Help You? (Part 2)

    TemplateMonster #WordPress Contest: Show Us Your #Website and Get Tasty Prizes [Totalling $1000+]

    TemplateMonster WordPress Contest: Show Us Your Website and Get Tasty Prizes [Totalling $1000+] | Latest News TemplateMonster WordPress Contest: Show Us Your Website and Get Tasty Prizes [Totalling $1000+] We have been developing website templates for 15 years now; can you imagine that? It means that if you were born in 2003, we are still older than you! We truly love what we do and we are all passionate about the products we develop and deliver to you. read moreExplore Free Giveaways, Gift Cards, and more! Find this Pin and more on Technology and Company Logos. Here is the complete Publix Weekly Ad with the coupon matchups and deals. Easy to use printable list and tons of great Publix Deals below These are the Top Deals in the Green Advantage Flyer at Publix ... read moreTemplateMonster WordPress Contest: Show Us Your Website and Get Tasty Prizes [Totalling $1000+] We develop website templates for 15 years now, can you imagine that? It means that if you were born in 2003, we are still older than you! We truly love what we do and we are all passionate about the products we develop and deliver to you. Especially, we ... read more

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    Source: TemplateMonster #WordPress Contest: Show Us Your #Website and Get Tasty Prizes [Totalling $1000+]

    Monday, August 28, 2017

    Doc Pop’s News Drop: The WordPress REST API Roadmap

    Doc's WordPress News Drop is a weekly report on the most pressing WordPress news. When the news drops, I will pick it up and deliver it right to you.

    Since the WP-REST API integration into WordPress 4.7, we haven't heard much news from the API team. This week, Doc Pop talks about a recent update from Ryan McCue on the REST API roadmap and a call for volunteers.

    "The REST API Roadmap"

    Love WordPress News, but hate reading? This is Doc Pop's News Drop!

    The WordPress REST API has already had a long journey. It was first announced by Ryan McCue back in 2013 with the full REST API being merged into core with WordPress 4.7 in December of 2016.

    Throughout 2015 and 2016, the REST API was being hyped as the future of WordPress, but since it's release almost a year ago, I haven't heard much about it's progress or future. Which is why I was happy to see a new post by Ryan McCue titled "REST API Roadmap".

    "Since 4.7"

    As I mentioned, it felt like we haven't heard much about the REST API since it's merge into core. According to Ryan, this is largely due to a developer fatigue and a lack of a forward roadmap. He states "The merge into core was a huge effort, and after shipping in 4.7 we saw a drop-off in contribution and overall momentum as many API contributors took a break to recover from the stress of the merge."

    "Renewing our focus"

    In moving forward, Ryan states the future of API work falls into two main areas, "API in the Admin" and "Authentication".

    Getting the REST API used in the WordPress admin is the main focus for the REST API team. The goal is to focus on changes that improve user experience. This team has been working with members of the Design team to work on prototype projects, such as the New List Tables plugin, which aims to modernize the WordPress dashboard as well as prove the viability of using the REST API in the admin. The prototype looks great.

    External authentication, the other main focus for the API team, is going to be a huge project as well. The team will be switching from using OAuth 1 to OAuth 2 as well as shipping HTTPS-only features moving forward.

    The biggest Authentication challenge for the team is in simplifying the initial connection for users and developers. Eventually this could be as simple as a "Connect to WordPress" button that developers can use in their app, but this won't be an easy problem to solve. As Ryan says "no similar software has to work on the same scale we have."

    "Help Us!"

    There's still lots of work to do on the WordPress REST API, but there just aren't as many developers working on it as there was this time last year. With a new roadmap in place, the only thing that's missing is getting more volunteers to jump in and help with the project. Of course this could mean documentation, design help, or development.

    If you are interested in getting involved, the API team holds an open meeting every Wednesday on Slack. There are only a few people working regularly on the API, but they are always happy to spend time helping people get started contributing. I'll include a link for more info in the description below.

    That's it for this week's News Drop, thanks for watching. If you like what we are doing, please be sure to like the video and subscribe for more weekly WordPress updates.

    We'll see you next week.

    Doc Pop

    Doctor Popular is an artist and musician living in San Francisco. As a full disclaimer, he is neither a doctor nor popular.

    Source: Doc Pop's News Drop: The WordPress REST API Roadmap

    Moving from a separate host to #WordPress

    Moving from a separate host to WordPress Is there any way I can move my WordPress site off of a different host and have it just hosted by WordPress? The other site always seems to be down and it is a huge hassle. The blog I need help with is read moreTop WordPress Hosting That Offers Free WordPress Host Migration Service However, when the hosting is unable to sustain the growth of your increasing traffic or memory requirement, it's a wise decision to move your WordPress powered site to a new host. For anyone like fashion blogger, mommy blogger, finance blogger or someone ... read moreHow To Create WordPress Blog At Low Budget Using Cloud Services Here Are Some Moving WordPress to Cloud IaaS Either From a Traditional Hosting Service. Cloud IaaS is Cost Saving than Dedicated Hosting Services. One of the commonly asked question is around HP Cloud IPv6. At the time of publication of this guide there is ... read more

    Two Simple Tips To Avoid Errors Streaming in Your Podcast from Amazon S3 Your audio is not playing on your WordPress site. Using PowerPress plugin and when verifying ... Some people may choose to actually host them on their own server, but often that is not the best route to go because: It may cause a strain on your server ... read moreBlog: DNCB Outing No. 2017-33 to Boundary Bay Dike at 104th St. The shorebirds were moving out with the tide ... check out our website at: Apologies for the lateness of this report, but sometimes life gets in the way, e.g. golf, granddaughter ill at DayCare, host Gourmet Club dinner, Executive ... read moreKnoxville, San Francisco, Berkeley: What to Know About This Weekend's Alt-Right Protests But, even if council members did want it removed, a state law passed earlier this year says the city would have to request a waiver from Tennessee's Historical Commission to move the statue ... National Park Service to host the event at Crissy Field ... read moreSet Up a React Environment, Part 1 The problem stems from when React first became popular, and the standard method of creating a React app involved complex manual configuration of a whole host of setup files ... Then, we'll move on to setting up React in a local development environment ... read moreEmirati Ambassador: Qatar Is a Destructive Force in the Region they're moving around freely and openly and raising money for al-Nusra and al-Qaeda, Libyan militias, and many many others. The Atlantic: The New York Times reported that the UAE had been jockeying to host the Taliban before Qatar had— Otaiba ... read moreState Journal editorial: How to fix the Confederate grave site in Madison The group's stone was placed front and center in the small Confederate burial site, with a separate gravestone marking Waterman ... The better argument for moving the large stone to the side or corner of the burial site is that it distracts from ... read more70+ Resources on How to Start a WordPress Blog The following are resources for starting your own blog using a WordPress installation. This includes the following steps: Choosing a domain name; Registering that domain; and Hosting ... this paragraph and let's move on, shall we? read more

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    Source: Moving from a separate host to #WordPress

    Sunday, August 27, 2017

    How to Display Different Sidebar Widgets based on WordPress Category? Try Widget Options Plugin

    I'm an Engineer by profession, Blogger by passion & Founder of Crunchify, LLC, the largest free blogging & technical resource site for beginners. Love SEO, SaaS, #webperf, WordPress, Java. With 14 millions+ pageviews/month, Crunchify has changed the life of over thousands of individual around the globe teaching Java & Web Tech for FREE. Get latest update on and .

    Source: How to Display Different Sidebar Widgets based on WordPress Category? Try Widget Options Plugin

    How to Build and Organize Tables in #WordPress? Try wpDataTables

    How to Build and Organize Tables in WordPress? Try wpDataTables You have a beautiful, responsive website. Better yet, your visitors love it. Why not – it's filled with quality content, and it features eye-catching images. You also put effort into incorporating interesting and thought-provoking videos. Occasionally ... read moreHow to Optimize for Google's Featured Snippets to Build More Traffic Have you noticed it's getting harder and harder to build referral traffic ... Here's a great selection of Wordpress plugins that will allow you to easily visualize your content (put together graphs, tables, charts, etc.) while working on a piece. read moreTips To Better Organize Your WordPress Website It's always a good feeling to make a clean start ... Cleaning up your database can improve site performance a good deal. A new WordPress install has only a few database tables. But even as we keep adding content, the database swells and in time becomes ... read more

    Are you a designer? These are the Tools and Resources you need to try in 2017 You can try this all-purpose prototype-building tool for free ... and responsive table or chart based upon a huge amount of data is quite a different story. Perhaps it's time to let wpDataTables do the heavy lifting for you. This easy-to-use app (no ... read moreEasy to Use Tools and Resources to Make Your Work More Efficient Pro gives you an excellent, and somewhat unique way of building highly custom sites on WordPress ... charts or tables that are responsive, interactive, clearly readable, and easily editable, could however, give you a massive headache. wpDataTables will ... read moreStep By Step: Unnatural Links Manual Action Removal Guide Let's start with the basics and the main reason why penalties exist in the first place – link building. This is one of the most ... all-cards-on-the-table manual action penalty removal guide. You can do all of your work manually, but it's very ... read morePortfolio Website Examples And Tips To Create Them Try to avoid that ... This site will be the way you begin building (or continuing) your online presence. Take the time and care to craft it right. A good website will let your potential customers see what you can bring to the table and make you stand ... read morewpDataTables: A Powerful WordPress Table and Charts Manager Plugin Designed with quick, easy, and effective data representation in mind, wpDataTables allows you to quickly build and insert interactive tables and charts on any of your WordPress posts or ... end editing demo options to "try-before-you-buy". read moreHow to Create and Manage Tables in WordPress with TablePress Plugin Tables can be an important tool for your website because they help you organize large amounts ... offers website owners and visitors to make for an easy table viewing experience. In the end, creating tables in WordPress using TablePress is effortless. read moreHow to Create Categories in WordPress You would need to go into your article content and try to come up with a major theme ... categories that all lead to one location may make it seem like your website is empty and lacking content. In the WordPress Administrator menu, click on Posts to ... read more

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    Source: How to Build and Organize Tables in #WordPress? Try wpDataTables

    Saturday, August 26, 2017

    Purchased a domain through, but want to be using!

    I purchased my domain through, and I also purchased a website theme through theme forest. I realized an hour later that in order to use that theme, my website would need to be self-hosted. I would prefer to use the theme along with bluehost and instead or in short, have two problems: I have already paid, AND, the domain I wanted to use is linked to it.Is there any possible way I could be refunded for this purchase? And, have I lost the domain until it expires?

    The blog I need help with is

    Source: Purchased a domain through, but want to be using!

    5+ #WordPress Backup Plugins You Need to Know About

    5+ WordPress Backup Plugins You Need to Know About Backing up your WordPress site is essential. These tools will help you do it. Imagine spending countless hours designing your WordPress website, creating killer content, landing pages, contacts forms, and more….only to have it all disappear because of a ... read moreBest Plugins to Backup WordPress Sites [Webmasters' Top Choices] "Backup WordPress sites as frequent as possible to forget about data loss." That's what all of us know about, but often forget to ... In order to use the plugin you will need a Dropbox account. Using this plugin, you can back up the entire WordPress ... read more12 Things You Need To Know Before You Start A Blog Here are 12 things you need to know before ... a self-hosted WordPress blog gives you complete ownership and control over everything you do. There are millions of themes and plugins for WordPress, while it's also great to know that nobody can come along ... read more

    Changing WordPress Themes: 7 Important Questions to Consider Ok, you're not actually supposed to put theme-independent code snippets in your functions.php file (you're better off using a custom plugin for that instead). But…I know it's something that a ton of WordPress ... need to do just that – replace ... read more5 Ways to Make Your WooCommerce Store Swift and Faster You just need ... plugins send additional HTTP requests and database queries which greatly affect the website performance. We would recommend you to only add useful WooCommerce extensions that are actually important for your e-commerce business. Do you ... read moreA Comprehensive WordPress Website Maintenance Checklist [Infographic] Begin with taking a backup of your entire website. This includes your database, files, documents, media files and more. 2. Update your WordPress website to the latest version as well as update all WordPress plugins ... To know what other tasks you need ... read moreUnit Testing WordPress Plugins with PHPUnit When you introduce new changes, you only need ... plugin-tests your_plugin >$sh wp-content/plugins/your_plugin/bin/ PHPUnit will overwrite the WordPress database so it's best to use a fresh installation or create a backup ... read moreTop Tools to Build an Online Store with WordPress Fortunately, when you use WordPress as your platform you have access to dozens of e-commerce plugins. These plugins can add shopping carts, review platforms, and so much more to your site – providing just about everything you need to run a successful ... read moreBulk Safe Updates for unattended WordPress updates The next logical step is to take one of the things you love most about ManageWP – being able to run WordPress core, plugin & theme updates ... We want to know. Safe Update is more reliable. We do a backup of your sites just before the update, so you ... read more5 Steps to Create an Amazing Membership Website with No Technical Expertise All the articles she came across advised her to integrate Wordpress plugins, create code, or hire someone who knew how to setup a membership website. Unfortunately she didn't have the know-how or the ... The first thing you need to prepare is your ... read more

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    Source: 5+ #WordPress Backup Plugins You Need to Know About

    Friday, August 25, 2017

    5+ WordPress Backup Plugins You Need to Know About

    Backing up your WordPress site is essential. These tools will help you do it.

    Imagine spending countless hours designing your WordPress website, creating killer content, landing pages, contacts forms, and more….only to have it all disappear because of a hacker, the push of a button, or even a bad plugin.

    Frustrating to say the least, right?

    Backing up your website is one of the most important things you can do to ease the worry of having to wipe your website's slate clean and "start over".

    Backing up your WordPress website is crucial if you want avoid losing all of your hard work.Click To Tweet

    Because, even if you do experience the notorious WordPress white screen of death, so long as you have been consistently backing up your website, restoring it should be a cinch.

    Today we are going to look at some of the best backup (and restore) WordPress plugins on the market. Because backing your site up is only half the battle. If restoring your website is a pain in the you know what, there is very little you can do with your backed up files.

    And trust me, there are so many backup plugins that make restoring your website difficult.  I learned this the hard way.

    1. UpdraftPlus

    WordPress Backup Plugins - UpdraftPlus

    UpdraftPlus is one of the most reliable and popular WordPress backup plugins. Not only does it schedule automatic backups of your WordPress website, you have several storage options for saving your backups. For instance, back your site's data into the cloud directly to Dropbox, Google Drive, Amazon S3, FTP, and more.

    In addition, thanks to its ability to function using less server resources than most other backup plugins, UpdraftPlus ensures optimal site speed and performance. And, don't forget the best feature – one-click restoration of any site backup.

    If you are interested in additional features such as WordPress Multisite functionality, duplication and migration services, and free dedicated support, consider using UpdraftPlus Premium.

    2. BackWPup

    WordPress Backup Plugins - BackWPup

    BackWPup is another trustworthy backup plugin that allows for scheduled backups so you never forget. In addition, it will let you save your backups to external services such as Dropbox, or if you prefer, download a single .zip file straight to your computer.

    The only drawback to this plugin is that the only way to restore your website right now is to import a saved .zip file. Unfortunately, a one-click restore is not available, though the plugin developers have mentioned that this functionality is underway.

    However, this WordPress backup plugin does give you the ability to optimize, check, and repair your database, which is a feature not many plugins have.

    3. VaultPress

    WordPress Backup Plugins - VaultPress

    VaultPress is a premium backup service brought to you by Automattic, the same people behind WordPress itself. And to start, enjoy automated backups into an offsite digital vault, all in real-time.

    In addition, transfer or duplicate your site, fix vulnerabilities that threaten your site's security, enable spam defense, and even take advantage of automatic file scanning for things like viruses and malware.

    This dependable backup solution also comes with easy restore options. In fact, you never have to contact your host when you want to return your website to an earlier version. And, since VaultPress has a 30-day backup archive, you can make sure to restore your site to the exact point in time you need.

    Domain Name Wire uses VaultPress to back up its website.

    4. BackUpWordPress WordPress Backup Plugins - BackUpWordPress

    BackUpWordPress helps you backup your entire website, including all your files and database. It is very simple to set up and start using, works well in shared hosting environments because it doesn't require a lot of resources, and can even handle multiple backup schedules.

    The great thing about this WordPress backup plugin is that you have the option to have your backup emailed to you, which is very convenient. In addition, you can exclude specific files and folders from your scheduled backups, use this plugin on Linux or Windows servers, and even get good support when needed.

    5. My WP Backup

    WordPress Backup Plugins - My WP Backup

    My WP Backup offers many features besides a simple backup of your WordPress website. To start, enjoy the convenient Plugin Walkthrough so you can become familiar with all that this backup plugin has to offer. In addition, set as many automatic backups as you want and have them emailed to you, choose to back up only your WordPress database, and even migrate your website to another host.

    Restore backups using any number of My WP Backup restore options, back up all of your site's customizations and content so you don't lose all of your hard work, and choose from backup storage options such as Dropbox, FTP, Google Drive, and even a .zip file. Lastly, this plugin comes translation ready, provides access to backup logs, and even has 24/7/365 around the clock support.

    Notable Mentions

    The truth is, there are a ton of exceptional WordPress backup plugins for you to choose from. Here are some additional ones to consider:

    In the end, using a WordPress backup plugin for your website is critical. This is even true if your hosting provider performs backups for you. After all, with so many high-quality and affordable solutions, there is no reason not to take the added precautions. Plus, sometimes utilizing a backup plugin is easier when it comes to the restoring process.

    Automate your website backups, stay on top of threatening security issues, and even rest easy at night knowing that no matter what, your hard work is just a click away should your website disappear unexpectedly.

    Source: 5+ WordPress Backup Plugins You Need to Know About

    How to customize #WordPress theme like a professional

    How to customize wordpress theme like a professional Design plays a big role in conversion of a site. You design a website to stand out from the rest of your competitors and attract your visitors or customers. One of the easiest and maintainable ways to convert a design into working website is to use ... read moreHow Much Does a Custom WordPress Theme Cost? You can have a list of websites and list out what you like about each of ... While this cheats the custom theme concept, it can significantly reduce the overall cost. Professional website assemblers use existing WordPress plugins in combination with ... read moreHow to Build a Book Review Website with WordPress? Building a website like this from scratch takes ... will make visitors curious about the site. WordPress relies on plugins and themes to add all necessary functionalities to the website. You can add members, create subscriptions, send out newsletters ... read more

    Monstroid2: How to Build a Gallery Website? There are plenty of design & photography WordPress templates in our marketplace, and I advise you to browse all of them. The aesthetic pleasure is guaranteed. However, I would like to ... advantage of custom widgets that enrich your theme with advanced ... read more20+ Best Real Estate WordPress Themes for 2017 it won't be hard at all to set up and customize one accordingly. There are many developers who often build beautiful and professional real estate WordPress themes for this very purpose. So today, we did find some great designs that will make your website ... read moreTop 12 Mobile Responsive Restaurant WordPress Themes custom page sections, editable widgets etc. But it comes with a lot of icons and images that relate mostly to bakeries. From desserts to bread and everything else like coffee houses, this theme feels like a gift from the WordPress gods. It does include a ... read moreElegance - WordPress Blog Theme Elegance is a clean and elegant WordPress ... theme will fit any blog. Featuring options to change the layout of every page and colors used throughout the theme, you can create your own unique blog. Done with the use of easy to use controls like tick ... read moreHow To Customize Your WordPress Theme Genesis created Design Palette Pro* for those who want to customize their WordPress theme but who can't afford a web designer or like I was – scared as sh*t to touch the CSS. This tool works with the Genesis Framework alone or with any one of these ... read moreAn Introduction to Copyright Law for WordPress Businesses That's why you do things like protect your images from theft ... You can check under the Appearance and Customize menu option in WordPress. Some premium WordPress themes will include a section where you can add, remove, or update your copyright notice. read morehow to change my theme The theme Publishable Mag is a third-party theme. It is not available on To add a third-party theme you'll have to purchase Business plan. Only Business plan provides the feature of uploading a custom ... will appear like prior to changing ... read more

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    Source: How to customize #WordPress theme like a professional

    Thursday, August 24, 2017

    WordPress Demystified

    If the thought of setting up a WordPress website for your business brings pause, take heart. An upcoming workshop at the Farmingdale Small Business Development Center on Oct. 12 aims to demystify.

    The workshop includes an overview of WordPress, and its plusses and minuses. It covers what you need to get started, setting up a site and getting online.

    WordPress themes and plugins are also part of the discussion, as are navigating the platform's back end and making posts, creating pages. And there's coverage of cybersecurity and categories.

    The workshop is presented by Gary Weiner, and preregistration is required.

    Source: WordPress Demystified

    Local by Flywheel Vs. MAMP – How to Run #WordPress Locally on Mac and #Windows? We Switched Away from MAMP

    Local by Flywheel Vs. MAMP – How to Run WordPress Locally on Mac and Windows? We Switched Away from MAMP | Latest News Local by Flywheel Vs. MAMP – How to Run WordPress Locally on Mac and Windows? We Switched Away from MAMP Are you running WordPress setup locally on your Windows ... been using MAMP to run WordPress locally on my Mac Laptop. Also, we have recommended MAMP to numerous clients for their local development. Let me start by saying that I came across Flywheel ... read moreEspresso 2: Create and Edit CSS3 Like Never Before Join us was we take ... my favorite Mac apps period. Needless to say, when I started reading about the newest version, Espresso 2, I got very excited. Like many of you I had been using the Kaboom releases (beta) for a while but I've now switched over ... read more

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    Source: Local by Flywheel Vs. MAMP – How to Run #WordPress Locally on Mac and #Windows? We Switched Away from MAMP

    Wednesday, August 23, 2017

    25 Essential WordPress Plugins to Monetize Your WordPress Website

    Most people who start a website do it with the goal in mind to earn money. After all, we all need to make a living and the Internet has become a great place to do it.

    We already talked about this concept in another article that covered how to monetize your WordPress website. Here, we covered different ways to make money with a website from ads over sponsored posts to affiliate programs. It's a great place to start if you are thinking about earning money with your WordPress site.

    Today, we want to get a little more specific. After deciding how you want to monetize your website, you will need the tools to do so.

    In the following article, we will talk about useful WordPress plugins to monetize your website. We will cover everything from generally useful plugins over eCommercesolutionss to plugins for online ads and more.

    Are you ready to earn an income with your WordPress website? Then let's do this!

    Monetize Your WordPress Website With These Useful Plugins

    The plugins below will help you make the most out of your online venture and bottom line.

    General Plugins

    Before jumping into solutions for specific monetization models, let's talk about some that are useful for earning money online in general.

    Yoast SEO

    yoast seo monetize wordpress site

    In my opinion, no website should be without this plugin. It's the most convenient way I have found to optimize WordPress websites for search engines. And make no mistake, if your goal is to earn an income online, you are going to need that search traffic.

    I could go into detail about the advantages of Yoast SEO, however, we have already done so in our Yoast tutorial. For that reason, I'd rather refer you to that. Oh, and one more thing: if you are building an online shop, you might also consider their WooCommerce extension.


    sumo me

    Besides SEO, another important factor for successfully monetizing your WordPress website is lead generation. Online that usually means building an email list. You know, the money is in the list and all that.

    SumoMe offers many ways of doing so, from a full-screen welcome mat to slide ins, header bars, and more. Besides that, it also comes with heat maps and other shenanigans to improve your conversion rates. Again, we have a detailed article on this plugin I'd recommend you check out.

    The basic version of SumoMe is free. For an all-premium alternative, check OptinMonster.

    W3 Total Cache

    w3 total cache

    Website speed is one of the most important factors in web success. 40 percent of customers expect a website to load within three seconds. Consequently, slow page loading speed is one of the best ways to lose prospects.

    W3 Total Cache offers many options to make your website faster, from Gzip compression to browser caching and more. It can be a bit overwhelming for beginners but it gets the job done.

    For a simpler alternative, check out WP Super Cache or WP Rocket. Be aware that the latter is a premium plugin. For more ways to more ways to speed up WordPress, don't miss our detailed article.

    WordPress Plugins for Building an Online Shop

    Creating an online shop or simply selling stuff online is one of the most popular ways to make a dime. Thankfully, WordPress offers plenty of plugins that let you do so.



    WooCommerce is not only the most popular WordPress ecommerce plugin but one of the most popular ecommerce solutions on the entire web. At the time of this writing, 41 percent of all online shops are based on this ecommerce solution.

    For good reason. WooCommerce is reliable, flexible, extendable and free to use for the basic version. There's a reason Automattic paid an undisclosed amount to acquire it.

    For more information on WooCommerce, read our beginner's tutorial.

    Easy Digital Downloads

    easy digital downloads monetize wordpress website

    For those only selling digital goods, there is Easy Digital Downloads (EDD). It's a flexible solution for peddling anything from ebooks to software, music, graphics, and more. The plugin also has one of the most trusted household names in WordPress development behind it. Besides that, it is highly extendable and a free version with basic functionality can be found in the WordPress directory.

    iThemes Exchange

    ithemes exchange

    Exchange by iThemes is another ecommerce solution that's capable of selling both digital and real-life goods. They pride themselves in their quick setup and simplicity. The plugin is also highly extendable and includes Stripe as a payment gateway even in the free version. Exchange is also well known for its membership solution.



    Next up is a plugin for creating and selling online courses. CoursePress lets you set up lectures, quizzes, file sharing and much more. It integrates well with existing WordPress themes as well as ecommerce solutions like MarketPress and WooCommerce. The plugin also includes marketing tools to promote your course once it's ready.

    Etsy Shop

    etsy shop

    Etsy is a popular platform for artists and creatives to sell their work. This WordPress plugin allows you to integrate goods from your Etsy shop on your WordPress website via shortcode. It's a relatively new plugin with many features still on the road map, however, the existing version already has solid ratings.

    All In One Rich Snippets

    all in one schema org rich snippets

    Schema rich snippets are a way to provide additional information in your search results. They allow you to add images, ratings, contact information, social links, and much more right on Google's front page. This plugin is the most popular solution for adding them to WordPress.

    An alternative is WP SEO Structured Data Schema. For more information, check our article on Schema Markup.

    Plugins to Do Affiliate Marketing in WordPress

    Affiliate marketing is one of the most popular ways to earn a buck on the Internet. The idea is simple: recommend products and services on your website and earn a commission for anyone who ends up buying them. If you want to start your own affiliate website, we have just the right article for you. Besides the plugins below, that is.


    thirsty affiliates

    ThirstyAffiliates is a management tool for affiliate links. It takes care of the administration and helps you input them into your content. It also gives you a central location to take care of all your affiliate needs. The plugin seems to be doing it's job well, judging by its ratings in the directory.


    easy azon monetize wordpress website

    Amazon is of the biggest affiliate networks out there. For that reason, it's only natural that we have dedicated WordPress plugins for it. This one lets you create Amazon affiliate links directly from the WordPress editor without the need to go to A huge time saver. Plus, it supports 10 locales.

    Amazon Product in a Post Plugin

    amazon product in a post plugin

    In case you want to place more than just links from Amazon, this plugin might be interesting to you. It allows you to add formatted Amazon products into your content via shortcode. The plugin is also rated pretty well, so it seems to be doing its job rather well.

    Auto Affiliate Links

    auto affiliate links

    Next up is a plugin that automatically inputs affiliate links into your content. It works with some of the biggest affiliate networks out there including Amazon, Clickbank, Shareasale, and more.

    Besides automatic input, adding links manually is also possible. Plus, Auto Affiliate Links will give you the 100 most popular keywords from your content to find appropriate affiliate links for.

    For additional plugins for affiliate sites, check our other article on the topic.

    Create Ad Revenue With These WordPress Plugins

    While not the everyone's favorite way of earning money with WordPress, ads are still a legitimate way to  monetize your site.

    AdRotate Banner Manager

    Our first plugin on the list helps you place ads anywhere on your site without modifying your theme files. Create your own ads or use existing ones from popular ad servers, track impressions and performance and take advantage of the other numerous features.

    WordPress Ad Widget

    ad widget

    WordPress Ad Widget promises to be a simple way to include adverts on your site. Just add a widget, upload your ad and save. Aside from that, it doesn't provide much information. However, more than 30,000 installs and a 4+-rating say it's making people happy.

    SAM Pro (Free Edition)

    sam pro free

    SAM is short for Simple Ads Manager, which is what this plugin is based on. Its function is to set up and manage advertisement on your WordPress site. Ads can be added as widgets, shortcodes, and functions. The plugin also comes with statistics and a number of other features.

    Insert Post Ads

    insert post ads

    What Amazon Product in a Post Plugin (that's quite a mouthful) is for affiliate products, this one is for ads. Insert Post Ads automatically adds advertisement into your posts. You can specify when they pop up (as in after which number of paragraphs), the plugin is quick and easy to set up and is created and maintained by the people behind WPBeginner.

    Ad Blocking Detector

    ad blocking detector

    Many people use ad blockers today (I am one of those people). What is convenient for users is bad news for sites that rely on ads to make money. While this plugin doesn't let you get around ad blockers and show your ads anyway, it does allow you to display other content such as newsletter sign-up forms in their stead. That way, at least you have the chance to create additional leads.

    WordPress Plugins for Membership Sites

    Our final item on the list: membership sites. Like online courses, they are a great option to create recurring income.

    Membership 2

    membership 2

    As the name suggests, Membership 2 helps you transform WordPress into a membership site. It allows you to limit access to downloads, online content, videos, forums, support and more. The plugin also has a recurring payment system and lets you set up different levels of membership. All you need to set up a membership site.

    Ultimate Member

    Ultimate Member made quite a splash when it came onto the scene and is by now one of the most popular solutions to create WordPress membership sites. The plugin is chock full of features from user profiles and content restriction to member directories and access controls. The best part: the core plugin is free and it offers a lot of functionality.

    WooCommerce Memberships

    We already mentioned WooCommerce above. Thankfully, the plugin also comes with its own membership extension that integrates seamlessly with the ecommerce solution. It's easy to use, has detailed content controls and multiple membership levels.

    The only downside: The extension is entirely premium and costs $149 for a single site, $199 for five and $249 for 25 websites. However, Chris Lema, himself resident expert in membership plugins, approves.

    Summing Up

    Monetizing a WordPress website is the goal of many site owners. There are several models of doing so and each comes with appropriate tools.

    As you can see from the above, whether your goal is to build an online shop, affiliate website, run ads or create a membership site, WordPress has the right plugins for you. They provide the right functionality for each model and make your life a lot easier.

    That is the beauty of the WordPress ecosphere. By now, whatever you want to do, WordPress has solutions for it. That includes earning money.

    Do you have other favorite plugins to monetize your WordPress website? If so, please let us know in the comments section below!

    Nick Schäferhoff

    Nick Schäferhoff is an entrepreneur, online marketer, and professional blogger from Germany. He found WordPress when he needed a website for his first business and instantly fell in love. When not building websites, creating content or helping his clients improve their online business, he can most often be found at the gym, the dojo or traveling the world with his wife. If you want to get in touch with him, you can do so via Twitter or through his website.

    Source: 25 Essential WordPress Plugins to Monetize Your WordPress Website

    Ultimate #Reviews Provides Custom User #Reviews for #WordPress and WooCommerce

    Ultimate Reviews Provides Custom User Reviews for WordPress and WooCommerce Product and service reviews are a critical component of establishing trust for a business. The social proof that comes from customer feedback can be the catalyst that helps bring in new prospects and customers. Ultimate Reviews, a WordPress review plugin ... read moreRich Taste Magazine / Blog WordPress Theme : RichWP The menu bar comes in fixed mode so you can keep it always visible to user while ... then RichWP provides WooCommerce integration. So there will be a great opportunity to sell your own or affiliate items from shop page. I suggest this WordPress magazine ... read moreStudioPress Boss Pro : Genesis Business WordPress Theme If you want to see beauty and simplicity at one place then here is best example that is produced by genesis WordPress theme ... are designated to work with any custom or general widgets. Genesis developers provides custom widgets so you can display ... read more

    19 Top Free and Premium WordPress Slider Plugins Take time to look at all our plugins as they provide a lot of advanced features to keep even advanced users at play ... plugin : posts slider, woocommerce slider and custom slider. Sangar Slider is wonderful slider plugin for WordPress. read more20 Best Free WordPress Slider Plugins For A Better User Experience 2017 With years of experience in the field, the GhozyLab team gives WordPress users a stellar, and free, solution for adding a custom slider to their site. The business module of GhozyLab is to provide two ... customer feedback and reviews within a slider ... read moreTop 5 Custom Registration Plugins for WordPress But developers will say whatever to sell their wares, so let us look at the numbers and the reviews. Ultimate Member powers over 50,000 WordPress ... extra user fields, avatars, WooCommerce, MailPoet, Campaign Monitor and MailChimp support, custom ... read moreThe Ultimate WooCommerce Tutorial For Absolute Beginners Editor's Note: WooCommerce and Advanced Custom Fields go head to head this week in Torque's 2016 Plugin Madness championship round. Go to to vote now! The winner will be announced on April 12. The WordPress platform is being ... read more30 Awesome Premium WordPress Themes : March 2015 JMagz – Tech News Review Magazine WordPress Theme This theme reminded me a lot of Slate's website and it comes with an awesome review system. JMagz provides ... pages, custom user pages, front end forms, parallax blocks, video blocks, WooCommerce ... read moreWordPress Table Plugins: The Complete Guide Get SiteGround + SitePoint Premium Now Tables are the perfect way to display information on a website in a structured, user-friendly way. With so many different types of WordPress ... main WooCommerce functionality such as add-to-cart buttons, reviews ... read moreThe Ultimate List of The Best WordPress eCommerce Plugins That's what you'll find here: the combined and consolidated wisdom of 10 top WordPress experts on the best WordPress ecommerce plugins ... review, the fact that this plugin has the highest overall rating (4.9) based on input from more than 100 users ... read more

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    Source: Ultimate #Reviews Provides Custom User #Reviews for #WordPress and WooCommerce