Friday, September 1, 2017

Why WordPress is the Best Choice for Your Small Business

September 1, 2017

Featured article by Peter Vukcevic, Web Development Expert at FirstSiteGuide

In business circles, it is already known that establishing a web presence is of the utmost importance. Websites serve not only as an informative and, in some cases, a communication channel, but they are also marketing tools.

Before content management systems such as WordPress, any website had to be handled by an IT department or an outsourced team. Something like this, you have to agree, is not suitable for a small business budget.

WordPress created many new options for small businesses. This is why there are many of them who use it for building their websites. Let's see what are the reasons that stand behind choosing WordPress as a preferable website builder.

It is Easy to Learn

WordPress offers something unique on the market of website builders – simplicity and a steep learning curve. While simplicity is not valued by experienced website developers, this feature comes very handy for small business owners.

Without any previous technical knowledge, anyone can build a beautiful business website, create, and publish new content on a daily basis. Furthermore, thanks to the great WordPress community, anyone can learn WordPress, level up their skills, and understand the best practices without breaking a sweat.

The User Interface is Beyond Intuitive

WordPress has a very simple and intuitive interface that will enable you to publish articles, create menus, install plugins, and manage content very easily. This characteristic is very valuable for small businesses that don't have budgets big enough to hire expert web developers nor the time to spend learning new complex web building platforms.

It Won't Make a Whole in your Budget

WordPress is open source, it is completely free, and there are no signs whatsoever that this will change anytime soon. It is so popular that even some of the hosting providers offer a one-click WP installation once they pick up a hosting package.

Unless you want to do something completely custom on your website, you will be able to use free themes and get your website up and running in no time while only paying for your hosting and domain name. When it comes to web hosting, you can check this guide on how to choose the right hosting provider for your small business.

Plugins Can Make It Interactive

While, at start, it may seem like a simple blogging platform, WordPress is so much more. With access to thousands of free and paid plugins, you can engage your website visitors and collect valuable feedback. This is incredibly important for small businesses looking for opportunities to learn more about their customers and the market they are trying to penetrate.

You can build a list of subscribers and inform them about the new content on your website or use this email list to tell them all about your new products or services and inform them about discounts. You can also use plugins to engage them in conversation in the comments section located below your articles on the blog page. The good ol' "Contact Us" page, for instance, can be created in a few minutes, so that you can start receiving direct messages from your website visitors.

Besides, WordPress has a built-in RSS feature. This feature will allow you to inform your website visitors of any new changes made to a website if they clicked that subscribe button.

It is Flexible

WordPress is a completely mobile friendly platform. This means that you can edit and publish new content on the go and from any device. This is very important for small business owners who don't have time to dedicate to website maintenance. This feature will empower you with flexibility and freedom.

Moreover, the WordPress platform allows multiple users to have administrative rights. This means that you can assign multiple persons to manage the website. This feature even supports multiple administrators working on the same page.

Get Access to a Great Variety of Themes

WordPress offers its users the option to install custom designed themes on their website. There are many free ones, but you can also get paid, premium ones as well. These themes are not as expensive as a complete website design. They usually go from 40$ to 60$ and will allow you to change the color palette and layout of your website.

With these easily installable themes, you can get that unique website design that complements your branding image and strategy. If you decide to go with paid options, make sure to check which features they offer and see whether the provider offers support for the theme you are choosing.

WordPress is SEO Optimized

Web sites built with WordPress are SEO optimized by default. This is very important as you won't have to pay extra for SEO experts to come and optimize your website for search engines. You will also be able to install additional plugins that will ensure that everything you post on your website is optimized and ready to help you rank better in your niche.

WordPress is a very powerful content management system. It will enable you to get your business website up and running in no time. It is by far the easiest way for any small business to go online. With dozens of customization options and access to great plugins, your business website won't differ from the the biggest players in the market.

Author's bio:

Peter is a web development expert at FirstSiteGuide with the focus to assist web newcomers get found online and be successful on a crowded web by using various online tools.

Source: Why WordPress is the Best Choice for Your Small Business

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