A wildly tangled mass of reddish stems and dark green leaves, purslane, known as luni-bhaji in the north and kulfa in other parts of India, is actually a weed that grows rapidly and in all directions. Also known as duckweed, fatweed, pigweed and pursley in the West, this plant is one of the most common species of weeds in the world. A source of constant irritation to gardeners, it has thick and succulent leaves because it stores lots of water in order to tolerate the heat.
Here's a brief introduction to the plant. India's gift to the world.Most botanical studies list India as the origin of purslane, and some writers, like the American expert on wild food, Euell Gibbons, have even labelled it "India's gift to the world." But it is a gift that we have largely forgotten about, since few people here eat purslane these days, or even know that this weed is edible. It is rarely cultivated, but gathered from the wild and only rarely appears in markets because few know its value.
Mahatma Gandhi ate this plant often and recommended it to many people.One person who did know the value of purslane was Mahatma Gandhi, and while it's a bit of a stretch to describe purslane as his favourite food, as some of its enthusiasts abroad have done, he did recommend it to several people and, in an article in his magazine Harijan, he wrote about "the nourishing properties of the innumerable leaves that are to be found hidden among the grasses that grow wild in India." He had discovered purslane while living in Wardha and following a diet of uncooked food that required what he felt was an unreasonable amount of purchases from the local market. So he was delighted when an ashram resident "brought to me a leaf that was growing wild among the Ashram grasses. It was luni. I tried it, and it agreed with me." It soon was a regular part of his diet.
Health benefits of purslane.Purslane is rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C and B Vitamins like riboflavin, pyridoxine, folate and niacin. It contains caraternoids as well as minerals like iron, magnesium and calcium. It is also loaded with two betalain alkaloid pigments, which are powerful antioxidants.
With just 16 calories per 100 grams, purslane is an extremely low-calorie food, and it is chock-full of dietary fibre. It is also rich in healthy omega-3 fatty acids, which improve heart health and boost brain power.
Cooking with purslane.Salad: Add purslane to a salad along with lettuce leaves, cucumber, tomatoes and olives.
Kulfa saag: Instead of sarson, make saag with purslane.
You can also use purslane instead of spinach in any other recipe, like soup or curry.
With inputs from Vikram Doctor's article published in Economic Times.
Source: We Bet You Haven't Heard Of Purslane, A Plant That Was Once Called India's Gift To The World!
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