Friday, June 24, 2016

Blubrry Introduces PowerPress Sites which provides free WordPress site for all Podcast Hosting Customers

  June 24, 2016 -- Blubrry Introduces PowerPress Sites which provides free WordPress site for all Podcast Hosting Customers

Podcast company Blubrry, which is celebrating its 11th anniversary in July, has released its first level of PowerPress Sites, named Basic. PowerPress Sites allows Blubrry podcast hosting customers to create a managed WordPress website for their podcasts, making it easy to publish their shows and gain subscribers. All hosting customers are now able to create a Basic PowerPress Site for free.

Setting up a PowerPress Sites website is done using a simple three-step quick-start setup guide. Designed for podcasters, it includes important features such as subscribe widgets, website streaming capabilities, designed with search engine optimization in mind. Users are able to get a site up and running within five minutes, the site includes essential pre-installed plugins.

?PowerPress sites "Basic" has been designed to be a managed WordPress based podcasting solution employing successful podcast practices to build and grow a show," explains Todd Cochrane, CEO of Blubrry's parent company RawVoice. ?We took our 11 year history leading the podcasting space and built an easy to use podcasting platform that is free to all our hosting customers."

Other PowerPress sites "Basic" features include:

Site caching for speed.Templates specifically designed for podcasters.Google Analytics.Updated and Managed by Blubrry Management.New PowerPress Player, released earlier this year exclusively for hosting customers. Unbranded and podcast focused, the player provides multiple capabilities for listeners: sharing, subscribing, show notes and downloading.

The new PowerPress Site offers podcasters a best-in-class solution, said Angelo Mandato, CIO of Blubrry.

?We've put 1000's of hours into PowerPress Sites to make it the best solution available to publish your podcast," Mandato said. ?We want podcasters to focus on their content and make posting and sharing their show as easy as possible, without sacrificing quality. PowerPress Sites Basic is the perfect starting point for any podcaster."

In the upcoming releases of Deluxe, Professional and Enterprise levels, users will be able to bring their own domain to fully build a shows brand. The higher service levels have increased features, plugins, themes and capabilities. As PowerPress Sites solutions evolve it will provide a complete podcast solution from beginner to the most advanced customer need.

About BlubrryBlubrry is a podcasting community and directory with more than 300,000 shows that gives creators the power to make money, get detailed audience measurements and host their audio, video and websites. Whether you are a media creator, advertiser or media consumer, Blubrry is your digital media interface.

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Source:PRWEB.COM Newswire. All Rights Reserved

Source: Blubrry Introduces PowerPress Sites which provides free WordPress site for all Podcast Hosting Customers

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