Thursday, June 23, 2016

Registration Opens for 2016 NAPBS Annual Conference

2016 NAPBS Annual Conference

Written By ESR News Blog Editor Thomas Ahearn

The National Association of Professional Background Screeners (NAPBS®) – "The Voice of Screening Professionals" – has opened registration to NAPBS members for the 2016 NAPBS Annual Conference to be held in Palm Desert, California from September 18 to 20, 2016. To register for this event, NAPBS members can visit the NAPBS Annual Conference website at

According to the 2016 NAPBS Annual Conference website: The Conference offers a diverse range of educational topics ranging from strategic business sessions, futuristic technology, legal issues, nuts and bolts "how-to" programs, international screening techniques, compliance guidelines, employment discrimination and what's on the horizon for consumer reporting agencies, to name just a few.

With the theme of "Leading the Way" for all those in the background screening industry, the NAPBS Annual Conference will offer attendees – the industry novice, the seasoned expert, and everyone in between – valuable information and resources to benefit their specific business goals. For more information or to ask a question about the 2016 NAPBS Annual Conference, please email

The NAPBS conference will begin with Chipping in for CAUSE, a golf tournament before the event begins that will benefit the Sue Weaver C.A.U.S.E. (Consumer Awareness of Unsafe Service Employment), an organization that promotes screening standards for employees, contractors, and companies who provide in-home services to customers. To learn more, please visit

Founded in 2003 as a not-for-profit trade association, the NAPBS® represents more than 700 member companies around the world that offer tenant, employment, and background screening. The NAPBS provides standards of excellence in the background screening industry and presents a unified voice in the development of national, state, and local regulations. For more information, please visit

ESR Achieves NAPBS Re-Accreditation


The National Association of Professional Background Screeners (NAPBS®) Background Screening Credentialing Council (BSCC) has announced that Employment Screening Resources® (ESR) has successfully demonstrated continued compliance with the Background Screening Agency Accreditation Program (BSAAP) and is recognized as BSCC-Accredited. For more information, please visit

Check out the ESR News Blog's six-part series on NAPBS Accreditation running from Friday, June 24, 2016, to Friday, July 1, 2016, at

NOTE: Employment Screening Resources® (ESR) does not provide or offer legal services or legal advice of any kind or nature. Any information on this website is for educational purposes only.

© 2016 Employment Screening Resources® (ESR) – Making copies or using of any part of the ESR News Blog or ESR website for any purpose other than your own personal use is prohibited unless written authorization is first obtained from ESR.

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Source: Registration Opens for 2016 NAPBS Annual Conference

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