Saturday, November 26, 2016

Merkel Backs Crackdown on Free Speech On Social Media Sites

Merkel Backs Crackdown on Free Speech On Social Media Sites One of the things I have noticed in the last few months, as a percentage, people other than Americans and British (especially Niederlanders) have increased rather dramatically. That pleases me, and I hope they are finding what they want. Since, as far as I ... read moreFake News, Hate Speech and Social Media Abuse: What's the Solution? mic Listen to the podcast: Jennifer Golbeck of the University of Maryland and Northeastern University's Andrea Matwyshyn discuss social media sites' crackdown ... speech or fake news." However, he added that since social media networks want to support ... read more

Merkel Declares War On 'Fake News' German Chancellor Angela Merkel has now jumped on the bandwagon, warning against the power of 'fake news' on social media. EU bureaucrats voted ... have been learnt and the process of attacking free speech and labelling it as 'conspiracy theory ... read moreTwitter looks to crackdown on hate speech It also led to an increase in hate speech and online harassment on social media sites like Twitter and Facebook ... There are few things that can free a person from the grips of a deadly drug overdose. One thing that can is a medicine that has become ... read moreExperts say laws not enough as Germany fights bots and fake news Angela Merkel is worried about social bots, fake news sites and trolls ... since Article 5 of the constitution protects free speech," Thomas Jarzombek, CDU member of parliament and digital media expert told Deutsche Welle. "The main question is how ... read moreEuropean Union Declares War on Internet Free Speech Even before signing on to the EU's code of conduct, social media sites have been cracking down on free speech, often at the behest of foreign governments. In September 2015, German Chancellor Angela Merkel was ... Ingrid's account back up — without ... read moreFake News in U.S. Election? Elsewhere, That's Nothing New On Thursday, President Obama, speaking in Berlin and standing alongside Chancellor Angela Merkel, criticized Facebook and other social media for ... even offers free smartphone data connections to basic public online services, some news sites and Facebook ... read moreHow Social Media Is Shaping the New Political Order While billions were spent on social media campaigns in the recently concluded US presidential election, leaders elsewhere are also investing a substantial amount of time and energy on these sites. German Chancellor Angela Merkel maintains an Instagram blog ... read moreHow social media is beating Vietnam's crackdown on free speech "Thanks to social media it has ... other tools to fight back besides censorship. The use of "opinion-shapers," or government-sponsored trolls, to undermine the work of activists prove that there are other ways of restricting free expression in ... read moreGermany springs to action over hate speech against migrants [Sexual assaults challenge Germany's welcoming attitude toward refugees] Critics call it the enforcement of political correctness, raising the question of what constitutes hate speech and sparking a national debate over free expression. Germans have been ... read more

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Source: Merkel Backs Crackdown on Free Speech On Social Media Sites

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