Friday, September 30, 2016

Protect Your Enterprise by Balancing WordPress Plugins

Data breaches are becoming more prevalent – and expensive. According to the March Beazley Breach Insights 2016 report, the Beazley response unit responded to 60% more data breaches in 2015 over 2014. Still more shocking, the proportion of breaches involving third-party vendors more than tripled over that same time period, rising from 6% of breaches in 2014 to 18% in 2015.

In addition, a 2015 Ponemon study sponsored by HP found the mean annualized cost of cybercrimes for 252 benchmarked organizations is $7.7 million per year, with a range from $310,000 to $65 million.

To combat these cyber threats, many enterprises monitor their IT vendors to ensure safety with robust application inventories and vendor risk assessments, but one entry point is left unmonitored, unpatched and unprotected: plugins. Websites are the one IT asset you want to be publicly available. You want the customer to engage and interact, but it still needs to be safe.

Many enterprise organizations are using or considering the use of open-source programs – namely, WordPress – to manage their site's look, feel and functionality.

The beauty of WordPress is its open-source structure. Rather than having a few engineers creating an enterprise's website, WordPress is the combined product of hundreds of coders. That makes the platform itself secure – important since in the US, 22% of new domains will use WordPress.

Although the platform is safe, many of its add-ons, or plugins, are vulnerable to cyber threats. In fact, several recent data breaches were on WordPress sites. WordPress plugins, designed and maintained by third parties, extend and expand the functionality of the WordPress platform. There are more than 29,000 WordPress plugins, which have been downloaded roughly 290 million times, and new plugins are created every day.

Many of these third party plugin developers are small, with limited resources and no ability to track which websites use their plugins or patch any issues. Many plugins are never updated at all; meaning users are exposed to risk. Enterprises that use these plugins are effectively opening the door to their IT infrastructure and exposing themselves to risk.

According to Verizon's 2014 Data Breach Investigations Report, "Web applications remain the proverbial punching bag of the internet. There's no question about it – the variety and combination of techniques available to attackers make defending web applications a complex task." 

Also, because of their size, enterprise WordPress users are susceptible to reputation-damaging and expensive cyber-attacks.

SiteLock's own research, completed in partnership with the faculty from the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business, found the more complex the site, the higher the likelihood of compromise. In fact, websites that were of the highest complexity were more than 12-times more likely to be compromised than websites of the lowest complexity.

As a site offers more features to engage and retain its users, the importance of preventative website security increases.

Having your site scanned is an absolute must. Companies need to either manually conduct rigorous code audits or work with a vendor to mitigate risk and review any third-party code.

Though each enterprise is a "special snowflake" requiring a personalized security plan, there are a few steps organizations must take to protect themselves from exposure and mitigate cyber risks.

1)    Conduct a detailed code audit to more definitively understand how plugins might be opening the door to your company's IT infrastructure.2)    Virtually patch identified vulnerabilities in software or plugins.3)    Enterprises also need to prevent against brute force attacks. This includes privileged areas, such as the WordPress admin entry page4)    Whether enterprises host their sites independently, via a cloud vendor, or through a hosting service, it's of the upmost importance that teams monitor server uptime and performance. Companies can consider expanding their infrastructure by using a content delivery network (CDN) to more seamlessly and quickly deliver content to the end user. Enterprises should also invest in Distributed Denial of Service attack mitigation, which – according to American internet company Verisign – jumped by 85% between Q4 of 2014 and Q4 of 2015.5)    Develop a comprehensive incident response plan. As part of this plan, categor ize potential data risks by threat level. Over-reacting to a breach can be as damaging as under-reacting.

Ultimately, investing in one's security and reviewing vulnerability from the beginning can save a company's reputation, and money, in the long run. Ponemon found that "companies using security intelligence technologies were more efficient in detecting and containing cyber-attacks. As a result, these companies enjoyed an average cost savings of $1.9 million when compared to companies not deploying security intelligence technologies."

Even if a cyber threat means your downtime is .001%, the pain inflicted by that downtime is magnified the bigger the enterprise. 

Source: Protect Your Enterprise by Balancing WordPress Plugins

Improving #WordPress Resource Requests

Improving WordPress Resource Requests A couple of weeks ago, I talked about WordPress resource requests and how there's a level of performance with which we have to comfortable when we're building solutions on top of the application. In the post, I shared a comment by a friend (who no ... read more9 Tips for Improving WordPress Performance, the most popular site for user-created blogs, also runs on WordPress open source software. NGINX powers ... assembles each page on the fly, grabbing resources from the MySQL database to answer requests. LAMP stacks work well for anywhere ... read more

My Current WordPress Workflow I use WordPress ... means more requests are being made in a given web page. Too many plugins can really degrade performance and let's face it, some plugins out in the wild are just shitty. Some of my essentials that really do improve my workflow include ... read moreBest wordpress cache plugins to improve wordpress performance For this purpose, there are lotz of cache plugins available under wordpress cache plugin directory. These cache plugins can be used to improve the load time of ... them in a static file for serving future requests directly from the static file rather ... read moreWordPress 4.6 "Pepper" Is Released Recovering saved content is even easier with WordPress 4.6. Resource Hints Resource hints ... and scripts making your site even faster. Robust Requests The HTTP API now leverages the Requests library, improving HTTP standard support and adding case ... read moreW3 Total Cache – Improve Your WordPress Site's Speed and Conversions Plugins act as the lifeline of a WordPress website. A plugin plays a vital role in improving the performance ... are run each and every time the visitor request a page. This process uses the server resources and increases the load times. read moreTop 5 WordPress Plugins to Improve Load Times For example, if you look at your waterfall report in Pingdom and see latency for the initial https request you ... and lets users only load resources they're seeing; ultimately, improving load speed! That's my top 5 WordPress plugins to improve ... read moreHow To Improve Your WordPress Plugin's Readme.txt Here's how: In this article, we'll look at how to improve your WordPress readme ... ll save you time and headaches with support requests. Here are some useful resources to get your plugin ready for the WordPress repository: Validating your readme ... read more10 Excellent WordPress Plugins to Improve WordPress Performance WordPress is one of the ... With JS and CSS Optimizer, webmasters can improve the loading time of their websites. What it does is combine several JS and CSS scripts into the single file (to minimize http requests). Wp Database Optimizer is an excellent ... read more

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Source: Improving #WordPress Resource Requests

Thursday, September 29, 2016

WordPress SVG Support: How to Enable SVGs in WordPress

Vector images are becoming increasingly common on the web. SVGs provide a scalable, responsive and fast alternative to standard images with the primary benefit being that they look crisp and sharp across any device and they are typically smaller in file size.

Cross-browser support is also now comprehensive, with all modern browsers supporting SVGs when used with the image tag or in CSS as part of the background property.

If you're using WordPress, you're probably familiar with the Media Library and how it works as a central repository for your media assets. The manager which handles uploading of files is initially restricted to a listing of approved file types.

Today's tutorial will focus on how we can add SVG media support and also improve WordPress' processing, handling and display of SVGs overall.

Backstory – Why No SVG Support in WordPress?

You're probably wondering why SVGs never made it onto the list of supported file types in WordPress, the answer is entirely about security.

SVGs are not raster images like other formats (such as png, jpg, gif), they are actually vectors and because of that they can potentially be used to carry malicious JavaScript. There's a great article from Bjørn Johansen which pinpoints how this all works. The short and sweet of it is that JavaScript can be injected into it and it's executed when the SVG is displayed.

WordPress core developers have been discussing SVG inclusion for a very long time (3 – 4 years) and the main sticking point is the potential security risks it could pose. The media manager is used across several levels, from full site administrators to editors and contributors, what this means is that there are several groups who could potentially upload (unwittingly or intentionally) malicious SVG files to a site.

There most likely won't be any movement on this for a while and sadly that means SVGs won't be a default upload option anytime soon.

svg media library reject alert

Adding the SVG Format to the Allowed File Types

Thankfully, because WordPress is highly flexible, we can adjust the file types allowed to be uploaded to the media library. We need only to hook into the upload_mimes filter and add our SVG support. You can add this code to either your functions.php file in your child theme or create it as a plugin.

//add SVG to allowed file uploads function add_file_types_to_uploads($file_types){ $new_filetypes = array(); $new_filetypes['svg'] = 'image/svg+xml'; $file_types = array_merge($file_types, $new_filetypes ); return $file_types; } add_action('upload_mines', 'add_file_types_to_uploads');

What we're doing is hooking into the array of allowed file types and adding the SVG extension (which is image/svg+xml) as an accepted file type.

That's all we need to do to enable WordPress to upload these images. Now when you go to the media library you can drag and drop your SVGs straight into the library and they'll appear as a standard file.

wordpress svg library

Because SVGs aren't a default file type, the display and processing of them is provided 'as is', meaning that they will all work in the admin dashboard, but you won't necessarily have the most streamlined user experience.

One such area where SVG optimisation is lacking is the 'Grid View' of the library.

When viewing SVGs in this view, each SVG appears as the generic placeholder, showing a default icon and the name of the file (as seen in the previous image). While this still all works, it doesn't really help you much as unless you memorized the file names of your SVGs you won't know which is which. What it should display is the image itself, not a placeholder.

That's what we're going to look at now, optimising the 'Grid' so that we get something more visually useful.

Manually Updating SVGs in the Grid View

WordPress' media library is built dynamically, fetching all of the uploaded files asynchronously as the page loads and fetching more as you scroll. That being the case there isn't really any filter or action that you can hook into to adjust how files are displayed. You need to use JavaScript to do your changes manually.

What we're looking for is to replace the default icon and wording displayed for SVGs with the image itself. Doing this will make managing a library of SVGs much simpler.

The plan to is execute a function on each attachment in the media library. This function will execute only for applicable SVG images and will trigger an AJAX call to a custom PHP function. Inside this function we will return the SVG image URL to replace our default icon.

Mutation Observers

One of the first complexities with the media library is that it's all built dynamically. We can't trigger a function on page load or reliably with a setTimeout because we'll never be sure when it's ready. What we need to do is trigger our function when the DOM has been updated and our attachments added to the page.

This is a perfect use case to implement Mutation Observers

'Mutation Observers' provide a way for developers to react to changes in the DOM and to get a listing of all changes (mutations) that have happened for it's nodes. These observers replace the deprecated mutation events and have fairly comprehensive browser support, working on all modern systems, even back to IE11.

Admin CSS Tweaks to Improve SVG Display

There are several places we need to apply some light styling to ensure our SVG images look great across the whole WordPress backend. The only real note is that in older browsers (IE8-IE10) SVGs don't like to be resized and require a set height and width attribute when displayed as an image. For our purposes and for the majority of browsers, these CSS tweaks will be enough.

The main issue we will run into is that no height or width values are assigned to the SVGs, causing them to collapse (and becoming invisible). Setting the SVGs width to 100% and it's height will solve this.

Media Library Grid Layout

The newer default grid layout provides an easy to use interface for managing and viewing your attachments. While it's great and works well, it doesn't do a very good job of showcasing your SVGs, defaulting them to an icon with their filename.

What we need is for the SVG image itself to be shown as the preview, making it easier for us to manage collections of SVGs.

The difficulty with this is that the library is built dynamically, meaning that we need to adjust everything in JavaScript to get it the way we want. This is where our Mutation Observer comes into play. We can look for all newly added DOM nodes and then check if they're an attachment, if they are we can manipulate them the way we want.

Our solution involves using JavaScript to detect our attachment and passing it's ID back to PHP so we can fetch the full attachment URL. For that to work we need to hook into WordPress's AJAX functionality and register a custom function such as below.

//call our function when initiated from JavaScript add_action('wp_AJAX_svg_get_attachment_url', 'get_attachment_url_media_library');

The wp_AJAX_{name_of_action} hook is used to create custom AJAX calls. Meaning that whenever WordPress AJAX is called it will look for an action that has the same name registered with this hook. In our case when we call our AJAX function later on, we will be passing in the action called svg_get_attachment_url, which will in turn call our get_attachment_url_media_library function.

If this is your first time looking into WordPress AJAX, then reading the Codex documentation is a good place to start.

Our function to return the URL of the attachment is pretty simple:

//called via AJAX. returns the full URL of a media attachment (SVG) function get_attachment_url_media_library(){ $url = ''; $attachmentID = isset($_REQUEST['attachmentID']) ? $_REQUEST['attachmentID'] : ''; if($attachmentID){ $url = wp_get_attachment_url($attachmentID); } echo $url; die(); }

Now that we have our PHP elements sorted, let's jump into the JavaScript component and add the following. You'll need to add the following to an enqueued public facing script for this to work.

//create a mutation observer to look for added 'attachments' in the media uploader var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations){ // look through all mutations that just occured for (var i=0; i < mutations.length; i++){ // look through all added nodes of this mutation for (var j=0; j < mutations[i].addedNodes.length; j++){ //get the applicable element element = $(mutations[i].addedNodes[j]); //execute only if we have a class if(element.attr('class')){ elementClass = element.attr('class'); //find all 'attachments' if (element.attr('class').indexOf('attachment') != -1){ //find attachment inner (which contains subtype info) attachmentPreview = element.children('.attachment-preview'); if(attachmentPreview.length != 0){ //only run for SVG elements if(attachmentPreview.attr('class').indexOf('subtype-svg+xml') != -1){ //bind an inner function to element so we have access to it. var handler = function(element){ //do a WP AJAX call to get the URL $.AJAX({ url: AJAXurl, data: { 'action' : 'svg_get_attachment_url', 'attachmentID' : element.attr('data-id') }, success: function(data){ if(data){ //replace the default image with the SVG element.find('img').attr('src', data); element.find('.filename').text('SVG Image'); } } }); }(element); } } } } } } }); observer.observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true });

Here's a breakdown of how it all works:

  • We create a new 'Mutation Observer' and listen to all changes on the body element. We're looking for our attachments which load dynamically (initially as the library opens and additionally as we scroll to load more).
  • We go through all the added DOM elements and assign them to our element, it's on this element we will do our comparisons to check if we're on the right element.
  • We check that our element has a class (as sometimes we loop through standard text elements) and then we use it's class to see if it has the attachment class name. Each of our attachments will have this so it's these elements we're looking for.
  • Once we're on an attachment we do another check to ensure we're on a single attachment (as sometimes we could be on other elements that just so happen to be related to attachments, but not an attachment themselves), then a search for any children with the 'attachment-previewclass will let us know if we're on the right track.
  • The next step is checking if the attachment preview has the subtype-svg+xml class. We only want to trigger our functionality for SVG images.
  • Here is the important part. For each attachment, we create a new function and pass in the element as a reference. Inside this we create a AJAX call. It's here we extract the data-id and call our PHP function we registered before. Our action is called svg_get_attachment_url and this relates to the function hooked to the wp_AJAX_svg_get_attachment_url action.
  • Our AJAX function passes the attachment ID back to PHP which we use the fetch the URL of the object. We pass it back to our AJAX call so it can then be appended to element, visually updating it.
  • There's a fair few moving parts here, but the majority of them handle finding the right DOM elements to execute our function against. When it's all said and done you'll now see your SVG images displayed in a grid:

    WordPress svg library after

    Additional Notes:
  • The good thing about this is that it's triggered whenever the DOM changes such as on initial library load, library scrolling (loading new attachments) and also when dropping a new attachment onto the library, uploading it.

  • The speed at which you see your SVG images appear will be entirely up to WordPress as each SVG attachment has to perform it's own AJAX call and then pass back it's URL, forcing the browser to load the new image. We are effectively waiting twice which will slow things down. While all of this works it might take several seconds for everything to 'pop' into place.

  • Another interesting 'feature' (issue) is that when you drop new images into the media library, all of the attachments are refreshed, meaning that the AJAX fetching and image rendering has to happen again. There's not really much that can be adjusted here as it's part of the dynamic process of the media library.

  • Media Library Column Layout

    When you view the media library using the traditional column layout, you'll notice that again SVG's aren't displayed correctly.

    column media library before

    The reason it looks like this is because they don't have a set height or any CSS to style them. We need to adjust them much like we did for the featured image section:

    /*adjust SVG images when displayed inside media library column view*/ .column-title .media-icon img[src*='.svg']{ width: 100%; height: auto; }

    This will style your SVG previews so that they look inline with the other images. You'll be able to see exactly what they are at a glance.

    column media library after

    Media Attachment Preview

    When you're inside the 'Grid' layout for the media library, you can click on an item to have it open up in a modal window that displays attachment metadata, that's another area we need to adjust so that our SVGs are displayed.

    Here's how it looks by default, notice the default icon used.

    attachment details svg before

    Unlike other areas, we already have the full URL to the SVG as part of this modal, it's displayed under the URLfield. The complexity here is that although we have the information on hand, because it's dynamic we need to create another listener that looks for when the attachment preview is opened (or navigated though) and populate the media pane with the applicable SVG.

    Let's jump back into our JavaScipt file and add the following:

    //Observer to adjust the media attachment modal window var attachmentPreviewObserver = new MutationObserver(function(mutations){ // look through all mutations that just occured for (var i=0; i < mutations.length; i++){ // look through all added nodes of this mutation for (var j=0; j < mutations[i].addedNodes.length; j++){ //get element var element = $(mutations[i].addedNodes[j]); //check if this is the attachment details section or if it contains the section //need this conditional as we need to trigger on initial modal open (creation) + next and previous navigation through media items var onAttachmentPage = false; if( (element.hasClass('attachment-details')) || element.find('.attachment-details').length != 0){ onAttachmentPage = true; } if(onAttachmentPage == true){ //find the URL value and update the details image var urlLabel = element.find('label[data-setting="url"]'); if(urlLabel.length != 0){ var value = urlLabel.find('input').val(); element.find('.details-image').attr('src', value); } } } } }); attachmentPreviewObserver.observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true });

    Here's how it all works:

  • We create a new 'Mutation Observer' and attach it to the body, looking for all changes (including the child nodes and all their children).
  • We loop through all the mutations and added nodes. We're looking for an element that has either the attachment-details class or has it as one of its descendants. The reason we have this conditional is so that it's triggered when the modal is initially opened and each time the modal is updated (by clicking through the next and previous buttons). This is because as you navigate through the triggering element itself will be the attachment-details DOM element.
  • Once we know we're inside the right place we need to search for the URL element and extract it. Once we have it, we populate our preview with the SVG image.
  • After we're all done, the attachment details modal now looks like this:

    attachment details svg after

    Output on the Front-end

    When WordPress outputs images that have SVG content as their source, often you'll find nothing will be visible. This is caused by the SVG not having a correct width and height set as either attributes or in CSS (which makes sense considering SVGs aren't supported).

    To get this to work we need to add another style that will apply and make our SVG elements responsive.

    /*sets all SVG's to be responsive. displaying at full width*/ img[src*='.svg']{ width: 100%; height: auto; }

    After you add this to your style.css all of your SVG images will stretch full width and maintain their aspect ratio (on modern browsers).

    Here's an example of how a standard SVG image now looks with its new styling.

    svg output front end

    One thing to be conscious of is since it's a selector it's fairly weak, it can be overridden by your theme or by other plugins. It's up to you to make sure these things look good on the front-end and that they scale well.

    Wrapping It All Up

    With these changes you'll be able to use and interact with SVGs like any other image, being able to quickly view them and manipulate them without having to worry which SVG is which.

    Hopefully at some point SVGs will be introduced into WordPress core and all of this will be seamlessly handled in the back-end for you, but until then these workarounds will have to do.

    For some further reading checkout Alex Walkers article The Designer's Guide to Working with SVG – Pt 1 and Maria Antonietta Perna's article on Canvas vs. SVG: Choosing the Right Tool for the Job.

    Source: WordPress SVG Support: How to Enable SVGs in WordPress

    10 Cool Free #WordPress Plugins of September 2016

    10 Cool Free WordPress Plugins of September 2016 The most exciting article of the month brings you the ten newest and most interesting free WordPress plugins. If you feel the same way I do, you're always on the hunt for the coolest functions to pimp your blog and to provide the best possible service to ... read more26 Best WordPress Social Sharing Plugins 2016 But switching plugins is not a good idea. WordPress sure has the right social share plugin waiting for you and today we are going to help you find the right one for you. Here is a list of 26 cool wordpress ... Media Plugins and 10 Best WordPress Social ... read more

    Best 10 Free WordPress Plugins of the Month – September 2014 I've even got a plugin that adds voice-over tutorials to your dashboard, which is pretty damned cool if you ask me. Wouldn't it be nice if you could paste images straight into the WordPress ... is a decent free option of the services ManageWP offers. read moreWordPress Plugin Roundup – March 2016 Each month we round up 10 cool and useful (oh, and free!) WordPress plugins available on the WordPress Plugin Directory. This month's WordPress Plugin Roundup includes everything from an easy way to create charts on your WordPress site to a way to add a ... read more20 Best WordPress Wedding Themes 2016 You are free to experiment with the template layouts as you get a huge variety of them at hand: boxed and full-width ones, 10 ... plugin will also come in handy saving you a great sum of money! The theme is compatible with dozens of popular WordPress ... read more10 of the most popular (and useful) WordPress plugins A huge benefit of using a self-hosted WordPress blog instead of the free service is that ... I suspect that Quick Adsense will soon become the dominant Adsense plugin. It was only released on September 20th 2009, and last week it was ... read moreEvery Resource You Need To Run A Kickass Blog 10) Marketing.AI ... 13) Animate It!: This plugin lets you add cool CSS3 animations to your content. 14) EWWW Image Optimizer: The EWWW Image Optimizer automatically optimizes your images as you upload them onto WordPress and reduces the file size ... read more10+ Best Knowledge Base, Wiki, FAQ & Support Ticket WordPress Themes and Plugins – 2016 Heroic Knowledge Base WordPress plugin is a powerful plugin for knowledge base website. This plugin works with most premium and free WordPress themes and it ... because of its responsiveness and other cool features. KnowHow helps you create an interactive ... read more23 Essential (and Free) WordPress Plugins for Marketers Use this plugin to pinpoint broken links and make the necessary changes. 6. Pretty Link – An often overlooked plugin for marketers, Pretty Link has some cool features ... Hopefully, after reviewing these 23 free WordPress plugins for marketers, you ... read moreOpen source anniversary: How adopting 10 WordPress plugins changed my life Last March, I became the keeper, curator, and father confessor for the first of what would eventually be ten adopted WordPress ... ZDNet and CBS were also incredibly supportive, something I'll forever be grateful for. I have adopted a total of 10 plugins ... read more

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    Source: 10 Cool Free #WordPress Plugins of September 2016

    Wednesday, September 28, 2016

    Logged in as, can only edit

    My site is and when I log in as I am logged into this page. However, when I want to edit the site through - Theme - Customize, it is letting me edit the old site I was connected to I want to customize Please help!

    The blog I need help with is

    Source: Logged in as, can only edit

    Did Your Customers Get Tattoos of Your logo? These Did.

    Did Your Customers Get Tattoos of Your logo? These Did. Would you get inked for your favorite brand? You'd be surprised how many people actually answer "yes." For many people, having a brand's logo tattooed on them is an embodiment of the impact that company has made on their lives. For others, these ... read moreThere's No Excuse for Making Any of These 9 Fatal Startup Mistakes Also, your mom hasn't done anything wrong to have to school you five times a day when things get tough. Don't do that. 4. Fear of customers ... sure you get all these right as early as possible. Branding and graphic design. A $5 logo looks like ... read more

    What to know before you get a tattoo You should not get ... tattoo your face or hands because there is still a stigma around these tattoos in the professional workplace. Tattoo Asylum won't tattoo your hands or face unless you're already heavily tatted. Also, tattoos on your hands and feet do ... read more10 Time Tested Ways to Boost Download Numbers for Your App Though download numbers most of the time do not correspond ... Why not try these tested and tried methods? Here we introduce 10 time-tested ways to boost download numbers for your app. First of all, you need to get your basics right. If you have not ... read moreWhy most beautiful websites do not convert Do you think people will not hesitate to transfer money via your website? Do your website makes it clear that you care for your customers? Can visitors get in touch with you easily? These are some ... service and not about 'logo design' or 'graphic ... read more10 Essentials of a High Converting Landing Page These hyper-focused web pages are designed for just one purpose: to convert visitors. Whether that conversion goal is to get people ... benefit of your offer, and show prospects what they need to do to claim it. If you don't include your logo somewhere ... read more67 ways to use the Optimal Workshop Suite of user research tools. I've compiled this list over last few days (my brain hurts) by talking to a few customers ... and get going with Chalkmark. Write up a string of things that people might want to do when they find themselves on this page and use these as your tasks. read moreIs Your Company Name All That Important? Why These Entrepreneurs Changed The Name Of Theirs Spend time to do it right the first time , and when your first choice fails – and that may just be the case: rethink (re-think your choice) rename (Chose and implement) remind (Remind your customers who you are, and of your name change). Irfan used a ... read more3 Times You Confused Branding with Marketing You often use these two as one saying things like, "my logo is my brand." In fact your logo is not your ... is now and where it is going. Customers will be able to identify with you and support anything you do because branding simply says, "this ... read more5 Overlooked Features of Your LinkedIn Marketing Strategy Maximizing your LinkedIn ... it can do for them personally and professionally (not to mention what it can do for the company). Explain why participation can improve the visibility of the company, thus increasing exposure to potential customers and leads. read more

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    Source: Did Your Customers Get Tattoos of Your logo? These Did.

    Tuesday, September 27, 2016

    Ten Great Free WordPress Themes of September 2016

    Same procedure as every month. I look through the official WordPress theme index to bring you the best free WordPress themes that give your website a fresh new look. Surprise your readers with a new design that you didn't need to pay a single cent for. This month, there are real treasures among the various themes.


    1 – Halcyon


    Halcyon is a very clean theme for blogs or photographers. It provides a modern display of your photos and a slider on the landing page. Custom logos, social media links, as well as four theme-exclusive widgets are available.

  • Created by: Rara Theme
  • License: Free for personal and commercial use | GNU General Public License
  • Prepared for translations: yes
  • Demo: Halcyon Demo
  • Download on WordPress
  • 2 – Ocin Lite

    Ocin Lite

    Ocin Lite is a theme for online shops, based on the popular WooCommerce plugin. You get to customize both header and background colors. The theme has a minimalistic design and focuses on the presentation of products.

    3 – Gridbox


    Gridbox is a good choice for an online magazine, a blog, or a portfolio. The three-column grid sets itself apart from the competition very nicely.

  • Created by: ThemeZee
  • License: Free for personal and commercial use | GNU General Public License
  • Prepared for translations: yes
  • Demo: Gridbox Demo
  • Download on WordPress
  • 4 – Verbosa


    Verbosa is an appealingly designed theme for bloggers, authors, and photographers. The background, the colors, as well as the header can be customized to your personal needs. Such a lovingly designed theme is a rare sight nowadays.

  • Created by: CryoutCreations
  • License: Free for personal and commercial use | GNU General Public License
  • Prepared for translations: yes
  • Demo: Verbosa Demo
  • Download on WordPress
  • 5 – Illdy


    Illdy is a one-page business theme. However, using it to create portfolios and landing pages should also be possible.

  • Created by: Silkalns
  • License: Free for personal and commercial use | GNU General Public License
  • Prepared for translations: yes
  • Demo: Illdy Demo
  • Download on WordPress
  • 6 – Travelers

    Travelers Theme

    Travelers is a theme for travelers and globetrotters. However, it can also be used for many different areas, such as blogs or magazines. The logo, the colors, and the layout are adjustable. To allow for better customization, the theme comes with a couple of widgets.

  • Created by: Daisy Themes
  • License: Free for personal and commercial use | GNU General Public License
  • Prepared for translations: yes
  • Demo: Travelers Demo
  • Download on WordPress
  • 7 – EaterStop Lite


    The EaterStop Lite theme aims to be a special theme for restaurants, cafés, and bistros. However, it is definitely possible to use it in other industries as well, due to its business-theme structure. Business and corporate websites seem like valid options.

  • Created by: gracethemes
  • License: Free for personal and commercial use | GNU General Public License
  • Prepared for translations: yes
  • Demo: EaterStop Demo
  • Download on WordPress
  • 8 – Interior Lite


    Interior Lite is a theme for multiple purposes. A website for furniture stores is just as possible as any other business website. The theme is prepared for the shop plugin WooCommerce. Colors, background, and logo can be adjusted.

    9 – Boston


    Boston is a blog theme that was specifically designed for female bloggers, which is why it has a light feminine touch to it. Nonetheless, emancipated men are allowed to use the theme as well. You get to customize the colors, the logo, as well as the background, and a landing page slider is also included.

  • Created by: FameThemes
  • License: Free for personal and commercial use | GNU General Public License
  • Prepared for translations: yes
  • Demo: Boston Demo
  • Download on WordPress
  • 10 – Good


    Good covers the entire blogging sector. This theme also lets you adjust background, colors, and logo.

  • Created by: FancyThemes
  • License: Free for personal and commercial use | GNU General Public License
  • Prepared for translations: yes
  • Demo: Good Demo
  • Download on WordPress

  • Source: Ten Great Free WordPress Themes of September 2016

    20 Latest Interior #Design #WordPress Themes That Will Make You Feel At #Home in 2016

    20 Latest Interior Design WordPress Themes That Will Make You Feel At Home in 2016 Have you ever lived through home remodeling? If yes, you must know it can be quite a tedious thing. In this respect, interior design business is a great way to help people. Can anything be better than creating a cozy atmosphere for your clients' homes? read more12+ Best Interior Design Architecture Themes for WordPress If you are someone who's working for an interior design agency, you've made the right choice for your CMS software. WordPress ... theme comes with the Visual Composer drag-and-drop page builder plugin and a premium font called Futura PT worth $20. read more

    40+ Awesome WordPress Portfolio Themes To Showcase Your Work With Style 2016 WordPress theme for portfolio ... attractive portfolio design and creation process on the web will have you showing off your best works to the internet at large in no time at all. Try to view things from a bold new perspective, with PILE, and you'll ... read more20+ Optical Illusion Pictures that will make you look twice! The illusion below looks really scary when we see it randomly. Some people see it as a head of a devil while most of the others feel that a woman is standing,what do you see? Do you find something unusual about this picture?If no then save this picture and ... read more14 WordPress Themes For Designing Stunning Websites in 2016 Finding just the right theme to suit your needs takes time and effort. We've done most of the hard work for you by narrowing the field down to 14 top-quality themes; themes that could make 2016 ... WordPress theme has more to offer. Its design ... read more60+ Latest High-Quality Free WordPress Themes Just because many of our followers decided to stay with Premium themes, that doesn't mean Free Themes are ugly, cluttered, and boring. In this showcase below, you'll find a Excellent Collection of Fresh High-Quality Free WordPress Themes Around because ... read moreHow To Create Your Own Custom WordPress Theme Follow this overview of the build process to create your own custom WordPress theme. We'll be taking my latest theme design from its basic ... */ You will also want to add some CSS styling to make sure the alignment of ... read more25+ free WordPress themes for April 2014 This is the countdown theme to use while you are putting the finishing touches on your final site. This simple counter tells visitors when the new site ... look and feel featuring a flat design style. Skeleton is a simple, responsive WordPress theme ... read more21 Best One Page WordPress Themes of 2016 Many business websites are using one page WordPress themes to provide an interactive experience to their users without navigating to different pages. In this article, we will show you 21 best one page WordPress themes ... theme for interior design businesses. read more

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    We will send the script to your PayPal email within few hours,Please add to your email contact.
    Source: 20 Latest Interior #Design #WordPress Themes That Will Make You Feel At #Home in 2016

    Monday, September 26, 2016

    WordPress Plugin: Theme Switcha

    [ Theme Switcha ]

    Announcing my latest WordPress plugin, Theme Switcha! There are many theme-switch plugins but none of them provide the simplicity, performance, and reliability that I require for my own sites. So I wrote my own plugin using the WP API and kept the code as focused and solid as possible. Only essential theme-switching features have been added, along with a simple yet informative UI. Theme Switcha gives you a consistent, quality theme-switching experience that you can optionally share with your visitors.

    [ Theme Switcha UI ]Theme Switcha – All your themes ready for switching

    Plugin Features

    Theme Switcha is Packed full of features:

  • Enables you to develop new themes while visitors use the default theme
  • Control who can switch themes (admins, users with passkey, or everyone)
  • Administrators can switch themes directly via the WP Admin Area
  • Enable visitors to switch and preview themes on the front-end
  • Each visitor can choose their own theme
  • Send preview links to clients via the passkey
  • Choose your own custom passkey code for preview links
  • Set the duration (cookie timeout) for switched themes
  • Enable/disable theme preview in the Admin Area
  • Enable/disable all theme switching without deactivating the plugin
  • Provides several shortcodes to enable visitors to switch themes
  • Shortcodes display themes as a list, select menu, or thumbnails
  • Changed options are saved when working on switched themes
  • Simple, stylish UI featuring screenshots of each theme
  • Works with any theme, parent themes and child themes
  • Check out a screenshot of the Theme Switcha settings page »

    Theme Switcha makes it easy for the site admin to preview and develop new themes without changing the default theme. So visitors will continue to use your site normally without ever knowing that you are testing new themes behind the scenes. And if you want to enable your visitors to switch themes, you can do that as well by adding a shortcode to any WP Post or Page. Then each visitor will be able to select and preview any of your WordPress themes.

    Useful for things!

    Theme Switcha is useful for things like:

  • Maintenance mode – display a temporary theme to visitors while you update your primary theme
  • Theme test drive – preview and test new themes without disrupting anything on the frontend
  • Theme development – perfect for developing new themes to fit your existing site content
  • Client presentations – send clients special "theme preview" links to show off new templates
  • The beauty of Theme Switcha is that it's all 100% transparent: visitors will never know that you are hard at work testing and building new themes behind the scenes.

    Learn more and download Theme Switcha »

    Source: WordPress Plugin: Theme Switcha

    Theme Junkie Leda : Responsive #Blog #WordPress Theme

    Theme Junkie Leda : Responsive Blog WordPress Theme Meet another WordPress blogging theme by Theme Junkie which is known as Leda. We just had a close look at all theme features from live demo and product information page. And it proved that this blog template has great possibility to work for different ... read moreTheme Junkie MyMedic : Hospitals & Clinics WordPress Theme Introducing MyMedic : A Hospital WordPress theme for health care professionals like doctors and physicians. Theme Junkie has introduced this theme ... The theme also consist of blog template, mega menu, short-codes and widgets so you can easily develop ... read more

    Download NewsWire Responsive WordPress Theme From Theme Junkie Newswire is one of the popular theme from Theme-junkie ... theme on an existing blog, you can use this plugin to add featured images to your blog post automatically. Here are few notable features of Newswire WordPress theme: Responsive theme and mobiel ... read moreLeda - WordPress Blogging Theme Leda is a light, bright and minimalist WordPress blog theme. Therefore Leda is a perfect blog theme for bloggers and lovers of minimal design and elegant typography. Leda use WordPress Customizer as the theme options! WordPress Customizer is a new and ... read moreTheme Junkie GoMedia New Magazine Theme Released Theme Junkie released a new magazine wordpress theme today. "GoMedia" is the name of the responsive theme which comes with a ... community or personal blog, this theme offers flexible design with best readability as well. Take a look at the demo ... read moreInsider Modern & Responsive WP Theme By Theme Junkie Insider theme is … Read More Insider WordPress theme is a morden, fresh and creative theme from Theme Junkie. suited for Magazines, News, and Blog websites. Insider theme is responsive design . For more review Theme junkie insider Wordpress theme here. read moreeStudio Premium WordPress Theme Leda is a light, bright and minimalist WordPress blog theme ... customize almost all element in the theme like typography, upload custom logo and favicon, change the background color, header, menu, footer, etc!#2. Responsive Don't worry. read moreNew Premium WordPress Themes March 2016 Edition All the WordPress themes are awesome and of the best quality and will for sure look great on your own website. Here's our roundup with premium WordPress themes March 2016 Edition ... elegant responsive WordPress Theme from Theme Junkie. read moreLeda Blog WordPress Theme Leda is a trending design WordPress personal blog theme released from Theme Junkie marketplace. Is this theme comes with big slideshow module, mega and dropdown menu supported, 100% responsive and retina display ready. Leda theme has been used WordPress ... read moreLeda Blogging WordPress Theme Leda is a blogging WordPress theme from Theme Junkie with a clean, simple and minimalist design. It could be used for all types of blogs and features include: mobile responsive design, WordPress customizer support, markup, multiple homepage ... read more

    Buy AutoTrafficRSS script now for $27 only!

    We will send the script to your PayPal email within few hours,Please add to your email contact.
    Source: Theme Junkie Leda : Responsive #Blog #WordPress Theme

    Sunday, September 25, 2016

    WordPress v 4.6.1 and BuddyPress latest not working well together.

    Hi there

    I have the latest version of WordPress running. I see that BuddyPress in untested and I wonder if this is the cause of my problem. When I tried to set it up as per the numerous videos and forum posts, I don't have the options that people are selecting. I also don't have the menu at the top of the page that used to be there. There is very little functionality at all. I am new to BuddyPress and am building a social network but it doesn't seem to do anything that it should. Where do I set up buddypress? I changed the permalinks as stipulates and now I get this message:

    Warning: call_user_func_array() []: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, 'ReduxFramework::_options_page' was given in /home/infoboxco/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 52

    It this to do with BuddyPress or WordPress.

    Thanks for your timeLiz

    Source: WordPress v 4.6.1 and BuddyPress latest not working well together.

    15 Professional #WordPress Themes for Financial Firms

    15 Professional WordPress Themes for Financial Firms The concept, power and features of the financial theme design is as essential to build trustful relationship with the potential customers, as strategic use of financial instruments, such as loans and investments, is a key to success and profit in each ... read more17 WordPress Themes for Financial Analysts & Advisors Every professional or serious business needs to have an online presence these days. That applies to investment companies, financial analysts, and other pros in this field. These 18 WordPress themes let financial advisers build a professional presence for ... read more

    50 Stylish and Responsive Real Estate WordPress Themes (FULL LIST) Locality is premium real estate WordPress theme ... companies and businesses dealing with real estate in a number of ways. With Realtyspace, trading in properties of all sorts, markets and niches are now easier than ever from your very own professional ... read moreBest WordPress Themes for Lawyers, Attorneys & Law Firms This is a collection of the best free and premium WordPress themes for lawyers ... WordPress theme with a clean, professional and customisable design. The premium theme from Obox Themes is perfect for corporate entities like law firms, financial ... read more25 New Corporate WordPress Themes This theme is compatible with Visual Composer, Revolution slider, and WooCommerce. Experts is a professional and responsive WordPress specially designed for financial companies, financial firms, investment, tax-related, consulting, or any other kind of ... read moreMeet the Latest Monstroid WordPress Theme Update and Save 40% What these themes have in common is the professional code ... Arch is a versatile responsive business WordPress theme created with architecture and real estate companies in mind. It boasts a wide responsive layout composed of flat and image-based content ... read moreOrlando's Latest Theme Park Is a City for Wellness In this most-visited city in the country, tens of millions of tourists spend their dollars every year in a swarm of theme parks that have made this ... it would stretch from the financial district north to 66th Street and, in parts, as far west as Jersey ... read more14 Best Managed WordPress Hosting for 2016 The Starter plan will give you the ability to host one domain, while the Professional ... companies that I was aware of to offer hosting specifically for WordPress. Their clients include a number of popular blogs, and they have partnered with some leading ... read more15 Professional WordPress Knowledge Base Themes and Plugins For Startups, Theme, Software, App and Other Developers 2016 Whether you are a professional in a business or firm looking ... page builder WordPress plugin to help admin and developers arrange theme elements with ease. Altera supports sticky menu navigation and included with 10 custom widgets, 15 widget areas. read moreAwesome Modern Responsive HTML5 WordPress Themes & Templates Tax Help WordPress theme is designed for companies who provide tax assistance to corporate and individual clients, for financial and law companies ... way of present information such a combine between professional, elegant and noble. read more

    Buy AutoTrafficRSS script now for $27 only!

    We will send the script to your PayPal email within few hours,Please add to your email contact.
    Source: 15 Professional #WordPress Themes for Financial Firms

    Saturday, September 24, 2016

    WordPress Instagram Plugin Posting (Social Networking)

    WordPress Instagram Plugin Posting helps to exclude the manual work while posting from WordPress to Instagram. The plugin posts video and images automatically from WordPress to Instagram according to settings. It supports WooCommerce Product, WordPress Page, WordPress Post.

  • Multiple Accounts – the ability to use any number of accounts.
  • Proxies support – use a proxy for Instagram accounts.
  • Images support – posting images from WordPress to Instagram.
  • Video support – posting video from WordPress to Instagram. Video should be less than one minute.
  • Different post types – WooCommerce Product, WordPress Page, WordPress Post.
  • Categories posting – just select categories and post to Instagram.
  • Schedule posting – set the time interval for posting.
  • Change Log

    Semtemper 15, 2016 – Version 1.0.1

    * Code improvements

    Semtemper 10, 2016 – Version 1.0.0

    * Initial release

    Best Price| | Preview


    Check Also

    Main ideas of this plugin is – save customer's time, simplify checkout process and prevent ...

    Source: WordPress Instagram Plugin Posting (Social Networking)

    Wake – Exclusive Speed, #SEO & Mobile Optimized #WordPress Theme (#Blog / #Magazine)

    Wake – Exclusive Speed, SEO & Mobile Optimized WordPress Theme (Blog / Magazine) | Latest News

    Buy AutoTrafficRSS script now for $27 only!

    We will send the script to your PayPal email within few hours,Please add to your email contact.
    Source: Wake – Exclusive Speed, #SEO & Mobile Optimized #WordPress Theme (#Blog / #Magazine)

    Friday, September 23, 2016

    Space Home – Real Estate WordPress Theme (Real Estate)

    Auto Showroom


    SPACE HOME is the a WordPress Theme with fully function of Real Estate site. With powerful options & tools, advanced search & mapping, endlessly customizable with powerful admin options, 3 pre-built demos (more coming soon), 2 header layouts. SPACE HOME supports awesome plugins as Real Estate Pro (booking system, front end management, dsIDXpress, favorite listings, sub listings and much more), Visual Composer Plugin, WPML Max Mega Menu, and Newsletter

    SPACE HOME is right fit for selling your Villa, Land, Apartment, House and Raw House. This Theme will provide you best details page that will describe your property well. It will be very helpful for selling your property and advertising your property.

    Highlight Features:
  • Full solution for Real Estate, Sell and Rental site. No empty link, no broken link.
  • Fit function for Real Estate as (Listing Management, Google Map direction, Gallery, Agency, etc..)
  • Clean, modern, multi-purpose design can be used for any type of website
  • WordPress 4 Tested and Approved
  • Built with HTML5 and CSS3
  • SEO Optimized ( also compatible with SEO Plugins ) Well organized, commented & clean code
  • Cross-Browser Compatibility: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE9 ~ IE11
  • 100% Responsive Theme
  • Comes with the Visual Composer, most awesome visual page builder for WordPress
  • 1-6 Column Support
  • 3 Home Versions and 2 Header styles
  • Parallax Feature and Video Section for any page
  • Awesome CSS3 animations for every modules
  • Child Theme Compatible – includes basic child theme
  • Strong focus on design and typography, usability and overall user-experience.
  • JQuery Enhancements
  • Includes Icons Fonts, more than 600 retina ready icons included!
  • Advanced Customization / Themes Options

  • Customize Every part of the website using the Styling options.
  • Unlimited Colors options, you can customize your website to match your colors.
  • Easily change Font and Font size.
  • Advanced options to enable/disable individual features
  • Space Home & Visual Composer

  • Space Home include the Visual Composer, Currently the most famous WordPress page builder
  • We made 24+ Modules for the Visual Page builder, you will be able tocustomize anything you want super easily, never code
  • Change style ( design ) and color of any modules super easily
  • Easily create stunning pages using our awesome modules.
  • All you see on our demo is built only with the Visual Composer modules
  • Popular Plugin Compatible

  • WPML plugin ready
  • Contact Form 7 ready with full design integration
  • Real Estate Pro with full design integration
  • Visual Composer Ready
  • Newsletter Plugin Ready
  • Max Mega Menu support
  • UnlimitedColor Options

  • Extremely detailed styling tab in theme options
  • Unlimited Color Options / Skins with backend and front end Color Picker
  • Full Color Customizations – change every element with ease including all Visual Composer Modules.
  • Advanced Blog Options

  • 6 Layouts to choose from : Classic, Grid (2,3,4 column), Fullwith then grid, Sidebar version.
  • All layouts can have left or right sidebar or be full width
  • 6 post types ( video, audio, gallery, image, standard )
  • Set up multiple blog pages and set custom categories per page using blog module
  • Select a slider to show on blog page
  • Auto generated thumbnails
  • Easily specify the number of items per page
  • Post sharing with social icons
  • Threaded Comments
  • Tons of options to add remove data, excerpt, related post etc
  • Real Estate Pro Plugin

  • Full synchronize with stripe subscription plan.
  • Paypal express checkout with all option.
  • Real Estate Pro works on custom post type, So you can use any SEO plugin e.g all in SEO,Yoast .
  • New user?s email will store on mailChimp list for future use.
  • You can create any type of package e.g daily/weekly/monthly/yearly subscription, free trial, paid trial, one time payment. User can upgrade or downgrade or cancel his/her subscription.
  • Add a listing, Claim a listing, Earn From Bidding money, View a listing, Sell VIP badge, Access to the site.
  • Bidding System for top search rank
  • Interactive My Favorites Section
  • User can know who is interested about his/her listing and can contact with them.
  • The listing detail page is included responsive touch slider for mobile devices.
  • New listing will disply with new badge icon. Admin can set number of days for new badge.
  • Custom Page Templates & Page Options Included

  • Customize each and every page easily
  • Possibility to Use Slider on every page
  • Left / Right Sidebar page
  • Full with page
  • Built-In 404 page
  • Real Coming soon page
  • Great designed search page
  • Advanced Typography Options

  • Use Google Fonts or Standard fonts
  • All font options are controlled in the theme options panel
  • Set different font sizes for all fonts, H1-H6 headings, body, footer, header, dropdown etc
  • Set different colors for all fonts
  • Set font-size, line-height, font-weight for each font type as well
  • Advanced Background Options

  • Choose Color of upload custom background image
  • Set Parallax background
  • Full width sections also allow background images with parallax
  • Page title bar background or custom bar title background
  • Changelogs

    Version 1.2 – 23/09/2016

    + Updates: - Plugin Plazart v1.2. - Option to change all font size. - Change Logo in sidebar menu. - Option to get link on logo in Header element. - Option to change image background for each page in Breadcrumb element. - Change color for text on slider. - Option to choose if menu fixed or not when scrolling. - Include PSD. + Fixed Error - Error: Fixed problem Property.

    Version 1.1 – 19/09/2016

    - Updated plugin Plazart v1.1. - Updated One Click Install. Need supports?

    * Support Forum

    When being our member, you have access to our forum where you can post your problem and get support to solve it.

    * Support Desk System

    It includes two supporting systems: the Ticket system, by submitting a ticket about your problem to us, member will receive answer to the problem. It is also fast and easy to check whether your problem has been solved and how it is fixed.The second worth-mentioning supporting system is FAQ includes a lot of useful information to be found.

    * E-mail

    It is also possible to e-mail to in order to ask them for help.

    Best Price| | Preview

    Source: Space Home – Real Estate WordPress Theme (Real Estate)

    How to Quickly Grow Your #WordPress #Blog – 6 Tips and Tools

    How to Quickly Grow Your WordPress Blog – 6 Tips and Tools Having a blog up and running is not that difficult nowadays. With just a few simple steps you can go online and start sharing awesome content and posts. What's much more difficult, and sometimes even overwhelming, is to grow your blog, drive the desired ... read more6 INSANELY Useful Tools to Take Your Blog to the Next Level In this blog post, I'll show you how you can take your blog from level 10 to level 30! I'm giving you the exact tools that I use to help grow my blog ... the blog shares fashion tips for short men. To get inspiration on what to write, I simply ... read more

    100+ Blogging Tools & Resources to Grow Your Blog In the past few years, blogging has evolved to a great extent, and several platforms and tools ... for WordPress themes. Buying a child theme for the Genesis Framework means that you'll have a website with super fast load times, optimizing your blog ... read more6 Simple Steps for Optimized Blog Posts That'll Wow Your Clients They quickly identify relevant keywords ... So don't let your well-crafted blog post get overlooked. Use the same language your target audience is using to search for information. Tools like Google Adwords keyword planner or Semrush can help you ... read moreShould Your Business Really Have a Blog? (And What Should Go on It?) And please don't click the 'Blog' link on our website. The same 6 posts have sat there ... integrate it with your email service provider or CRM, run A/B split tests, and publish it to Facebook, WordPress, or your own server. Let's look at 5 big ... read moreThe Blogger's Guide To Landing Page Optimization: Tips And Tools To Get You Started Your visitors won't know what to click and may end up either bouncing, or visiting your blog or about page instead. Having unnecessary information can kill your conversions fast ... Tips To Grow Your Following Fast7,4K Total Shares 12 Top Tools ... read more20 Best Opt-In Popup Plugins Free and Premium To Grow Your Email List In 2016 SumoMe is a WordPress plugin that offers a plethora of tools to help you grow your email ... that will blow your mind. Leadpages WordPress plugin that let you quickly integrate the create a landing page on your WordPress blog in a minute. read moreHow To Make A Profitable Blog From Scratch? 6. Study About Blogging Tools ... writing about WordPress and Technology, and thus I have recently launched two new blogs and updating them regularly. 2. Setup Attractive Blog Choose a reliable hosting service to make your site load fast, avoid downtime ... read moreHow to Make a Full-Time Income by Selling Digital Goods Moreover, you can sell it to people who are not actually your blog readers. For instance, if you're an ebook publisher, marketplaces like, and could be the right choice for you. If you're a WordPress theme ... read more8 Proven Ways To Drive More Traffic To Your Website Building an audience takes hard work and dedication – the internet will not do the heavy lifting to grow your business ... image to support your blog content: One way to find great images for your website is through Pixabay – a WordPress plugin that ... read more

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    Source: How to Quickly Grow Your #WordPress #Blog – 6 Tips and Tools

    Thursday, September 22, 2016

    Travelia – Multi-Concept Blog And Portfolio WordPress Theme (Blog / Magazine)

    Travelia is clean content focus Multi-Concept Blog, Portfolio And Easy Digital Downloads WordPress Theme. It has a Powerful admin panel, Intricate development and a pack of essential features really makes Travelia stand out. Travelia is suitable for any kind of blog, multi-author, easy digital download, shop, personal, travel, hobby, Photographer, Traveler, fashion, food, lifestyle and tutorial blog etc. Installing and customizing this theme is very easy. All required information's are provided in the documentation.

    Homepage Variation & Pages
  • 10 Blog Homepage with
  • Good Appeal with Contact Page
  • AJAX Portfolio Page Layout
  • According to the authors Portfolio Page
  • 6 Category Page Ready
  • According to the authors post archive page
  • Archive Page & Search Page Ready
  • Full Width Single Page
  • Awesome About Me Page
  • Unique 404 Page
  • Language Compatibity
  • Multi-langual, WPML Ready
  • RTL Language Ready
  • POT File included
  • SEO Features
  • Clean coding and well stractured for SEO friendly theme
  • Visual appeal create readers atraction
  • SEO optimized theme
  • Portfolio & Shop Features
  • Create your own shop with Travelia
  • Easy Digital Downloads help you to sell your digital products
  • Awesome Portfolio option to add your as portfolio as a Free, Premium file or Only show up portfolio only
  • Show according to the authors portfolio Page Option
  • Theme Option Features
  • Customizer ready theme
  • Section control with Drag and Drop features with Customizer
  • All most customize everything with customizer
  • Awesome dashboard option
  • Customize everything with dasboard option panel
  • Mega Menu ready with 4 type of custom style
  • Menu Icon and image adding features
  • Menu ready for logout user and login user
  • 5 Type of hover animation
  • 5 Type of Header Style
  • 1600+ Mega Menu Icon
  • Others Theme Features
  • Cross-Browser Compatibility Chrome, FireFox, Safari, Opera, IE9+
  • 100% Responsive
  • Font Awesome Icons and Custom Icon (retina ready)
  • Supported google fonts API
  • SASS (CSS) file included
  • Custom Image logo
  • Built with Bootstrap-3
  • Unlimited Color
  • Easy to customize
  • Both Static And Custom Widget Ready
  • Social share links
  • Show or hide Footer widget
  • Google Map included
  • Custom Favicon
  • All Post Format
  • Redux Drag And Drop Section Control
  • 12 Custom Widget(With Adsense friendly Ads widget)
  • 12+ shortcode support (with Facebook and Twitter status)
  • Supported Youtube, Vimeo, Soundcloud And self-hosted audio and video
  • Contact form built with Contact Form 7 plugin
  • Author info box below each article
  • Ready for latest version of WordPress.
  • And more…
  • Sources and Credits

    I've used the following images, icons or other files as listed.

  • Redux Framework –
  • TGM-Plugin-Activation –
  • CMB2 –
  • bootstrap.js / bootstrap.min.js / Core Bootstrap 3 –
  • owl.carousel.js – Item Slider Script –
  • jQuery.appear.js – For jQuery appear –
  • Fitvids – For video –
  • modernizr – for html5 and css3 –
  • SmoothScroll –
  • Jquery –
  • bootstrap.min.css –
  • Jquery –
  • FontAwesome Icons
  • Best Price| | Preview

    Source: Travelia – Multi-Concept Blog And Portfolio WordPress Theme (Blog / Magazine)

    CloudFlare Releases Major 3.0 Update to Official #WordPress Plugin

    CloudFlare Releases Major 3.0 Update to Official WordPress Plugin Last week CloudFlare released the first update to its official WordPress plugin in approximately six months. Although the release post refers to the update as "CloudFlare's new WordPress plugin," it is essentially a major rewrite and a jump from ... read moreSneak Peek at WordPress 4.0 Those of you who have used WordPress for years may remember the jump in functionality when WordPress moved from 2.9 to 3.0. We aren't seeing the same ... be used for testing purposes until its official release. Until then, use 4.0 at your own risk! read more

    Akismet To Legacy WordPress Blogs: It's Time To Embrace The Future This version retains backwards compatibility with old versions of WordPress, but it is the last major release that will do so. The next release of the Akismet plugin will require WordPress 3.0 ... to upgrade from old WordPress versions. (Official Akismet ... read moreWordPress Security, Upgrades and Backups If you replace the plugins ... tags (the official WordPress releases) exclusively. There is certainly an argument for this, however the svn switch command used to change between tags (and branches, for major releases) is not as easy as the update command ... read moreThe History of WordPress: A Look Back at the World's Favorite CMS Notable additions in terms of functionality during that period included tagging, widgets, pretty URLs, spell checking, assorted speed improvements and update notifications. The WordPress Plugin Directory also established itself as the official go-to ... read moreWordPress 4.0: What Community Thinks About The New Release? @sewabs I'm still unsure why this release is 4.0. It's not on par with other major releases. (Ex: 2.0, 3.0) #WordPress ... the new integration with plugins from the WordPress repository – seems like a great update. — Sam Louis Berson (@sam ... read moreSome questions about the 3.0.4 security release We still have a few sites running 2.x, and major version upgrades will take ... recent word I can find on the subject from any official WordPress source. So what's the deal? Do I need to install the 3.0.4 upgrade at all? If so, should I upgrade my sites ... read moreAuthor Archives: Dave Methvin all the way to jQuery 3.0. So, with Migrate 3.0 we recommend this process to upgrade to jQuery 3.0: Please do use jQuery Migrate 3.0 as you explore this latest release of jQuery, it will greatly simplify finding problems. We want this plugin to be a tool ... read moreWordPress 2.9, Now with Built-in Image Editor and Delete Undo It's been quite a while since the last major update ... official post or head over here to see all the 510 bug fixes, updates and new features in WordPress 2.9. "2.9 has been an exciting development cycle, and I must say it has whetted our appetite for 3.0 ... read more

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    Source: CloudFlare Releases Major 3.0 Update to Official #WordPress Plugin